Joc de possibilitats (versi¨® 1.1 - 2014)
?El cam¨ª de les cicatrius?
detalla el viatge cap a la solitud
?Als amors?
transforma el desig en plaer
parla del retrobament del temps vital
descriu ulls interessants i hipn¨°tics
?All¨° que tot ho asfalta?
ataca la societat de consum
?Camp de joc lliure?
comparteix coneixements i creativitat
?Poemas sueltos en el mercadillo de versos?
un montoncito de palabras de talla aleatoria y colores chillones
Llic¨¨ncia: Dedicaci¨® al Domini P¨²blic (CC0 1.0 Universal)
This document describes a microarray analysis comparing gene expression profiles in the large intestine, small intestine, liver, and spleen of mice with different gut microbiota colonization models: specific pathogen-free mice, germ-free mice colonized at birth, and germ-free mice colonized at 5 weeks of age. The analysis found hundreds of differentially expressed genes in each tissue and colonization model. Gene set enrichment analysis identified overrepresented gene ontology categories related to immune system development and antigen presentation in intestines of mice colonized at birth, and metabolic processes in intestines of specific pathogen-free mice. Analysis of signaling pathways found prominent changes in toll-like receptor and type 1 interferon signaling pathways in intestines of mice
We have many friends in the Republic of Georgia who love "M", it appears that as of late Robin has been harassing poor "M" with threats of people out to get her. Poor "M" we are taking your name off because you have such caring friends. But it is not without much consideration as we want the truth out. Here is the truth, Robin wrote this newsletter to the parents while she was employed by Carolina Adoption Services. Robin threw "M" under the bus in the court depositions and dis-associated her business dealings with the poor "M" who was the fall person for Robins bad behavior (again) Today, the poor parents who are so happy to have a baby purchased by Robin won't question her ethics because they are SO HAPPY to have a child. They believe everything including "healthy babies are being abandoned" or that the child is the ethnic background Robin claims the baby is. Robin you cannot hide truth with your lies or intimidations. It will not work.
Joc de possibilitats (versi¨® 1.1 - 2014)
?El cam¨ª de les cicatrius?
detalla el viatge cap a la solitud
?Als amors?
transforma el desig en plaer
parla del retrobament del temps vital
descriu ulls interessants i hipn¨°tics
?All¨° que tot ho asfalta?
ataca la societat de consum
?Camp de joc lliure?
comparteix coneixements i creativitat
?Poemas sueltos en el mercadillo de versos?
un montoncito de palabras de talla aleatoria y colores chillones
Llic¨¨ncia: Dedicaci¨® al Domini P¨²blic (CC0 1.0 Universal)
This document describes a microarray analysis comparing gene expression profiles in the large intestine, small intestine, liver, and spleen of mice with different gut microbiota colonization models: specific pathogen-free mice, germ-free mice colonized at birth, and germ-free mice colonized at 5 weeks of age. The analysis found hundreds of differentially expressed genes in each tissue and colonization model. Gene set enrichment analysis identified overrepresented gene ontology categories related to immune system development and antigen presentation in intestines of mice colonized at birth, and metabolic processes in intestines of specific pathogen-free mice. Analysis of signaling pathways found prominent changes in toll-like receptor and type 1 interferon signaling pathways in intestines of mice
We have many friends in the Republic of Georgia who love "M", it appears that as of late Robin has been harassing poor "M" with threats of people out to get her. Poor "M" we are taking your name off because you have such caring friends. But it is not without much consideration as we want the truth out. Here is the truth, Robin wrote this newsletter to the parents while she was employed by Carolina Adoption Services. Robin threw "M" under the bus in the court depositions and dis-associated her business dealings with the poor "M" who was the fall person for Robins bad behavior (again) Today, the poor parents who are so happy to have a baby purchased by Robin won't question her ethics because they are SO HAPPY to have a child. They believe everything including "healthy babies are being abandoned" or that the child is the ethnic background Robin claims the baby is. Robin you cannot hide truth with your lies or intimidations. It will not work.
Centrecom offers the infrastructure and experience of a professional contact center for clients promoting a service or product for a limited time. They provide both an information service for callers and assistance with campaign mechanics, allowing the benefits of an international contact center at a fraction of the costs. Their services include product launches, sales initiatives, customer support, national event management, and opinion polls.
Be a Barefoot Beauty discover natural healthy skin from Shaklee the #1 Natural Nutrition Company. Enfuselle stands for feed the skin. To hear this presentation live contact; Cindy McAsey - 888-272-6701
Both trailers were less than a minute long, released the film date, and aimed to grab their target audience through building tension. However, the Shutter Island trailer was more effective at ending with a shock and leaving viewers wanting to know more through a cliffhanger ending, whereas the Twilight trailer did not have the same impact. The analysis of the Shutter Island trailer provided helpful insights into the codes and conventions of mystery thriller genres that will aid in identifying the target audience's wants and needs for the filmmaker's own trailer.
As their exam approaches, many students start feeling very nervous and tense. This presentation provides many practical tips to students about how they should prepare for their exams.
The document summarizes a presentation for H&M that proposes a new strategy to differentiate the brand from competitors. It recommends splitting H&M into separate Basics and Fashion lines. For the Fashion line, it suggests crowdsourcing designs from customers and positioning H&M as a leader rather than follower of trends. As an example, it outlines a plan to source basketball shoe designs from the public and promote the winning design globally through partnerships and marketing. The goal is to empower customers and establish H&M as uniquely authentic rather than just copying designer looks.
Benefits of Mobile Apps: How it is Making Our Life EasierArth I-Soft
The benefits of mobile apps is huge and its usage is increasing day by day in all the field like business, industries and even for studies.
The document describes SunGard's mobile recovery unit services. The units can be deployed within 24 hours and provide workspace for 10 to 350 people. They include computers, internet access, phones, and other technology to allow work to continue following an outage or disaster with minimal disruption. The units are available in different sizes and configurations to meet various needs from workgroups to replicating critical data center functions.
The document provides instructions for solving basic one-step and two-step equations by getting the variable alone on one side of the equal sign. It demonstrates canceling out numbers using opposite operations, combining like terms, and using opposite operations to isolate the variable. Sample equations are provided and solved as examples.
1) No Name arrives at the heavenly department of stellar departures but is mistakenly thought to be a new star.
2) The stars Sparkle, Glitter, and Sirius bicker about their importance while Twinkle and Beth are kind to No Name.
3) It is discovered that No Name is meant to be born as a human. Beth encourages No Name by saying humans can still lead people to Jesus.
4) Mr. Sandman takes No Name to the correct departure point so she can be born as a baby to her waiting parents.
This document provides an overview and instructions for a needs assessment data analysis workshop. It discusses reviewing intervening variables and contributing factors from previous phases. It introduces the tools used in Phase 4, including data analysis worksheets and prioritization worksheets. It provides a detailed step-by-step process for Phase 4, including calculating data, identifying high need communities, prioritizing factors, and justifying provider goals. The workshop includes interactive exercises to apply the concepts. Next steps are outlined for continuing the needs assessment process.
Miquel ?ngel: la Capilla Sixtina
Tintoretto: Ca?m i Abel
Miquel ?ngel: Mois¨¨s
Donatello: Judit
Vincent Van Gogh: el Bon samarit¨¤
Leonardo da Vinci: el Sant Sopar
Max Lieberman: Sams¨® i Dalila
Picasso: David i Betsab¨¦
J. Haydn: La Creaci¨®
Vivaldi: Mois¨¨s
Espiritual negre: V¨¦s-hi, Mois¨¨s
Verdi: Nabucco
H?ndel: Messies
Boney M: Rivers of Babylon
Bach: Passi¨® segons sant Mateu
Leonard Cohen/Jeff Buckley: Hallelujah
Joseph/ El pr¨ªncep d'Egipte. Walt Disney
Els deu manaments.CB DeMille
No matar¨¤s. K. Kieslowski
Rei David. Amb Richard Gere
Rei de reis. Nicholas Ray
Ben-Hur. William Wyler
L'¨²ltima temptaci¨® de Crist. M. Scorsese
La passi¨®. Mel Gibson
El parad¨ªs perdut. John Milton
Ca?m. Lord Byron
La Divina Com¨¨dia. Dante Alighieri
El temple. V¨ªctor Hugo
Poemes de tema b¨ªblic. Rainer M. Rilke
Salom¨¦. Oscar Wilde
El profeta. Khalil Gibran
Resposta a Job. C.G. Jung
L'evangeli segons Jesucrist. J. Saramago
L'Atl¨¤ntida. Jacint Verdaguer
Nab¨ª. Josep Carner
Llibre d'Amic e Amat. Ramon Llull
Primera hist¨°ria d'Esther. Salvador Espriu
Pastorets/La Passi¨®/Nadales. Lit popular
8. All¨ª, per esposar-les amb sos m¨¦s braus sotmesos,
esperen ses germanes, les del mirar de cel: Encara no est¨¤ tot perdut. En servar
de sobte, a un mal auspici, com de cent f¨²ries presos, encara una voluntat inflexible, una
a llur crid¨°ria el temple se torna altra Babel. set insaciable de venjan?a, un odi
Se n¡¯al?a un que ¨¦s de l¡¯¨¤ngel caigut imatge viva; immortal i un coratge que no cedir¨¤
d¡¯humana recordan?a son nom esborr¨¤ D¨¦u; ni se sotmetr¨¤ mai, poden dir que
del temple immens les br¨¨doles, a on sa testa arriba, estem subjugats? Ni la seva ira ni el
tremolen a la forta tronada de sa veu: (...) seu poder podran mai arrabassar-
Parla un que vora Tule gelada el sol enyora: me aquesta gl¨°ria; no m¡¯humiliar¨¦,
¡ªTamb¨¦ ¨¦s, ai!, de diluvi l¡¯auguri que veg¨ª; no doblegar¨¦ el genoll per implorar
veg¨ª a Llevant estendre¡¯s la boreal aurora, el seu perd¨®, ni creur¨¦ un poder
en flocs vermells i rossos trenats, i brins d¡¯or fi. l¡¯imperi del qual acaba de posar en
L'Atl¨¤ntida, J. Verdaguer dubte el meu terrible bra?. Aix¨° fos
.............................................................................. una baixesa; aix¨° fos una vergonya i
una ignom¨ªnia encara m¨¦s
Salom¨¦: (...)...Oh com t¡¯he estimat. T¡¯estimo encara,
humiliants que la nostra caiguda!
Jokanaan i t¡¯estimava nom¨¦s a tu...Estic assedegada
(...) Talment parl¨¤ l¡¯¨¤ngel ap¨°stata,
de la teva bellesa; Estic fam¨¨lica del teu cos; i res, ni
encara enfonsat en la pena,
vins ni fruites poden calmar el meu desig. Que far¨¦
gloriejant-se vanament en veu alta,
ara, Jokanaan? Ni les sangs ni les aig¨¹es m¨¦s
si b¨¦ esguerrat per un profund
poderoses poden apaivagar la meva passi¨®. Jo era
una princesa i tu em vares menysprear. Jo era una
El parad¨ªs perdut, J. Milton
verge i tu em vares prendre la virginitat. Jo era casta i
tu vares omplir de foc les meves venes...Ah! Ah! Per
qu¨¨ no em vares mirar mai, Jokanaan?. Si
m¡¯haguessis mirat m¡¯hauries estimat. Jo s¨¦ que
m¡¯hauries estimat, i el misteri de l¡¯amor ¨¦s m¨¦s gran
que el misteri de la mort. Estimar ¨¦s l¡¯unica cosa que
un ha de considerar. Salom¨¦, O. Wilde
9. Mujer estatua / tu historia
azul verde malva roja I qu¨¨ ens dieu del matrimoni, mestre? I ell
qued¨® blanca de congoja respongu¨¦ :
extenuada y sin memoria Heu nascut junts, i junts continuareu per sempre.
Estareu units quan les ales blanques de la mort
mujer estatua / por suerte escampin els vostres dies, i units continuareu en el
fuiste hueso / carne fuiste silenci¨®s record de D¨¦u. Per¨° deixeu que quedin
y sin embargo qu¨¦ triste espais en la vostra uni¨®, i permeteu que els vents
es tenerte y no tenerte dels cels dansin sempre entre vosaltres.
Estimeu-vos l¡¯un a l¡¯altre, per¨° no feu un nus del
mujer con lluvia y pasado vostre amor. Ans b¨¦ deixeu que sigui un mar que es
avara de tus mercedes mou entre les platges de les vostres ¨¤nimes.
ojal¨¢ escampe y te quedes Ompliu cadascun la copa de l¡¯altre, per¨° no begueu
para siempre de este lado de la mateixa copa.
Doneu-vos l¡¯un a l¡¯altre del vostre pa, per¨° no
no olvides que no se olvida mengeu de la mateixa llesca.
hacia atr¨¢s o hacia adelante Estigueu joiosos i canteu i danseu junts, per¨°
ya el castigo fue bastante permeteu que cadascun de vosaltres pugui quedar
reincorp¨®rate a la vida sol, com est¨¤ sola cada una de les cordes del lla¨¹t
encara que la mateixa m¨²sica les faci vibrar. Doneu
con audacia / sin alertas els vostres cors, per¨° no perqu¨¨ l¡¯un retingui el de
con raz¨®n o sin motivo l¡¯altre. Car nom¨¦s la m¨¤ de la Vida pot contenir els
mujer de lot / te proh¨ªbo vostres cors. I romaneu junts, per¨° no pas massa
que en estatua te conviertas prop l¡¯un de l¡¯altre. Car les columnes del temple
estan separades, i ni el roure ni el xiprer no creixen
mujer otra / diferente l¡¯un a l¡¯ombra de l¡¯altre.
si no fuera juez y parte El profeta, K. Gibran
jugar¨ªa a desnudarte
lentamente / lentamente. Mujer de Lot, Mario Benedetti
Any sab¨¤tic Veure el cel obert
Ser en el Aquest lloc ¨¦s
Parar l'altra galta set¨¨ cel Ser una fruita un parad¨ªs Vad
prohibida e
Per m¨¦s inri Ser m¨¦s vell que Deixar alg¨² fet un ecce homoretr
Matusalem o
Ning¨² ¨¦s profeta a la seva terra
Els ¨²ltims seran els primers
Plorar com una
El m¨®n no va Anar d'Herodes a Pilat
ser fet en un dia
La meva Ser el Fer Pasqua abans de Rams
Sodoma i
costella benjam¨ª Tenir m¨¦s paci¨¨ncia que Job Gomorra
Passar un calvari Vendre's per un plat de llenties