A presentation on how to implement RESTful Web Services with Spring MVC. This slide covers how to identify resources, use HTTP verbs, implement representations, use cache and so on.
A presentation on how to implement RESTful Web Services with Spring MVC. This slide covers how to identify resources, use HTTP verbs, implement representations, use cache and so on.
How to process request parameters with the Spring MVC framework. Namely, the presentation tackles the three primary concerns when dealing with request parameters: data binding, data buffering and data validation. To this end, the Bean Validation API (JSR-303) is discussed, and the concept of MessageSource for localized error messages is introduced. Moreover, The Post/Redirect/Get (PRG) pattern is presented along with a possible implementation strategy.
Testing Spring MVC and REST Web ApplicationsSam Brannen
This document provides an overview of testing Spring MVC web applications. It discusses the Spring TestContext Framework and how it can be used to load a WebApplicationContext for testing. It also covers the Spring MVC Test Framework, which provides a fluent API for testing MVC controllers without requiring a servlet container. Both server-side testing of MVC controllers and client-side testing of REST services using RestTemplate are demonstrated. The presentation concludes with resources for learning more about testing Spring applications.
The document discusses different approaches to integrating Struts 2 and Spring frameworks by separating application layers.
It presents three cases: 1) Using a simple POJO as the action; 2) Extending ActionSupport to decouple the action from business services; 3) Using business services and data transfer objects to further separate layers.
The key point is that the business layer should not be tied to any web framework like Struts or Spring MVC. Integration can be achieved by configuring business services for use by actions, while keeping each layer independent through separation of concerns.
Building RESTful applications using Spring MVCIndicThreads
REST is an alternate and simpler approach for implementing WebServices. It is based on the HTTP protocol and hence leverages a lot of existing infrastructures. It uses an uniform interface thus making it easy to build client applications. In this session we will look at the fundamental concepts behind REST (Resource, URI, Stateless Conversation ..) and how to apply it in the context of a real applcation. We will also discuss the pros & cons of RESTful vs Soap based webservices. We will discuss the design of RESTful application and then look at how to implement it using Spring MVC.
An introduction to the basics of the Spring MVC Web framework. The concepts of front controller, controller (handler), model and view are introduced. The whole processing pipeline is discussed, with an in-depth description of the HandlerMapping and ViewResolver strategy interfaces. The alternative representations of the Model (Map, Model and ModelMap) are presented.
O documento apresenta uma agenda para um workshop sobre arquitetura front-end e tecnologias front-end. A agenda inclui tópicos como SOA, tipos de arquiteturas para aplica??es web, SOFEA, aplica??es de página única, padr?o Backends for Frontends, Angular, NodeJs, Gulp, Grunt, React e outros.
Desenvolvimento Front end (AngularJS e Bootstrap)Julian Cesar
O documento apresenta uma agenda de um curso de forma??o front-end com AngularJS e Bootstrap. O curso abordará introdu??o ao JavaScript, AngularJS, diretivas, controllers, servi?os, views, requisi??es AJAX, armazenamento local e Bootstrap. N?o será abordado ferramentas como IDEs, Bower, Grunt, Node ou outras bibliotecas auxiliares.
The document provides information about the JSP Standard Tag Library (JSTL). It discusses that JSTL is a tag library that offers tags to control flow, format dates/numbers, parse XML, and execute SQL queries. The core JSTL tag library includes commonly used tags for accessing and modifying data, making decisions, looping, and error handling. Specific tags discussed include <c:out> for outputting data, <c:set> for setting variables, <c:if> for simple conditions, and <c:forEach> for looping over collections.
#jjug_ccc #ccc_gh5 What's new in Spring Framework 4.3 / Boot 1.4 + Pivotal's ...Toshiaki Maki
This document summarizes new features in Spring Framework 4.3 and Spring Boot 1.4, including improvements to banners, testing, and support for Spring Framework 4.3. Key updates include support for image banners in Spring Boot, simplifications to testing configuration and capabilities, and composed annotation mappings and scopes in Spring Framework.
This set of slides introduces the reader to a subset of the C++ Standard Library called the Standard Template Library (STL). The STL provides a collection of parameterized containers and algorithms, and it is the most successful example of an approach to programming called generic programming. In this presentation, we aim at studying the ideals and concepts of the STL by re-implementing small parts of the library. Specifically, we first show how we can discover requirements on types in order to devise generic algorithms. Then, we focus on how to make algorithms independent of containers through the pivotal abstraction of iterators. To this end, we replicate the standard algorithm for finding the minimum in a sequence (min_element), which we subsequently match with a custom forward iterator over intrusive linked lists of integers. Finally, we see how function objects can be used to customize containers and algorithms alike. This allows us to deepen our understanding of ordering relations, and, in particular, to introduce the concept of strict weak orderings.
Tools For jQuery Application Architecture (Extended 狠狠撸s)Addy Osmani
Hey guys. I just wrapped up my talk on Tools for jQuery Application Architecture over at Web Directions in London and wanted to make sure everyone interested had access to the slides. Some of the topics I cover include:
MVC & MVVM architecture patterns for client-side development
JavaScriptMVC, Backbone, Spine, SproutCore, Sammy.js
Design patterns for JavaScript applications
Dependency management
JavaScript templating
Cross-browser persistent storage
Feature detection
Widgets & Component libraries
Unit Testing & testing environments
Build Processes, concatenation and minification.
and more!
Spring IO 2016 - Spring Cloud Microservices, a journey inside a financial entityToni Jara
The presentation explains the journey from a monolithic architecture to Spring Cloud Microservices for application development inside a financial entity, along with the transition to DevOps strategies… a journey that has just begun…
Your reputation is a foundation - firm or otherwise - on which you build. Do positives outweigh negatives? And until you ask, you simply don't know. We use a range of methods to find out more, including telephone, face-to-face, focus groups, e-surveys and data analysis. We ask your customers, staff, donors, investors and other stakeholders - operate under the Market Research Society code of conduct. We present the findings simply and clearly, giving you concise summaries and the detail.
This slide is made by the RoBoard team of DMP Electronics Inc.: