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DOB: July 14th, 1984.
Address: House # R-39, Jinnah Avenue Wireless Gate, Karachi
Tel: +923361526206
Email: jawad.khan07@gmail.com
To secure a responsible career opportunity, that offers a greater challenge, increased benefits for
my family and where I can fully utilize my training, human resource and project management
skills, while making a significant contribution to the success of my employer.
Organization Designation Donor Worked on From To
HANDS Pakistan
Health & Nutrition Development
(IDEAS Program)
Oxfam GB
Urban WASH
Sanitation Programme at
Scale in Pakistan WASH
Flood Emergency response
Dec 13th, 2014. Current
HANDS Pakistan
Health & Nutrition Development
Human Resource &
Institutional Dev.
June, 18th 2012. Dec 12th, 2014
Digital Processing
Systems Inc. Islamabad.
Human Resource
Coordinator PITB
June, 12th 2011. Feb, 20th2012.
Digital Processing
Systems Inc. Karachi.
Assistant HR
Coordinator NADRA
Jan, 12th 2011. June, 11th2011.
ORCHID Pakistan Assistant HR Officer ORCHID Documentation
April, 15th 2008 Dec, 31st2009.
PGD (Islamic Banking & Finance) Centre for Islamic Economics Karachi. 2011
MBA (Human Resource Management) Bahria University Karachi. 2010
BBA Honors (Marketing & Finance) Preston University Karachi. 2008
HSSC (Pre-Engineering) Federal Government College Hyderabad. 2003
SSC (General Science) Federal Government School Quetta Cantt. 2000
S. No Trainings and Certifications Trainers Event Location Year
1 Heat Wave Prevention Strategies HANDS/ HEALTH HICD Karachi 2016
2 Bio Gas Digesters Solar cities IRAQ PDRMC Karachi 2016
3 Policy Advocacy & Influencing on WASH WaterAid Islamabad 2016
4 Construction of Wetlands (Lead Facilitator) MYHP - DFID Khairpur 2015
5 Waste Water Management/Perma-Culture IDEP BALI PDRMC Karachi 2015
6 Community Led Total Sanitation (CLTS) WaterAid HICD Karachi 2015
7 Lime & Soil stabilization (Facilitator) Straw build UK HDRMC Sukkur 2014
8 VDP/UCDP (Facilitator / Participant) HANDS/SM&DM HICD Karachi 2014
9 Advance Leadership Development HANDS/ CE SEC. Movinpick Karachi 2014
10 Behavior Change Communication HANDS/ICR&A HO Karachi 2013
11 ISO Internal Auditing HANDS/AUDIT HICD Karachi 2012
12 Facilitation Skills HANDS/HR&ID HICD Karachi 2012
13 Payroll Management HANDS/HR&ID HO Karachi 2012
14 Advance MS-OFFICE PARLANCE Karachi 2010
15 Graphic Designing PARLANCE Karachi 2010
16 Professional Accounting EDUCATORS Hyderabad 2007
 Service Marketing & Management  Human Resource Development
 Training & Development  Recruitment & Selection
 Job Analysis & Design  Financial Accounting
 Banking & Insurance  Project Management
 Audit & Compliance  Risk Management.
 Designing Human Resources Structures of L.G Electronics
 Human Resource Training & Development  Employees Compensation & Benefits.
 Strategic Management  Challenges faced by automobile sector in Pakistan.
 Job Analysis & Design  Compensable factor comparison.
 Project Management  CDGK Command & Control system Karachi.
 International Business Analysis  Cultural Dimensions of France.
 Organization Design & Skill Development - Conjoint Analysis Building a New Airline.
(Publications will be furnished upon request)
Project Management HR Management Funds Management
Event Management
Planning and Reporting Budgeting Extensive Travelling
Field Monitoring Proposals writing MS-Office/HCM
Emergency Response WASH Shelter
(Publications will be furnished upon request)
Provincial Project Manager: HANDS
 Accountable for managing the delivery of critical projects and providing managerial support.
 Responsible for costing, estimating & planning of project. (AFP, DIP & AIP)
 Responsible for ensuring best value is obtained by using internal and external resources.
 Writing of detailed and summarized project progress reports.
 Tracking activities and updating project plans.
 Organizing and facilitating project meetings, progress review meetings etc..
Project Manager Sindh Heat Wave Anticipatory Response:
Funding Partner Oxfam GB (May 2016  June 2016)
 Establish 08 Heat stroke prevention camps at different locations in Karachi.
 To ensure awareness reached to 48,000 peoples through I.E.C materials.
 Anticipatory response to prevent maximum number of population through awareness raising
campaigns at camps or at house hold level.
Project Manager Urban WASH: Funding Partner WaterAid (April 15  March 2016)
 To ensure 69,000 children(both girls & boys) in schools have improved access to hygienic
 To ensure 134,900 poor and marginalized population have improved, equitable, safe and
sustainable water supply.
 To build capacity of relevant project stakeholders for sustaining Health action school, WASH
services in schools etc.
Project Manager SPSP II: Funding Partner UNICEF (Oct 2014  Sept 2015)
 To ensure access to improved sanitation by creating open defecation free environment for
106,000 people in targeted villages.
 Providing WASH facilities to community and school level as part of incentives to trigger CLTS
and SLTS Approaches.
 To construct wetlands to process waste water and DRR hand pumps. Etc.
Project Manager FER: Funding Partner DFID (Dec 2014  May 2015)
 10,000 roofing kits & NFIs distributed to flood affected population in 04 districts of Punjab.
 Construction of 70 Conditional cash grant schemes for renovation of infrastructure.
 Renovate or Rehabilitate 800 HandPumps in 04 districts.
Manager HR & ID: HANDS
 Head Recruitment of overall staff (project based or program based).
 Head Documentation of all existing & new hired staff.
 Head process for auditors facilitation & develop linkages between donors & organization.
 Head procedure for making internal budgets & staff succession planning.
 Head procedure & conduction of training programs. (Strategic level decisions).
 Serve & facilitate in overall trainings internal or external. Maintain TMIS.
 Flying HR role conduct interviews in more than 36 districts & cities of Pakistan.
 Monthly Reviews in District offices, field auditing, meetings & their Monthly progress reviews.
 Outsource consultancy as a recruiter, trainer & facilitator on behalf of organization.
 Prepare Monthly pay-roll using H.C.M(Human Capital Management) and MS-Excel etc.
Human Resource Coordinator: Digital Processing Systems
 Management of resources according to project. Technical & Non technical recruitment.
 Meeting production goals by fulfilling resource requirements. Floor supervision.
 Disciplinary/Grievance hearings & assist managers.
 Making full & final settelments of resigned & terminated staff.
Assistant HR Coordinator: Digital Processing Systems
 Hiring of resources according to project.
 Attendance, Leaves Management & Documentation of staff.
 Advertize jobs and scrutinize resume.
 Assist in technical & Non technical recruitment.
 Making full & final setelments of resigned & terminated staff.
 Floor supervision & technical assistance of D.E.Os. etc.
Assistant HR Officer: ORCHID
 Ensure personnel database is maintained & accurate, inclusive of database, personnel files.
 Setting up and conducting interviews and fulfill hiring requirements.
 Marketing vacancies through different medium: intranet, websites, newspapers, forums
 Payroll, Leaves Management, Hiring, Documentation, Reporting & terminations etc.
 Ensure work environment is safe and pleasant etc.
Throughout my professional journey of 07 years I have proven my skills and capabilities that I am a
valuable resource for any organization, on the basis of my expertise and project management skills set
I successfully execute various projects. The external third party evaluations make it evidence as
satisfaction for senior management and stakeholders. Appreciations awarded in terms of extension or
provision of further grants.
In fact I always keep balance between personal, professional and social life. I am an active member of
WWF  Pakistan besides I love nature and show my kindness to animals and plants. I keep myself fit
for the sake of me, my family and my social circle. As I strongly believe if you really want to love
someone, first fall in love with your own self. And the same goes with my job role and responsibilities.
Lastly, I am confident that I can provide extraordinary services for any organization.
Linkedin Profile:
References: Will be furnished upon request.

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Jawad Khan

  • 1. JAWAD UMER KHAN DOB: July 14th, 1984. Address: House # R-39, Jinnah Avenue Wireless Gate, Karachi Tel: +923361526206 Email: jawad.khan07@gmail.com OBJECTIVE: To secure a responsible career opportunity, that offers a greater challenge, increased benefits for my family and where I can fully utilize my training, human resource and project management skills, while making a significant contribution to the success of my employer. PROFESSIONAL JOURNEY Organization Designation Donor Worked on From To HANDS Pakistan Health & Nutrition Development Society PROVINCIAL PROJECT MANAGER (IDEAS Program) WaterAid UNICEF DFID Oxfam GB Urban WASH Sanitation Programme at Scale in Pakistan WASH Flood Emergency response Dec 13th, 2014. Current HANDS Pakistan Health & Nutrition Development Society MANAGER HR & ID Human Resource & Institutional Dev. HANDS HCM Payroll Recruitment June, 18th 2012. Dec 12th, 2014 Digital Processing Systems Inc. Islamabad. Human Resource Coordinator PITB Payroll Documentation Recruitment June, 12th 2011. Feb, 20th2012. (Project Completed) Digital Processing Systems Inc. Karachi. Assistant HR Coordinator NADRA Recruitment Documentation Jan, 12th 2011. June, 11th2011. (Promoted) ORCHID Pakistan Assistant HR Officer ORCHID Documentation Recruitment April, 15th 2008 Dec, 31st2009. ACADEMIC QUALIFICATIONS QUALIFICATION INSTITUTION/AWARDING BODY YEAR PGD (Islamic Banking & Finance) Centre for Islamic Economics Karachi. 2011 MBA (Human Resource Management) Bahria University Karachi. 2010 BBA Honors (Marketing & Finance) Preston University Karachi. 2008 HSSC (Pre-Engineering) Federal Government College Hyderabad. 2003 SSC (General Science) Federal Government School Quetta Cantt. 2000 TRAININGS & WORKSHOPS S. No Trainings and Certifications Trainers Event Location Year 1 Heat Wave Prevention Strategies HANDS/ HEALTH HICD Karachi 2016 2 Bio Gas Digesters Solar cities IRAQ PDRMC Karachi 2016 3 Policy Advocacy & Influencing on WASH WaterAid Islamabad 2016 4 Construction of Wetlands (Lead Facilitator) MYHP - DFID Khairpur 2015 5 Waste Water Management/Perma-Culture IDEP BALI PDRMC Karachi 2015 6 Community Led Total Sanitation (CLTS) WaterAid HICD Karachi 2015 7 Lime & Soil stabilization (Facilitator) Straw build UK HDRMC Sukkur 2014 8 VDP/UCDP (Facilitator / Participant) HANDS/SM&DM HICD Karachi 2014 9 Advance Leadership Development HANDS/ CE SEC. Movinpick Karachi 2014 10 Behavior Change Communication HANDS/ICR&A HO Karachi 2013 11 ISO Internal Auditing HANDS/AUDIT HICD Karachi 2012 12 Facilitation Skills HANDS/HR&ID HICD Karachi 2012 13 Payroll Management HANDS/HR&ID HO Karachi 2012 14 Advance MS-OFFICE PARLANCE Karachi 2010 15 Graphic Designing PARLANCE Karachi 2010 16 Professional Accounting EDUCATORS Hyderabad 2007
  • 2. SPECIALIZED COURSES Service Marketing & Management Human Resource Development Training & Development Recruitment & Selection Job Analysis & Design Financial Accounting Banking & Insurance Project Management Audit & Compliance Risk Management. THESIS & RESEARCHs Designing Human Resources Structures of L.G Electronics Human Resource Training & Development Employees Compensation & Benefits. Strategic Management Challenges faced by automobile sector in Pakistan. Job Analysis & Design Compensable factor comparison. Project Management CDGK Command & Control system Karachi. International Business Analysis Cultural Dimensions of France. Organization Design & Skill Development - Conjoint Analysis Building a New Airline. (Publications will be furnished upon request) CAPABILITIES Management Project Management HR Management Funds Management Event Management Project Planning and Reporting Budgeting Extensive Travelling Field Monitoring Proposals writing MS-Office/HCM Emergency Response WASH Shelter (Publications will be furnished upon request) ROLES & RESPONSIBILITIES Provincial Project Manager: HANDS Accountable for managing the delivery of critical projects and providing managerial support. Responsible for costing, estimating & planning of project. (AFP, DIP & AIP) Responsible for ensuring best value is obtained by using internal and external resources. Writing of detailed and summarized project progress reports. Tracking activities and updating project plans. Organizing and facilitating project meetings, progress review meetings etc.. Project Manager Sindh Heat Wave Anticipatory Response: Funding Partner Oxfam GB (May 2016 June 2016) Establish 08 Heat stroke prevention camps at different locations in Karachi. To ensure awareness reached to 48,000 peoples through I.E.C materials. Anticipatory response to prevent maximum number of population through awareness raising campaigns at camps or at house hold level. Project Manager Urban WASH: Funding Partner WaterAid (April 15 March 2016) To ensure 69,000 children(both girls & boys) in schools have improved access to hygienic sanitation. To ensure 134,900 poor and marginalized population have improved, equitable, safe and sustainable water supply. To build capacity of relevant project stakeholders for sustaining Health action school, WASH services in schools etc. Project Manager SPSP II: Funding Partner UNICEF (Oct 2014 Sept 2015) To ensure access to improved sanitation by creating open defecation free environment for 106,000 people in targeted villages. Providing WASH facilities to community and school level as part of incentives to trigger CLTS and SLTS Approaches. To construct wetlands to process waste water and DRR hand pumps. Etc.
  • 3. Project Manager FER: Funding Partner DFID (Dec 2014 May 2015) 10,000 roofing kits & NFIs distributed to flood affected population in 04 districts of Punjab. Construction of 70 Conditional cash grant schemes for renovation of infrastructure. Renovate or Rehabilitate 800 HandPumps in 04 districts. Manager HR & ID: HANDS Head Recruitment of overall staff (project based or program based). Head Documentation of all existing & new hired staff. Head process for auditors facilitation & develop linkages between donors & organization. Head procedure for making internal budgets & staff succession planning. Head procedure & conduction of training programs. (Strategic level decisions). Serve & facilitate in overall trainings internal or external. Maintain TMIS. Flying HR role conduct interviews in more than 36 districts & cities of Pakistan. Monthly Reviews in District offices, field auditing, meetings & their Monthly progress reviews. Outsource consultancy as a recruiter, trainer & facilitator on behalf of organization. Prepare Monthly pay-roll using H.C.M(Human Capital Management) and MS-Excel etc. Human Resource Coordinator: Digital Processing Systems Management of resources according to project. Technical & Non technical recruitment. Meeting production goals by fulfilling resource requirements. Floor supervision. Disciplinary/Grievance hearings & assist managers. Making full & final settelments of resigned & terminated staff. Assistant HR Coordinator: Digital Processing Systems Hiring of resources according to project. Attendance, Leaves Management & Documentation of staff. Advertize jobs and scrutinize resume. Assist in technical & Non technical recruitment. Making full & final setelments of resigned & terminated staff. Floor supervision & technical assistance of D.E.Os. etc. Assistant HR Officer: ORCHID Ensure personnel database is maintained & accurate, inclusive of database, personnel files. Setting up and conducting interviews and fulfill hiring requirements. Marketing vacancies through different medium: intranet, websites, newspapers, forums Payroll, Leaves Management, Hiring, Documentation, Reporting & terminations etc. Ensure work environment is safe and pleasant etc. PROFESSIONAL & PERSONAL SUMMARY Throughout my professional journey of 07 years I have proven my skills and capabilities that I am a valuable resource for any organization, on the basis of my expertise and project management skills set I successfully execute various projects. The external third party evaluations make it evidence as satisfaction for senior management and stakeholders. Appreciations awarded in terms of extension or provision of further grants. In fact I always keep balance between personal, professional and social life. I am an active member of WWF Pakistan besides I love nature and show my kindness to animals and plants. I keep myself fit for the sake of me, my family and my social circle. As I strongly believe if you really want to love someone, first fall in love with your own self. And the same goes with my job role and responsibilities. Lastly, I am confident that I can provide extraordinary services for any organization. Linkedin Profile: https://pk.linkedin.com/pub/jawad-khan/31/363/1aa References: Will be furnished upon request.