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(Strengthening Philanthropy. Leveraging Associations. Serving Humankind)Crowd-Sourcing Smart Giving
Our Initial IdeasTransparent Charity Tool:Follow donated money from donor to end user.Campaign Generator:Will help decrease the cost of creating online marketing campaigns.Charity Gather:A way to pool resources by likeminded nonprofits to create a surplus out of scarcity.Smart Disaster Relief Tool:Allow donors to specify a disaster and automatically donate to the most efficient charity. SP.LA.SH.A web-based tool that leverages social networks to forge lasting relationships between donors, nonprofits, and beneficiaries.
SP.LA.SH - 3 Key Features#1Leverage existing social networking technologies to amplify the effectiveness of social investors through communication with their networks.  Connect with youth to maximize lifetime philanthropic impact. #2Make research easy by aggregating existing ratings and allowing for Yelp-style reviews by donors and beneficiaries.  Information is clear, succinct, and easily digestible.#3Generate achievement-based awardsto display the effectiveness of an individuals social investment network.  Ability for users to compete and compare impact.
How SP.LA.SH Works
Create & Share Your Profile
Find & Evaluate Nonprofits
Personal Outreach
Personal ImpactEnlighten the UninformedShare your research to engage friends, family, and co-workers in smart giving
Encourage your existing social network to get involvedLink TrackingProvides metrics on clicks and donations from links you sent
Demonstrates personal effectiveness in influencing others to donateI Care AppLinks to Facebook

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  • 1. (Strengthening Philanthropy. Leveraging Associations. Serving Humankind)Crowd-Sourcing Smart Giving
  • 2. Our Initial IdeasTransparent Charity Tool:Follow donated money from donor to end user.Campaign Generator:Will help decrease the cost of creating online marketing campaigns.Charity Gather:A way to pool resources by likeminded nonprofits to create a surplus out of scarcity.Smart Disaster Relief Tool:Allow donors to specify a disaster and automatically donate to the most efficient charity. SP.LA.SH.A web-based tool that leverages social networks to forge lasting relationships between donors, nonprofits, and beneficiaries.
  • 3. SP.LA.SH - 3 Key Features#1Leverage existing social networking technologies to amplify the effectiveness of social investors through communication with their networks. Connect with youth to maximize lifetime philanthropic impact. #2Make research easy by aggregating existing ratings and allowing for Yelp-style reviews by donors and beneficiaries. Information is clear, succinct, and easily digestible.#3Generate achievement-based awardsto display the effectiveness of an individuals social investment network. Ability for users to compete and compare impact.
  • 5. Create & Share Your Profile
  • 6. Find & Evaluate Nonprofits
  • 8. Personal ImpactEnlighten the UninformedShare your research to engage friends, family, and co-workers in smart giving
  • 9. Encourage your existing social network to get involvedLink TrackingProvides metrics on clicks and donations from links you sent
  • 10. Demonstrates personal effectiveness in influencing others to donateI Care AppLinks to Facebook
  • 11. Proudly displays and shares your charitable donationsBenefits For Nonprofits2. Knowing more about their donors allows them to tailor their message more effectively.1. Nonprofits can connect with donors to learn more about their donor base.3. Individual donations provide a vital supplement to grant funding.4. Increase in smart giving encourages transparent metrics and feedback loops.