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油 1	
12898 Jersey St. 展 Eastvale, CA 展 92880
Cell: (909) 569-5822
E-Mail: Jsandiego23@gmail.com
Highlights of Qualifications
 6 years of Management experience
 Managed a high volume restaurant and increased profits by 37% during that time.
 Achieved Leadership Certificate Program provided by Cal Poly Pomona.
 Achieved Employee Appreciation Award from Farmerboys Foods Inc.
 Currently in-charge of Operations and Human Resource for a start up business.
Employment History
Project West Restaurant 02/2015 to Present
Store Manager Westminster, CA
Project West Restaurant is a start up restaurant operated by my colleagues and me. My role and responsibilities in
this start up is to manage the restaurant operations and finances.
 Managing the restaurant.
o Made sure all inspections are taken care of, such as health inspection, fire department and pest
o Coaching and developing new hires for future leaders and managers.
o Scheduling employees and monitoring labor and food cost.
 Creating Front of the House operations and procedures such as:
o Creating cash handling procedure to control cash shortage.
o Creating Uniform guidelines to promote our brand image.
o Creating Employee handbook to provide guidelines for our staff.
 Controlling Finances.
o Monitoring restaurant expenses and updating quick book accounting software.
o Collecting invoices and paying account payables.
o Monitoring labor and payroll.
Farmerboys Food Inc. 04/2014 to 12/2014
Store Manager Ontario, CA
As a store manager, I was responsible for maintaining a high and active profile at all times in the restaurant and for
promptly dealing with any situation that may arise. I was also in-charge of getting the entire staff together and
making sure they all push in the same direction.
 Supervised a staff of 25 employees
 Performed clerical and administrative duties.
o Scheduled employees and rotating schedules to work in different hours and experience different
o Checked payroll and sending it to corporate weekly.
o Did weekly inventory and sending them to corporate.
o Placed weekly food orders and checking the quality of its goods from suppliers.
油 2	
Cell: (909) 569-5822
E-Mail: Jsandiego23@gmail.com
Employment History Continued
 Provided training for employees
o Made sure that all employees have completed our online training Modules.
o Made sure that all employees have completed their employee-training handbook.
o Evaluated and consulted with employees about their weaknesses.
Farmerboys Food Inc. 08/2007 to 04/2014
Shift Leader Eastvale, CA
 Effectively lead each shift to ensure that excellent restaurant operations are consistently achieved.
o I made sure everything in the shift check list was completed and signed by an employee.
o Checked employees completed task to and made sure it was up to standard.
 Responsible for the training and development of team memberscontributes to a team environment by
recognizing and reinforcing individual and team accomplishments.
o Made employees complete their modules.
o Coached and trained employees to perform and execute the tasks the right way.
 Followed inventory control procedures and guidelines.
o Made sure employees were accurate with order taking and serving to control food cost.
 Assisted with labor management costs.
o Checked labor percentage every hour, and when necessary cut the floor to lower labor cost.
 Maintained cleanliness and organization throughout the restaurant and ensure proper set up and
breakdowns of the entire restaurant including dining rooms, restrooms, kitchens and prep areas.
o Delegated employees when to do our daily detail cleanings.
o Checked all workstations before our rushes to make sure we are set up for success.
 Worked as a team to prepare restaurant for each shift.
o Performed pre-shift meetings to discuss with the team what our goal for the day is and what we
need to achieve it.
o Helped every area that was weak or needed assistance.
 Ensured that team members prepared food items according to Farmerboys standards of quality,
consistency and timeliness.
o Supervised and checked employees portioned products to make sure it is at the right weight and
o Checked all workstations to make sure employees are using the right portioning tools.
Human Resource Management 2016
California State University, San Bernardino San Bernardino, CA

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  • 1. 油 1 油 JOSE SANDIEGO 12898 Jersey St. 展 Eastvale, CA 展 92880 Cell: (909) 569-5822 E-Mail: Jsandiego23@gmail.com Highlights of Qualifications 6 years of Management experience Managed a high volume restaurant and increased profits by 37% during that time. Achieved Leadership Certificate Program provided by Cal Poly Pomona. Achieved Employee Appreciation Award from Farmerboys Foods Inc. Currently in-charge of Operations and Human Resource for a start up business. Employment History Project West Restaurant 02/2015 to Present Store Manager Westminster, CA Project West Restaurant is a start up restaurant operated by my colleagues and me. My role and responsibilities in this start up is to manage the restaurant operations and finances. Managing the restaurant. o Made sure all inspections are taken care of, such as health inspection, fire department and pest inspection. o Coaching and developing new hires for future leaders and managers. o Scheduling employees and monitoring labor and food cost. Creating Front of the House operations and procedures such as: o Creating cash handling procedure to control cash shortage. o Creating Uniform guidelines to promote our brand image. o Creating Employee handbook to provide guidelines for our staff. Controlling Finances. o Monitoring restaurant expenses and updating quick book accounting software. o Collecting invoices and paying account payables. o Monitoring labor and payroll. Farmerboys Food Inc. 04/2014 to 12/2014 Store Manager Ontario, CA As a store manager, I was responsible for maintaining a high and active profile at all times in the restaurant and for promptly dealing with any situation that may arise. I was also in-charge of getting the entire staff together and making sure they all push in the same direction. Supervised a staff of 25 employees Performed clerical and administrative duties. o Scheduled employees and rotating schedules to work in different hours and experience different rushes, o Checked payroll and sending it to corporate weekly. o Did weekly inventory and sending them to corporate. o Placed weekly food orders and checking the quality of its goods from suppliers.
  • 2. 油 2 油 JOSE SANDIEGO Cell: (909) 569-5822 E-Mail: Jsandiego23@gmail.com Employment History Continued Provided training for employees o Made sure that all employees have completed our online training Modules. o Made sure that all employees have completed their employee-training handbook. o Evaluated and consulted with employees about their weaknesses. Farmerboys Food Inc. 08/2007 to 04/2014 Shift Leader Eastvale, CA Effectively lead each shift to ensure that excellent restaurant operations are consistently achieved. o I made sure everything in the shift check list was completed and signed by an employee. o Checked employees completed task to and made sure it was up to standard. Responsible for the training and development of team memberscontributes to a team environment by recognizing and reinforcing individual and team accomplishments. o Made employees complete their modules. o Coached and trained employees to perform and execute the tasks the right way. Followed inventory control procedures and guidelines. o Made sure employees were accurate with order taking and serving to control food cost. Assisted with labor management costs. o Checked labor percentage every hour, and when necessary cut the floor to lower labor cost. Maintained cleanliness and organization throughout the restaurant and ensure proper set up and breakdowns of the entire restaurant including dining rooms, restrooms, kitchens and prep areas. o Delegated employees when to do our daily detail cleanings. o Checked all workstations before our rushes to make sure we are set up for success. Worked as a team to prepare restaurant for each shift. o Performed pre-shift meetings to discuss with the team what our goal for the day is and what we need to achieve it. o Helped every area that was weak or needed assistance. Ensured that team members prepared food items according to Farmerboys standards of quality, consistency and timeliness. o Supervised and checked employees portioned products to make sure it is at the right weight and portions. o Checked all workstations to make sure employees are using the right portioning tools. Education Human Resource Management 2016 California State University, San Bernardino San Bernardino, CA