3. 1. 背景:結果構文の定義
John painted the wall black.
S + V + O + 《RP》
《Resultative Predicate》
(影山 2009 (下線部分筆者))
4. 1. 背景:結果構文の分類と
John broke the glass into pieces.
Mike painted the walls black.
= 状態変化動詞
John hammered the can flat.
Ken ran himself tired.
Tim drank the teapot dry.
? 解釈が弱い推論で済む ? 解釈に強い推論を要する
5. 2. 先行研究: Yotsuya et al. (2014)
RQ: Whether or not L2 learners know that Strong and Weak
Resultatives are allowed in English.
研究課題: 英語学習者は英語では「強い結果構文」と
Prediction: L2 learners will accept Weak Resultatives but
not Strong Resultatives.
仮説: 英語学習者は「弱い結果構文」を容認するが、
14. 3. 研究課題:研究課題の設定に向けて
- 英語結果構文の分類(p.4より)-
<前置詞句型>: WT-P
John broke the glass into pieces.
<形容詞句型>: WT-A
Mike painted the walls black.
〔他動詞型〕: ST
John hammered the can flat.
(再帰形): SI-R
Ken ran himself tired.
(疑似形): SI-F
Tim drank the teapot dry.
16. 3. 研究課題:研究課題の設定に向けて
- 英語結果構文の分類(p.4より)-
<前置詞句型>: WT-P
John broke the glass into pieces.
<形容詞句型>: WT-A
Mike painted the walls black.
〔他動詞型〕: ST
John hammered the can flat.
(再帰形): SI-R
Ken ran himself tired.
(疑似形): SI-F
Tim drank the teapot dry.
仮説3 仮説4
20. 4. 検証方法
John broke the glass into pieces.
Bob bent the wire into a U shape.
Mary melted the butter into liquid.
Mike tore the letter into pieces.
Mike painted the wall black.
Ken crushed the can flat.
Lucy polished the mirror clean.
Kumi froze the juice solid.
22. 4. 検証方法
Sam sang himself hoarse.
Ken ran himself tired.
Takashi ate himself sick.
Lucy danced herself sweaty.
Ken ran his shoes ragged.
Mike shouted his father awake.
Lucy danced her feet sore.
Tim drank the teapot empty.
38. 主要参考文献(英文)
Goldberg, Adele E. 1995. Constructions: a construction grammar approach to argument structure,
Chicago, University of Chicago Press.
Levin, Beth. 1993. English verb classes and alternations. Chicago and London, University of Chicago
Levin, Beth and Malka Rappaport Hovav. 1995. Unaccusativity: At the syntax-lexical semantics interface,
MIT Press, Cambridge, MA.
Morita, Chisato. 2009. “A crosslinguistic Observation of resultative constructions,” Linguistic Research
25, 43-55.
Son, Minjeong and Peter Svenonius. 2008. “Microparameterof cross-linguistic variation: Directed
motion and Resultatives.” In Abner, Natasha and Jason Bishop (Ed.), Proeedings of the 27th
West Coast Conference on Formal Linguistics, 388-396. Somerville, MA: Cascadilla
Proceedings Project
Spring, Ryan. 2010. “A look into the acquisition of English motion event conflation by native speakers
of Chinese and Japanese,” 24th Pacific Asia Conference on Language, Information and
Computation, 563-572.
Talmy, Leonard. 2000. Toward a cognitive semantics, MIT Press, Cambridge, MA.
Washio, Ryuichi. 1997. “Resultatives, compositionality and language variation.” Journal of East Asian
Linguistics 6, 1-49.
Yotsuya, Atsuko et al. 2014. “Crosslinguistic effects in L2 acquisition: Strong/weak resultatives and the
directional/locational interpretation of PPs in L2 English by Japanese speakers.” In Ryan T.
Miller et al. (Ed.), Selected Proceedngs of the 2012 Second Language Research Forum, 89-
100. Somerville, MA: Cascadilla Proceedings Project.