I want to go there - how to find your path as a designerMitzie Testani
Mitzie Testani gave a presentation on finding your path as a designer and building your portfolio. She provided advice on specializing in a niche, using your first jobs to experiment, regularly updating your portfolio with your best work, and creating opportunities through freelancing and personal projects. Her goal was to help designers discover their passion and create a compelling portfolio that will attract the right clients and opportunities.
The document provides 10 tips for engineering resumes. The tips include including all third-party validations like patents and awards; using graphics if explanations are too long; providing context for technical details; using a clear headline and sub-headings; spelling out all acronyms on first use; summarizing extra details in an addendum; limiting keywords to benefit statements; keeping the resume to two pages; and leaving your name free of credentials for electronic searches.
Redflag 2012 Intermodal Seal PresentationRedflagseals
Red Flag Cargo Security introduces an intermodal electronic barrier seal to strengthen global supply chain security. The reusable seal addresses drawbacks of popular barrier seals by using unique pin authorization with no special tools needed for removal, offering security from origin to destination at a low monthly cost. The seal and web-based authorization system allow tracking and control of seal access.
Комун?кац?йн? стратег?? ресурсних центр?в для громадянського сусп?льства: ?нструменти ? кращ? практики
Тарас Тимчук, кер?вник напрямку ?Сусп?льна ?нформац?я? Ресурсного центру ГУРТ
The document outlines a strategy for living according to God's priorities of faith, love, and glorifying Him. The strategy involves laying down one's life by trusting in Jesus' righteousness, receiving forgiveness of sins, and resting in Him through every situation according to God's word while in fellowship with other believers.
I want to go there - how to find your path as a designerMitzie Testani
Mitzie Testani gave a presentation on finding your path as a designer and building your portfolio. She provided advice on specializing in a niche, using your first jobs to experiment, regularly updating your portfolio with your best work, and creating opportunities through freelancing and personal projects. Her goal was to help designers discover their passion and create a compelling portfolio that will attract the right clients and opportunities.
The document provides 10 tips for engineering resumes. The tips include including all third-party validations like patents and awards; using graphics if explanations are too long; providing context for technical details; using a clear headline and sub-headings; spelling out all acronyms on first use; summarizing extra details in an addendum; limiting keywords to benefit statements; keeping the resume to two pages; and leaving your name free of credentials for electronic searches.
Redflag 2012 Intermodal Seal PresentationRedflagseals
Red Flag Cargo Security introduces an intermodal electronic barrier seal to strengthen global supply chain security. The reusable seal addresses drawbacks of popular barrier seals by using unique pin authorization with no special tools needed for removal, offering security from origin to destination at a low monthly cost. The seal and web-based authorization system allow tracking and control of seal access.
Комун?кац?йн? стратег?? ресурсних центр?в для громадянського сусп?льства: ?нструменти ? кращ? практики
Тарас Тимчук, кер?вник напрямку ?Сусп?льна ?нформац?я? Ресурсного центру ГУРТ
The document outlines a strategy for living according to God's priorities of faith, love, and glorifying Him. The strategy involves laying down one's life by trusting in Jesus' righteousness, receiving forgiveness of sins, and resting in Him through every situation according to God's word while in fellowship with other believers.
The Fort Bragg Area Officers' Spouses Club (FBAOSC) will award continuing education scholarships to military spouses pursuing degrees or certificates in the 2012-2013 academic year. Applicants must meet the eligibility criteria and submit a complete application by March 15th, 2012, which includes transcripts, letters of recommendation, a 200-word essay, and proof of education enrollment. Scholarship recipients will be notified by April 30th and recognized at a reception in May. Scholarship funds must be used for tuition, fees, and books by October 1st, 2012.
European countries colonized other lands in the 1500s due to overpopulation and lack of resources at home. By colonizing the Americas, European colonists gained new lands and opportunities but killed, enslaved, or displaced millions of native Americans in the process. The European colonization of the Americas resulted in genocide of native peoples and the introduction of African slaves and was one of the bloodiest periods in human history.
The document discusses conventions used in film posters and magazine covers. It analyzes three horror film posters and three professional magazine covers to identify commonly used design elements. For the film poster, it places the production company name at the bottom in red instead of famous actors at the top. It also puts the title in red at the top rather than the bottom. For the magazine cover, it uses a large red masthead at the top like the professional examples. It also includes the movie title in white below the main image to link it like the examples.
狠狠撸s dell'elaborato di economia urbana che ho preparato per il corso di dottorato urbeur dell'università di Milano Bicocca. Il lavoro simula una ricerca ed è attento soprattutto ad operativizzare i concetti economici.
This document discusses color representation in App Inventor. It contains the following key points:
1. Colors in App Inventor are represented using the #AARRGGBB format, with values between 0-255 for alpha, red, green, and blue components.
2. It demonstrates how to convert between hexadecimal, decimal, and RGB component representations of colors.
3. It shows an example of calculating the signed long integer that corresponds to a given color in #AARRGGBB format.