Jason.fate resume 08.15.15Jason FateJason R. Fate has over 15 years of experience in arts administration and visitor services management. He holds an Associate Degree in Liberal Arts and Sciences/Art History from CCAC. Currently, he is the Store Coordinator at Frick Art & Historical Center and Collection/Sales Manager at Michael Berger Gallery, where he manages inventory, purchasing, social media, and databases. Previously, he held management roles at City of Asylum Pittsburgh, Andy Warhol Museum, and Tenement Museum, overseeing operations, programming, finances, and staff. He provides six professional references.
How to Accelerate Your Business PerformanceChuck GumbertIs your business performing the way you want it to? If not, you may need to consider a program designed to accelerate your business performance.
Comprehensive Press ReleaseRadgia CookCentral Washington Comprehensive Mental Health has selected Pavisse, an incident management and patient safety system, to help manage incidents, support quality, and enhance patient safety. Comprehensive offers a range of behavioral health and substance abuse services. Pavisse was developed by RGP Healthcare to help organizations manage adverse events and compliance functions. Comprehensive sees Pavisse as a system that can significantly aid in incident reporting and help make improvements to better support staff and serve individuals.
Elie Nassim's resumeElie NassimElie Riad Nassim is a Lebanese national seeking a position utilizing his BBA in economics. He has over 4 years of experience in sales, marketing, logistics, and procurement roles for food trading and technology consulting companies. His experience includes market analysis, feasibility studies, procurement, cost control, and establishing supply chain metrics.
SEO Training Courses in Glasgow, ScotlandBrian LonsdaleThis one-day SEO training course provides an introduction to search engine optimization and online marketing strategies. The course covers topics such as keyword research, on-page optimization including meta descriptions and titles, link building, content marketing, social media advertising, and tracking performance with Google Analytics. Attendees will learn practical tips and tools to improve their website's visibility and learn a blueprint to optimize their online marketing. The course is designed for business owners, marketing managers, and others looking to improve their digital marketing knowledge.
Long-term P fertilisation experiment on grass – effects on plant and soilNatural Resources Institute Finland (Luke) / Luonnonvarakeskus (Luke)Mustonen, A.¹, Termonen, M.¹, Kykkänen, S.¹, Järvenranta, K.1, Yli-Halla, M.², Virkajärvi, P.¹
¹Natural Resources Institute Finland (Luke), ²University of Helsinki
Corresponding author: arja.mustonen@luke.fi
Seminar_abstracts_autumn_2022.pdfNatural Resources Institute Finland (Luke) / Luonnonvarakeskus (Luke)The document summarizes several presentations given at a seminar on forest and plant health held on November 11th, 2022 at the Natural Resources Institute Finland in Helsinki.
The first presentation summarized a 20-year study on the effects of restoration treatments including prescribed burning, dead wood creation, and retention trees on dead wood diversity and epixylic communities in boreal spruce forests. Preliminary findings showed long-term benefits of these treatments for maintaining dead wood and wood-inhabiting diversity.
The second presentation discussed a study on intraspecific growth variation in Norway spruce, finding that soil variation and genetic factors significantly influence functional trait variation, but specific soil agents causing environment-specific growth patterns require more research
Seminar on Forest and Plant Health_Abstracts.pdfNatural Resources Institute Finland (Luke) / Luonnonvarakeskus (Luke)This document summarizes a seminar on forest and plant health held on April 6th, 2022 at the Natural Resources Institute Finland in Helsinki. It includes summaries of several presentations:
1. Tord Snäll presented research on evaluating forest management scenarios and their impacts on biodiversity indicators and ecosystem services over 100 years. The green infrastructure scenario optimized environmental indicators while the economy scenario had the most negative impacts.
2. Juha Tuomola discussed research assessing the likelihood of pine wood nematode causing pine wilt disease or establishing in Finnish forests under current and future climate scenarios. Results found the climate is currently too cool and may only become suitable by 2080 under the worst-case climate scenario.
SEO Training Courses in Glasgow, ScotlandBrian LonsdaleThis one-day SEO training course provides an introduction to search engine optimization and online marketing strategies. The course covers topics such as keyword research, on-page optimization including meta descriptions and titles, link building, content marketing, social media advertising, and tracking performance with Google Analytics. Attendees will learn practical tips and tools to improve their website's visibility and learn a blueprint to optimize their online marketing. The course is designed for business owners, marketing managers, and others looking to improve their digital marketing knowledge.
Long-term P fertilisation experiment on grass – effects on plant and soilNatural Resources Institute Finland (Luke) / Luonnonvarakeskus (Luke)Mustonen, A.¹, Termonen, M.¹, Kykkänen, S.¹, Järvenranta, K.1, Yli-Halla, M.², Virkajärvi, P.¹
¹Natural Resources Institute Finland (Luke), ²University of Helsinki
Corresponding author: arja.mustonen@luke.fi
Seminar_abstracts_autumn_2022.pdfNatural Resources Institute Finland (Luke) / Luonnonvarakeskus (Luke)The document summarizes several presentations given at a seminar on forest and plant health held on November 11th, 2022 at the Natural Resources Institute Finland in Helsinki.
The first presentation summarized a 20-year study on the effects of restoration treatments including prescribed burning, dead wood creation, and retention trees on dead wood diversity and epixylic communities in boreal spruce forests. Preliminary findings showed long-term benefits of these treatments for maintaining dead wood and wood-inhabiting diversity.
The second presentation discussed a study on intraspecific growth variation in Norway spruce, finding that soil variation and genetic factors significantly influence functional trait variation, but specific soil agents causing environment-specific growth patterns require more research
Seminar on Forest and Plant Health_Abstracts.pdfNatural Resources Institute Finland (Luke) / Luonnonvarakeskus (Luke)This document summarizes a seminar on forest and plant health held on April 6th, 2022 at the Natural Resources Institute Finland in Helsinki. It includes summaries of several presentations:
1. Tord Snäll presented research on evaluating forest management scenarios and their impacts on biodiversity indicators and ecosystem services over 100 years. The green infrastructure scenario optimized environmental indicators while the economy scenario had the most negative impacts.
2. Juha Tuomola discussed research assessing the likelihood of pine wood nematode causing pine wilt disease or establishing in Finnish forests under current and future climate scenarios. Results found the climate is currently too cool and may only become suitable by 2080 under the worst-case climate scenario.
Ukrainan sodan vaikutukset ruokamarkkinoihin ja metsäsektoriin -webinaari 1.4...Natural Resources Institute Finland (Luke) / Luonnonvarakeskus (Luke)Luken webinaarissa kerrotaan, mitkä ovat Ukrainan sodan akuutit vaikutukset Suomen ruokamarkkinoilla sekä metsäsektorilla ja miten sota vaikuttaa pitkällä aikavälillä vihreän siirtymän toteutumiseen.
Nuorten visiot kestävästä ruoasta 2050Natural Resources Institute Finland (Luke) / Luonnonvarakeskus (Luke)This document summarizes a study analyzing 123 texts written by Finnish high school students aged 15-18 describing their visions of sustainable food systems in Finland in 2050. Through qualitative analysis, the students' visions were condensed into 6 alternative futures: 1) Slow change 2) Domestic and local production 3) Conscious consumer 4) Regulation 5) Technology 6) Dystopia. The visions highlighted big changes to diets and food sources, concerns about plastic packaging, and ensuring social and economic sustainability through eating together and valuing producers. The students proposed technological solutions and ideas to reduce packaging waste through better recycling, less packaging, new materials, and reuse.
Chasing the moving target: the role of emotions in strategic packaging decisionsNatural Resources Institute Finland (Luke) / Luonnonvarakeskus (Luke)The document summarizes research on how emotions play a role in strategic packaging decisions for sustainability. It discusses how packaging development requires balancing usability, saleability, environmental friendliness and production effectiveness. Managers face dilemmas in balancing these factors as sustainability targets change. The research examines how emotions like satisfaction, frustration, and worry influence how managers evaluate opportunities and make decisions. It proposes that understanding emotions can help managers commit to responsible packaging solutions and navigate uncertainties when sustainability goals are evolving.
To pack or not to pack green: ympäristövastuullisen päätöksenteon haasteitaNatural Resources Institute Finland (Luke) / Luonnonvarakeskus (Luke)This document discusses sustainability decisions for businesses. It notes that sustainability can provide competitive advantages like efficiency, reputation benefits, and avoiding future regulations. However, sustainability orientation does not always lead to improved firm performance and may require large trade-offs. Studies discussed found that willingness to switch to more sustainable materials depends on factors like a product or process's dependency on existing materials and environmental friendliness as a predictor of change. The document advocates making sustainability decisions by responding to and anticipating stakeholder needs and feelings, including others' perspectives, and considering one's responsibilities.
Moving from cross-system interaction to cross-system collaboration? Natural Resources Institute Finland (Luke) / Luonnonvarakeskus (Luke)This document discusses sustainability transitions in food packaging from the perspective of companies. It defines sustainability transitions as long-term transformations to more sustainable production and consumption. For food packaging, this involves innovations that meet changing societal values around policy, media, consumer and supply chain demands. However, barriers like complexity, uncertainty and competition exist. Collaboration is seen as key to overcoming barriers by creating shared understanding and multi-party problem solving. Currently, companies collaborate through associations, but different roles in relation to change exist, from maintaining the status quo to facilitating change. Ongoing and upcoming facilitated dialogues and the PackageHeroes transition arena aim to further cross-system collaboration for deciding concrete transition pathways.
2. ● Lyhyesti Säkylänharjusta ja harjusinisiivestä
● Alueella tehdyt hoitotoimet ja perhoskannan seuranta
● Harjusinisiiven kannankehitys vuodesta 1996
● Vuosien 1990 ja 2015 tarkemmat kannanarviot
● Hoitotoimien vaikuttavuus harjusinisiiven kannalta
● Päätelmät ja näkymiä tulevaan
Esityksen sisältö
7. ● Paahteisten harjualueiden perhonen.
● Vaatii avointa maastoa ja paljasta
● Elinympäristöt lähes kadonneet nyky-
● Korvaavina voisivat osin toimia
hiekkakuopat, lentokentät jne.
● Ravintokasvina kangasajuruoho.
Lyhyesti harjusinisiivestä
Kuva: Teemu Rintala
8. ● Parasta lentoaikaa yleensä kesäkuun
● Naaraita voin nähdä heinäkuussakin.
● Koirailla reviirit, naaraat liikkuvampia.
● Toukilla läheinen suhde muurahaisiin,
joilta saavat suojaa petoja vastaan.
● Talvehtii mitä ilmeisimmin kotelona.
Harjusinisiiven elinkierto
9. ● Pienaukot hakattiin harjun rinteille 1993 (PorPr & WWF).
● Niitä laajennettiin ja vesakko raivattiin 2003, jolloin raivauksia
myös KRH-maalialueilla.
● Osa raivauskohteista kulotettiin 2005.
● Täydentäviä raivauksia mm. 2007, 2011 ja 2012.
● Lisäksi ammunnat sytyttäneet maastopaloja lähes vuosittain.
Alueen hoitohistoria 1990-luvulta lähtien
12. 12
Maan paljastaminen
tavalla kuin tavalla
lisää ajuruohoa ja
parantaa perhosen
Varvikkoa revitty pois ns. Kivääriradalta
Raskailla maastoajoneuvoilla
rikottu tarkoituksella maanpintaa
13. ● Erkki Kallion vuosien työ!
Tiedot analysoitiin nyt
osana PUTTE-hanketta
● Vuosien välinen vaihtelu
suurta, kuten tyypillistä
● Perhoskanta oli pohjalla
Riittämätön peruskunnostus?
● Sitten runsastui selvästi
Hoitotoimet 2004-2005
● Kanta huipussaan 2013
● 2014-2015 sääoloiltaan
kurjia kesiä; selvä lasku.
Havaintomäärien kehitys 1996-2015
14. ● Laajimmilla KRH-maalialueilla ei trendiä, joskin suurta
vuosien välistä vaihtelua
● V.1993 raivattujen pienaukkojen perhosmäärät olivat ensin
alhaisia; nousseet selvästi 2000-luvulla
● Kivääriradan aiemmin vahva kanta laski (mutta toipui 2016)
● Kunnostettu ns. Klopin monttu on ollut viime vuosien tähti
Osa-alueiden välillä eroja kehityksessä
16. ● Pienaukkojen perhos-
kannat lähtivät rajuun
● Kontrollina tässä KRH-
radat, joilla ei trendiä.
● ’Klopin montussa’ myös
jatkotoimia, jotka nostivat
sen omaan luokkaansa.
● V.2015 perhosta löydettiin
myös viereisestä supasta,
joka kunnostettiin samaan
2003-2005 tehdyt hoitotoimet
tuottivat hyvää tulosta
17. ● Tarkka kuva alueen perhoskannan koosta
● Vuosien mahdollisimman hyvä vertailtavuus
● Samat menetelmät
● Sama aluerajaus
● Mahdollisimman vakioitu pyyntiteho
● Toteutus 2015 (ja 2016) PUTTE-rahoituksella
Merkintä-jälleenpyynnit 1990 ja 2015
Kuva: Tuomo Hurme
18. ● 1990 ja 2015 otantateho oli
jokseenkin sama
● Kesä 1990 oli helteinen,
2015 taas hyvin kolea
● Sekä yksilöitä että jälleen-
pyyntejä silti nyt enemmän
● 2016 merkinnät vähemmän
kattavia, mutta yksilöitä
lähes 2x verrattuna 2015!
● 1990 vs. 2015 perhoset
runsastuneet enemmistössä
50x50 m otantaruutuja.
Merkintä-jälleenpyynnit 1990 ja 2015 (+2016)
Vuosi 1990 2015 2016
Havainnointipäiviä 10 9 5
Merkittyjä yksilöitä 294 409 727
- koiraita 211 264 607
- naaraita 83 145 120
- naaraiden osuus (%) 28 35 17
127 205 276
- koiraita 114 146 264
- naaraita 13 59 12
Jälleenpyyntejä yht. 231 379 387
20. ● Säkylänharjun kanta on kehittynyt 2000-luvulla suotuisasti
● Kolea kesä 2014 aiheutti notkahduksen, joka jäi tilapäiseksi
● Kanta on edelleen vahva, ja sopivaa habitaattia nyt enemmän
kuin 1990-luvulla
● Tehdyt kunnostustoimet ovat olleet oikeanlaisia ja tehokkaita
● Vuonna 2015 alueen paahdeympäristöjen tila oli edelleen
pääosin hyvä, mutta monin paikoin oli kunnostustarvetta
● Parannusta kesällä 2016, kun Metsähallituksen Paahde-LIFE
–hankkeessa tehtiin laajamittaisia kunnostustoimia
● Armeijan harjoitustoiminta alueella jatkuu, ehkä laajentuukin
Harjusinisiiven tulevaisuus Säkylässä näyttää lupaavalta!
Harjusinisiiven nykytila - ja tulevaisuus?