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Graphic Design Student
Wong Tze Yen
Digital Portfolio 2018
Hey there!
Welcome my li鐃le world.
Im Wong Tze Yen(Cins),
I am a person with op鐃mism and responsible to face
anything, I like to drawing and do my crea鐃ve stu鍖
even design some kind of things.
This showcase is about my art work which done with
learning and huge passion in my school on this 2 and half years
About Me
Im Wong Tze Yen nomally people call me Cins. Im graphic design
student in saito university college. I was born in Malaysia at
Kuala Lumpur, In family,my parents got 3 children which is
elder sister and brother so I am the youngest in there.
The reason to study design, 鍖rst think to came out of my mind is i
like to drawing, so i 鍖nd the way to express and improve the skill,
which is design. I believe that nothing you cannot be done,
only you cant imagine. So i feel that design are unrestricted
and unlimited imagina鐃on.
For my characteris鐃c and Strengths, I am a quick learner and great
team player, i always stay op鐃mism to face any hard
problem and solve it.
My Passion
I got a li鐃le but huge dream, i planning to have an own shop to selling my own brand
about my collec鐃on. My family and friends are always my mo鐃va鐃on to drives me
succeed to complete my goals.
I am interests and like to during something about art and drawing, and of course
photography while I travel, this is all my passionate to during my design. My inspira鐃on
come from my daily explore, and also searching a lot of references on internet to make
my work be鐃er.
I beleive that my passion are not going easy to pass of.
Computer Graphic Design
I was learned and do a lot of prac鐃ce and art work by using adobe Illustra鐃on(CGD1), Photoshop(CGD2), and
InDesign(CGD3). I was done and learned that skill of tracing and crea鐃ve to design a poster and used a lot of
pa鐃ence to tracing spaceship in CGD 1 class. In CGD 2 class, I was use my inspira鐃on of design to create a
movie poster even create a dream college by using photoshop. Another experience in CGD 3 class was make
an own magazine and booklet by using InDesign with huge pa鐃ence to create huge pages. I would like to use
my skill and experiences of using so鐃ware and design skill to make my future client feel sa鐃sfy with my work.
(CGD 1-3)
Movie Poster
Booklet Magazine
Packaging 1,2
In packaging 1 class, i was done packaging of vodka design even label or holder and also create and design malay
green packet, a鐃er this mission, i also create a yogurt drink box, swatch watch box and own sta鐃onary set in
packaging 2 class. In this subject i was learn a lot of technic and knowledge by using huge pa鐃ence and experience
to create a things, we had to test and do mock up before the things come out, step by step we have to consider and
know that how to make and create a packaging to make people easier and convenience. Packaging is the important
part of living, because packaging can make communicates many things for what they can do, and good packaging
also can impress people.
Malay Green Packet
Swatch Box
I was choose Con-tro-verse this swatch for my watch box design, base on
watch design and pa鐃ern looke like a shoelace, i made my box like a shoe
and create a stylish style and pa鐃ern to match the swatch.
Sta鐃onary Set
This is my sta鐃onary set, inside got one A4 and A5 note booklet, 鍖ve bookmark, tree postcard and one s鐃cker.
I am using chinese traditonal style to s鐃緒申ch my notebooks, and I am using petal shape to create my bookmark.
Cherry blossom was inpired me to create this things done.
Web Design
Web design, in this subject i had been learned and create web pages, animation button and own websites.
I was taken one website to recreate the web pages, from this i had learned how we do and make the layout,
blocks, spaces, media and other skills with use on create websites, and this is what experience i get on this
subject. I will learn more about knowledge of web design and get more experience with using this skill, in
order to make my future client to satisfy with my work.
Online webcomic
In this assigment i was picked one worst website to recreate alignment and layout, because
this is a online webcomic every comic are linked their own website, so i changed the design
of home page, register page, cantact page, term and service page and also the rules page.
The best of you
The best of you is you done a work with feeling of
accomplishment and considerate to complete your work,
maybe this will cost you so many money but once you done,
you will think that worth. From the process to comple鐃on you
will get so many knowledge and experiences about this. This is
money cannot buy wan, all you have to explore yourself.
The best of you
This packaging was done for meiji yogurt drink with kiwi 鍖avour.
First at all, i was done so many sketches to design this yogurt drink,
and 鍖nally decide to use this kind of design for my meiji yogurt drink.
I had been used the v curve shape to bring out that yogurt feels
that can look health and slim, and i also create like simple looking
with use alike japanese style, its because meiji is japanese brand.
Internship Experience
So I was join INKA Crea鐃ve Agency for 12 weeks internship programed with start on 1
March 2018 to 25 May 2018 commitment, and Im also joined design team to help
and follow up their clients works. Their woking hours are 鍖exible, like go earlier back
earlier but mostly need to commit 8 hours per day. In most of many cases, I ask for
design poster for social media, and complete the en鐃re task they give me on 鐃me.
The people I worked in Inka Agency were serious, professional and focus on their
work, this shows their dedica鐃on posi鐃on. I work with professional team and had
deep understanding how the en鐃re crea鐃ve agency work. This is a good opportuni鐃es
for me to during experience with design life.

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Internship digital portfolio updated

  • 1. Graphic Design Student Wong Tze Yen Cins Digital Portfolio 2018 www.linkedin.com/in/cinsyen Linkedin https://www.behance.net/cindyyen18b15d Behance
  • 2. Hey there! Welcome my li鐃le world. Im Wong Tze Yen(Cins), I am a person with op鐃mism and responsible to face anything, I like to drawing and do my crea鐃ve stu鍖 even design some kind of things. This showcase is about my art work which done with learning and huge passion in my school on this 2 and half years
  • 3. About Me Im Wong Tze Yen nomally people call me Cins. Im graphic design student in saito university college. I was born in Malaysia at Kuala Lumpur, In family,my parents got 3 children which is elder sister and brother so I am the youngest in there. The reason to study design, 鍖rst think to came out of my mind is i like to drawing, so i 鍖nd the way to express and improve the skill, which is design. I believe that nothing you cannot be done, only you cant imagine. So i feel that design are unrestricted and unlimited imagina鐃on. For my characteris鐃c and Strengths, I am a quick learner and great team player, i always stay op鐃mism to face any hard problem and solve it.
  • 4. My Passion I got a li鐃le but huge dream, i planning to have an own shop to selling my own brand about my collec鐃on. My family and friends are always my mo鐃va鐃on to drives me succeed to complete my goals. I am interests and like to during something about art and drawing, and of course photography while I travel, this is all my passionate to during my design. My inspira鐃on come from my daily explore, and also searching a lot of references on internet to make my work be鐃er. I beleive that my passion are not going easy to pass of.
  • 5. Computer Graphic Design I was learned and do a lot of prac鐃ce and art work by using adobe Illustra鐃on(CGD1), Photoshop(CGD2), and InDesign(CGD3). I was done and learned that skill of tracing and crea鐃ve to design a poster and used a lot of pa鐃ence to tracing spaceship in CGD 1 class. In CGD 2 class, I was use my inspira鐃on of design to create a movie poster even create a dream college by using photoshop. Another experience in CGD 3 class was make an own magazine and booklet by using InDesign with huge pa鐃ence to create huge pages. I would like to use my skill and experiences of using so鐃ware and design skill to make my future client feel sa鐃sfy with my work. (CGD 1-3) Movie Poster Booklet Magazine
  • 6. Packaging 1,2 In packaging 1 class, i was done packaging of vodka design even label or holder and also create and design malay green packet, a鐃er this mission, i also create a yogurt drink box, swatch watch box and own sta鐃onary set in packaging 2 class. In this subject i was learn a lot of technic and knowledge by using huge pa鐃ence and experience to create a things, we had to test and do mock up before the things come out, step by step we have to consider and know that how to make and create a packaging to make people easier and convenience. Packaging is the important part of living, because packaging can make communicates many things for what they can do, and good packaging also can impress people. Malay Green Packet
  • 7. Swatch Box I was choose Con-tro-verse this swatch for my watch box design, base on watch design and pa鐃ern looke like a shoelace, i made my box like a shoe and create a stylish style and pa鐃ern to match the swatch.
  • 8. Sta鐃onary Set This is my sta鐃onary set, inside got one A4 and A5 note booklet, 鍖ve bookmark, tree postcard and one s鐃cker. I am using chinese traditonal style to s鐃緒申ch my notebooks, and I am using petal shape to create my bookmark. Cherry blossom was inpired me to create this things done.
  • 9. Web Design Web design, in this subject i had been learned and create web pages, animation button and own websites. I was taken one website to recreate the web pages, from this i had learned how we do and make the layout, blocks, spaces, media and other skills with use on create websites, and this is what experience i get on this subject. I will learn more about knowledge of web design and get more experience with using this skill, in order to make my future client to satisfy with my work.
  • 10. Online webcomic In this assigment i was picked one worst website to recreate alignment and layout, because this is a online webcomic every comic are linked their own website, so i changed the design of home page, register page, cantact page, term and service page and also the rules page.
  • 11. The best of you The best of you is you done a work with feeling of accomplishment and considerate to complete your work, maybe this will cost you so many money but once you done, you will think that worth. From the process to comple鐃on you will get so many knowledge and experiences about this. This is money cannot buy wan, all you have to explore yourself.
  • 12. The best of you Descrip鐃on This packaging was done for meiji yogurt drink with kiwi 鍖avour. First at all, i was done so many sketches to design this yogurt drink, and 鍖nally decide to use this kind of design for my meiji yogurt drink. I had been used the v curve shape to bring out that yogurt feels that can look health and slim, and i also create like simple looking with use alike japanese style, its because meiji is japanese brand.
  • 13. Internship Experience So I was join INKA Crea鐃ve Agency for 12 weeks internship programed with start on 1 March 2018 to 25 May 2018 commitment, and Im also joined design team to help and follow up their clients works. Their woking hours are 鍖exible, like go earlier back earlier but mostly need to commit 8 hours per day. In most of many cases, I ask for design poster for social media, and complete the en鐃re task they give me on 鐃me. The people I worked in Inka Agency were serious, professional and focus on their work, this shows their dedica鐃on posi鐃on. I work with professional team and had deep understanding how the en鐃re crea鐃ve agency work. This is a good opportuni鐃es for me to during experience with design life.