The document provides information about upcoming events and job opportunities for the 103rd Troop Command in July 2014. It summarizes Family Readiness services available through the military's Family Readiness System. It also announces a welcome home celebration for B Company 171st Aviation and the 4th of July celebration. Job openings are listed for Child and Youth Programs and other positions on military bases in Hawaii. The final section provides contact information for Family Readiness resources and personnel.
HMCS Chicoutimi - Pre-Deployment Briefing - March 2017Esquimalt MFRC
I understand the information provided and certify it is accurate.
Signature: ____________________________ Date: __________________
5. Mode of Travel:
Air / Bus / Train / Personal Vehicle
6. Travel Dates:
Depart: _________________ Return: _________________
7. Estimated Cost of Travel: $_________________
8. Have you claimed or will you claim any other travel benefits for this travel?
(e.g. MFS, TD travel)
Yes / No
9. I understand that I must submit proof of travel (boarding passes, tickets, receipts) in order to receive payment.
Signature: ____________________________ Date: __________________
10. Recomm
This document provides guidelines for ecclesiastical communities to plan and host a health day. It discusses organizing a planning committee, determining which health services to offer (e.g. HIV/AIDS testing, blood pressure), inviting relevant organizations to participate, allowing 4 months for planning, and hosting the event at an accessible location. The community is invited to receive free health services, while volunteers and participating organizations provide their time and resources to destigmatize healthcare and make the church a supportive resource.
Pre-deployment Briefing - HMCS Ottawa - February 2017Esquimalt MFRC
Commander Belair outlines key information for families of sailors deploying aboard HMCS Ottawa, including command priorities and support services available. Sunday family information sessions will be held monthly to provide updates. The MFRC and chaplain services can also assist families as needed. Legal assistance is available from the AJAG office on topics like powers of attorney, wills, and travel authorization letters. Choosing an appropriate attorney who will act in the family's best interests is an important consideration.
The document provides contact information for various departments at Joint Base Myer-Henderson Hall, including HQCo, S-1, CONAD, S-3, S-4, S-6, Supply, Motor-T, DMO, Chaplain, FRO, Safety & Environmental, Career Planning, Shopette, Uniform Shop, Athletic/Sports, Smith Gym, SMP, Zembiec Pool, Family Advocacy, Education, Relocation Assistance, Financial Management, ITT, Volunteer Program, and Career Resource Management Center. It also includes information on an upcoming sexual assault survey, updating family readiness contact information, declaring motorcycle ownership, weekly behavioral health meetings, a weekly bible study, changes to the tuition
Annual Report 2015 PRINT READY final version medium file sizeChristopher Mitchell
PanCare of Florida, Inc. is a non-profit community health center operating in 6 counties of Florida. In 2015, PanCare served over 15,000 patients through medical, dental and behavioral health services. Key accomplishments included obtaining accreditation for facilities, completing construction of a new dental clinic and corporate office, and securing a grant to build a new clinic. PanCare also purchased a mobile dental unit, implemented behavioral health integration, and expanded women's health programs in rural areas.
The Lakeview Pantry Home Delivery Program provides groceries to clients who are unable to visit the pantry due to age, disability, or illness. The program delivers to around 240 clients monthly using volunteers. Clients receive bags containing various food items, including options for special diets. The program is managed by two staff members with help from volunteers for food sorting, packing, and deliveries. Demand currently exceeds the program's capacity due to limitations in storage, budget, and volunteer drivers.
The Special Olympics Bowling Championships Marine Volunteer Day is an opportunity for Marines to volunteer
and support the Special Olympics athletes as they compete in the bowling championships. Volunteers are needed from
0800-1200 on 27 Feb to assist with lane monitoring, score keeping, and to generally support and encourage the athletes.
Volunteers should wear civilian clothes/comfortable shoes and report to the Bowl America in Alexandria, VA at 0800 for
instructions. Breakfast will be provided for volunteers. This is a fun and rewarding way for Marines to give back to the
community. All ranks are welcome to participate. If you are interested in volunteering, please RSVP to GySgt Dunston at
703-614-7190/91 or
The document outlines various food service and catering policies for events held at Extension Conference Centers. Some key points include:
- All food and beverages served must be purchased through the ECC food services and outside catering is not permitted. Groups that violate this policy will be charged catering rates for any outside food brought in.
- Final food and catering orders must be guaranteed 4 business days before the event to meet ordering deadlines.
- For events booked 12-24 months in advance, a minimum $5 per person food/catering order is required. No minimum for events booked less than 12 months out.
- Cancellations made 10 or more business days before an event incur no
This document provides guidelines on nutrition for the care and support of people living with HIV/AIDS in Zambia. It was developed by the National Food and Nutrition Commission with input from various partners and stakeholders. The guidelines contain information on the links between nutrition and HIV/AIDS, nutritional requirements, feeding options and nutritional care for different groups affected by HIV like pregnant women, infants and children, and people on antiretroviral therapy or interested in herbal treatments. It also covers food safety, household food security, and monitoring and evaluation of the guidelines.
The Southern Nevada Health District oversees public health in southern Nevada. It has a mission to protect health, the environment, and well-being. It has a board of health that governs the district and a chief health officer that oversees operations. The district has different teams that conduct inspections and enforce regulations. It works to protect food safety through training, inspections, and revising regulations as needed based on public input.
The 3-1 BSTB Town Hall Meeting provided information to soldiers about the unit's upcoming deployment to Afghanistan. Key details included:
- The unit will deploy in late September/early October 2010 to replace 4/10 MTN in Wardak, Logar, and Bamiyan provinces.
- Background information was provided on Afghanistan and the unit's area of operations.
- Timelines and options for soldiers with upcoming expiration terms of service dates were outlined.
- Resources available to soldiers and families during the deployment, such as family readiness groups and on-post support agencies, were highlighted.
- Questions from soldiers about the deployment and support services concluded the meeting.
Command Channel 際際滷s, Feb. 21 to 27, 2012USAG Japan
The ZaCSA uses fundraising proceeds and shop sales to support the military community through grants to organizations. The CRB is a one-page report containing an individual's civilian personnel data. Strong Bonds Retreats provide relationship support for single and married service members. MetLife will become the new TRICARE dental provider effective May 2012.
The Navy offers free tax preparation assistance through the Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) program. Trained volunteers help with filing tax returns and address issues specific to military members, such as combat zone tax benefits. Taxpayers should bring documentation like IDs, income statements, and last year's returns when visiting a VITA site. Both spouses must be present to file jointly electronically. The article also provides information on keeping pets safe in winter and entrepreneurship resources for service members.
Mr. Sudheer Gochade is seeking a position as a PCB designer with his 2 years and 8 months of experience. He has a B.E. in Electronics and Telecommunication from PVPIT, Pune University. His work experience includes designing PCBs for scientific instrumentation products at Mcube Technology and designing elevator control panels, voltage monitoring relays, and other boards at Inditech Systems. He has strong skills in C programming, embedded systems, microcontrollers like 8051, PIC18F452, and ARM7. He is proficient in PCB design tools like Orcad Capture and has designed over 25 boards in the last 6 months.
Ilmu ekonomi adalah studi tentang bagaimana manusia dan masyarakat memilih untuk menggunakan sumber daya terbatas dalam upaya memenuhi kebutuhan yang tidak terbatas serta gejala dan hubungan yang timbul dari proses tersebut.
Kelompok 3 mempelajari ilmu ekonomi, termasuk pengertian, ruang lingkup (mikro dan makro), dan metode-metode penelitian seperti deduktif, induktif, dan ekonometrika. Ilmu ekonomi mempelajari perilaku individu dan masyarakat dalam memilih sumber daya terbatas.
This document discusses a marketing research project on developing nuclear fusion plants in India. It begins with an abstract noting India's issues with pollution, resource scarcity, and inequality that nuclear fusion could help resolve. It then examines India's culture using Hofstede's dimensions, noting implications like a need to approach authorities. Key problems in India are outlined like population growth, electricity and water insufficiency, unemployment, and air pollution. The potential benefits of nuclear fusion plants are presented, such as creating electricity and water surpluses, employment, and reducing air pollution. Suggestions are made for promoting the project to the Indian government by emphasizing these contributions to India.
Le role d'une plateforme d'affiliation en 2013 - CPARomain Fonnier
Le Collectif des plateformes daffiliation (CPA) publie les r辿sultats dune enqu棚te men辿e aupr竪s de 250 辿diteurs et de 48 annonceurs, une enqu棚te centr辿e sur le r担le jou辿e par une plateforme daffiliation.
Les plateformes sont encore une source de chiffres daffaires pour 94% des annonceurs sond辿s, et un canal dacquisition stable pour 92% des sond辿s.
Print, tablettes, autres ecrans : les usages des moins de 20 ans - Junior Con...Romain Fonnier
Les moins de 20 ans conjuguent lultra-connexion et lattachement la lecture selon l辿tude Junior Connect dIpsos
Les moins de 20 ans, les 辿crans et le print. Cest une des questions trait辿e par l辿tude Junior Connect sur les comportements et les aspirations des enfants et des adolescents (de 1 19 ans), r辿alis辿e en juin-novembre 2013 et pr辿sent辿e hier matin.
En un an, la p辿n辿tration des tablettes aupr竪s des foyers avec enfants est pass辿e de 22% 46%. En particulier, l辿quipement personnel des enfants de 7 12 ans a tripl辿, passant de 6% 19% entre 2012 et 2013. Celui des 1-6 ans (8%) et celui des 13-19 ans (18%) ont plus que doubl辿.
53% des ados ont d辿sormais leur propre smartphone tandis que 70% poss竪dent leur ordinateur, 65% leur console de jeu et 45% leur t辿l辿vision. Cons辿quence : un jeune de 13-19 ans est 辿quip辿 personnellement de 3,2 辿crans en moyenne.
Lusage de Facebook reste tr竪s 辿lev辿 (79% des 13-19 ans) et 75% des 7-19 ans sont addicts aux jeux sur smartphone ou tablette tandis les messageries instantan辿es mobiles (50% des 13-19 ans) et le multitasking prennent de lampleur.
La consultation des 辿crans ne se substitue pas pour autant la lecture traditionnelle : les jeunes 辿quip辿s de tablette ou de smartphone lisent plus que les non 辿quip辿s. La lecture reste fondamentale dans la vie des enfants : 80% des 7-12 ans et 70% des 1-6 ans sont lecteurs r辿cents de magazines jeunesse. Ils y consacrent en moyenne 3h45 chaque semaine.
Ipsos a r辿alis辿 cette ann辿e une typologie des jeunes de 7 19 ans, en fonction de leurs 辿quipements mobiles et de leur consommation presse, TV et internet. Les deux indicateurs les plus discriminants sont la quantit辿 d辿crans poss辿d辿s et le temps de lecture presse. Six types ont 辿t辿 d辿gag辿s. Parmi eux, les 束enfants sages損 (13%) lisent beaucoup la presse et sont des petits consommateurs TV et Internet. Les 束curieux損 (18%) sont des gros lecteurs de livres et ont une utilisation p辿dagogique et ludique des 辿crans. Les 束accros損 (20%) sont des gros consommateurs TV, Internet et jeux vid辿o.
L辿tude Junior Connect repose sur linterrogation en ligne de 4 000 enfants et jeunes de moins de 20 ans. Pour les enfants de 1 6 ans, ce sont les parents qui r辿pondent ; entre 7 12 ans, lenfant r辿pond en pr辿sence de ses parents ; de 13 19 ans ladolescent r辿pond seul. Le recueil a eu lieu entre juin et novembre 2013.
The document discusses various topics related to military families including:
- Military Saves Week from February 24-March 1 which encourages military families to save money and reduce debt.
- Resources for filing taxes such as free assistance from VITA offices and Military OneSource. It provides tips for getting refunds and using them productively.
- A new video podcast series from the Navy Fleet and Family Support Program about topics like deployment, finances, and community support.
- Changes to locations qualifying for Imminent Danger Pay going into effect in June 2014.
The document summarizes family support programs and services that will continue operating in the event of a government shutdown, including commissaries, exchanges, child development centers, military onesource, and mycaa. It also lists some programs that will close, such as education centers and MWR programs, though installation lodges will remain open. The document provides updates on various family support events and programs from different offices such as the DoDEA, family advocacy, and MWR.
Family service center programs ppt frpm efmp training conferenceNavyEFMP
The Fleet and Family Support Center provides programs to support service members and their families. They offer services related to deployment readiness, career support and retention, and crisis response from 81 sites worldwide. Deployment readiness services include support for sailors before, during, and after deployment. Career support services help with financial management, transition assistance, and family employment resources. Crisis response programs provide counseling, advocacy, and prevention services for issues like domestic violence, child abuse, sexual assault, and new parent support.
This document provides guidelines on nutrition for the care and support of people living with HIV/AIDS in Zambia. It was developed by the National Food and Nutrition Commission with input from various partners and stakeholders. The guidelines contain information on the links between nutrition and HIV/AIDS, nutritional requirements, feeding options and nutritional care for different groups affected by HIV like pregnant women, infants and children, and people on antiretroviral therapy or interested in herbal treatments. It also covers food safety, household food security, and monitoring and evaluation of the guidelines.
The Southern Nevada Health District oversees public health in southern Nevada. It has a mission to protect health, the environment, and well-being. It has a board of health that governs the district and a chief health officer that oversees operations. The district has different teams that conduct inspections and enforce regulations. It works to protect food safety through training, inspections, and revising regulations as needed based on public input.
The 3-1 BSTB Town Hall Meeting provided information to soldiers about the unit's upcoming deployment to Afghanistan. Key details included:
- The unit will deploy in late September/early October 2010 to replace 4/10 MTN in Wardak, Logar, and Bamiyan provinces.
- Background information was provided on Afghanistan and the unit's area of operations.
- Timelines and options for soldiers with upcoming expiration terms of service dates were outlined.
- Resources available to soldiers and families during the deployment, such as family readiness groups and on-post support agencies, were highlighted.
- Questions from soldiers about the deployment and support services concluded the meeting.
Command Channel 際際滷s, Feb. 21 to 27, 2012USAG Japan
The ZaCSA uses fundraising proceeds and shop sales to support the military community through grants to organizations. The CRB is a one-page report containing an individual's civilian personnel data. Strong Bonds Retreats provide relationship support for single and married service members. MetLife will become the new TRICARE dental provider effective May 2012.
The Navy offers free tax preparation assistance through the Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) program. Trained volunteers help with filing tax returns and address issues specific to military members, such as combat zone tax benefits. Taxpayers should bring documentation like IDs, income statements, and last year's returns when visiting a VITA site. Both spouses must be present to file jointly electronically. The article also provides information on keeping pets safe in winter and entrepreneurship resources for service members.
Mr. Sudheer Gochade is seeking a position as a PCB designer with his 2 years and 8 months of experience. He has a B.E. in Electronics and Telecommunication from PVPIT, Pune University. His work experience includes designing PCBs for scientific instrumentation products at Mcube Technology and designing elevator control panels, voltage monitoring relays, and other boards at Inditech Systems. He has strong skills in C programming, embedded systems, microcontrollers like 8051, PIC18F452, and ARM7. He is proficient in PCB design tools like Orcad Capture and has designed over 25 boards in the last 6 months.
Ilmu ekonomi adalah studi tentang bagaimana manusia dan masyarakat memilih untuk menggunakan sumber daya terbatas dalam upaya memenuhi kebutuhan yang tidak terbatas serta gejala dan hubungan yang timbul dari proses tersebut.
Kelompok 3 mempelajari ilmu ekonomi, termasuk pengertian, ruang lingkup (mikro dan makro), dan metode-metode penelitian seperti deduktif, induktif, dan ekonometrika. Ilmu ekonomi mempelajari perilaku individu dan masyarakat dalam memilih sumber daya terbatas.
This document discusses a marketing research project on developing nuclear fusion plants in India. It begins with an abstract noting India's issues with pollution, resource scarcity, and inequality that nuclear fusion could help resolve. It then examines India's culture using Hofstede's dimensions, noting implications like a need to approach authorities. Key problems in India are outlined like population growth, electricity and water insufficiency, unemployment, and air pollution. The potential benefits of nuclear fusion plants are presented, such as creating electricity and water surpluses, employment, and reducing air pollution. Suggestions are made for promoting the project to the Indian government by emphasizing these contributions to India.
Le role d'une plateforme d'affiliation en 2013 - CPARomain Fonnier
Le Collectif des plateformes daffiliation (CPA) publie les r辿sultats dune enqu棚te men辿e aupr竪s de 250 辿diteurs et de 48 annonceurs, une enqu棚te centr辿e sur le r担le jou辿e par une plateforme daffiliation.
Les plateformes sont encore une source de chiffres daffaires pour 94% des annonceurs sond辿s, et un canal dacquisition stable pour 92% des sond辿s.
Print, tablettes, autres ecrans : les usages des moins de 20 ans - Junior Con...Romain Fonnier
Les moins de 20 ans conjuguent lultra-connexion et lattachement la lecture selon l辿tude Junior Connect dIpsos
Les moins de 20 ans, les 辿crans et le print. Cest une des questions trait辿e par l辿tude Junior Connect sur les comportements et les aspirations des enfants et des adolescents (de 1 19 ans), r辿alis辿e en juin-novembre 2013 et pr辿sent辿e hier matin.
En un an, la p辿n辿tration des tablettes aupr竪s des foyers avec enfants est pass辿e de 22% 46%. En particulier, l辿quipement personnel des enfants de 7 12 ans a tripl辿, passant de 6% 19% entre 2012 et 2013. Celui des 1-6 ans (8%) et celui des 13-19 ans (18%) ont plus que doubl辿.
53% des ados ont d辿sormais leur propre smartphone tandis que 70% poss竪dent leur ordinateur, 65% leur console de jeu et 45% leur t辿l辿vision. Cons辿quence : un jeune de 13-19 ans est 辿quip辿 personnellement de 3,2 辿crans en moyenne.
Lusage de Facebook reste tr竪s 辿lev辿 (79% des 13-19 ans) et 75% des 7-19 ans sont addicts aux jeux sur smartphone ou tablette tandis les messageries instantan辿es mobiles (50% des 13-19 ans) et le multitasking prennent de lampleur.
La consultation des 辿crans ne se substitue pas pour autant la lecture traditionnelle : les jeunes 辿quip辿s de tablette ou de smartphone lisent plus que les non 辿quip辿s. La lecture reste fondamentale dans la vie des enfants : 80% des 7-12 ans et 70% des 1-6 ans sont lecteurs r辿cents de magazines jeunesse. Ils y consacrent en moyenne 3h45 chaque semaine.
Ipsos a r辿alis辿 cette ann辿e une typologie des jeunes de 7 19 ans, en fonction de leurs 辿quipements mobiles et de leur consommation presse, TV et internet. Les deux indicateurs les plus discriminants sont la quantit辿 d辿crans poss辿d辿s et le temps de lecture presse. Six types ont 辿t辿 d辿gag辿s. Parmi eux, les 束enfants sages損 (13%) lisent beaucoup la presse et sont des petits consommateurs TV et Internet. Les 束curieux損 (18%) sont des gros lecteurs de livres et ont une utilisation p辿dagogique et ludique des 辿crans. Les 束accros損 (20%) sont des gros consommateurs TV, Internet et jeux vid辿o.
L辿tude Junior Connect repose sur linterrogation en ligne de 4 000 enfants et jeunes de moins de 20 ans. Pour les enfants de 1 6 ans, ce sont les parents qui r辿pondent ; entre 7 12 ans, lenfant r辿pond en pr辿sence de ses parents ; de 13 19 ans ladolescent r辿pond seul. Le recueil a eu lieu entre juin et novembre 2013.
The document discusses various topics related to military families including:
- Military Saves Week from February 24-March 1 which encourages military families to save money and reduce debt.
- Resources for filing taxes such as free assistance from VITA offices and Military OneSource. It provides tips for getting refunds and using them productively.
- A new video podcast series from the Navy Fleet and Family Support Program about topics like deployment, finances, and community support.
- Changes to locations qualifying for Imminent Danger Pay going into effect in June 2014.
The document summarizes family support programs and services that will continue operating in the event of a government shutdown, including commissaries, exchanges, child development centers, military onesource, and mycaa. It also lists some programs that will close, such as education centers and MWR programs, though installation lodges will remain open. The document provides updates on various family support events and programs from different offices such as the DoDEA, family advocacy, and MWR.
Family service center programs ppt frpm efmp training conferenceNavyEFMP
The Fleet and Family Support Center provides programs to support service members and their families. They offer services related to deployment readiness, career support and retention, and crisis response from 81 sites worldwide. Deployment readiness services include support for sailors before, during, and after deployment. Career support services help with financial management, transition assistance, and family employment resources. Crisis response programs provide counseling, advocacy, and prevention services for issues like domestic violence, child abuse, sexual assault, and new parent support.
President Ronald Reagan established the first Military Spouse Day in 1984 to recognize the commitment of military spouses to service members' readiness and well-being. The Department of Defense now declares the Friday before Mother's Day each year as Military Spouse Appreciation Day. Bases worldwide hold events throughout the day such as luncheons, workshops, and job fairs to honor military spouses for their sacrifices. Military Spouse Appreciation Day this year is Friday, May 9, and all are invited to recognize and thank military spouses.
The document provides information on various programs and services available through Army Community Service (ACS) at Fort Wainwright, Alaska. ACS offers a wide range of programs to support soldiers and their families, including stress management consultations, resume and interview assistance, financial planning help, and more. Major services covered include employment readiness, exceptional family member support, family advocacy, military family life counseling, and survivor outreach. Contact information is provided for each program area.
HRH The Princess Royal visited Bradford Teaching Hospitals to celebrate the success of Project SEARCH, an employment training initiative for people with learning disabilities run by Hft and the hospitals. The Princess learned about the year-long program which provides training and mentoring in roles such as portering and maintenance. She met current and former interns who spoke positively about their experiences in Project SEARCH, which has a 70% employment rate after graduation. The Princess emphasized the importance of supported employment in helping people with learning disabilities gain skills, self-esteem, and realize their potential through paid work.
The document outlines various family readiness programs provided by the Navy to support sailors and their families. It discusses programs that provide: [1] deployment and relocation support; [2] crisis response services like counseling and advocacy for victims of abuse; and [3] career and financial support programs. The programs aim to strengthen families through preparedness and resilience during military service through services like counseling, education, and response during emergencies.
Christopher Mason Nyirantoe is applying for a job. He has a BSC degree in Sociology and Management from the University of Liberia and various certificates in areas like bookkeeping, computer skills, logistic supply chain management, and project monitoring and evaluation. He has over 15 years of work experience in roles like administrative assistant, logistic administrator, scholarship supervisor, and financial/administrative manager for organizations like PAE, Earthsource Mineral International, Children Vision Charity International, and Foundation for International Dignity. His objective is to gain knowledge and demonstrate his technical skills by serving an organization to accomplish its goals.
This document provides an overview of the Child & Youth Programs (CYP) which include programs and services for children and youth ages 4 weeks to 18 years old. The CYP mission is to provide developmental childcare and youth recreational programs to meet the needs of military families. The CYP structure includes child development centers, homes, school-age care, youth programs, and education services. Special programs include Inclusion Action Teams to support children with disabilities, school liaison officers, EFMP respite care, and accessible playgrounds.
This document provides information about life as a truck driver and the Alliance organization. It discusses a typical day for a truck driver which involves waking up early, inspecting the truck, driving to pick-up or drop-off locations, dealing with delays, and finding a place to park for the night. It also notes that truck driving does not typically provide a balanced work-life schedule. The document then discusses benefits that truck drivers receive including an annual salary of around $40,000 and benefits, as well as good and bad parts of the job.
KG Alumni Listserv - Issue 363, June 30, 2011Evgeny Dronov
This document is a newsletter in Russian for alumni of US government exchange programs in Kyrgyzstan. It provides information on upcoming events and opportunities for alumni, including deadlines for grants and fellowships. It announces vacancies at the US Embassy and from local companies. The newsletter is distributed weekly by email to around 1000 alumni and interested parties.
The Yellow Ribbon Reintegration Program (YRRP) provides support for National Guard and reserve service members and their families as they transition between military and civilian life. It was established by Congress in 2008 to streamline support initiatives across the reserves. YRRP hosts events to connect service members with resources before, during, and after deployments and covers topics like health care, education, employment, and counseling. Through collaboration between the military, government, and community organizations, YRRP aims to improve reintegration support over the long term.
Experience Education Report on Post-C30 Coop Programs for Language Schoolsrjjago
This document discusses options for language schools after Immigration Canada eliminates the C-30 exemption work permit, ending language co-op programs. It outlines three new experiential education programs developed as alternatives: farmstay (up to 4 weeks of unpaid work on a farm for room and board), casual volunteer work, and a "Voluntern" program requiring a C-50 work permit for full-time volunteer placements. It argues these new programs provide educational opportunities without the regulatory uncertainty of managing legacy language co-op programs in-house, and that outsourcing them can help schools overcome related challenges.
Master-copy 2014 report on post c-30 programsrjjago
This document discusses options for language schools after Immigration Canada eliminates the C-30 exemption work permit, ending language co-op programs. It outlines three new experiential education programs developed as alternatives: farmstay programs of 1-4 weeks with no work permit required; casual volunteering with no work permit; and full-time "Voluntern" programs using C-50 work permits. It also addresses managing existing "legacy" language co-op programs and partnering with Experience Education to transition programs and maintain quality amid regulatory changes.
The document is a newsletter from the Navy's Fleet and Family Support Program providing information to help military families meet challenges of the military lifestyle. It discusses resources available through the Family Employment Readiness Program to help military spouses find employment when moving locations frequently. It provides details on programs like Spouse Education and Career Opportunities, the Military Spouse Employment Partnership, and Hiring Our Heroes that can assist spouses with career counseling, job searches, and networking. The newsletter also advertises upcoming webinars on federal employment and the summer reading program "Paws to Read" for children.
The Navy's Exceptional Family Member Program (EFMP) provides comprehensive support for military families with special needs children. It assists families during relocation by ensuring support for their unique needs is available at new duty stations. Over 16,000 families are currently enrolled. The program coordinates support between various Navy offices and includes dedicated coordinators, education liaisons, and expanded family support centers. EFMP aims to streamline assignments while providing information and connecting families to resources.
Running head WHAT IS NEXT FOR RETIRED MILITARY SPOUSE1.docxagnesdcarey33086
What is next for Military Spouse Once the Active Duty Personnel Retires?
揃 There is a lot of militarys spouse who chooses to stay at home while their spouse was active in the military. The reason can range from being new to state or country and not trusting or knowing anyone who can babysit their child. On the other hand, since one parent is away overseas and they did not want to subject their child to having one parent away and another parent gone for eight hours a day. Whatever the reason may be once the active duty personnel are retired what next for the stay at home parent. Their spouse income will dramatically decrease leaving the household in a bind. Some programs focused on the spouse of active duty personnel but not any programs that concentrate on the retired personnel spouse.
揃 The stay at home spouse of retired military personnel might have to go to work to help supplement their spouses retirement check. If the stayed at home spouse does not have the desired skills an employer seeks, that spouse might need to learn new skill s or brush up on their old skills to gain employment or to become employable.
揃 America still care about retired military families
揃 This program will put money back in the economy.
揃 Making people employable and educated
揃 Marrying employers with eager unemployed retired military personnels spouse
揃 Not only do retired personnel need to readapt into civilian world their spouses need the same training and education offer to their spouses.
揃 Right before an active duty a personnel decides to retire the military sends them to classes.
揃 Anywhere from resumes writing classes, job fairs, and these classes is to help them to readjust to civilian life.
揃 The program (METHOD)
揃 Will focus on retired military souse who is interested in going back into the workforce who lack the skills and or training
揃 Computer classes
揃 Resume writing classes
揃 All in one stop
揃 Job fairs
揃 Mock interviews
揃 Linking
揃 Social services
揃 Legal services
揃 To instill the skill development effectively to the spouses, effective methods will be employed.
揃 One of the methods is to expose the spouses to other spouses outside the military service running their small-scale businesses.
揃 The exposure will give the spouses a basic insight and confidence of running their own business.
揃 The second approach will involve introducing the group to a consultant to learn basic work skills and business plan development
揃 Funding (BUDGET)
揃 Grants
揃 Tuition
揃 Private scholarship
揃 Private funding
揃 Volunteers
揃 Partnership with the VA
揃 The grant fund been sought is intended for start-up expenses.
揃 This implies the on-going needs of the program will be financed by soliciting funds from different sources.
揃 The start-up costs includes acquiring the support equipment, hiring skill developers, raising a.
Percy Sethono has over 16 years of experience in public health sciences and social services. He has held several roles related to HIV prevention, health promotion, occupational health and wellness, and training. His experience includes designing health strategies, implementing projects, monitoring and evaluation, and building partnerships. He is skilled in communication, customer relations, and creating innovative health promotion campaigns. He has a BA in health sciences and training in public health education.
The document provides a resource guide for family services in Onslow County, North Carolina. It includes contact information for over 20 organizations that provide services such as child advocacy, child support, housing assistance, education/training programs, health services, youth programs, transportation assistance and more. The guide lists each organization's contact details, eligibility requirements, and a brief summary of services provided. It is intended to help connect families with local community resources and support.
The Salvation Army is applying for funding to expand its Homeless Prevention program. The program provides rental assistance for up to 3 months and case
management to extremely low-income families facing eviction. Last year 146 families received 1 month of rental assistance through other funding. The program aims
to serve 50 additional families with 3 months of rental assistance through ESG funds. A dedicated case manager will develop service plans and link families to other
supports to help them overcome their financial crisis and maintain housing. The program meets the CoC's priority of preventing homelessness by helping families
avoid eviction and homelessness.
JULY 2014
Special points of interest:
Summer Fun!!!
4th of July Celebration
B CO 171st AVN Welcome Home
Inside this issue:
Family Readiness System 2
Upcoming Events 3
NAF Jobs 4
NAF Jobs Conti. 5
Summer Fun!!! 6
Welcome Home Voyagers 7
Welcome Home Voyagers
4th of July Celebration 9
FRG Corner 10
Family Readiness System
The Family Readiness System (FRS) is the network of programs, services, people, and
agencies, and the collaboration among them, that promotes the readiness and quality
of life of service members and their families. The services available through the FRS
can help you develop new skills and tackle lifes challenges - in every stage of military
What services are available through the Family Readiness System?
The following services are available through the FRS. Additional services, which vary by
access point, may be offered to meet the unique needs of your installation or commu-
Mobility and deployment assistance. Services designed to help you adjust to a
phases of the deployment cycle.
Relocation assistance. Information and education to help with questions related to
permanent change of station movies, including moving costs, housing options,
spouse employment opportunities, schools, community orientation and much
Personal financial management. Services that provide tools and information to help
you achieve financial goals and address financial challenges. Topics include con-
sumer education, budgeting and debt liquidation, retirement planning, and savings
and investment counseling.
Spouse education and career services. Services include career exploration opportuni-
ties, education and training, employment readiness assistance, and employment
Family life education. Education and enrichment services that focus on helping fami-
lies build and maintain healthy relationships and strengthen problem-solving skills.
Emergency family assistance. Services that promote short and long-term recovery
and the return to a stable environment after an emergency.
Domestic abuse prevention and response services. Education, support services, and
treatment to help promote healthy and safe intimate relationships, reduce the oc-
currence of domestic abuse and address domestic abuse when it occurs.
Child abuse prevention and response services. Services that help promote positive
parent-child relationships, prevent child abuse, and address abuse when it occurs.
New parent support. Services designed to help new parents adapt to parenthood,
including playgroups, classes, and access to books, booklets, and other written
materials on parenting.
Exceptional family member (EFM) support. For families with special needs, education
and assistance related to the EFM Program enrollment and assignment coordination
process, non-clinical case management, and relocation support.
Non-medical individual and family counseling. Short-term, non-medical counseling
services address topics related to personal growth and positive functioning.
Transition assistance. Services that prepare separating service members and their
families to reenter civilian life.
Morale, Welfare, and Recreation. A variety of recreational opportunities that include
fitness and sports, libraries, skill development programs and travel and lodging.
Information and referral. Information designed to help you become familiar with and
access the range of services available through the FRS.
2. How do I access services?
You can visit, call, or log on to one of the FRS access points listed below. Regardless of your Service branch or geographic location, you will
have access to helpful support and resources. If the access point you choose does not have what you need, simply request help finding it. FRS
access points include:
Installation-based Military and Family Support Centers
Installation-based Military and Family Support Centers are a one-stop-shop for family readiness information and services. Army Community Ser-
vices (ACS) Centers are open to all service members and their families, regardless of the service members branch.
Reserve Component Family Programs deliver family readiness services in a number of ways: through facility-based locations, website, or by tele-
phone. While these access points deliver a limited number of direct services to members and their families, they can readily refer you to other
FRS resources.
Joint Family Support Assistance Program
JFSAP is a Defense-wide program that augments services provided through installation-based Military and Family Support Centers and Reserve
Component Family Programs. JFSAP teams, which are based at each states Joint Force Headquarters, provide services such as non-medical indi-
vidual and family counseling through Military and Family Life Counselors; information about MOS resources and services; and referrals to com-
munity-based services and support such as assistance locating child care.
Community Organizations
Non-military, community organizations that support military families are also considered a part of the FRS, as they play a key role in providing
the services you need for everyday life. A listing of federal and civilian partners that are officially recognized by the Department of Defense is
available online. Your local access points (Military and Family Support Center, Guard and Reserve Component Family Program, MOS, and JFSAP)
can also connect you to other approved partners offering services in your local community.
Page 2
Military One Source
July 2014
4. July 2014
Page 4
14224 Child and Youth Program Assistant, CY-1702-01/02
Open Continuous
ANNOUNCEMENT NO: 14224 Open Continuous
POSITION TITLE: Child and Youth Program Assistant CY-
TYPE OF APPOINTMENT: Flexible Schedule
SALARY: $11.29 $13.82 + 12.25% COLA
LOCATION: JBPHH Various CYP Activities
OPENING DATE: 04/25/2014
CLOSING DATE: 12/31/2014
* This position might be recruited at a higher level based
on the applicants qualification. Please see qualification require-
ments for more information.*
14226 Open Continuous CYP Operations Clerk, NF-0303-02
ANNOUNCEMENT NO: 14226 Open Continuous
POSITION TITLE: CYP Operations Clerk NF-0303-02
TYPE OF APPOINTMENT: Flexible Schedule
SALARY: $10.81 $15.00 per hour
LOCATION: JBPHH Various CYP Activities
AREA OF CONSIDERATION: Current NAFI employees within
JBPHH / Oahu wide
OPENING DATE: 04/25/2014
CLOSING DATE: 07/03/2014
14229 Child and Youth Program Custodian, NA-3566-02
Open Continuous
ANNOUNCEMENT NO: 14229 Open Continuous
POSITION TITLE: Child and Youth Program Custodian NA-
SALARY: $11.25 $13.11 per hour
LOCATION: JBPHH Various CYP Activities
OPENING DATE: 04/25/2014
CLOSING DATE: 07/03/2014
14225 Child and Youth Program Assistant, CY-1702-01/02
Open Continuous
ANNOUNCEMENT NO: 14225 Open Continuous
POSITION TITLE: Child and Youth Program Assistant CY-
SALARY: $11.29 $13.82 + 12.25% COLA
LOCATION: JBPHH Various CYP Activities
employees / Oahu wide
OPENING DATE: 04/25/2014
CLOSING DATE: 12/31/2014
14230 Child and Youth Program Cook, NA-7404-08 Open Con-
ANNOUNCEMENT NO: 14230 Open Continuous
POSITION TITLE: Child and Youth Program Cook NA-7404-08
SALARY: $16.40
LOCATION: JBPHH Various CYP Activities
OPENING DATE: 04/25/2014
CLOSING DATE: 07/03/2014
14228 CYP Food Service Worker, NA-7406-04 Open Continuous
ANNOUNCEMENT NO: 14228 Open Continuous
POSITION TITLE: CYP Food Service Worker NA-7406-04
TYPE OF APPOINTMENT: Flexible Schedule
SALARY: $12.97 per hour
LOCATION: JBPHH Various CYP Activities
OPENING DATE: 04/25/2014
CLOSING DATE: 07/03/2014
13221- Cook NA-7404-04 (Re-announcement)
ANNOUNCEMENT NO: 13221 (Re-announcement)
TYPE OF APPOINTMENT: (3) Flexible Scheduled
SALARY: $12.97 to $15.14 per hour
OPENING DATE: 04/18/2014
CLOSING DATE: 07/17/2014
Open Until Filled
Page July 2014
14271 Lifeguard, NF-0189-01
POSITION TITLE: Lifeguard, NF-0189-01
TYPE OF APPOINTMENT: (3) Flexible Scheduled
SALARY: $8.00 $10.00 Per Hour
OPENING DATE: 06/13/2014
CLOSING DATE: 09/13/2014
Open Until Filled
Applications are continuously reviewed as positions be-
come available.
13231 Waiter, NA-7420-01 Re-announcement
ANNOUNCEMENT NO: 13231 Re-announcement
POSITION TITLE: Waiter NA-7420-01
TYPE OF APPOINTMENT: (5) Flexible Scheduled
SALARY: $10.19 $11.92 per hour
OPENING DATE: 06/03/2014
CLOSING DATE: 09/01/2014
Open Until Filled
Applications are continuously reviewed as positions become
13226 Food Service Worker, NA-7408-02
POSITION TITLE: Food Service Worker NA-7408-02
TYPE OF APPOINTMENT: (4) Flexible Scheduled
SALARY: $11.25 $13.11 per hour
OPENING DATE: 06/03/2014
CLOSING DATE: 09/01/2014
Open Until Filled
Applications are continuously reviewed as positions be-
come available.
14247 Recreation Aid, NF-0189-01
POSITION TITLE: Recreation Aid NF-0189-01
TYPE OF APPOINTMENT: (1) Flexible Schedule
SALARY: $9.75 $12.00 per hour
LOCATION: PMRF Fitness Center
OPENING DATE: 05/20/2014
CLOSING DATE: 08/18/2014
Open Until Filled
Applications are continuously reviewed as positions become
14113 Security, NF-0085-01 (Re-announcement)
ANNOUNCEMENT NO: 14113 (Re-announcement)
POSITION TITLE: Security NF-0085-01
TYPE OF APPOINTMENT: (6) Temporary Flexible Scheduled,
NTE 180 Days
SALARY: $8.50 per hour
LOCATION: JBPHH Club Pearl Complex
OPENING DATE: 05/16/2014
CLOSING DATE: 08/14/2014
Open Until Filled
Applications are continuously reviewed as positions be-
come available.
13224 Bartender, NA-7405-03 (Re-announcement)
ANNOUNCEMENT NO: 13224 (Re-announcement)
POSITION TITLE: Bartender NA-7405-03
TYPE OF APPOINTMENT: (5) Flexible Scheduled
SALARY: $12.18 $14.18 per hour
OPENING DATE: 05/02/2014
CLOSING DATE: 07/31/2014
Open Until Filled
Applications are continuously reviewed as positions be-
come available.
10. Page 10
Lauressa M. Richardson
Family Readiness Support Assistant
96-1210 Waihona St.
Pearl City, HI 96782
Phone: 808-672-1753
Cell: 808-445-0255
Aloha Troop Command Ohana,
As life continues to affect us we consistently strive to learn new ways to be resilient,
happy and successful. You dont have to travel this journey alone. Utilize your State
Family Program Resources.
My goal is to provide you with current information and resources that you find valuable. I
am always open to suggestions and am dedicated to supporting the HIARNG and their
This newsletter is an effort to share all the information passed to the FRSA from a variety
of sources to our Soldiers, Veterans and Families. Please share with anyone whom you
think would benefit from this newsletters contents. If you have any questions or com-
ments, please share them with the 103rd Troop Command Family Readiness Support As-
sistant (FRSA).
This is our newsletter. If you have something youd like to add just send an email and it
will be added!
"Building Stronger, Self-Reliant Military Families"
Key Resources
Gail Tamaribuchi, Family Assistant Specialist: 808-672-1438 Office/808-387-0957 Cell
Michelle Nieves, Child & Youth Program: 808-672-1439 Office/808-631-4959 Cell
Janet Covington, Military Family Life Consultant: 808-221-6470 Cell
Jeffrie Wagner, Military Family Life Consultant: 808-341-6762 Cell
Marti Henrickson, Financial Counselor: 808-265-0471 Cell
Kimberly Crutchfield, Military One Source: 808-286-9277 Cell
SGT Wienee De Guzman, Strong Bonds: 808-672-1339 Office
July 2014