4. 郁規 蠍磯 IP
襷 れ 蠍一ヾ IP 襯
れ レ 蠑螻 朱,
覩語 燕蠍 IP management
覦 旧 ろ 手
讀, る 覲語一 覈 Public benefit螻
Commercial return伎 覦碁一り
Public Benefit Commercial return
Key Starting Point
5. 覈 ろ襯
企 IP
collaborative and con
tract research 豈
knowledge ex
change 豈
Clear policy Framework
6. IP
Hard IP Patents
Trade Marks
Soft IP
Tacit Knowledge
Not patented/patentable
IP Framework
7. Soft IP 螳豺 譴煙 讀
朱 IP licensing覲企 覈 覦一
蟲 IP Awareness Survey, 2010
IP Commercialization
Open Innovation 牛 伎碁 企
Mass Collaboration, User-generated innovation
BM螻 螳 non-IP assets 螳豺螳 讀螳
IP Framework
8. IP Framework
IP 讀螳
螻 觜譴 讀螳
Direct-IP 觜譴覲企る Knowledge exchange 讀螳
12. IP 語
襷 るジ BM螻 覈
BM 麹 IP management ろ蟲豢
Balancing of binary conflicts
Published/Commercialized IP
Released(open source)/Commercialized SW
蟲 豕 Blended Strategy
IP & University Business Model
13. 1
Teaching/Research/Consultancy 蟆郁骸 IP 蟠襴 覲危
Freedom to operate 覲危誤 碁レ 蠍一語
れ 螳ロ Knowledge translating ルレ 螳覦
蟆曙 讌 伎 螻殊 讌 ル
郁規蠍磯 谿曙 襦 Knowledge
貉朱一, 螻給郁規, Teaching, Technology Transfer
IP & University Business Model
14. IP 3螳讌 螻れ
Policies/Procedures/overall business model
Teaching focus
Protection & franchising of course design and
teaching materials
Research intensive
殊伎殊 覦 spin-outs 螳 IP
麹 BM 襷 blended strategy
IP & University Business Model
15. Teaching & Learning
Teaching Courseレ 覲 蟲 讀
Teaching materials IP 語 螻 蟲
ロ 郁規 豢蟠 覦 蟠 覓語
伎給襷 ロ 郁規 螻 螻
Consultancy, Services, Contract research
Background IP 覦 蠏 蟆郁骸 覲危
Maintaining Freedom to Operate
16. Problem-solving
Materials testing, help devising for marketing
Background IP 覦 蠏 蟆郁骸 覲危
Private consultancy
るジ 螻 豢讌 豈
Continuing Professional Development
Know-how 覦 Teaching 覈 覲危碁ゼ
豕 IP management 旧
Translating Knowledge with immediate Application
17. Free Dissemination
讌 襦 讌 壱
蟆郁骸覓殊 豢企 覓企 覲願 牛
蠍一螻 覦 IP 覲危語 豢
磯殊, 覦 豢 IP豢 蟆 蟲
螻, 碁 蠍一蟆 螻旧 IP 豢 蟾
讌 豢 郁鍵襯 豌伎
Creating and Managing New Knowledge
24. 覓誤 覲
企 覲襯 覦螻 螻牛伎
IP 谿曙 覦 襯 蟇磯 煙 豕
蟆曙 譟一燕螻 讌 豈 螳覦 覓
覩語 螻 伎 BM 磯 豕
螻 旧 IP Policy襯 蟲豢伎
IP Policy 譯殊 伎
伎旧 螻旧 譟一
IP 覯 語
覦 蟆曙 蠍 IP work 覦碁一
Consideration of the Universitys Mission
25. Guidance for staff and students
Staff IP ownership
Updating of employment contract
Student IP ownership
Ethical considerations
Conflict of interest
benefits & revenue sharing
Awareness and communication
Monitoring policies
26. balance of ownership and benefit
旧 蠏碁れ 危 覦 蠏碁れ
讌蟇磯 覓瑚 危企
るΜ 螻れ螻 危願螻 豢 螳レ
糾骸 豈 ろ 覈磯 覓語
碁 碁 蟯螻 る 覦覯
Consideration of IP Strategy