Democamp Munich 2013: Are you still manually coding UIs?Maximilian K?gel
The document discusses Eclipse Modeling Framework (EMF) Forms, which is a tool for modeling user interfaces (UIs) in Eclipse. It allows mapping a domain model to a view model and UI without manual coding. Key features include data binding, modeling UI structure with layouts, extensibility through custom controls and view model elements, and independence from specific UI technologies through replaceable renderers. The speaker advocates for UI modeling when there is a large domain model, many views are needed, the domain model changes frequently, or cross-platform UIs are required.
The document discusses internal brand engagement and alignment. It advocates for a holistic and collaborative approach to aligning a company's internal culture and employees with its external brand values. This includes developing a brand alignment framework, empowering brand champions, building brand values and behaviors, and ensuring leadership promotes the company's purpose and culture. Case studies from Hollard and Google are provided as examples of best practices in internal brand engagement.
This document appears to be a report from Cadet Nicolai R. Werner about his summer 2013 experience with the Naval Sea Cadet Corps. It includes his name, unit, and date, as well as photos of cadets before and after training at Recruit Training Great Lakes in 2013. The photos also show cadets aboard a 45-foot Response Boat-Medium and a 25-foot Response Boat Small.
Lingkaran adalah kumpulan titik yang memiliki jarak yang sama dari titik pusat. Titik pusat dan jaraknya disebut jari-jari. Bagian-bagian lingkaran meliputi busur, tali busur, dan tembereng. Rumus luas dan keliling lingkaran ditentukan oleh luas lingkaran dan keliling lingkaran.
The Parkersburg Site is a 6-hectare former uranium mill site that now contains an engineered disposal cell. Long-term stewardship activities include monitoring the disposal cell, restricting access, inspections, and maintenance. The estimated annual cost from 2000-2006 was $16,400. The site will be maintained in perpetuity.
The document discusses nation branding and Nigeria's reputation as a nation brand. It notes that nations are measured by their reputation, similar to commercial brands. A nation's brand is determined by factors like values, living standards, business environment, culture, and tourism. The document reviews Nigeria's global ranking in nation brand indexes and identifies stakeholders and criteria that influence perceptions of Nigeria's brand, such as governance, security, political freedom, and infrastructure. It emphasizes that nation branding requires a multi-level strategy to manage perceptions among different audiences.
The Shpack Landfill is located 40 miles southwest of Boston in Massachusetts. It began operating as a private landfill in the 1960s and received both industrial and domestic waste. In the late 1970s, elevated radiation was detected at the site. The landfill contains contaminated wastes from a former nuclear plant in Attleboro. Cleanup of the site under FUSRAP began in the 1980s and radioactive materials were removed. In 1997, the Army Corps of Engineers took over remediation of the site, which is not yet complete. The long term stewardship requirements are still unknown.
The W.R. Grace and Company Site is located on an industrialized peninsula in south Baltimore, Maryland. During the 1950s, W.R. Grace milled thorium for the Atomic Energy Commission, resulting in low-level radioactive waste that was buried on the property. Radiation surveys identified randomly distributed contamination over the waste burial area and elevated levels of radioactivity in other locations. The primary contaminant of concern is thorium-232. The site was designated for remedial action under the Formerly Utilized Sites Remedial Action Program in 1984, but cleanup is not yet complete so long-term stewardship requirements are not yet known.
Vietnam Multi Activity Holidays Travel Hanoi Mai Chau Tam Coc Lao Cai Sapa Ha...vktbox
The 11-day tour offers the opportunity to visit all Vietnam essential travel destinations as you travel from the northern to the southern Vietnam. Begin the tour in Hanoi, travel through Mai Chau, Tam Coc, Lao Cai, Sapa, Halong Bay, Ho Chi Minh city, Mekong Delta, Can Tho, Cu Chi tunnels. Different travel activities have been added to the tour making your holidays enjoyable ¨C mountain hiking, homestay, sampan cruise, countryside cycle, boat junk cruises, sea kayaking, cycling, war sites. Optional travel activities such as scuba diving, cooking class, spa are also avaialbe upon request. The tour can also be extended with a beach break to the southern beach such as Mui Ne beach or Phu Quoc island beach.
This document provides a biography and career summary of FredyUtama, a 33-year-old Indonesian businessman and brand consultant. It outlines his educational background, early business ventures, and professional experience working in sales, marketing, and brand management roles for several companies. It also describes his work developing printing, consulting, and tourism businesses and shares his views on building strong brands through integrated marketing communications and customer experiences.
Intervento di Guido Caselli, Direttore del Centro Studi di Unioncamere Emilia-Romagna, in occasione del "16¡ãMeeting Nazionale ACEF - Idee senza recinti", 13/10/2016, Sede della Regione Emilia-Romagna, Bologna.
Report delle attivit¨¤ e dei risultati di un Social Media Team di 15 blogger per la promozione di un evento locale in un paese dell'isola d'Elba, Capoliveri.
This document appears to be a report from Cadet Nicolai R. Werner about his summer 2013 experience with the Naval Sea Cadet Corps. It includes his name, unit, and date, as well as photos of cadets before and after training at Recruit Training Great Lakes in 2013. The photos also show cadets aboard a 45-foot Response Boat-Medium and a 25-foot Response Boat Small.
Lingkaran adalah kumpulan titik yang memiliki jarak yang sama dari titik pusat. Titik pusat dan jaraknya disebut jari-jari. Bagian-bagian lingkaran meliputi busur, tali busur, dan tembereng. Rumus luas dan keliling lingkaran ditentukan oleh luas lingkaran dan keliling lingkaran.
The Parkersburg Site is a 6-hectare former uranium mill site that now contains an engineered disposal cell. Long-term stewardship activities include monitoring the disposal cell, restricting access, inspections, and maintenance. The estimated annual cost from 2000-2006 was $16,400. The site will be maintained in perpetuity.
The document discusses nation branding and Nigeria's reputation as a nation brand. It notes that nations are measured by their reputation, similar to commercial brands. A nation's brand is determined by factors like values, living standards, business environment, culture, and tourism. The document reviews Nigeria's global ranking in nation brand indexes and identifies stakeholders and criteria that influence perceptions of Nigeria's brand, such as governance, security, political freedom, and infrastructure. It emphasizes that nation branding requires a multi-level strategy to manage perceptions among different audiences.
The Shpack Landfill is located 40 miles southwest of Boston in Massachusetts. It began operating as a private landfill in the 1960s and received both industrial and domestic waste. In the late 1970s, elevated radiation was detected at the site. The landfill contains contaminated wastes from a former nuclear plant in Attleboro. Cleanup of the site under FUSRAP began in the 1980s and radioactive materials were removed. In 1997, the Army Corps of Engineers took over remediation of the site, which is not yet complete. The long term stewardship requirements are still unknown.
The W.R. Grace and Company Site is located on an industrialized peninsula in south Baltimore, Maryland. During the 1950s, W.R. Grace milled thorium for the Atomic Energy Commission, resulting in low-level radioactive waste that was buried on the property. Radiation surveys identified randomly distributed contamination over the waste burial area and elevated levels of radioactivity in other locations. The primary contaminant of concern is thorium-232. The site was designated for remedial action under the Formerly Utilized Sites Remedial Action Program in 1984, but cleanup is not yet complete so long-term stewardship requirements are not yet known.
Vietnam Multi Activity Holidays Travel Hanoi Mai Chau Tam Coc Lao Cai Sapa Ha...vktbox
The 11-day tour offers the opportunity to visit all Vietnam essential travel destinations as you travel from the northern to the southern Vietnam. Begin the tour in Hanoi, travel through Mai Chau, Tam Coc, Lao Cai, Sapa, Halong Bay, Ho Chi Minh city, Mekong Delta, Can Tho, Cu Chi tunnels. Different travel activities have been added to the tour making your holidays enjoyable ¨C mountain hiking, homestay, sampan cruise, countryside cycle, boat junk cruises, sea kayaking, cycling, war sites. Optional travel activities such as scuba diving, cooking class, spa are also avaialbe upon request. The tour can also be extended with a beach break to the southern beach such as Mui Ne beach or Phu Quoc island beach.
This document provides a biography and career summary of FredyUtama, a 33-year-old Indonesian businessman and brand consultant. It outlines his educational background, early business ventures, and professional experience working in sales, marketing, and brand management roles for several companies. It also describes his work developing printing, consulting, and tourism businesses and shares his views on building strong brands through integrated marketing communications and customer experiences.
Intervento di Guido Caselli, Direttore del Centro Studi di Unioncamere Emilia-Romagna, in occasione del "16¡ãMeeting Nazionale ACEF - Idee senza recinti", 13/10/2016, Sede della Regione Emilia-Romagna, Bologna.
Report delle attivit¨¤ e dei risultati di un Social Media Team di 15 blogger per la promozione di un evento locale in un paese dell'isola d'Elba, Capoliveri.
L'azienda 'social' fa pi¨´ affari - L¡¯espressoMarco_Lotito
L'Espresso intervista Emanuele Quintarelli in attesa dei risultati della survey lanciata per mappare lo stato dell'arte delle social enterprises in Italia.
Come implementare una vincente Social Sales Strategy (ABSTRACT)Eniac SpA
L¡¯importanza che hanno le attivit¨¤ social per il B2C ¨¨ consolidata e conosciamo bene gli obiettivi che si possono perseguire utilizzando i canali social per coadiuvare o potenziare la sales force.
La vera sfida ¨¨ riuscire a utilizzare efficacemente il Social Media anche per il B2B, cio¨¨ per quelle attivit¨¤ che non si rivolgono a consumatori finali, ma a professionisti di uno specifico settore.
Ma qual ¨¨ la strategia e gli strumenti di cui si avvale? Nel corso della presentazione saranno presentati i 7 elementi fondamentali di una Social Sales Strategy: dal CRM web based all'e-commerce formato App mobile saranno presentati delle soluzioni pratiche e strategiche per ottimizzare il proprio business.
Rinascimenti sociali - intervento di Laura Orestano e Leonardo Camiciotti, SocialFare & Consorzio TOP-IX, al Lunch Seminar "Agenda Digitale del Piemonte" del 13 luglio 2015, organizzato dal CSI-Piemonte
ºÝºÝߣ per corso di formazione organizzato dall'Unione Enti Locali del Friuli Venezia Giulia per i dipendenti delle pa locali. Argomenti: correttivo CAD e risultati della commissione parlamentare d'inchiesta sulla digitalizzazione della pubblica amministrazione riguardo allo stato di attuazione del codice dell'amministrazione digitale.
La rivoluzione digitale sta modificando tutti gli aspetti della vita dell'uomo ad una velocit¨¤ crescente. Purtroppo la percezione di questo cambiamento ¨¨ ancora troppo limitata.
14. Accountability
? Controllo outcome politici
? ¡°Non ci pu¨° essere sussidio senza strategia.
Se ¨¨ un investimento, che lo sia fino in fondo.
E che renda in prospettiva, pi¨´ che si pu¨°. E
crei occupazione, e crei competenze.¡± In 10
cose buone per l¡¯Italia che la Sinistra deve fare
subito (G. Civati) Laurana Editore 2012
Paolo Coppola ¨C Comune di Udine
15. Grazie per l¡¯attenzione
? Paolo Coppola
Assessore all¡¯innovazione ed e-government
Comune di Udine
? search?q=paolo+coppola+udine
Paolo Coppola ¨C Comune di Udine