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Information and
Technologies in
Czech Republic
ICT in the Czech Republic
The field of Information and Communication
Technologies (ICT) has over the past few years
transformed from a field on the outskirts to one of
the most important sectors of the Czech economy.
So it deserves adequate support.
Almost 33,000 ICT enterprises in the region are
employing more than 130,000 workers. Exports of
ICT goods has grown 15 times over the past 10
years to 360 billion CZK in 2008, which contributes
to the total export by nearly 15% and makes ICT
a very important export commodity (This percentage
ICT in the Czech Republic
Another very promising field is the export of IT services
which increased its value more than 8.3 times in seven
years to $786,827,863 in 2007 (13.6 billion CZK
according to the current exchange rate), nearly 88%
exported to Europe, 10% to the U.S. (export of services
grew significantly each year - 30% between 2007 and
2008 and 23% between 2006 and 2007 to
$ 22,318,275,445 in 2008).
In the year 2008, an average IT worker paid around
350,000 CZK to the state on taxes (in 2002 only 213.000
CZK), the average salary is 43,703 CZK per month.
A Junior IT professional with minimum experience (20-
ICT in the Czech Republic
An Average IT worker with only s secondary education
and without GCSE earns about 2,500 CZK more than the
average Czech worker. An Average IT worker with
s secondary education and GCSE earns 12.500 CZK
more! The Cost of ICT equipment and services in the
Czech Republis amounted to 742 billion CZK in 2007, of
which 129 billion CZK was for IT services and 30 billion
CZK was for software.
Companies in the field of information and
communication technologies have never been traditional
complainants, have never lobbied significantly across the
board for their discipline, and have never organized any
E-Government in Czech Republic
Strategy: The core principles guiding the
development of e-Government are listed in a policy
document applicable for the period 20082012. The
e-Government concept it contains can be summed
up as follows; e-Government is the means to satisfy
the citizens' expectations as to public services while
modernising the public administration, in a way to
cut both red tape and costs. Citizen satisfaction
stands as the ultimate indicator of success. To reach
success, the relevant legal basis must be established
and the supporting infrastructure must be
made interoperable.
E-Government in Czech Republic
Major achievements : The Czech Republic is one of
the few EU Member States to have an e-Government
Act. The Czech e-Government Act s in force since July
2009, and it provides for the following set of principles:
 Electronic documents are equally valid as paper
documents are;
 The digitalisation of paper documents is enabled;
 Electronic document exchange with and within the public
administration must be as simple as possible and fully
secured, by means of certified electronic signatures;
 Government to Business and Government to Government
communications shall be stored on the dedicated Data
Box set up by each legal person, be that private or
public. More than a simple email box, a Data Box is an
E-Government in Czech Republic
It is worth highlighting that the Data Boxes Information
System was successfully activated on 1 November
2009 as required by e-Government Act.
Other noteworthy achievements include:
 The Public Information Portal, a one stop shop providing
citizens and businesses with online information and
electronic services from central and local government
 All of the public services aimed at businesses have been
made available online.
 The Czech POINTs network a network of over 3700
offices (data available in August 2009) disseminated
throughout the entire territory. They are the citizens'
local contact points.
epSOS(European Patients Smart Open Services)
The Czech
healthcare system
is based on a
universal social
health insurance
system, which
finances public
hospitals as well as
private ambulatory
care providers
directly. The
Ministry of Health
governs policy and
manages hospitals
with supra-
Map showing initial epSOS countries
(blue) and pointing out the Czech
Republic (red).
epSOS(European Patients Smart Open Services)
ICT equipment of Czech GP practices is slightly
below average, with about two thirds connected to
the Internet, of which than half have a broadband
connection. The practices with ICT equipment tend
to utilize them at least as often as the EU average,
although, with Decision Support Systems being
especially commonplace, the tendency to store
patient data electronically remains slightly below
theEU average. The electronic transfer of patient
data remains a rare ocurrence, with the notable
exception of laboraty results, which are transferred
epSOS(European Patients Smart Open Services)
The Czech eHealth strategy was first published in
2007; before that, all eHealth initiatives originated
from the numerous and fragmented private
healthcare providers. Since the establishment of the
Interdepartmental Coordinating Committee for
eHealth implemention in the Czech Republic, a
number of goals for national eHealth policy (some of
which are based on individual eHealth initiatives
preceding the establishment of national policy) have
been identified (and partially met to date):
 Standardised (electronically signed) electronic health
documentation. The Czech Republic already utilizes
an electronic health record framework containing
data on all insured patients. This infrastructure,
epSOS(European Patients Smart Open Services)
 ePresciption/eID cards for patients as well as health
professionals. Currently, only non-chipped cards are used
for identification in the health sector. To adress this
issue, the Czech Republic is involved in several large
scale pilot programs such as NETC@RDS.
 Health registers. A number of registers, such as hygienic
registers, evaluation registers and disease information
registers, are currently in use.
 A unified, standardised communication interface for
health data (XML-based), has already been established
and adapted to comply with EU standards.
 Classification schemes / decision and technology
assessment, aimed at the optimization of healthcare
quality. The widespread use of decision support systems
in Czech GP practices necessitates the creation of
mechanisms of comparision and technological
Thank you for your attention.
Kadir Sapmaz
Management Information System
Advisor : Karen Howells

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Information and communication technologies in czech republic

  • 2. ICT in the Czech Republic The field of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) has over the past few years transformed from a field on the outskirts to one of the most important sectors of the Czech economy. So it deserves adequate support. Almost 33,000 ICT enterprises in the region are employing more than 130,000 workers. Exports of ICT goods has grown 15 times over the past 10 years to 360 billion CZK in 2008, which contributes to the total export by nearly 15% and makes ICT a very important export commodity (This percentage
  • 3. ICT in the Czech Republic Another very promising field is the export of IT services which increased its value more than 8.3 times in seven years to $786,827,863 in 2007 (13.6 billion CZK according to the current exchange rate), nearly 88% exported to Europe, 10% to the U.S. (export of services grew significantly each year - 30% between 2007 and 2008 and 23% between 2006 and 2007 to $ 22,318,275,445 in 2008). In the year 2008, an average IT worker paid around 350,000 CZK to the state on taxes (in 2002 only 213.000 CZK), the average salary is 43,703 CZK per month. A Junior IT professional with minimum experience (20-
  • 4. ICT in the Czech Republic An Average IT worker with only s secondary education and without GCSE earns about 2,500 CZK more than the average Czech worker. An Average IT worker with s secondary education and GCSE earns 12.500 CZK more! The Cost of ICT equipment and services in the Czech Republis amounted to 742 billion CZK in 2007, of which 129 billion CZK was for IT services and 30 billion CZK was for software. Companies in the field of information and communication technologies have never been traditional complainants, have never lobbied significantly across the board for their discipline, and have never organized any
  • 5. E-Government in Czech Republic Strategy: The core principles guiding the development of e-Government are listed in a policy document applicable for the period 20082012. The e-Government concept it contains can be summed up as follows; e-Government is the means to satisfy the citizens' expectations as to public services while modernising the public administration, in a way to cut both red tape and costs. Citizen satisfaction stands as the ultimate indicator of success. To reach success, the relevant legal basis must be established and the supporting infrastructure must be made interoperable.
  • 6. E-Government in Czech Republic Major achievements : The Czech Republic is one of the few EU Member States to have an e-Government Act. The Czech e-Government Act s in force since July 2009, and it provides for the following set of principles: Electronic documents are equally valid as paper documents are; The digitalisation of paper documents is enabled; Electronic document exchange with and within the public administration must be as simple as possible and fully secured, by means of certified electronic signatures; Government to Business and Government to Government communications shall be stored on the dedicated Data Box set up by each legal person, be that private or public. More than a simple email box, a Data Box is an
  • 7. E-Government in Czech Republic It is worth highlighting that the Data Boxes Information System was successfully activated on 1 November 2009 as required by e-Government Act. Other noteworthy achievements include: The Public Information Portal, a one stop shop providing citizens and businesses with online information and electronic services from central and local government alike. All of the public services aimed at businesses have been made available online. The Czech POINTs network a network of over 3700 offices (data available in August 2009) disseminated throughout the entire territory. They are the citizens' local contact points.
  • 8. epSOS(European Patients Smart Open Services) The Czech healthcare system is based on a universal social health insurance system, which finances public hospitals as well as private ambulatory care providers directly. The Ministry of Health governs policy and manages hospitals with supra- Map showing initial epSOS countries (blue) and pointing out the Czech Republic (red).
  • 9. epSOS(European Patients Smart Open Services) ICT equipment of Czech GP practices is slightly below average, with about two thirds connected to the Internet, of which than half have a broadband connection. The practices with ICT equipment tend to utilize them at least as often as the EU average, although, with Decision Support Systems being especially commonplace, the tendency to store patient data electronically remains slightly below theEU average. The electronic transfer of patient data remains a rare ocurrence, with the notable exception of laboraty results, which are transferred
  • 10. epSOS(European Patients Smart Open Services) The Czech eHealth strategy was first published in 2007; before that, all eHealth initiatives originated from the numerous and fragmented private healthcare providers. Since the establishment of the Interdepartmental Coordinating Committee for eHealth implemention in the Czech Republic, a number of goals for national eHealth policy (some of which are based on individual eHealth initiatives preceding the establishment of national policy) have been identified (and partially met to date): Standardised (electronically signed) electronic health documentation. The Czech Republic already utilizes an electronic health record framework containing data on all insured patients. This infrastructure,
  • 11. epSOS(European Patients Smart Open Services) ePresciption/eID cards for patients as well as health professionals. Currently, only non-chipped cards are used for identification in the health sector. To adress this issue, the Czech Republic is involved in several large scale pilot programs such as NETC@RDS. Health registers. A number of registers, such as hygienic registers, evaluation registers and disease information registers, are currently in use. A unified, standardised communication interface for health data (XML-based), has already been established and adapted to comply with EU standards. Classification schemes / decision and technology assessment, aimed at the optimization of healthcare quality. The widespread use of decision support systems in Czech GP practices necessitates the creation of mechanisms of comparision and technological
  • 12. Thank you for your attention. Kadir Sapmaz 292200 Management Information System Advisor : Karen Howells