This document provides instructions for opening PowerPoint and performing basic tasks like inserting text, themes, backgrounds, transitions, animations, sounds, headers/footers, and notes. It explains that to open PowerPoint, the user can click Start then All Programs > Microsoft Office > PowerPoint, or click Start then Run and type "PowerPoint". It then provides step-by-step instructions for various common PowerPoint functions like inserting slides, text boxes, themes, backgrounds, transitions, animations, sounds, headers/footers and notes.
This document provides an overview of PowerPoint, including:
- A brief history of PowerPoint from its origins at Forethought in 1987 to recent versions.
- An explanation of how PowerPoint presentations work, including slides, animations, transitions and customization options.
- Descriptions of the PowerPoint Viewer program and supported file formats.
- A list of PowerPoint versions from 1990 to the present.
The document then provides tips for creating effective PowerPoint presentations, focusing on outlines, slide structure, fonts, colors, backgrounds, graphs, spelling and conclusions.
Lesson One Fourth Quarter First Year High School Running A PresentationPerry Mallari
This document provides instructions for adding slide transitions, animation effects, notes, and running slideshows in Microsoft PowerPoint 2010. It describes how to:
1. Choose a slide and add a transition by selecting an effect from the Transition menu in the Ribbon. Additional transition settings can be selected from Effect Options.
2. Add animation effects to slide elements like text boxes and pictures by selecting an effect from the Animation menu. Multiple effects can be applied in the order selected.
3. Create notes for each slide that appear on the Notes Page which can be used as a presentation guide. The notes can be formatted and viewed in different zoom levels.
4. Run the slideshow by selecting the first slide
Ribbon Toolbar & Formatting
Inserting and Adding Objects
Creating Theme Color
Creating a Hyperlink
ºÝºÝߣ Transitions
ºÝºÝߣ Animation
Starting a ºÝºÝߣ Show
Printing ºÝºÝߣ
Microsoft Office Templates
This document describes the various tabs in PowerPoint used to set up and view slideshows, review presentations, and change the view of a presentation while working on it. The ºÝºÝߣ Show tab controls starting and setting up slideshows. The Review tab assists with proofing, adding comments, and comparing presentations. The View tab sets the presentation view, including normal, slide sorter, notes, and reading view and allows showing or hiding interface components like the ruler and zooming.
This document discusses how to add animations and audio to PowerPoint presentations. There are two types of animations: transitions between slides, and animations within slides. Transitions include effects like fading and moving between slides, while animations make objects enter, exit, or emphasize parts of a slide. The document also explains how to add audio files, record narration, set playback options, and delete audio from slides.
To add a new slide, select the "Home" tab and choose a slide layout from the "New ºÝºÝߣ" drop-down menu. Text formatting can be adjusted by highlighting text and selecting font properties from the right-click menu. Background fills are set by right-clicking a slide thumbnail and choosing colors and effects in the "Format Background" menu. Presentations can be played from the beginning by selecting "ºÝºÝߣ Show" and clicking through, and notes pages for printing are generated by choosing "Handouts" under the "Print" options.
- The document provides instructions for creating different types of titles in Premiere Pro CS4 including lower thirds, full-screen, and overlay titles using templates, shapes, and text.
- It describes how to add backgrounds, center and size text, and place titles directly on the timeline or overlaid on video clips.
- Specific techniques covered include selecting colors using the eye dropper or color picker, resizing boxes to fit text, and dragging titles to video tracks to set the duration.
Applying Transition and Animation in Powerpoint Sharad Dubey
This document discusses transitions and animations in PowerPoint presentations. It defines transitions as effects that occur when moving between slides, while animations control how objects move within slides. It provides steps for applying entrance, emphasis, exit, and motion path animations to objects. The key difference between transitions and animations is that transitions control movement between entire slides using one effect, while animations can apply multiple effects to individual objects on a slide. The document recommends using transitions and animations judiciously to enhance presentations without distraction.
To create a PowerPoint presentation from scratch, go to the "File" menu and select "New presentation" to start with a blank template. Alternatively, you can choose a pre-made template under "New from template" to focus only on content. Presentations are organized into slides that can be further divided into sections for grouping related slides. When adding new slides, the layout can be selected using the arrow button next to the "New slide" option to choose designs suited for different media like videos. Formatting tools allow customizing text, inserting images and objects, and arranging content. Transitions between slides and animations within slides can make the presentation more engaging for audiences.
This document outlines the user experience concept for an app called Flare. It describes features for searching and selecting recipients, sending location or media to recipients via "flares", viewing received flares, and responding to flares with default or media responses. Key aspects include searching contacts by letter, sending flares to individuals or groups, viewing a flare timeline, getting directions to a location, and responding to flares with photos, videos, or text.
PowerPointLabs ( is an add-in for PowerPoint to help less-experience user to make professional-look presentation slides. This presentation is a brief tutorial about the PowerPointLabs.
PowerPoint offers various animation effects that can be applied to objects and text on slides to focus attention, control information flow, and increase viewer engagement. There are four main types of animation effects - entrance effects, exit effects, emphasis effects, and motion paths. Effects can be applied individually or combined. The Animation Pane allows viewing and editing effects and their timing. Voice narration can be recorded and linked or embedded, with automatic slide timings. Accompanying notes benefit accessibility. Transitions add visual/audio effects between slides and their duration can be set.
This document provides instructions for adding different types of content to PowerPoint slides, including text, tables, charts, SmartArt graphics, pictures, clip art, and videos. It describes how to insert each type of content using the icons in the content group or the Insert tab. The document also provides tips for applying themes and backgrounds to slides for an organized presentation design.
The document provides instructions for opening and creating new presentations in PowerPoint 2010. It describes how to open existing presentations or start a new blank presentation. For new presentations, templates and themes can be used to apply predefined formatting. The Home tab is then described, including how to format text using fonts, size, style and color. Methods for cutting, copying and pasting text are also outlined. The document concludes by reviewing options for adding and formatting slides, as well as using drawing tools and the find and replace feature.
1. The document provides instructions for creating a film poster in Adobe Illustrator, including setting up the document, changing the background, creating shapes using different tools, grouping shapes using the Pathfinder panel, adding text and effects to text, and saving the file for later editing or final export.
2. Key steps include creating layers for each new object, using shape tools and the Pathfinder panel to combine shapes, adding text boxes and applying effects like drop shadows, and saving as an Illustrator EPS file to enable future editing.
3. The instructions demonstrate these skills by walking through replicating elements from the Clockwork Orange poster, such as drawing the character's hat from combined ellipse and rectangle shapes and adding sty
The document outlines an email basics 101 class that will cover composing, formatting, and reading emails using Gmail. The class is scheduled for Wednesday, October 8th from 3:00-4:00pm and will be taught online. It will cover topics such as composing emails, adding recipients, formatting text, adding attachments, signatures, and managing emails on both desktop and mobile devices.
Getting Started with GoAnimate for a Whiteboard VideoKarl Kapp
The document provides instructions for creating a whiteboard animation video in three steps:
1) Select "Whiteboard Animation" and drag the "Conference Room" background onto the screen to create the first scene.
2) Add text, change backgrounds, and zoom in/out of elements using the camera tool to draw attention to specific parts of the scene.
3) Animate characters on screen, add music, and save the video by URL for later viewing.
This document provides instructions for creating a film poster in Photoshop. It explains how to set up the file dimensions, import images, create layers, edit images by removing backgrounds, add and style text, and includes some tips. The key steps covered are: 1) Setting up the file and importing images onto separate layers, 2) Editing images by resizing and removing backgrounds, 3) Adding text and applying effects like shadows, and 4) Saving the file in the appropriate format for editing or submission.
The document describes the various toolbars in the Design Ribbon of PowerPoint. It lists the eight toolbars: Home, Insert, Design, Transitions, Animations, ºÝºÝߣ Show, Review, and View. Each toolbar allows the user to format or edit different elements of a PowerPoint presentation such as slides, fonts, animations, transitions, and more.
The document contains questions and answers about Tux Paint, Logo commands, editing text in MS Word 2007, and formatting text in MS Word. It discusses categories of stamps in Tux Paint, commands to increase/decrease stamp size, mute sounds, create slideshows, and adjust slideshow speed. For Logo commands, it lists commands for lifting the pen, drawing after erasing, hiding/showing the turtle, and filling enclosed figures. Regarding MS Word, it discusses selecting paragraphs/documents, overtype mode, deleting words, copying vs moving text, and character/block formatting using bold, underline, and highlighting.
The document discusses how to open, edit, and format text in a PowerPoint presentation. It describes how to open a saved presentation, select text, undo changes, and change font, size, color, style, alignment, and line spacing of text using tools in the Home tab. The document provides step-by-step instructions for each editing task and emphasizes saving the presentation at the end.
Skills development throughout the creation/design of my products Adi Marsh
This document provides instructions for various tasks in a video editing program, such as measuring a Digipak size using a ruler tool, adding an outer glow effect to text, adding key frames to adjust audio volume levels over time, applying an audio dip to white transition effect, and creating and inserting a title slide.
This is a tutorial that shows you the basics of how to use OpenOffice Impress. OpenOffice Impress is a free multmedia presentation equivalent to Microsoft PowerPoint.
The document provides instructions for using various viewer controls and marking clips in Smoke. It discusses how to:
- Navigate clips using icon and keyboard controls
- Add overlays like grids, letterboxes and guides to clips
- Use audio desks and video scopes to monitor audio levels and video quality
- Set in and out points on clips and change them
- Organize clips into folders for easier finding and editing
- View clip timelines to see tracks and marked points
The document gives a detailed overview of the various tools available in the Smoke viewer for previewing and preparing clips for editing.
Adobe Captivate: The Swiss Army Knife of Visual Help AuthoringScott Abel
Presented by Neil Perlin at Documentation and Training West, May 6-9, 2008 in Vancouver, BC.
For years, software training was largely text-based… add screen shots in a document, add some text with descriptions and instructions, and voila! The result worked, but how much more effective might it be if someone actually walked you through the steps on the screen? That’s where Adobe Captivate comes in, letting you create that someone.
The primary use of Captivate is to help capture what’s on the screens as you perform a software-based task, such as using a feature in Word. That series of screen shots is effectively a set of frames that users can play back as a movie that shows how to perform the task. To make the movie more useful, you can add explanations and instructions in text or audio form, special effects, even interactivity features that let simulate real software operations. With these features, Captivate lets you create demonstrations, sales training simulations, marketing presentations, tutorials, even fairly sophisticated e-learning. With a few tweaks, you can even use Captivate as an ad hoc usability test recorder.
Captivate movies are Flash-based, but you dont have to know Flash or touch any code. Better still, Captivate is quick and easy to learn compared to traditional CBT authoring tools—two days to get up and running, and cheap —US$700.
This workshop presents a quick overview of Captivates basic features in order to provide an overview of the tool as a whole.
Here are the steps to make objects trigger in PowerPoint:
1. Select the object you want to trigger an animation on a slide.
2. Go to the Animations tab and select the Triggers option.
3. Choose the action you want the object to trigger, such as playing a sound, advancing to the next slide, running a program, or hyperlinking to another slide or file.
4. Set the trigger options such as on click or on mouse over.
5. Preview the animation to test the trigger.
6. Repeat steps 1-5 for any additional objects you want to trigger animations.
7. Save and close the presentation. The trigger animations will
To edit videos in Adobe Premier Elements, you first import video files from your computer or camera. You can then trim clips by dragging the current time indicator or splitting clips with scissors. A variety of transitions can be added to the timeline by selecting one from the transitions toolbar and dragging it between clips. Titles are made by clicking the T tool, selecting font properties, and placing the text on the timeline.
PowerPoint allows users to create dynamic slide presentations with animation, narration, images and videos. Users can create presentations from scratch or templates, add various types of content, customize designs with themes and transitions, and animate text and objects. Hyperlinks and action buttons can also be added to navigate or interact with content.
This document provides a step-by-step tutorial on how to use PowerPoint. It covers topics such as slide layouts, adding text, charts and pictures, changing slide backgrounds, using design themes, adding slide transitions and animations. The tutorial demonstrates how to insert music and sound files, and how to animate text. The overall purpose is to teach someone how to create and enhance a PowerPoint presentation.
Applying Transition and Animation in Powerpoint Sharad Dubey
This document discusses transitions and animations in PowerPoint presentations. It defines transitions as effects that occur when moving between slides, while animations control how objects move within slides. It provides steps for applying entrance, emphasis, exit, and motion path animations to objects. The key difference between transitions and animations is that transitions control movement between entire slides using one effect, while animations can apply multiple effects to individual objects on a slide. The document recommends using transitions and animations judiciously to enhance presentations without distraction.
To create a PowerPoint presentation from scratch, go to the "File" menu and select "New presentation" to start with a blank template. Alternatively, you can choose a pre-made template under "New from template" to focus only on content. Presentations are organized into slides that can be further divided into sections for grouping related slides. When adding new slides, the layout can be selected using the arrow button next to the "New slide" option to choose designs suited for different media like videos. Formatting tools allow customizing text, inserting images and objects, and arranging content. Transitions between slides and animations within slides can make the presentation more engaging for audiences.
This document outlines the user experience concept for an app called Flare. It describes features for searching and selecting recipients, sending location or media to recipients via "flares", viewing received flares, and responding to flares with default or media responses. Key aspects include searching contacts by letter, sending flares to individuals or groups, viewing a flare timeline, getting directions to a location, and responding to flares with photos, videos, or text.
PowerPointLabs ( is an add-in for PowerPoint to help less-experience user to make professional-look presentation slides. This presentation is a brief tutorial about the PowerPointLabs.
PowerPoint offers various animation effects that can be applied to objects and text on slides to focus attention, control information flow, and increase viewer engagement. There are four main types of animation effects - entrance effects, exit effects, emphasis effects, and motion paths. Effects can be applied individually or combined. The Animation Pane allows viewing and editing effects and their timing. Voice narration can be recorded and linked or embedded, with automatic slide timings. Accompanying notes benefit accessibility. Transitions add visual/audio effects between slides and their duration can be set.
This document provides instructions for adding different types of content to PowerPoint slides, including text, tables, charts, SmartArt graphics, pictures, clip art, and videos. It describes how to insert each type of content using the icons in the content group or the Insert tab. The document also provides tips for applying themes and backgrounds to slides for an organized presentation design.
The document provides instructions for opening and creating new presentations in PowerPoint 2010. It describes how to open existing presentations or start a new blank presentation. For new presentations, templates and themes can be used to apply predefined formatting. The Home tab is then described, including how to format text using fonts, size, style and color. Methods for cutting, copying and pasting text are also outlined. The document concludes by reviewing options for adding and formatting slides, as well as using drawing tools and the find and replace feature.
1. The document provides instructions for creating a film poster in Adobe Illustrator, including setting up the document, changing the background, creating shapes using different tools, grouping shapes using the Pathfinder panel, adding text and effects to text, and saving the file for later editing or final export.
2. Key steps include creating layers for each new object, using shape tools and the Pathfinder panel to combine shapes, adding text boxes and applying effects like drop shadows, and saving as an Illustrator EPS file to enable future editing.
3. The instructions demonstrate these skills by walking through replicating elements from the Clockwork Orange poster, such as drawing the character's hat from combined ellipse and rectangle shapes and adding sty
The document outlines an email basics 101 class that will cover composing, formatting, and reading emails using Gmail. The class is scheduled for Wednesday, October 8th from 3:00-4:00pm and will be taught online. It will cover topics such as composing emails, adding recipients, formatting text, adding attachments, signatures, and managing emails on both desktop and mobile devices.
Getting Started with GoAnimate for a Whiteboard VideoKarl Kapp
The document provides instructions for creating a whiteboard animation video in three steps:
1) Select "Whiteboard Animation" and drag the "Conference Room" background onto the screen to create the first scene.
2) Add text, change backgrounds, and zoom in/out of elements using the camera tool to draw attention to specific parts of the scene.
3) Animate characters on screen, add music, and save the video by URL for later viewing.
This document provides instructions for creating a film poster in Photoshop. It explains how to set up the file dimensions, import images, create layers, edit images by removing backgrounds, add and style text, and includes some tips. The key steps covered are: 1) Setting up the file and importing images onto separate layers, 2) Editing images by resizing and removing backgrounds, 3) Adding text and applying effects like shadows, and 4) Saving the file in the appropriate format for editing or submission.
The document describes the various toolbars in the Design Ribbon of PowerPoint. It lists the eight toolbars: Home, Insert, Design, Transitions, Animations, ºÝºÝߣ Show, Review, and View. Each toolbar allows the user to format or edit different elements of a PowerPoint presentation such as slides, fonts, animations, transitions, and more.
The document contains questions and answers about Tux Paint, Logo commands, editing text in MS Word 2007, and formatting text in MS Word. It discusses categories of stamps in Tux Paint, commands to increase/decrease stamp size, mute sounds, create slideshows, and adjust slideshow speed. For Logo commands, it lists commands for lifting the pen, drawing after erasing, hiding/showing the turtle, and filling enclosed figures. Regarding MS Word, it discusses selecting paragraphs/documents, overtype mode, deleting words, copying vs moving text, and character/block formatting using bold, underline, and highlighting.
The document discusses how to open, edit, and format text in a PowerPoint presentation. It describes how to open a saved presentation, select text, undo changes, and change font, size, color, style, alignment, and line spacing of text using tools in the Home tab. The document provides step-by-step instructions for each editing task and emphasizes saving the presentation at the end.
Skills development throughout the creation/design of my products Adi Marsh
This document provides instructions for various tasks in a video editing program, such as measuring a Digipak size using a ruler tool, adding an outer glow effect to text, adding key frames to adjust audio volume levels over time, applying an audio dip to white transition effect, and creating and inserting a title slide.
This is a tutorial that shows you the basics of how to use OpenOffice Impress. OpenOffice Impress is a free multmedia presentation equivalent to Microsoft PowerPoint.
The document provides instructions for using various viewer controls and marking clips in Smoke. It discusses how to:
- Navigate clips using icon and keyboard controls
- Add overlays like grids, letterboxes and guides to clips
- Use audio desks and video scopes to monitor audio levels and video quality
- Set in and out points on clips and change them
- Organize clips into folders for easier finding and editing
- View clip timelines to see tracks and marked points
The document gives a detailed overview of the various tools available in the Smoke viewer for previewing and preparing clips for editing.
Adobe Captivate: The Swiss Army Knife of Visual Help AuthoringScott Abel
Presented by Neil Perlin at Documentation and Training West, May 6-9, 2008 in Vancouver, BC.
For years, software training was largely text-based… add screen shots in a document, add some text with descriptions and instructions, and voila! The result worked, but how much more effective might it be if someone actually walked you through the steps on the screen? That’s where Adobe Captivate comes in, letting you create that someone.
The primary use of Captivate is to help capture what’s on the screens as you perform a software-based task, such as using a feature in Word. That series of screen shots is effectively a set of frames that users can play back as a movie that shows how to perform the task. To make the movie more useful, you can add explanations and instructions in text or audio form, special effects, even interactivity features that let simulate real software operations. With these features, Captivate lets you create demonstrations, sales training simulations, marketing presentations, tutorials, even fairly sophisticated e-learning. With a few tweaks, you can even use Captivate as an ad hoc usability test recorder.
Captivate movies are Flash-based, but you dont have to know Flash or touch any code. Better still, Captivate is quick and easy to learn compared to traditional CBT authoring tools—two days to get up and running, and cheap —US$700.
This workshop presents a quick overview of Captivates basic features in order to provide an overview of the tool as a whole.
Here are the steps to make objects trigger in PowerPoint:
1. Select the object you want to trigger an animation on a slide.
2. Go to the Animations tab and select the Triggers option.
3. Choose the action you want the object to trigger, such as playing a sound, advancing to the next slide, running a program, or hyperlinking to another slide or file.
4. Set the trigger options such as on click or on mouse over.
5. Preview the animation to test the trigger.
6. Repeat steps 1-5 for any additional objects you want to trigger animations.
7. Save and close the presentation. The trigger animations will
To edit videos in Adobe Premier Elements, you first import video files from your computer or camera. You can then trim clips by dragging the current time indicator or splitting clips with scissors. A variety of transitions can be added to the timeline by selecting one from the transitions toolbar and dragging it between clips. Titles are made by clicking the T tool, selecting font properties, and placing the text on the timeline.
PowerPoint allows users to create dynamic slide presentations with animation, narration, images and videos. Users can create presentations from scratch or templates, add various types of content, customize designs with themes and transitions, and animate text and objects. Hyperlinks and action buttons can also be added to navigate or interact with content.
This document provides a step-by-step tutorial on how to use PowerPoint. It covers topics such as slide layouts, adding text, charts and pictures, changing slide backgrounds, using design themes, adding slide transitions and animations. The tutorial demonstrates how to insert music and sound files, and how to animate text. The overall purpose is to teach someone how to create and enhance a PowerPoint presentation.
PowerPoint allows users to view presentations in different views like Normal view, ºÝºÝߣ Sorter view, and ºÝºÝߣ Show view. Users can create new presentations and add text, formatting, slides, transitions, and content like tables, charts, graphics, and videos. Presentations can be printed with options to print all slides, a selection, the current slide, or a custom range. Additional print layouts include notes pages, outlines, and handouts with multiple slides per page.
The document discusses various features of Microsoft PowerPoint for creating presentations including adding content and formatting to slides, adding transitions and animations, and previewing a presentation in ºÝºÝߣ Show view. It also provides steps for inserting tables, charts, pictures, and SmartArt graphics into slides as well as adding notes, hyperlinks, and action buttons.
The document provides an overview of key features in Microsoft PowerPoint, including how to use the ribbon interface, add and format slides, insert images and other content, choose themes, and add speaker notes. Some key points covered include:
- The ribbon is used to navigate menu items in PowerPoint similarly to other MS Office programs.
- New slides can be added by clicking the "New ºÝºÝߣ" button and choosing a layout, which determines placeholder positions and formatting.
- Images and other content can be inserted either by clicking icons within placeholders or using options on the "Insert" tab.
- Themes determine the overall look of a presentation through features like color schemes, fonts, and placeholder positioning.
- Speaker
This document provides an introduction to Microsoft PowerPoint. It discusses what PowerPoint is, important interface elements like the ribbon and slide views, how to add and format text and slides, apply themes and transitions, insert images, and save and print a presentation. The document includes mini challenges throughout to encourage hands-on learning of PowerPoint's basic functions.
PowerPoint is presentation software that allows users to easily create slide shows. The PowerPoint window contains several key areas including the ribbon, which contains commands; slides where content is added; and placeholders that hold objects on slides. Users can customize their presentations with themes, backgrounds, animations, and transitions between slides. Presentations are created by adding text and objects to slides laid out using various layouts, and then run as a slide show.
The document provides instructions for how to use the basic features of Microsoft PowerPoint 2007. It describes opening PowerPoint and the various tabs along the top including Home, Insert, Design, Animations, and ºÝºÝߣ Show. It then provides step-by-step instructions for how to add and format text, pictures, shapes, tables and charts on slides. It also explains how to add transitions between slides, animate objects, and play the slide show.
Essential training on microsoft office power point 2007ashok_142
This document provides instructions for creating and formatting presentations in PowerPoint 2007. It covers how to create new presentations from templates, existing presentations, or outlines. It also describes how to add and format slides, insert media like pictures and video clips, add transitions and animations, and provides tips for effective presentations.
PowerPoint is a Microsoft application used to create presentations that can be displayed on computers or projected. It allows users to easily create professional-looking presentations with features like templates, layouts, and designs. Presentations consist of slides that can include text, images, charts, and other media. Users can view slides in Normal or Outline view and can add animations and transitions between slides to enhance the presentation.
1. Select the slide(s) you want to apply the transition to in ºÝºÝߣ Sorter or Normal view.
2. Select the Animations tab from the ribbon menu.
3. Choose a transition from the options in the center or by clicking the down arrow to see more. Select Apply to All to apply the transition to all slides.
PowerPoint is a program used to create presentations for businesses, training, and meetings. It allows users to insert tables, charts, clipart, videos, word art, and other elements. Elements are inserted using tabs like Insert and Design. The Insert tab is used to add tables, charts, clipart, videos, headers and footers. The Design tab allows choosing themes to apply styles and formatting. Other tabs like Transitions and Animations control effects when moving between slides and animating elements.
MS PowerPoint is a presentation software developed by Microsoft that is part of the Microsoft Office suite. It allows users to create multimedia-rich presentations using slides. The document provides steps for changing design templates, adding slide transitions, animating objects, and viewing slide shows in PowerPoint. Tips are also provided for creating effective presentations.
This document provides instructions for using various features in Microsoft PowerPoint. It discusses how PowerPoint can be used to create presentations consisting of slides. It explains how to create and format slide content, organize slides, add animations and transitions, record speaker notes, and customize slide layouts and designs. The document covers topics such as selecting layouts, applying design themes and color schemes, changing fonts and backgrounds, hiding graphics, and inserting media like pictures and clip art onto slides.
Blind Spots in AI and Formulation Science Knowledge Pyramid (Updated Perspect...Ajaz Hussain
This presentation delves into the systemic blind spots within pharmaceutical science and regulatory systems, emphasizing the significance of "inactive ingredients" and their influence on therapeutic equivalence. These blind spots, indicative of normalized systemic failures, go beyond mere chance occurrences and are ingrained deeply enough to compromise decision-making processes and erode trust.
Historical instances like the 1938 FD&C Act and the Generic Drug Scandals underscore how crisis-triggered reforms often fail to address the fundamental issues, perpetuating inefficiencies and hazards.
The narrative advocates a shift from reactive crisis management to proactive, adaptable systems prioritizing continuous enhancement. Key hurdles involve challenging outdated assumptions regarding bioavailability, inadequately funded research ventures, and the impact of vague language in regulatory frameworks.
The rise of large language models (LLMs) presents promising solutions, albeit with accompanying risks necessitating thorough validation and seamless integration.
Tackling these blind spots demands a holistic approach, embracing adaptive learning and a steadfast commitment to self-improvement. By nurturing curiosity, refining regulatory terminology, and judiciously harnessing new technologies, the pharmaceutical sector can progress towards better public health service delivery and ensure the safety, efficacy, and real-world impact of drug products.
How to use Init Hooks in Odoo 18 - Odoo ºÝºÝߣsCeline George
In this slide, we’ll discuss on how to use Init Hooks in Odoo 18. In Odoo, Init Hooks are essential functions specified as strings in the __init__ file of a module.
SOCIAL CHANGE(a change in the institutional and normative structure of societ...DrNidhiAgarwal
This PPT is showing the effect of social changes in human life and it is very understandable to the students with easy this contents are Itroduction, definition,Factors affecting social changes ,Main technological factors, Social change and stress , what is eustress and how social changes give impact of the human's life.
How to Setup WhatsApp in Odoo 17 - Odoo ºÝºÝߣsCeline George
Integrate WhatsApp into Odoo using the WhatsApp Business API or third-party modules to enhance communication. This integration enables automated messaging and customer interaction management within Odoo 17.
Mate, a short story by Kate Grenvile.pptxLiny Jenifer
A powerpoint presentation on the short story Mate by Kate Greenville. This presentation provides information on Kate Greenville, a character list, plot summary and critical analysis of the short story.
Prelims of Kaun TALHA : a Travel, Architecture, Lifestyle, Heritage and Activism quiz, organized by Conquiztadors, the Quiz society of Sri Venkateswara College under their annual quizzing fest El Dorado 2025.
Database population in Odoo 18 - Odoo slidesCeline George
In this slide, we’ll discuss the database population in Odoo 18. In Odoo, performance analysis of the source code is more important. Database population is one of the methods used to analyze the performance of our code.
Computer Application in Business (commerce)Sudar Sudar
The main objectives
1. To introduce the concept of computer and its various parts. 2. To explain the concept of data base management system and Management information system.
3. To provide insight about networking and basics of internet
Recall various terms of computer and its part
Understand the meaning of software, operating system, programming language and its features
Comparing Data Vs Information and its management system Understanding about various concepts of management information system
Explain about networking and elements based on internet
1. Recall the various concepts relating to computer and its various parts
2 Understand the meaning of software’s, operating system etc
3 Understanding the meaning and utility of database management system
4 Evaluate the various aspects of management information system
5 Generating more ideas regarding the use of internet for business purpose
QuickBooks Desktop to QuickBooks Online How to Make the MoveTechSoup
If you use QuickBooks Desktop and are stressing about moving to QuickBooks Online, in this webinar, get your questions answered and learn tips and tricks to make the process easier for you.
Key Questions:
* When is the best time to make the shift to QuickBooks Online?
* Will my current version of QuickBooks Desktop stop working?
* I have a really old version of QuickBooks. What should I do?
* I run my payroll in QuickBooks Desktop now. How is that affected?
*Does it bring over all my historical data? Are there things that don't come over?
* What are the main differences between QuickBooks Desktop and QuickBooks Online?
* And more
QuickBooks Desktop to QuickBooks Online How to Make the MoveTechSoup
Introduction to powerpoint
2. •PowerPoint is a system in the Microsoft
Office Suite that enables you to present
information in office meetings, lectures
and seminars to create maximum impact
in a minimal amount of time. PowerPoint
presentations can amplify your message,
accelerate the information being absorbed
and assist with comprehension enabling
3. •When you first open PowerPoint you will see what's
called the Normal view.
1.The slide pane is the big area in the middle. This
is the area you will work in to create your slides.
2.On each slide, you will see various boxes with the
dotted borders which are called placeholders. This
is where you type your text. Placeholders can be
customized to different sizes and can contain
4. 3. On the left of the screen are
thumbnail versions of the slides in your
presentation; the slide you're working
will be highlighted.
4. The bottom area is the notes pane,
this is where you type speaker notes
that you can refer to when you present.
6. 1.Clicking on the top portion of the New ºÝºÝߣ
command, on the Home tab is the easiest method
because a new slide will be added immediately.
PowerPoint will automatically insert a Title and
Content slide when using this method of adding
2.If you click the bottom part of the New ºÝºÝߣ
command, a box will appear and you will see a
8. •Many of your slides will require you to enter
text in the placeholder boxes. 1 When typing
text PowerPoint will automatically place the
text into bulleted lists to make minor points
under major points. PowerPoint will also
automatically text fit the text reducing font
size and line spacing to fit everything into the
9. 2. To change the text font,
color and size use commands in
the Font group.
3. To change paragraph
formatting such as bullet type,
text indentation, and line
11. A theme includes a background design, color
scheme, font types, font sizes, and placeholder
positions in one package. Every new
presentation starts out with the default theme,
called Office theme, which is a white
background and black text. However you can
change the theme to a wide variety of options.
12. 1.The Themes group provides thumbnails of different
design options.
2.To see additional themes, click the More arrow button on
the right of the group.
3.When you point and hover on any theme thumbnail, a
preview of the theme will appear on the slide. To apply
the theme to your slides, click on the thumbnail design
you like
•NOTE: A theme can be selected at any time during the
creation of your slides however; themes can alter the
position of placeholders, so your text maybe automatically
13. •If you would like to add an additional
dimension to a PowerPoint slide you can
add Clip Art to your slides. Clip Art
includes pictures, sounds and videos.
There are two ways to initiate inserting
Clip Art depending on where you would
15. 1.The first method is to go to the Insert Ribbon and click on
the Clip Art command. You can also click on the Audio or
Video commands and opt to pick from the Clip Art
gallery. The second method is to click on the Clip Art
icon in a placeholder.
2.The Clip Art task pane will then open on the right. Type a
keyword in the Search for box that suggests the type of
clips you may want. Use the Results should be drop down
to select the media type to search in then click Go.
3.Clips that fit the keyword will appear in the box below.
Click on the clip that you would like on your slide and it
16. •ºÝºÝߣ transitions provide an
animated effect to each slide when
moving from one slide to the next
during a slide show. There are a
variety of transitions that can be
applied to each or all slides
17. 1.The Transition to This ºÝºÝߣ group provides thumbnails of various
slide transition options. To see all of the transitions options click
on the up and down arrows or the More arrow to the right of this
2.When you point and hover over any transition thumbnail, a
preview of the theme will play. To apply the transition to your
slide, click on the thumbnail you like.
3.To apply the same transition to all of your slides click on the
18. 4. To apply a Sound, click on the sound drop down arrow.
Then Click on the sound you would like to chime during the
slide transition. Click the Apply To All command to have the
chime occur during each transition.
5. The Advance ºÝºÝߣ group, allows you to decide if a
transition should appear when the mouse is clicked or after
a specified time. Click the On Mouse Click box for
transitions to occur only when forced. Click on the After
box for the slide to transition at the time specified such as 5
seconds or 1 minute.
6. Finally, when all transitions are applied you can preview
19. ºÝºÝߣ animations create animated effects
to text and graphics during a slide
show. There are a variety of animations
that can be applied to text or graphics
in multiple ways from a single word to
20. •1 The Animation group provides a variety
of option to apply animations to text and
graphics within each slide. To see all of
the animation options click on the Up Row,
Down Row and More arrows to the right of
the Animation group.
•The Effect Options command provides
additional animation options for each
21. The Add Animation command provides a visual of all
of the animation options to animate text and
graphics upon Entrance, Exit and as an Emphasis.
These commands are the same as the commands in
the Animation group. 2 When you point and hover
over any animation command, it will be highlighted
in a golden color and a preview of the animation will
appear. To apply an animation, highlight text or
select a graphic that you would like the animation to
be used on, then click on the command, the selected