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CulturAbile Audiodescription and Subtitling for visually  and hearing impaired people  If you can see, look. If you can look, observe. (Jos辿 Saramago,  Blindness) Saveria Arma e Silvia De Pasquale, CulturAbile
Blind and deaf people in Italy Between 352 k and 380 k blind people and nearly 1.500 k people with low vision Nearly 500 k people DHH people Figures expected to rise Social values
AD in Italy First AD ever:  Spartacus  (2001) AD at public TV (RAI) Percentage of programs audiodescribed 2006-2009: up to 60% (actually, 35-38% !) 2010-2012: up to 60% (!) Types of programs audiodescribed Human resources employed Customer satisfaction Standards and guidelines
AD in Italy Cooperative  Senza Barriere Onlus  (Trento) Association  Consequenze  (Rome) Association  Blindsight   Project  (Rome) Rome Fiction Fest (in July, in cooperation with  Consequenze , technical support by SubTi) Rome Film Festival (in October) Association  Cinema senza Barriere  (Rome, Milan, Bari) Association  Isivi湛  (Messina)
CulturAbile: ItaliaCamp project Provide cinema and DVD industry with technical equipment: For AD For ST For digital TV Live AD and ST Education and Training Social and cultural inclusion
CulturAbile: ItaliaCamp project Costs For cinema (about 10.000 euros) For each film on DVD (about 2000 euros) For digital TV (?)
CulturAbile: ItaliaCamp project Seeking for: Sponsors, partnerships, support Technical partnership and development Decision makers (culture and society)
Thanks! [email_address] coming soon www.audiodescrizione.it

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  • 1. CulturAbile Audiodescription and Subtitling for visually and hearing impaired people If you can see, look. If you can look, observe. (Jos辿 Saramago, Blindness) Saveria Arma e Silvia De Pasquale, CulturAbile
  • 2. Blind and deaf people in Italy Between 352 k and 380 k blind people and nearly 1.500 k people with low vision Nearly 500 k people DHH people Figures expected to rise Social values
  • 3. AD in Italy First AD ever: Spartacus (2001) AD at public TV (RAI) Percentage of programs audiodescribed 2006-2009: up to 60% (actually, 35-38% !) 2010-2012: up to 60% (!) Types of programs audiodescribed Human resources employed Customer satisfaction Standards and guidelines
  • 4. AD in Italy Cooperative Senza Barriere Onlus (Trento) Association Consequenze (Rome) Association Blindsight Project (Rome) Rome Fiction Fest (in July, in cooperation with Consequenze , technical support by SubTi) Rome Film Festival (in October) Association Cinema senza Barriere (Rome, Milan, Bari) Association Isivi湛 (Messina)
  • 5. CulturAbile: ItaliaCamp project Provide cinema and DVD industry with technical equipment: For AD For ST For digital TV Live AD and ST Education and Training Social and cultural inclusion
  • 6. CulturAbile: ItaliaCamp project Costs For cinema (about 10.000 euros) For each film on DVD (about 2000 euros) For digital TV (?)
  • 7. CulturAbile: ItaliaCamp project Seeking for: Sponsors, partnerships, support Technical partnership and development Decision makers (culture and society)
  • 8. Thanks! [email_address] coming soon www.audiodescrizione.it

Editor's Notes

  • #3: Causa di cecit. C ataractta e degenerazione maculare 47.8 % Others 13.0 % Glaucoma 12.3 % AMD 8.7 % Corneal opacity 5.1 % Diabetic Retinopathy 4.8 % Childhood % Trachoma 3.6 % Oncho 0.8 %; geographical distribution: more in the south (causes? Poor social security system? Few controls?) maggiore incidenza tra i 65 e i 90 anni.
  • #4: Sergio dottavi, co-manager in the building sector. He also has worked as a radio author. In 1986 he founds CTT (leonardo bellezza + sergio dottavi) .1属 flm spartacus by Stanley Kubric was transmitted in 1991 on medium waves frequencies. However, the shift to digital Tv, should bring changes to the way (after May 18). in which AD is transmitted. Guidelines: clear terminology, to leave enough room for personal interpretation, to be able to balanca narration and personal judgement. in 2009, 6 film or fiction per la tv e 17 sitcoms or mini-series (for a total of 120 episodes), per un totale di 126 serate audiodescritte, contro 14 film o fiction per la tv e 13 telefilm o mini-serie a puntate (complessivamente 70 episodi) per un totale di 84 serate del primo semestre 2008. Le audiodescrizioni sono previste dal Contratto di servizio tra il sistema radiotelevisivo italiano e il ministero delle Comunicazioni. Secondo l'articolo 8 del contratto di servizio 2007-2009, dedicato alla programmazione le persone disabili, "la Rai 竪 tenuta a favorire l'accesso alla propria offerta multimediale alle persone con disabilit sensoriali o cognitive anche tramite specifiche programmazioni audiodescritte e trasmissioni in modalit telesoftware per le persone non vedenti". Quest'ultimo servizio, che si trova alle pagine 781, 782 e 783 del Televideo Rai, pubblica anche informazioni e comunicati in collaborazione con l'Unione italiana ciechi e ipovedenti (pagina 790). No information about HR employes (Sergio dOttavi and then?). Customer sat: ok, but more variety. No standards and guidelines, though on Rai website rarely talk about audiodescription, more about audiocommentary or audionarratiom. Attitude towards narration more than towards description. Check on rai website
  • #6: High degree of idiosyncrasies, specific patterns, regularity of expression. Regular sentence structure. Subject + verb + object. Specificity of actions, configurations of actions, expecially location and movement. In italian: typical written style. Irregular sentence stucture. Relevance and objcetivity not intended as description biut as narration. So: digressions, anticipations, personal judgements and observations. Faster pace of delivery.
  • #7: High degree of idiosyncrasies, specific patterns, regularity of expression. Regular sentence structure. Subject + verb + object. Specificity of actions, configurations of actions, expecially location and movement. In italian: typical written style. Irregular sentence stucture. Relevance and objcetivity not intended as description biut as narration. So: digressions, anticipations, personal judgements and observations. Faster pace of delivery.
  • #8: High degree of idiosyncrasies, specific patterns, regularity of expression. Regular sentence structure. Subject + verb + object. Specificity of actions, configurations of actions, expecially location and movement. In italian: typical written style. Irregular sentence stucture. Relevance and objcetivity not intended as description biut as narration. So: digressions, anticipations, personal judgements and observations. Faster pace of delivery.