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Is moon
What is the moon?
 A natural satellite
 One of more than the 96 moons in
our solar system
 The only moon of the planet Earth
 About 384,000
kilometers (240,000
miles) from Earth
 3,468 kilometers
(2,155 miles) in
 About 村 the size of
Movements of the Moon
 Orbit is an ellipse, not circular
 Apogee (farthest from Earth)
 Perigee (closest to Earth)
 Revolution  Moon orbits the
Earth every 27 1/3 days
 The moon rises in the East and
sets in the West
 The moon rises and sets 50
minutes later each day
 Rotation  Moon turns on its axis
every 27 days
 Same side of the Moon always
faces Earth
As the Moon
completes its
revolution in about a
months time, we
always see the same
side facing us.
Movements of the Moon
Because the moons
period of rotation is
equal to its period of
revolution (Scientists
call this
Movements of the Moon
Galileo, with the aid of his telescope,
was the first to explore the moons
surface. He found that its surface is
covered with crates, mountains, valleys
and flat plains.
Movements of the Moon
The Moons Surface
 No atmosphere
 No liquid water
 Extreme temperatures
 Daytime = 130属C
(265属 F)
 Nighttime = -190属C
 1/6 of Earths gravity
The Moons Surface
 Lunar rocks and dust cover most of the surface
 This layer is called the regolith
 1  6 meters deep
 The lack of an atmosphere let many more meteorites
strike the moons surface, creating this layer of
crushed rock.
 Anorthosites are light-colored, coarse-grained rocks
found in the lunar highlands.
 Breccia contains fragments of other rocks that have
melted together, and are found everywhere on the
Lunar Features  Craters
 Bowl shaped depressions
 Up to 2500 kilometers (1,553 miles) across
 Most formed by meteorite impact on the Moon
 Some formed by volcanic action inside the Moon
Lunar Features  Craters
 When meteorites struck
the surface they
displaced material
 Like a splash
 Marks left are called
There are
about 30,000
craters of
varying sizes.
Lunar Features  Highlands
 Mountains up to 7500
meters (25,000 feet)
 Rilles (trenchlike
1. New Moon
 The Moon's not
illuminated side is
facing the Earth.
 The Moon is not visible
(except during a solar
2. Waxing Crescent
 The Moon appears to be
partly but less than one-
half illuminated by direct
 The fraction of the Moon's
disk that is illuminated is
3. First Quarter
 One-half of the Moon
appears to be illuminated
by direct sunlight.
 The fraction of the
Moon's disk that is
illuminated is
4. Waxing Gibbous
 The Moon appears to be
more than one-half but
not fully illuminated by
direct sunlight.
 The fraction of the
Moon's disk that is
illuminated is
5. Full Moon
 The Moon's illuminated
side is facing the Earth.
 The Moon appears to be
completely illuminated
by direct sunlight.
6. Waning Gibbous
 The Moon appears to be
more than one-half but
not fully illuminated by
direct sunlight.
 The fraction of the
Moon's disk that is
illuminated is
7. Last Quarter
 One-half of the Moon
appears to be illuminated
by direct sunlight.
 The fraction of the
Moon's disk that is
illuminated is
8. Waning Crescent
 The Moon appears to be
partly but less than one-
half illuminated by
direct sunlight
 The fraction of the
Moon's disk that is
illuminated is
Waxing or Waning?
Waxing means the moon is
growing. If the moon is
getting bright from the right,
it is waxing.
Waning means the moon is
shrinking. If the moon is
dark on the right, it is waning.
Lunar Eclipse
A lunar eclipse occurs when
the Moon passes directly
behind Earth and into its
shadow. This can occur only
when the Sun, Earth, and
Moon are exactly or very
closely aligned (in syzygy),
with Earth between the other
Two types of Lunar Eclipse
1. Partial Lunar Eclipse
 A portion of the Moon passes
through Earth's umbral
 These events are easy to see,
even with the unaided eye.
2. Total Lunar Eclipse
Two types of Lunar Eclipse
 The entire Moon passes
through Earth's umbral
 These events are quite
striking due to the Moon's
vibrant red color during the
total phase (totality).
Solar Eclipse
A solar eclipse occurs when an
observer (on Earth) passes
through the shadow cast by the
Moon which fully or partially
blocks ("occults") the Sun.
Two types of Solar Eclipse
1. Partial Solar Eclipse
A partial solar eclipse
happens when the Moon
only partially covers the
disk of the Sun.
Two types of Solar Eclipse
2. Total Solar Eclipse
 A total solar eclipse happens when the Moon totally
covers the disk of the Sun.
 An annular solar eclipse occurs when the Moon
appears smaller than the Sun as it passes centrally
across the solar disk and a bright ring, or annulus, of
sunlight remains visible during the eclipse.
Saros is the roughly 18-year periodic cycle of the
Earth-Moon-Sun system. Every 6,585 days, the
Earth, Moon, and Sun are in exactly the same
position. When there is a lunar eclipse, there will
also be one exactly 6,585 days later.
Abbie Mahinay
Rodelina Japson
Presented by:
Sid Marnny Lopena
Jymuelle Abejo
Drake Lewis Garcia
Bernadette Villa

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Is moon

  • 2. What is the moon? A natural satellite One of more than the 96 moons in our solar system The only moon of the planet Earth
  • 3. LOCATION AND SIZE About 384,000 kilometers (240,000 miles) from Earth 3,468 kilometers (2,155 miles) in diameter About 村 the size of Earth
  • 4. Movements of the Moon Orbit is an ellipse, not circular Apogee (farthest from Earth) Perigee (closest to Earth) Revolution Moon orbits the Earth every 27 1/3 days The moon rises in the East and sets in the West The moon rises and sets 50 minutes later each day Rotation Moon turns on its axis every 27 days Same side of the Moon always faces Earth
  • 5. As the Moon completes its revolution in about a months time, we always see the same side facing us. Movements of the Moon
  • 6. Because the moons period of rotation is equal to its period of revolution (Scientists call this SYNCHRONOUS ROTATION). Movements of the Moon
  • 7. Galileo, with the aid of his telescope, was the first to explore the moons surface. He found that its surface is covered with crates, mountains, valleys and flat plains. Movements of the Moon
  • 8. The Moons Surface No atmosphere No liquid water Extreme temperatures Daytime = 130属C (265属 F) Nighttime = -190属C (-310属F) 1/6 of Earths gravity
  • 9. The Moons Surface Lunar rocks and dust cover most of the surface This layer is called the regolith 1 6 meters deep The lack of an atmosphere let many more meteorites strike the moons surface, creating this layer of crushed rock. Anorthosites are light-colored, coarse-grained rocks found in the lunar highlands. Breccia contains fragments of other rocks that have melted together, and are found everywhere on the moon.
  • 10. Lunar Features Craters Bowl shaped depressions Up to 2500 kilometers (1,553 miles) across Most formed by meteorite impact on the Moon Some formed by volcanic action inside the Moon
  • 11. Lunar Features Craters When meteorites struck the surface they displaced material Like a splash Marks left are called rays
  • 12. DO YOU KNOW? There are about 30,000 craters of varying sizes. TRIVIA
  • 13. Lunar Features Highlands Mountains up to 7500 meters (25,000 feet) tall Rilles (trenchlike valleys)
  • 15. 1. New Moon The Moon's not illuminated side is facing the Earth. The Moon is not visible (except during a solar eclipse).
  • 16. 2. Waxing Crescent The Moon appears to be partly but less than one- half illuminated by direct sunlight. The fraction of the Moon's disk that is illuminated is increasing.
  • 17. 3. First Quarter One-half of the Moon appears to be illuminated by direct sunlight. The fraction of the Moon's disk that is illuminated is increasing.
  • 18. 4. Waxing Gibbous The Moon appears to be more than one-half but not fully illuminated by direct sunlight. The fraction of the Moon's disk that is illuminated is increasing.
  • 19. 5. Full Moon The Moon's illuminated side is facing the Earth. The Moon appears to be completely illuminated by direct sunlight.
  • 20. 6. Waning Gibbous The Moon appears to be more than one-half but not fully illuminated by direct sunlight. The fraction of the Moon's disk that is illuminated is decreasing.
  • 21. 7. Last Quarter One-half of the Moon appears to be illuminated by direct sunlight. The fraction of the Moon's disk that is illuminated is decreasing.
  • 22. 8. Waning Crescent The Moon appears to be partly but less than one- half illuminated by direct sunlight The fraction of the Moon's disk that is illuminated is decreasing.
  • 23. Waxing or Waning? Waxing means the moon is growing. If the moon is getting bright from the right, it is waxing. Waning means the moon is shrinking. If the moon is dark on the right, it is waning.
  • 25. Lunar Eclipse A lunar eclipse occurs when the Moon passes directly behind Earth and into its shadow. This can occur only when the Sun, Earth, and Moon are exactly or very closely aligned (in syzygy), with Earth between the other two.
  • 26. Two types of Lunar Eclipse 1. Partial Lunar Eclipse A portion of the Moon passes through Earth's umbral shadow. These events are easy to see, even with the unaided eye.
  • 27. 2. Total Lunar Eclipse Two types of Lunar Eclipse The entire Moon passes through Earth's umbral shadow. These events are quite striking due to the Moon's vibrant red color during the total phase (totality).
  • 28. Solar Eclipse A solar eclipse occurs when an observer (on Earth) passes through the shadow cast by the Moon which fully or partially blocks ("occults") the Sun.
  • 29. Two types of Solar Eclipse 1. Partial Solar Eclipse A partial solar eclipse happens when the Moon only partially covers the disk of the Sun.
  • 30. Two types of Solar Eclipse 2. Total Solar Eclipse A total solar eclipse happens when the Moon totally covers the disk of the Sun. An annular solar eclipse occurs when the Moon appears smaller than the Sun as it passes centrally across the solar disk and a bright ring, or annulus, of sunlight remains visible during the eclipse.
  • 31. Saros is the roughly 18-year periodic cycle of the Earth-Moon-Sun system. Every 6,585 days, the Earth, Moon, and Sun are in exactly the same position. When there is a lunar eclipse, there will also be one exactly 6,585 days later. Saros
  • 33. Presented by: Sid Marnny Lopena Jymuelle Abejo Drake Lewis Garcia Bernadette Villa

Editor's Notes

  • #4: About 384,000 kilometers (240,000 miles) from Earth 3,468 kilometers (2,155 miles) in diameter About 村 the size of Earth
  • #5: Orbit is an ellipse, not circular ***Apogee*** (farthest from Earth) ***Perigee*** (closest to Earth) Revolution Moon orbits the Earth every 27 1/3 days The moon rises in the East and sets in the West The moon rises and sets 50 minutes later each day Rotation Moon turns on its axis every 27 days Same side of the Moon always faces Earth
  • #14: Mountains up to 7500 meters (25,000 feet) tall Rilles (trenchlike valleys)