Draadloos stemmen tijdens college: hoe en waarom?Nynke Bos
Presentatie geeft een overzicht van verschillende toepassingen van stemmen in het onderwijs. Presentatie gehouden op de Onderwijsdagen 2009 te Utrecht.
Wat kies jij? Onderzoek naar Studie in Cijfers & studiekeuze - Jos Verbruggen...Studiekeuzeconferentie
Titel: Wat kies jij? Onderzoek naar Studie in Cijfers & studiekeuze
Sprekers: Jos Verbruggen (Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam) & Thamar Elissen (Hogeschool van Arnhem en Nijmegen)
1e sessieronde
Zaal 12
LAK'12: Cyberlearners and Learning ResourcesLeyla Zhuhadar
Leyla Zhuhadar, Rong Yang , Cyberlearners and Learning Resources, the Second International Conference on Learning Analytics and Knowledge (ACM): LAK12, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, 29 April ¨C 2 May, 2012.
This document summarizes a presentation on a website called "Oh! My Type" that aims to help users find their ideal romantic partner based on photos. It describes how the website analyzes over 50,000 social media profiles to gather image features and social connections. Users can browse photos and provide feedback to improve recommendations. A user study found the optimal version with feedback outperformed a random version. While initial results were not perfect, the system shows potential with improved image analysis and user interface features for feedback.
Stone Communication Services provides investor relations services and is part of the larger Stone Investment Group. They present their IR+ Method which focuses on business strategy, regulatory compliance, financial strategy, marketing, and investor outreach to optimize long-term shareholder value for clients. Success is measured by tracking changes in the shareholder base over time and analyzing capital raising costs. The presentation provides an overview of the company and services and promotes their ability to leverage expertise and experience.
FreeFlow is a leading provider of alternative channels for companies to sell excess or at-risk inventory privately in order to maximize recovery and positively impact profits. They offer private marketplaces and services to help companies move inventory, provide visibility and controls, and manage asset recovery as a business rather than a project.
FreeFlow is a leading provider of alternative channels for companies to sell excess, obsolete, or at-risk inventory. They operate private marketplaces that allow brands to maximize the recovery value of inventory while avoiding conflicts with existing sales channels. FreeFlow's services include auction-based and fixed-price online marketplaces, analytics and performance tracking, logistics and order fulfillment, and ensuring regulatory compliance when selling inventory through alternative channels.
Studiedag leiden Open courses Open PoliciesICTOlei2011
This document discusses the benefits of open educational resources (OER) and why universities should adopt open policies. It defines OER as teaching, learning and research materials that are in the public domain or released under an open license. The document outlines several good reasons for universities to offer open courses, including widening participation, internationalization, exposure, quality control and lifelong learning. It emphasizes that the role of universities is to provide relevant reference materials for communities both regionally and internationally as part of the transition to learning in the digital age and fostering interdisciplinary research.
DataLogix is an IT solutions company focused on data management in the Benelux region. It was founded in 2010 and delivers innovative solutions around data management, file and content, cloud, and storage infrastructure. DataLogix designs customized solutions for clients and provides deployment, validation, monitoring and management services. The company encourages innovation and aims to provide better, faster and cheaper alternatives to existing IT environments.
A short presentation that I used in an online lecture for HRM-students, where I discussed the use of e-learning, but more specifically Web2.0 tools for training purposes.
Stone Communication Services provides investor relations services and is part of the larger Stone Investment Group. They present their IR+ Method which focuses on business strategy, regulatory compliance, financial strategy, marketing, and investor outreach to optimize long-term shareholder value for clients. Success is measured by tracking changes in the shareholder base over time and analyzing capital raising costs. The presentation provides an overview of the company and services and promotes their ability to leverage expertise and experience.
FreeFlow is a leading provider of alternative channels for companies to sell excess or at-risk inventory privately in order to maximize recovery and positively impact profits. They offer private marketplaces and services to help companies move inventory, provide visibility and controls, and manage asset recovery as a business rather than a project.
FreeFlow is a leading provider of alternative channels for companies to sell excess, obsolete, or at-risk inventory. They operate private marketplaces that allow brands to maximize the recovery value of inventory while avoiding conflicts with existing sales channels. FreeFlow's services include auction-based and fixed-price online marketplaces, analytics and performance tracking, logistics and order fulfillment, and ensuring regulatory compliance when selling inventory through alternative channels.
Studiedag leiden Open courses Open PoliciesICTOlei2011
This document discusses the benefits of open educational resources (OER) and why universities should adopt open policies. It defines OER as teaching, learning and research materials that are in the public domain or released under an open license. The document outlines several good reasons for universities to offer open courses, including widening participation, internationalization, exposure, quality control and lifelong learning. It emphasizes that the role of universities is to provide relevant reference materials for communities both regionally and internationally as part of the transition to learning in the digital age and fostering interdisciplinary research.
DataLogix is an IT solutions company focused on data management in the Benelux region. It was founded in 2010 and delivers innovative solutions around data management, file and content, cloud, and storage infrastructure. DataLogix designs customized solutions for clients and provides deployment, validation, monitoring and management services. The company encourages innovation and aims to provide better, faster and cheaper alternatives to existing IT environments.
A short presentation that I used in an online lecture for HRM-students, where I discussed the use of e-learning, but more specifically Web2.0 tools for training purposes.
Blended learning in het Hoger Onderwijs: Waarom, wat en hoe?Steven Verjans
Dutch presentation for teachers at Hogeschool Zuyd in Heerlen about blended learning, what, why and how, a short introduction to some concepts and guidelines.
Toets Digitaal: Digitaal Toetsen in Balans VO (Kennisnet)Like to Share
Tijdens de studiedagen Toets Digitaal (16 april voor PO en 17 april voor VO) kunt u zich bekwamen in de belangrijkste thema¡¯s rond digitaal toetsen door in gesprek te gaan met experts op dit onderwerp. Gezaghebbende partijen wordt gevraagd toelichting te geven over hun toekomstvisie op digitaal toetsen en een internationale keynote zal u inspireren met een presentatie over de zin (en onzin) van digitaal toetsen. Deze studiedag wilt u niet missen!
Services Marketing: Integrating Customer Focus Across the Firm Third European...zaipahphu82
Services Marketing: Integrating Customer Focus Across the Firm Third European Edition Alan Wilson - eBook PDF
Services Marketing: Integrating Customer Focus Across the Firm Third European Edition Alan Wilson - eBook PDF
Services Marketing: Integrating Customer Focus Across the Firm Third European Edition Alan Wilson - eBook PDF
Introduction to Psychology Version 3 0 3rd Stangor Solution Manualgodlykanani
Introduction to Psychology Version 3 0 3rd Stangor Solution Manual
Introduction to Psychology Version 3 0 3rd Stangor Solution Manual
Introduction to Psychology Version 3 0 3rd Stangor Solution Manual
de heksen van Aspelare en Nederhasselt .JaimeLavid
Verhalen over historische en fictieve toveressen, heksen, aardgeesten en duivels die leefden (en soms ook stierven) in Aspelare en Nederhasselt, of er gewoon bestonden in de verbeelding van de lokale bevolking.
(eBook PDF) Starting Out with C++: From Control Structures through Objects 8t...graidijonuz
(eBook PDF) Starting Out with C++: From Control Structures through Objects 8th Edition
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Design of Fluid Thermal Systems 4th Edition Janna Solutions Manualthabsyberber
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Design of Fluid Thermal Systems 4th Edition Janna Solutions Manual
Design of Fluid Thermal Systems 4th Edition Janna Solutions Manual
250221 (WR) v1 Lunchsessie Noordhoff trends digitale technologie en leren.pdfWilfredRubens.com
Ik heb op 6 maart 2025 een lunchreferaat verzorgd voor een groep medewerkers van Noordhoff Zorg. Daarbij ben ik ingegaan op vijf belangrijke trends op het gebied van digitale technologie en leren en ontwikkelen.
The Lecturer s Toolkit A practical guide to assessment learning and teaching ...gulmegitu
The Lecturer s Toolkit A practical guide to assessment learning and teaching 4th Edition Phil Race
The Lecturer s Toolkit A practical guide to assessment learning and teaching 4th Edition Phil Race
The Lecturer s Toolkit A practical guide to assessment learning and teaching 4th Edition Phil Race
Meander | Biodiversiteit | Breng de natuur in de stadTanja Nolten
Met natuurinclusief bouwen breng je de natuur terug in de gebouwde omgeving en dat is goed voor onze gezondheid, de biodiversiteit, het klimaat en ons levensgeluk.
Dus als het gaat over biodiversiteit, dan gaat het over meer dan een vogelkastje, een insectenhotel of een bloemrijke berm. Prachtig maar dat is niet genoeg! Het moet gaan over systemen, over verbindingen, over water en bodem als basis en over leefgebieden.
We willen klimaatadaptie en natuur zodanig combineren dat dit:
Voor de bewoners aantrekkelijke groene woonmilieus oplevert
De temperatuur in de stad getemperd wordt
Water vastgehouden wordt (belangrijk bij hevige regenbuiten)
Vogels, vleermuizen, eekhoorns etc een nest kunnen maken
Zo worden zwaluwen (en vleermuizen) met holle stenen naar Sleeuwijk gelokt om daar de jaarlijkse muggenplaag te beteugelen
Meander, Fianne Bakker geeft inzicht
(eBook PDF) Health Promotion Programs: From Theory to Practice 2nd Editionmucsdzeka
(eBook PDF) Health Promotion Programs: From Theory to Practice 2nd Edition
(eBook PDF) Health Promotion Programs: From Theory to Practice 2nd Edition
(eBook PDF) Health Promotion Programs: From Theory to Practice 2nd Edition
Presentatie Climate CleanupWorkshop | Hoe groen is jouw project?Tanja Nolten
Stel je voor: jullie project wordt een baanbrekend voorbeeld van duurzaamheid. Door innovatieve, groene bouwmaterialen te gebruiken, zoals hout, vlas, olifantsgras en hennep, worden jullie de helden in de strijd tegen CO2- en stikstofuitstoot.
Deze materialen zijn niet alleen milieuvriendelijk, maar ze hebben ook CO2 opgeslagen tijdens hun groei, waardoor jullie project een positieve impact heeft op onze planeet.
Maar hoe bewijs je deze impact? In deze workshop duiken we diep in de kunst van het berekenen van CO2- en stikstofreductie, om niet alleen onze projecten, maar ook onze planeet te transformeren.
Door Climate Cleanup, Jelle Bijl
SMARTCirculair Excellencedag 2025
Advances in Food and Nutrition Research Vol 59 1st Edition Steve L. Taylor (Ed.)shidqipurwin
Advances in Food and Nutrition Research Vol 59 1st Edition Steve L. Taylor (Ed.)
Advances in Food and Nutrition Research Vol 59 1st Edition Steve L. Taylor (Ed.)
Advances in Food and Nutrition Research Vol 59 1st Edition Steve L. Taylor (Ed.)
Test Bank for Government in America: People, Politics, and Policy, 17th Editionbirteaaguena
Test Bank for Government in America: People, Politics, and Policy, 17th Edition
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Test Bank for Fundamentals of Management 11th Edition by Robbinsdiscusmhmmad
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Test Bank for Fundamentals of Management 11th Edition by Robbins
Hoe zorg je voor integriteit in je ontwerp zodat je voorkomt dat je een vermogen kwijt bent aan installaties en het huis of gebouw altijd comfortabel is?
We hebben nogal wat uitdagingen in de energiesystemen van de toekomst. We. willen het comfortabel hebben in het huis of gebouw. Hoe ga je dan een optimaal energiesysteem inrichten zodanig dat:
je een lage milieu impact hebt
de energierekening laag is
het onderhoud beperkt is
en hoe maak je het de installateur makkelijker?
Mark Sprenkels van Breman Installatiegroep in Zwolle leert je anders nadenken over onze energiesystemen van de toekomst waarin opgenomen energie en water. Want water wordt in toenemende mate een uitdaging. Oh ja, netcongestie komt ook nog om de hoek kijken
Philosophers Way Thinking Critically About Profound Ideas 5th Edition Chaffee...hebcaylie35
Philosophers Way Thinking Critically About Profound Ideas 5th Edition Chaffee Test Bank
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Philosophers Way Thinking Critically About Profound Ideas 5th Edition Chaffee Test Bank
Philosophers Way Thinking Critically About Profound Ideas 5th Edition Chaffee...hebcaylie35
Interactie in de collegezaal
1. Interactie in de collegezaal Gebruik van Audience Response Systems Peter de Jong Leids Universitair Medisch Centrum Onderwijs Expertise Centrum ICTO discussiemiddag 6 juni 2011 Universiteit Leiden
2. Audience Response Systems ARS Electronische stemming Grote groepen studenten Draadloos systeem Uitslag meteen op scherm Docent kan meteen reageren
4. Effecten van ARS Actieve betrokkenheid Houdt aandacht erbij Creert 2-weg interactie Stimuleert discussie Anonimiteit = veiligheid Students worder mondiger Inzicht in begrip van de student Competitie