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Introduction to superficial mycoses Apr2024.ppt
Introduction to superficial mycoses Apr2024.ppt
Serious Fungal Infections. The size
of the problem
 AIDS and opportunistic fungal diseases: Problem
solved or current threat? Aspergillosis,
Histoplasmosis, Cryptococcal meningitis,
 Tuberculosis And TB-like Fungal Diseases :Chronic
pulmonary aspergillosis cases after TB
 Cancer And Fungal Infections
 Eye Infections (Fungal Keratitis)
 Systemic mycoses are neglected diseases- mycetoma
Medical Mycology
Introduction to superficial mycoses Apr2024.ppt
Introduction to superficial mycoses Apr2024.ppt
Introduction to superficial mycoses Apr2024.ppt
Learning Objectives
 Define superficial mycoses and differentiate them
from other types of fungal infections.
 Identify the common causative agents of superficial
 Understand the pathophysiology of superficial
 Explain the laboratory techniques used to diagnose
superficial mycoses, including direct microscopy,
fungal culture, and molecular techniques.
 Discuss the general principles of treatment for
superficial mycoses,
 Mycoses- 4 categories:
- Superficial
- Cutaneous
- Subcutaneous
- Systemic
- opportunistic.
Introduction to superficial mycoses Apr2024.ppt
Introduction to superficial mycoses Apr2024.ppt
Etiologic agents
 Most commonly Caused by fungi known as
 Dermatophytes are keratinophilic - "keratin
 produce extracellular enzymes (keratinases) which
are capable of hydrolyzing keratin.
 dermatophytes are classified into 3 genera:
- hair, skin, rarely nails
2. Trichophyton
- hair, skin & nails
3. Epidermophyton
Trichophyton species
Clinical Classification
 Produce ring-like lesions(ring-worm or tinea)
 The clinical forms of the disease are named according
to the site affected;
 Hairy areas:
Tinea capitis
Tinea barbae
Tinea coporis
Tinea cruris (Jock itch)
Tinea manum
Tinea pedis (Athletes foot)
Tinea fascie
 Tinea ungium
Introduction to superficial mycoses Apr2024.ppt
Tinea capitis
 Ringworm of the scalp, eyebrows and eyelashes
 occurs in childhood and usually heals spontaneously
 infection takes place just above the hair rootby M.
audouinii, M. canis, M. ferrugineum, T.
mentagrophytes, T. verrucosum and T. megninii.
 Tinea faciei is a fungal infection that affects the skin on the
 Trichophyton rubrum: Trichophyton mentagrophytes: Microsporum
 In pediatric and female patients, the infection may appear on any
surface of the face, including the upper lip and chin.
 In men, the condition is known as tinea barbae when a dermatophyte
infection of bearded areas occurs
Tinea barbae
 also known as Barber's itch, Ringworm of the beard, and
Tinea sycosis
 is a fungal infection of the hair around the bearded area of
 is most commonly caused by T.verrucosum,
T.mentagrophytes, and T.rubrum.
 may be infected with bacteria.
Tinea corporis
 Classic ringworm
 Trunk, extremities, face
 Elevated, scaly, pruritic lesions with
erythematous edge
 Anthropophilic and zoophilic causes
 T. rubrum
Center for Food Security and Public Health,
Iowa State University, 2011
Tinea cruris
 is an acute or chronic fungal infection of the groin,
commonly called jock itch.
 Often starts on the scrotum and spread to the groin as dry,
itchy lesions
 is caused by E. floccosum, T. rubrum, T. mentagrophytes,
or yeasts like Candida.
 Mode of transmission: Sharing of linens, towels or clothes
Mycoses of the Hands and Feet
Tinea Pedis (Athletes Foot)
 is an acute to chronic fungal infection of the feet,
commonly called athlete's foot.
 Scaling of soles
 most prevalent of all dermatophytoses
 infected with anthropophilic dermatophytes - T. rubrum, T
mentagrophytes ,E. floccosum
 Prone to secondary bacterial infection  lymphangitis and
Tinea manuum
 Ringworm of the palms and interdigits
 Common among patients with tinea pedis
 Symptoms generally resemble that of tinea pedis
 Etiological agent: T. rubrum & T. mentagrophytes
E. floccosum
Tinea ungium (onychomycosis)
 nails become yellow, brittle, thickened or
 May be caused by dermatopytes or candida
 T. rubrum most common
Introduction to superficial mycoses Apr2024.ppt
Tinea versicolor
 Also called Pityriasis versicolor
 fungal infection of the epidermidis that manifests
as hypopigmented or hyperpigmented skin
 Caused by the Malassezia globosa or Malassezia
These yeasts are lipophilic yeast
Live on the skin as part of the normal flora
 Lab diagnosis
KOH mount of skin scales- short, curved,
septate hyphae and budding yeast-like cells
(spaghetti and meatballs appearance)
Pityriasis (Tinea) versicolor
 Caused by two black filamentous fungus: Exophiala
werneckii and Cladosporium castellani.
 The clinical presentation is an irregular black or brown spot,
generally solitary, which slowly enlarges.
 The infection has rather long times of incubation also, in
some cases, of years.
Yeasty brown to green-
black, colonies identified as
Exophiala werneckii.
Septated and pigmented
hyphae at the
Black piedra
 fungal infection of the hair shaft
 caused by Piedra hortae,
 forming hard black nodules on the hair shafts
 epidemics in families have been reported following the
sharing of combs and hairbrushes
Laboratory diagnosis:
 KOH preparation of the hair reveals a dark pigmented
nodule surrounding the hair shaft containing asci.
White piedra
 fungal infection (Trichosporum beigelii ) of the hair shaft
 Infected hairs develop soft greyish-white nodules along
the shaft.
Laboratory diagnosis:
KOH preparation of the hair reveals white or light
brown nodules
 Rx-Topical application of an imidazole
 Shaving off infected hairs is a satisfactory treatment
Introduction to superficial mycoses Apr2024.ppt
Laboratory diagnosis
There are five approaches to the laboratory
diagnosis of fungal diseases:
direct microscopic examination,
culture of the organism,
DNA probe tests, and
serologic tests
 Extensive advances in technology offer a vast identification of fungal
species remains challenging in developing countries.
 High-precision technologies that can replace inexpensive yet time-
consuming and inaccurate phenotypic methods.
 Point-of-care lateral flow assay tests are available for the diagnosis of
Aspergillus and Cryptococcus
 Real-time PCR though expensive
 The combination of real-time PCR and serological assays can
significantly increase diagnostic efficiency.
 Further advances in next-generation sequencing and other innovative
technologies such as (CRISPR)-based diagnostic tools may lead to
efficient, alternate methods that can be used in point-of-care assays
Introduction to superficial mycoses Apr2024.ppt
Introduction to superficial mycoses Apr2024.ppt
Introduction to superficial mycoses Apr2024.ppt
 nonspecific  Whitfields ointment
 Specific  creams, lotions, shampoos of Azole
derivatives- Clotrimazole, ketoconazole etc.
 ORAL ANTIFUNGALS  required for nail scalp and
severe skin infection includes griseofulvin,
terbinafine, itraconazole
 control depends on cleanliness, sterilization
of instruments (using hot mineral oil),effective
treatment of cases and reduced contact with
infectious materials
Introduction to superficial mycoses Apr2024.ppt

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  • 3. Serious Fungal Infections. The size of the problem AIDS and opportunistic fungal diseases: Problem solved or current threat? Aspergillosis, Histoplasmosis, Cryptococcal meningitis, Pneumocystis Tuberculosis And TB-like Fungal Diseases :Chronic pulmonary aspergillosis cases after TB Cancer And Fungal Infections Eye Infections (Fungal Keratitis) Systemic mycoses are neglected diseases- mycetoma
  • 9. Learning Objectives Define superficial mycoses and differentiate them from other types of fungal infections. Identify the common causative agents of superficial mycoses, Understand the pathophysiology of superficial mycoses, Explain the laboratory techniques used to diagnose superficial mycoses, including direct microscopy, fungal culture, and molecular techniques. Discuss the general principles of treatment for superficial mycoses,
  • 10. PATHOGENESIS Mycoses- 4 categories: - Superficial - Cutaneous - Subcutaneous - Systemic - opportunistic.
  • 13. Etiologic agents Most commonly Caused by fungi known as dermatophytes Dermatophytes are keratinophilic - "keratin loving". produce extracellular enzymes (keratinases) which are capable of hydrolyzing keratin. dermatophytes are classified into 3 genera: 1.Microsporum - hair, skin, rarely nails 2. Trichophyton - hair, skin & nails 3. Epidermophyton
  • 18. Clinical Classification Produce ring-like lesions(ring-worm or tinea) The clinical forms of the disease are named according to the site affected; Hairy areas: Tinea capitis Tinea barbae Skin: Tinea coporis Tinea cruris (Jock itch) Tinea manum Tinea pedis (Athletes foot) Tinea fascie Nail: Tinea ungium
  • 20. Tinea capitis Ringworm of the scalp, eyebrows and eyelashes occurs in childhood and usually heals spontaneously infection takes place just above the hair rootby M. audouinii, M. canis, M. ferrugineum, T. mentagrophytes, T. verrucosum and T. megninii.
  • 21. TINEA FASCIE Tinea faciei is a fungal infection that affects the skin on the face. Trichophyton rubrum: Trichophyton mentagrophytes: Microsporum canis In pediatric and female patients, the infection may appear on any surface of the face, including the upper lip and chin. In men, the condition is known as tinea barbae when a dermatophyte infection of bearded areas occurs
  • 22. Tinea barbae also known as Barber's itch, Ringworm of the beard, and Tinea sycosis is a fungal infection of the hair around the bearded area of men. is most commonly caused by T.verrucosum, T.mentagrophytes, and T.rubrum. may be infected with bacteria.
  • 23. Tinea corporis Classic ringworm Trunk, extremities, face Elevated, scaly, pruritic lesions with erythematous edge Anthropophilic and zoophilic causes T. rubrum Center for Food Security and Public Health, Iowa State University, 2011
  • 24. Tinea cruris is an acute or chronic fungal infection of the groin, commonly called jock itch. Often starts on the scrotum and spread to the groin as dry, itchy lesions is caused by E. floccosum, T. rubrum, T. mentagrophytes, or yeasts like Candida. Mode of transmission: Sharing of linens, towels or clothes
  • 25. Mycoses of the Hands and Feet
  • 26. Tinea Pedis (Athletes Foot) is an acute to chronic fungal infection of the feet, commonly called athlete's foot. Scaling of soles most prevalent of all dermatophytoses infected with anthropophilic dermatophytes - T. rubrum, T mentagrophytes ,E. floccosum Prone to secondary bacterial infection lymphangitis and lymphadenitis
  • 27. Tinea manuum Ringworm of the palms and interdigits Common among patients with tinea pedis Symptoms generally resemble that of tinea pedis Etiological agent: T. rubrum & T. mentagrophytes E. floccosum
  • 28. Tinea ungium (onychomycosis) nails become yellow, brittle, thickened or crumbling May be caused by dermatopytes or candida T. rubrum most common
  • 30. Tinea versicolor Also called Pityriasis versicolor fungal infection of the epidermidis that manifests as hypopigmented or hyperpigmented skin patches Caused by the Malassezia globosa or Malassezia furfur These yeasts are lipophilic yeast Live on the skin as part of the normal flora Lab diagnosis KOH mount of skin scales- short, curved, septate hyphae and budding yeast-like cells (spaghetti and meatballs appearance)
  • 32. TINEA NIGRA Caused by two black filamentous fungus: Exophiala werneckii and Cladosporium castellani. The clinical presentation is an irregular black or brown spot, generally solitary, which slowly enlarges. The infection has rather long times of incubation also, in some cases, of years.
  • 33. Yeasty brown to green- black, colonies identified as Exophiala werneckii. Septated and pigmented hyphae at the microscopic observation.
  • 34. Black piedra fungal infection of the hair shaft caused by Piedra hortae, forming hard black nodules on the hair shafts epidemics in families have been reported following the sharing of combs and hairbrushes Laboratory diagnosis: KOH preparation of the hair reveals a dark pigmented nodule surrounding the hair shaft containing asci. Rx-terbinafine
  • 35. White piedra fungal infection (Trichosporum beigelii ) of the hair shaft Infected hairs develop soft greyish-white nodules along the shaft. Laboratory diagnosis: KOH preparation of the hair reveals white or light brown nodules Rx-Topical application of an imidazole Shaving off infected hairs is a satisfactory treatment
  • 37. Laboratory diagnosis There are five approaches to the laboratory diagnosis of fungal diseases: direct microscopic examination, culture of the organism, histology/cytology DNA probe tests, and serologic tests 37
  • 38. Extensive advances in technology offer a vast identification of fungal species remains challenging in developing countries. High-precision technologies that can replace inexpensive yet time- consuming and inaccurate phenotypic methods. Point-of-care lateral flow assay tests are available for the diagnosis of Aspergillus and Cryptococcus Real-time PCR though expensive The combination of real-time PCR and serological assays can significantly increase diagnostic efficiency. Further advances in next-generation sequencing and other innovative technologies such as (CRISPR)-based diagnostic tools may lead to efficient, alternate methods that can be used in point-of-care assays
  • 42. Treatment Topical nonspecific Whitfields ointment Specific creams, lotions, shampoos of Azole derivatives- Clotrimazole, ketoconazole etc. ORAL ANTIFUNGALS required for nail scalp and severe skin infection includes griseofulvin, terbinafine, itraconazole Prevention control depends on cleanliness, sterilization of instruments (using hot mineral oil),effective treatment of cases and reduced contact with infectious materials

Editor's Notes

  • #24: Tinea corporis, or ringworm, occurs on the trunk, extremities and face. It is characterized by single or multiple scaly annular lesions with a slightly elevated, scaly and or erythematous edge, sharp margin and central clearing. Follicular papules, pustules or vesicles may be found on the borders of the lesion. Lesions may be variably pruritic. Both zoophilic and anthropophilic dermatophytes are common in children, and on the neck and wrists of adults in contact with the child. In other adults, tinea corporis is often the result of chronic infection with T. rubrum, an anthropophilic dermatophyte. In many people, untreated tinea corporis resolves within a few months, particularly if it is caused by a zoophilic or geophilic organism. Most common agents*: T. rubrum, M. canis, M. tonsurans, T. verrucosum. Other agents: E. floccosum, M. audouinii, M. gypseum, M. nanum, M. persicolor, T. equinum, T. mentagrophytes, T. raubitschekii, T. schoenleinii, T. violaceum. [Photo: A ringworm lesion on the arm, or tinea corporis, due to Trichophyton mentagrophytes. Source: CDC Public Health Image Library]