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1. A brief history of China-Africa relations
Africa has been crucial to China’s foreign policy since the end of the Chinese civil
war in 1947. China supported several African liberation movements during the
Cold War, and for every year since 1950, the foreign minister of the People’s
Republic of China (PRC) has first visited an African country.
China’s new foreign minister Qin Gang visited 5 African countries and the African
Union in January 2023. Wang Yi, the former foreign minister, visited 48 African
countries and premier Xi Jinping undertook 10 visits to Africa between 2014-2020.
In 1971, the votes of African countries were instrumental in winning the PRC
control of China’s seat in the UN General Assembly and Security Council –
displacing representatives from Chinese nationalist forces, who had been defeated
in the civil war and now governed Taiwan.
In the following decades, China’s focus in Africa switched to eliminating all
remaining recognition for Taiwan’s government. Burkina Faso, Malawi, Liberia,
Senegal and others all switched their recognition from Taiwa n to the PRC.
Eswatini is the only African nation still to recognize Taiwan’s government in 2023.
In 1999 China created its ‘Going Out’ strategy, which encouraged Chinese
companies to invest beyond China.
The strategy was a statement of China’s growing economic might and created a
new wave of Chinese engagement in Africa. It was also an important source of
employment for Chinese citizens working on new infrastructure projects.
In 2013, China’s Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) was launched by Xi Jinping,
featuring an ambition to reinvigorate the old silk trading route along the East
African coast. This should theoretically have seen Chinese investment
concentrated in East Africa, but many other African states also sought
opportunities through the BRI, making the initiative quickly expand in scope and
The BRI saw a huge number of signature infrastructure projects built across Asia
and Africa, funded by Chinese loans whose size, nature and origin were often
opaque. Some African countries became badly exposed to Chinese lending during
this period.
2. Debt trap diplomacy
US commentators often describe Chinese policy in Africa as a ‘debt trap’, part of
a deliberate strategy to loan unmanageable sums to African countries, draw them
into China’s sphere of influence, and force unfair commitments upon them.
Some African nations do have extensive Chinese loans and are suffering from out-
of-control debt, exacerbated by the COVID-19 pandemic, the invasion of Ukraine,
and high interest rates. But their situations cannot be entirely blamed on Chinese
loans. States including Kenya and Zambia have poorly managed their debt to all
creditors, not only China.
Meanwhile, other African countries have created realistic, manageable debt
arrangements with China without the tremendous risk and uncertainties that
characterized some major BRI projects.
3. China-Angola relations
Angola received significant Chinese investment following the end of its 30-year
civil war in 2002. The war had devastated the country’s infrastructure and killed
more than half a million people. But at the time Western interest was distracted by
the ‘War on Terror’ in Afghanistan and Iraq, and Angola turned to China for help.
China agreed to provide infrastructure investment in return for oil, instigating a
boom period for Chinese investment. This peeked in around 2013 with around
172,000 Chinese living in the country, working on infrastructure projects.
To Angola it made sense to mortgage its oil futures to rebuild – also sourcing
‘commodity for infrastructure’ deals with Brazil and Israel.
Chinese investment brought good and bad outcomes. Chinese expertise delivered
new infrastructure including stadia, hospitals, and urban developments. But it
failed to provide a new, skilled African workforce, with most jobs reserved for
Chinese workers. And the quality of infrastructure varied widely due to corruption
at a local and provincial level.
In 2021, Angola was the most indebted country to China of any African state. In
the same year, 72 per cent of all Angola’s oil exports went to China.
1) Circule ou destaque com uma cor específica as palavras que você conhece.
2) Resuma a parte 1, a parte 2 e finalmente a parte 3 do texto. Faça uma por vez.
Para resumir, atente para as palavras que você já conhece ou que são amigas
(cognatos). Atente também para o que você já sabe sobre a temática (ou seja,
utilize o seu conhecimento prévio). Depois dessas etapas, localize no texto as
palavras que você desconhece e que você acredita serem importantes para
entender determinado trecho e procure o sentido dessa palavras no google
tradutor. Porém, não traduza o texto todo. Apenas as palavras muito importantes
que você desconhece. Depois de seguir esse passo-a-passo, faça o resumo.

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Inglês literatura informativo China Africa

  • 1. 1. A brief history of China-Africa relations https://www.chathamhouse.org/2023/01/china-africa-relations Africa has been crucial to China’s foreign policy since the end of the Chinese civil war in 1947. China supported several African liberation movements during the Cold War, and for every year since 1950, the foreign minister of the People’s Republic of China (PRC) has first visited an African country. China’s new foreign minister Qin Gang visited 5 African countries and the African Union in January 2023. Wang Yi, the former foreign minister, visited 48 African countries and premier Xi Jinping undertook 10 visits to Africa between 2014-2020. In 1971, the votes of African countries were instrumental in winning the PRC control of China’s seat in the UN General Assembly and Security Council – displacing representatives from Chinese nationalist forces, who had been defeated in the civil war and now governed Taiwan. In the following decades, China’s focus in Africa switched to eliminating all remaining recognition for Taiwan’s government. Burkina Faso, Malawi, Liberia, Senegal and others all switched their recognition from Taiwa n to the PRC. Eswatini is the only African nation still to recognize Taiwan’s government in 2023. In 1999 China created its ‘Going Out’ strategy, which encouraged Chinese companies to invest beyond China. The strategy was a statement of China’s growing economic might and created a new wave of Chinese engagement in Africa. It was also an important source of employment for Chinese citizens working on new infrastructure projects. In 2013, China’s Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) was launched by Xi Jinping, featuring an ambition to reinvigorate the old silk trading route along the East African coast. This should theoretically have seen Chinese investment concentrated in East Africa, but many other African states also sought opportunities through the BRI, making the initiative quickly expand in scope and ambition. The BRI saw a huge number of signature infrastructure projects built across Asia and Africa, funded by Chinese loans whose size, nature and origin were often opaque. Some African countries became badly exposed to Chinese lending during this period.
  • 2. 2. Debt trap diplomacy US commentators often describe Chinese policy in Africa as a ‘debt trap’, part of a deliberate strategy to loan unmanageable sums to African countries, draw them into China’s sphere of influence, and force unfair commitments upon them. Some African nations do have extensive Chinese loans and are suffering from out- of-control debt, exacerbated by the COVID-19 pandemic, the invasion of Ukraine, and high interest rates. But their situations cannot be entirely blamed on Chinese loans. States including Kenya and Zambia have poorly managed their debt to all creditors, not only China. Meanwhile, other African countries have created realistic, manageable debt arrangements with China without the tremendous risk and uncertainties that characterized some major BRI projects. 3. China-Angola relations Angola received significant Chinese investment following the end of its 30-year civil war in 2002. The war had devastated the country’s infrastructure and killed more than half a million people. But at the time Western interest was distracted by the ‘War on Terror’ in Afghanistan and Iraq, and Angola turned to China for help. China agreed to provide infrastructure investment in return for oil, instigating a boom period for Chinese investment. This peeked in around 2013 with around 172,000 Chinese living in the country, working on infrastructure projects. To Angola it made sense to mortgage its oil futures to rebuild – also sourcing ‘commodity for infrastructure’ deals with Brazil and Israel. Chinese investment brought good and bad outcomes. Chinese expertise delivered new infrastructure including stadia, hospitals, and urban developments. But it failed to provide a new, skilled African workforce, with most jobs reserved for Chinese workers. And the quality of infrastructure varied widely due to corruption at a local and provincial level. In 2021, Angola was the most indebted country to China of any African state. In the same year, 72 per cent of all Angola’s oil exports went to China. Exercício: 1) Circule ou destaque com uma cor específica as palavras que você conhece. 2) Resuma a parte 1, a parte 2 e finalmente a parte 3 do texto. Faça uma por vez. Para resumir, atente para as palavras que você já conhece ou que são amigas (cognatos). Atente também para o que você já sabe sobre a temática (ou seja, utilize o seu conhecimento prévio). Depois dessas etapas, localize no texto as palavras que você desconhece e que você acredita serem importantes para entender determinado trecho e procure o sentido dessa palavras no google tradutor. Porém, não traduza o texto todo. Apenas as palavras muito importantes que você desconhece. Depois de seguir esse passo-a-passo, faça o resumo.