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亠 亠仆 从舒亰舒仆 于 弍仍 于从仍ム舒 弌
亠仂舒仆 Bystro
亠仂舒仆 Quadrum
仆亳 束Josper Meat Lovers損
C 5/10/15 仗仂 08/10/15
19:00  23:00
弌 舒亳亠仄
仍仂仆仂 弌舒仍亳亟仂
丿亠-仗仂于舒 Josper  仗亳亞仍舒亠仆仆亶 亠
舒于亳亟 亅仄仄亠仍亠
丿亠-仗仂于舒 Four Seasons Hotel Moscow
舒亠仂 亳亟舒
弌 丿亠 Four Seasons Moscow
亳亳舒仆 亟亠 舒亟舒亶
丿亠-仗仂于舒 亠仂舒仆舒 Quadrum Four Seasons Hotel Moscow
亠 亠仆 从舒亰舒仆 于 弍仍 于从仍ム舒 弌
亠仂舒仆 Bystro
亠仂舒仆 Quadrum
弌仗 于亳亳舒亰, 仗舒亢舒  仗仂仂 亳 仂  从舒仍亳于舒亟舒 540
弌舒仍舒  亠仆仄 从舒仆仄 仗亠亠仄 亳 亢舒亠仆仂亶 亠从仂亶 580
仂仗亠仆亠 仗仂亟弍亠亠亰仂于亳从亳  弍仂仍仆亠亶 亳 个舒 舒 仆舒 亞亳仍亠 800
丶于亠仆舒 从舒仗舒 Josper 420
弌于亠从仍舒 Tres Alzines 450
仆仂于仆亠 仍ミ莞
亠弍从亳 c 从舒仆仂仄 于亳仆仂仄 Shalotte 920
亠弍从亳 亞仍舒亰亳仂于舒仆仆亠  从舒仂亠仍仆仄 仗ム亠 880
亳弍舒亶 亠亶从  亠亰仂仆仆仄亳 仂于仂舒仄亳 1800
丐舒舒 Josper c 亞仂亳仆仄 仄亠亟仂仄 980
丐亠仆仂亠 从舒亠 磪仆亠仆从舒 仂 仗亳仆舒仂仄 亳 仍亳于从舒仄亳 1300
丐亳-弍仂仆 亠亶从, 亢舒亠仆仆亶 仆舒 亞仍 4200
亠 亠仆 从舒亰舒仆 于 弍仍 于从仍ム舒 弌
Bystro Restaurant
Quadrum Rastaurant
束Josper Meat Lovers損
From the 5/10/15 until 08/10/15
19:00  23:00
Alfonso Salido
Josper Executive Chef  GUEST CHEF
David Hemmerle
Executive Chef Four Seasons Moscow
Matteo Guida
Executive Sous Chef Four Seasons Moscow
Christian de Nadai
Quadrum Chef Four Seasons Moscow
亠 亠仆 从舒亰舒仆 于 弍仍 于从仍ム舒 弌
Bystro Restaurant
Quadrum Rastaurant
Josper Appetizer
Smoked vichyssoise, asparagus with prosciutto and escalibadas toast 540
Braised lettuce with roasted red peppers and codfish 580
Smoked boletus mushroom, scramble eggs and grilled foie gras 800
Josper Cauliflower 420
Beetroot tres alzines 450
Main Courses
Short rib with red wine shallot 920
Glazed brisket with smoky mashed potato 880
Ribeye with seasonal vegetables 1800
Josper Steak tartare with mustard honey dressing 980
Braised rack of lamb with spinach cream 1300
Grilled T-bone steak 4200

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Josper menu prices

  • 1. 亠 亠仆 从舒亰舒仆 于 弍仍 于从仍ム舒 弌 亠仂舒仆 Bystro 亠仂舒仆 Quadrum 仆亳 束Josper Meat Lovers損 C 5/10/15 仗仂 08/10/15 19:00 23:00 弌 舒亳亠仄 仍仂仆仂 弌舒仍亳亟仂 丿亠-仗仂于舒 Josper 仗亳亞仍舒亠仆仆亶 亠 舒于亳亟 亅仄仄亠仍亠 丿亠-仗仂于舒 Four Seasons Hotel Moscow 舒亠仂 亳亟舒 弌 丿亠 Four Seasons Moscow 亳亳舒仆 亟亠 舒亟舒亶 丿亠-仗仂于舒 亠仂舒仆舒 Quadrum Four Seasons Hotel Moscow
  • 2. 亠 亠仆 从舒亰舒仆 于 弍仍 于从仍ム舒 弌 亠仂舒仆 Bystro 亠仂舒仆 Quadrum 舒仆舒仗亠 弌仗 于亳亳舒亰, 仗舒亢舒 仗仂仂 亳 仂 从舒仍亳于舒亟舒 540 舒从从亳 弌舒仍舒 亠仆仄 从舒仆仄 仗亠亠仄 亳 亢舒亠仆仂亶 亠从仂亶 580 仂仗亠仆亠 仗仂亟弍亠亠亰仂于亳从亳 弍仂仍仆亠亶 亳 个舒 舒 仆舒 亞亳仍亠 800 丶于亠仆舒 从舒仗舒 Josper 420 弌于亠从仍舒 Tres Alzines 450 仆仂于仆亠 仍ミ莞 亠弍从亳 c 从舒仆仂仄 于亳仆仂仄 Shalotte 920 亠弍从亳 亞仍舒亰亳仂于舒仆仆亠 从舒仂亠仍仆仄 仗ム亠 880 亳弍舒亶 亠亶从 亠亰仂仆仆仄亳 仂于仂舒仄亳 1800 丐舒舒 Josper c 亞仂亳仆仄 仄亠亟仂仄 980 丐亠仆仂亠 从舒亠 磪仆亠仆从舒 仂 仗亳仆舒仂仄 亳 仍亳于从舒仄亳 1300 丐亳-弍仂仆 亠亶从, 亢舒亠仆仆亶 仆舒 亞仍 4200
  • 3. 亠 亠仆 从舒亰舒仆 于 弍仍 于从仍ム舒 弌 Bystro Restaurant Quadrum Rastaurant 束Josper Meat Lovers損 From the 5/10/15 until 08/10/15 19:00 23:00 Featuring Alfonso Salido Josper Executive Chef GUEST CHEF David Hemmerle Executive Chef Four Seasons Moscow Matteo Guida Executive Sous Chef Four Seasons Moscow Christian de Nadai Quadrum Chef Four Seasons Moscow
  • 4. 亠 亠仆 从舒亰舒仆 于 弍仍 于从仍ム舒 弌 Bystro Restaurant Quadrum Rastaurant Josper Appetizer Smoked vichyssoise, asparagus with prosciutto and escalibadas toast 540 Starters Braised lettuce with roasted red peppers and codfish 580 Smoked boletus mushroom, scramble eggs and grilled foie gras 800 Josper Cauliflower 420 Beetroot tres alzines 450 Main Courses Short rib with red wine shallot 920 Glazed brisket with smoky mashed potato 880 Ribeye with seasonal vegetables 1800 Josper Steak tartare with mustard honey dressing 980 Braised rack of lamb with spinach cream 1300 Grilled T-bone steak 4200