One of the most frequently used types of seal is the rotary lip seal, generally used for sealing lubricating oil or grease in rotary shaft applications. Lip seals appeared at beginning of the 1900s and they are still unbeaten in many rotary and reciprocating applications.
This document discusses gear types, terminology, and fundamentals. It begins by defining a gear and listing the main gear types: straight, helical, bevel, and worm. It then covers gear terminology like pitch circle, pitch, module, addendum, dedendum, and clearance. Key fundamentals discussed include conjugate action, involute tooth profiles, interference, and tooth systems. It also addresses gear trains, relationships between input and output speeds, and the concept of compound inverse gear trains. The overall purpose is to introduce different gear types, their basic components and design principles, and how they can be used to transmit rotational motion.
This document discusses proposals for supporting the request and presentation of verifiable credentials in OpenID Connect. It presents three options for delivering verifiable credentials/presentations: 1) embedding the entire credential/presentation in a JWT claim in the ID token, 2) using aggregated or distributed claims to include the credential/presentation, or 3) using a separate "VP token" artifact containing the credential/presentation along with an ID token. The document analyzes the pros and cons of each approach and seeks feedback on the best option to pursue as well as next steps like discussing with the Connect working group and incorporating encryption.
Este documento trata sobre cojinetes y rodamientos. Explica que los cojinetes son puntos de apoyo para sostener y guiar ejes y árboles, permitiendo su rotación. Se clasifican en de deslizamiento o de rodadura, y según la dirección de la carga en radiales, axiales o de contacto angular. Los rodamientos más comunes son de bolas y de rodillos cilíndricos, cónicos o de agujas. El documento también describe la designación y fallas típicas de los rodamientos.
Este documento describe las características principales de las turbinas hidráulicas. Explica que existen diferentes tipos de turbinas como las Francis, Kaplan y Pelton, las cuales se clasifican según la dirección del flujo de agua y si esta presión varía o no a través del rodete. También describe los componentes clave como el distribuidor, el rodete, el tubo de aspiración y sus funciones en el intercambio de energía del agua.
Don't Use Reflect - Go 1.7 release party 2016lestrrat
This document discusses changes and improvements to reflection in Go 1.7. It provides examples of using reflection to dynamically declare anonymous structs, check if a value implements an interface, and get struct field tags. It emphasizes that reflection should only be used when necessary, and otherwise standard interfaces and types are preferred.
From the passive experiences of entertainment consumption in the past, to the currently active, interactive and immersive capabilities, the one thing that continues to stay constant, unbeatable in importance and at the heart of the complex layered consumption ecosystem is the Story !
Start Making Sense - Generate Conference 2015 lightning talk by Alastair Some...Acuity Design
A 10 minute talk on sensory design and how embodied cognition is core to understanding how to design for future technologies like wearables and internet of things.
For further information go to
This document provides an overview and instructions for deploying Microsoft Exchange Server iDataAgents. It outlines various installation options depending on factors like the Exchange server version, whether installing on the Exchange server or another computer, and whether in a 32-bit or 64-bit environment. Tables provide the specific installation procedure to use based on these criteria. Following the correct procedure ensures installing the appropriate agents for the environment.
Don't Use Reflect - Go 1.7 release party 2016lestrrat
This document discusses changes and improvements to reflection in Go 1.7. It provides examples of using reflection to dynamically declare anonymous structs, check if a value implements an interface, and get struct field tags. It emphasizes that reflection should only be used when necessary, and otherwise standard interfaces and types are preferred.
From the passive experiences of entertainment consumption in the past, to the currently active, interactive and immersive capabilities, the one thing that continues to stay constant, unbeatable in importance and at the heart of the complex layered consumption ecosystem is the Story !
Start Making Sense - Generate Conference 2015 lightning talk by Alastair Some...Acuity Design
A 10 minute talk on sensory design and how embodied cognition is core to understanding how to design for future technologies like wearables and internet of things.
For further information go to
This document provides an overview and instructions for deploying Microsoft Exchange Server iDataAgents. It outlines various installation options depending on factors like the Exchange server version, whether installing on the Exchange server or another computer, and whether in a 32-bit or 64-bit environment. Tables provide the specific installation procedure to use based on these criteria. Following the correct procedure ensures installing the appropriate agents for the environment.
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