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INEW Newsletter No. 8 – December 2015
(+54 11) 53 54 66 62
Venezuela 340 (C1095AAH) CABA - Argentina
INEW visited several institutions during its visit to Brazil
Lucía Levis, responsible of Institutional Relations, as representative of INEW, visited
Salvador, the capital city of the Brazilian state of Bahia. She has visited several training
institutions that are part of two key organizations in the Development of vocational training
in Brazil, i.e., the SENAC (National Service of Business Learning, Servicio Nacional de Apren-
dizaje Comercial) and the SENAI (National Service of Industrial Learning, Servicio Nacional
de Aprendizaje Industrial). The purpose of the visit was to learn about educational
programs, visit their facilities, meet their authorities, and learn about the Brazilian educatio-
nal system and its relationship with the productive world.
Vocational Training
System in Brazil
In Brazil, the Vocational Training
System is explained through to
important institutions:
- The National Service of
Business Learning (SENAC) is an
institution that provides Vocatio-
nal education in an open manner
to the entire society. It was creased on January 10, 1946 by Decree-Law 8621. It is a private Entity with public purposes, which receives the compulsory
contribution of business entities and other similar entities. Nationwide, it is managed by the National Confederation of Commerce and regionally, by
Fecomercio. The mission of this institution is to promote the Development of individuals, their access to the labor Market, by means of education and
the promotion of knowledge in the fields of commerce, services and tourism.
-The National Service of Industrial Learning (SENAI) is a non-profit private organization of
public interest, with legal status under the private law, alien to the scope of the Public
Administration. It is called semi-official entity and is recognized under the category of
Autonomous Social Services. Its main purpose is to support 28 industrial zones by training
their staff and providing technical and technological services.
The SENAC and the SENAI offer paid courses but they also have agreements with the State in
order to develop courses free of charge by means of state-managed programs for low-inco-
me individuals.
Furthermore, INEW visited Djalma Pessoa technical secondary school, answerable to the SESI
(Industry Social Service, Servicio Social de la Industria), which arranges the last years of study
with the SENAI CIMATEC where students are trained in industrial trades.
This trip is a further indication that INEW continues researching on the different ways of
organization of the Vocational Training systems worldwide in order to gather the best practi-
ces, share them and apply them through working strategies in association with the visited
SENAI Dendezeiros. Theoretical-practical classroom for cargo
Levis and Adroaldo Alcântara Dória, manager of the SENAI
Dendezeiros School and Patrícia Evantelista, manager of
the entire region of SENAI BAHIA.
At the“Casa do Comércio” building, where the SENAC School
Restaurant is located on the 10th floor.
Students making biodiesel from used cooking oil at Escola Djalma Pessoa – SESI.
Ana Passos, manager of SENAC Pelourinho School Restaurant, and Levis jointly
with a group of instructors.
INEW Newsletter No. 8 – December 2015
(+54 11) 53 54 66 62
Venezuela 340 (C1095AAH) CABA - Argentina
The interest generated by joint and interinstitutional work is evidenced by the ongoing incorporation of new INEW members engaged in the
relationship between education and the labor market in the communities where they are located. In this opportunity, INEW celebrates the
incorporation of three prestigious institutions located in different places of the world, with distinguishing social and economic realities that
feedback our institution with their experience: Guatemala, Finland and Spain.
FUNDATED is an Organization that in Guatemala strongly works in the educatio-
nal environment at all academic levels, in particular, through scholarships aimed
at young indigenous people who regularly lack educational opportunities. On
the basis of educational projects, the purpose of the organization is to generate
independence from social paternalism as nowadays exists in the country and to
achieve that young people have access to the labor market both at the national
and international levels according to their abilities, qualities and skills.
As from October 27, 2015 FUNDATED has joined INEW. The agreement was
executed by the committed parties: the general director of the organization,
Mario Julio Salazar Montenegro and INEW authorities, Víctor Santa María and
Gustavo Álvarez.
This university is located in Helsinki, Finland. Haaga-Helia became an INEW
member on Saturday, October 10, 2015, when its representative, Dr. Jari Laukia,
executed the relevant agreement and undertaking.
Haaga-Helia offers 40 courses of study for Bachelor’s degrees (Licenciaturas), 9 of
which are offered in English. With approximately 10,000 students and a staff of
650 people, it is one of the largest universities of applied sciences in Finland. It
offers courses in several areas, namely: hotel and restaurant management,
physical education, business management, sales, finance, journalism and
information technology. It provides to students the most state-of-the-art skills
and knowledge necessary to success in the professional life and it encourages
studying, working and entrepreneurial spirit.
The Integrated Vocational Training Center located in Zaragoza, Spain, offers
training in connection with the National Catalogue of Professional Qualifications
that leads to Degrees on Vocational Training or Sports Education and Professio-
nal Certificates. It also offers education inherent in initial Vocational Training,
labor insertion and reinsertion of workers and ongoing training for the working
population. Furthermore, it offers vocational information and guidance services
and the evaluation of skills acquired through non-formal education and the
working experience. It also offers initial education in medium and high-grade
cycles, both on side and remotely, in: Commerce and Marketing, Imaging and
Sound, IT and Communications. Besides, it offers training for the employed and
the unemployed.

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Inew newsletter no. 8 – december 2015 (1)

  • 1. INEW Newsletter No. 8 – December 2015 www.riet-edu.org (+54 11) 53 54 66 62 info@riet-edu.org Venezuela 340 (C1095AAH) CABA - Argentina INEW visited several institutions during its visit to Brazil Lucía Levis, responsible of Institutional Relations, as representative of INEW, visited Salvador, the capital city of the Brazilian state of Bahia. She has visited several training institutions that are part of two key organizations in the Development of vocational training in Brazil, i.e., the SENAC (National Service of Business Learning, Servicio Nacional de Apren- dizaje Comercial) and the SENAI (National Service of Industrial Learning, Servicio Nacional de Aprendizaje Industrial). The purpose of the visit was to learn about educational programs, visit their facilities, meet their authorities, and learn about the Brazilian educatio- nal system and its relationship with the productive world. Vocational Training System in Brazil In Brazil, the Vocational Training System is explained through to important institutions: - The National Service of Business Learning (SENAC) is an institution that provides Vocatio- nal education in an open manner to the entire society. It was creased on January 10, 1946 by Decree-Law 8621. It is a private Entity with public purposes, which receives the compulsory contribution of business entities and other similar entities. Nationwide, it is managed by the National Confederation of Commerce and regionally, by Fecomercio. The mission of this institution is to promote the Development of individuals, their access to the labor Market, by means of education and the promotion of knowledge in the fields of commerce, services and tourism. -The National Service of Industrial Learning (SENAI) is a non-profit private organization of public interest, with legal status under the private law, alien to the scope of the Public Administration. It is called semi-official entity and is recognized under the category of Autonomous Social Services. Its main purpose is to support 28 industrial zones by training their staff and providing technical and technological services. The SENAC and the SENAI offer paid courses but they also have agreements with the State in order to develop courses free of charge by means of state-managed programs for low-inco- me individuals. Furthermore, INEW visited Djalma Pessoa technical secondary school, answerable to the SESI (Industry Social Service, Servicio Social de la Industria), which arranges the last years of study with the SENAI CIMATEC where students are trained in industrial trades. This trip is a further indication that INEW continues researching on the different ways of organization of the Vocational Training systems worldwide in order to gather the best practi- ces, share them and apply them through working strategies in association with the visited institutions. SENAI Dendezeiros. Theoretical-practical classroom for cargo transport. Levis and Adroaldo Alcântara Dória, manager of the SENAI Dendezeiros School and Patrícia Evantelista, manager of the entire region of SENAI BAHIA. At the“Casa do Comércio” building, where the SENAC School Restaurant is located on the 10th floor. Students making biodiesel from used cooking oil at Escola Djalma Pessoa – SESI. Ana Passos, manager of SENAC Pelourinho School Restaurant, and Levis jointly with a group of instructors. 01
  • 2. INEW Newsletter No. 8 – December 2015 www.riet-edu.org (+54 11) 53 54 66 62 info@riet-edu.org Venezuela 340 (C1095AAH) CABA - Argentina INEW WELCOMES NEW MEMBERS The interest generated by joint and interinstitutional work is evidenced by the ongoing incorporation of new INEW members engaged in the relationship between education and the labor market in the communities where they are located. In this opportunity, INEW celebrates the incorporation of three prestigious institutions located in different places of the world, with distinguishing social and economic realities that feedback our institution with their experience: Guatemala, Finland and Spain. THE NEW INEW MEMBERS ARE: FUNDATED (FUNDACIÓN ASISTENCIA TÉCNICA PARA EL DESARROLLO – TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE FOUNDATION FOR DEVELOPMENT) FUNDATED is an Organization that in Guatemala strongly works in the educatio- nal environment at all academic levels, in particular, through scholarships aimed at young indigenous people who regularly lack educational opportunities. On the basis of educational projects, the purpose of the organization is to generate independence from social paternalism as nowadays exists in the country and to achieve that young people have access to the labor market both at the national and international levels according to their abilities, qualities and skills. As from October 27, 2015 FUNDATED has joined INEW. The agreement was executed by the committed parties: the general director of the organization, Mario Julio Salazar Montenegro and INEW authorities, Víctor Santa María and Gustavo Álvarez. HAAGA-HELIA UNIVERSITY OF APPLIED SCIENCES This university is located in Helsinki, Finland. Haaga-Helia became an INEW member on Saturday, October 10, 2015, when its representative, Dr. Jari Laukia, executed the relevant agreement and undertaking. Haaga-Helia offers 40 courses of study for Bachelor’s degrees (Licenciaturas), 9 of which are offered in English. With approximately 10,000 students and a staff of 650 people, it is one of the largest universities of applied sciences in Finland. It offers courses in several areas, namely: hotel and restaurant management, physical education, business management, sales, finance, journalism and information technology. It provides to students the most state-of-the-art skills and knowledge necessary to success in the professional life and it encourages studying, working and entrepreneurial spirit. CPIFP LOS ENLACES (INTEGRATED VOCATIONAL TRAINING CENTER)) The Integrated Vocational Training Center located in Zaragoza, Spain, offers training in connection with the National Catalogue of Professional Qualifications that leads to Degrees on Vocational Training or Sports Education and Professio- nal Certificates. It also offers education inherent in initial Vocational Training, labor insertion and reinsertion of workers and ongoing training for the working population. Furthermore, it offers vocational information and guidance services and the evaluation of skills acquired through non-formal education and the working experience. It also offers initial education in medium and high-grade cycles, both on side and remotely, in: Commerce and Marketing, Imaging and Sound, IT and Communications. Besides, it offers training for the employed and the unemployed. 02