Ausili informatici per le disabilita' motorieFulvio Corno
Ausili (in prevalenza informatici) per disabilit di tipo motorio.
Materiale relativo al corso di Tecnologie per la Disabilit del Politecnico di Torino (
際際滷 dal corso tenuto da Maria Rosa Mantelli ai docenti del liceo Russell in occasione dell'anniversario dell'Istituto Bertrand Russell , Guastalla , Reggio Emilia, Italia
Este documento describe un proyecto TIC en un centro educativo. El proyecto tiene varias l鱈neas de actuaci坦n como la alfabetizaci坦n digital, el uso de materiales, la formaci坦n del profesorado y la evaluaci坦n. El objetivo general es integrar las tecnolog鱈as de la informaci坦n y la comunicaci坦n en la ense単anza para mejorar el aprendizaje de los estudiantes.
The document describes a collaborative tagging experience conducted with primary school students in Italy. The students engaged in both paper-based and online tagging of images. Some key findings included that students quickly learned the online tagging tool, but their tags included misspellings and inappropriate terms. Analyzing the tags revealed challenges around singular/plural forms and distinguishing membership classifications from descriptive categories. The experience highlighted both the promise and limitations of collaborative tagging for knowledge organization.
The Digital Revolution: A Short History of an Ideology Balbiobrohepner
The Digital Revolution: A Short History of an Ideology Balbi
The Digital Revolution: A Short History of an Ideology Balbi
The Digital Revolution: A Short History of an Ideology Balbi
Viva training in ENT preparation for the FRCS ORL HNS 1st ed Edition Wintermunirinkuah
Viva training in ENT preparation for the FRCS ORL HNS 1st ed Edition Winter
Viva training in ENT preparation for the FRCS ORL HNS 1st ed Edition Winter
Viva training in ENT preparation for the FRCS ORL HNS 1st ed Edition Winter
The document describes a collaborative tagging experience conducted with primary school students in Italy. The students engaged in both paper-based and online tagging of images. Some key findings included that students quickly learned the online tagging tool, but their tags included misspellings and inappropriate terms. Analyzing the tags revealed challenges around singular/plural forms and distinguishing membership classifications from descriptive categories. The experience highlighted both the promise and limitations of collaborative tagging for knowledge organization.
The Digital Revolution: A Short History of an Ideology Balbiobrohepner
The Digital Revolution: A Short History of an Ideology Balbi
The Digital Revolution: A Short History of an Ideology Balbi
The Digital Revolution: A Short History of an Ideology Balbi
Viva training in ENT preparation for the FRCS ORL HNS 1st ed Edition Wintermunirinkuah
Viva training in ENT preparation for the FRCS ORL HNS 1st ed Edition Winter
Viva training in ENT preparation for the FRCS ORL HNS 1st ed Edition Winter
Viva training in ENT preparation for the FRCS ORL HNS 1st ed Edition Winter
Test Bank for Systems Analysis and Design 8th Edition: Kendallalawamajina
Test Bank for Systems Analysis and Design 8th Edition: Kendall
Test Bank for Systems Analysis and Design 8th Edition: Kendall
Test Bank for Systems Analysis and Design 8th Edition: Kendall
Test Bank for Understanding Abnormal Behavior, 10th Edition : Suedementogge
Test Bank for Understanding Abnormal Behavior, 10th Edition : Sue
Test Bank for Understanding Abnormal Behavior, 10th Edition : Sue
Test Bank for Understanding Abnormal Behavior, 10th Edition : Sue
Intermediate Accounting Vol 2 Canadian 2nd Edition Lo Test Bankjotinlywood
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Intermediate Accounting Vol 2 Canadian 2nd Edition Lo Test Bank
Intermediate Accounting Vol 2 Canadian 2nd Edition Lo Test Bank
New Methods of Literacy Research 1st Edition Peggy Albersuxhcablende
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New Methods of Literacy Research 1st Edition Peggy Albers
New Methods of Literacy Research 1st Edition Peggy Albers
Global Economic Institutions 1st Edition Willem Mollekoloohgazari67
Global Economic Institutions 1st Edition Willem Molle
Global Economic Institutions 1st Edition Willem Molle
Global Economic Institutions 1st Edition Willem Molle
Engineering Economy Sullivan Wicks Koelling 15th Edition Test Bankgadevshahma
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Engineering Economy Sullivan Wicks Koelling 15th Edition Test Bank
Introduction to Programming with C++ 3rd Edition Liang Test Banktoblerleunis
Introduction to Programming with C++ 3rd Edition Liang Test Bank
Introduction to Programming with C++ 3rd Edition Liang Test Bank
Introduction to Programming with C++ 3rd Edition Liang Test Bank
Solution Manual for Intermediate Accounting 3rd Edition by Wahlentiteuxprasil
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Solution Manual for Intermediate Accounting 3rd Edition by Wahlen
Solution Manual for Intermediate Accounting 3rd Edition by Wahlen
Presentazione della Dichiarazione di Dubai sulle OER alla comunit italiana -...Damiano Orru
Osservatorio sullinformation literacy promuove un incontro online organizzato dalla rete Open Education Italia. n occasione della Open Education Week 2025, dal 3 al 7 marzo, la rete Open Education Italia organizza un incontro online dedicato alla presentazione della Dichiarazione di Dubai sulle Risorse Educative Aperte (OER) il 4 marzo 2025.
2. Le due componenti
Caratteristiche Dispositivi di
Fisiche Input
Psicologiche Output
Eventuali limitazioni Caratteristiche della
che influenzano macchina (potenza,
linterazione memoria)
3. Luomo
Percezione del mondo
Elaborazione delle informazioni
Risoluzione dei problemi
4. Percezione del mondo
I cinque sensi
Vista, udito e tatto quelli pi湛 usati
= input e output
5. La vista
Attivit molto complessa
Recezione dello stimolo visivo
Elaborazione ed interpretazione dei dati
Non 竪 un dato oggettivo
Ci sono illusioni
7. Udito
Contenuti audio
Utilizzo dei suoni:
Richiamare lattenzione
Es. arrivato messaggio
Informazioni sullo stato
del sistema
Es. Click dei tasti
8. Il tatto
Importante nellinterazione
Stimoli tattili
Sia per input che output
9. Il computer
Tastiere di vario tipo Schermo
Sfioramento (touch) Casse
Puntamento (mouse) Stampante
Scanner (lettura dei
Schede perforate
Riconoscimento della
Riconoscimento audio
17. Lergonomia
Si concentra sulle
(fisiche) dellutente
per dare
indicazioni sulla
18. Diversi modi per interagire
A riga di comando
Men湛 di vario tipo
Moduli da compilare
Point and click
19. Modalit di inter. molto usate
Windows Icon Men湛 Dispositivi di
Pointer puntamento per
= il desktop a cui selezionare e dare il
siamo abituati via
20. Se non ci sono?
In mancanza delle modalit di interazione
a cui sono abituato devo pensare a delle
Come posso selezionare e scegliere se non
ho il mouse?