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                       TARGETED STAFFING

                       K2 is a specialist staffing consultancy, providing
                       temporary and permanent staffing solutions
                       primarily in the the Business Process
                       technology sector.
                       BE MORE ADAPTABLE, RESPONSIVE AND


WHAT WE DO                                    K2 Partnering Solutions was formed in 1998
                                              and provides a specialist consultancy service
The Energy and Utility sector is one of the   in the Energy and Utilities industry. Our focus
most process driven industries and            and experience has enabled us to deliver
providing consultants with Business and       innovative solutions to our clients combined
Process knowledge is a key requirement        with a premium level of service.
from any staffing supplier

This environment demands the best             K2 is leading provider of staffing solutions
Consultants available, ones with the          worldwide in specialist technologies including:
intelligence, drive and proven track record
                                                 ERP (SAP, Oracle, PeopleSoft)
of business excellence                           CRM (Siebel, Clarify)
                                                 EAI (IBM Solutions, Tibco, Mercator)
                                                 3D Modelling Systems
                                                 Hydrocarbon Accounting

                                              For a full list of solution areas:

                           INDUSTRY EXPERIENCE

                           WE UNDERSTAND YOUR BUSINESS

                           K2 provides the Energy and Utility industries     Our portfolio comprises over a 1000
                           with a comprehensive service based on             consultants with a track record of delivering
                           technical knowledge and understanding of          solutions in the Energy industry as well as
                           the business processes.                           over 200 Industry Solution experts.

                           Each technology area has dedicated teams          As a result we are fully able to support our
                           who focus on specific industry solutions.         partners in the challenges they face.

                                                               SAP  3D Modelling Systems  Hydrocarbon Accounting  Oracle 
ENERGY                      Midstream
                                                                 Refining Systems  Transportation & Distribution  Marketing
UTILITY                     Gas                                 SAP IS U  CRM Systems  Billing Systems  Sales & Marketing
                            Product Development
CHEMICAL & LIFE SCIENCES    Supply Chain                     SAP  Technical Writers  Validation Specialists  Sales & Marketing


Through the evolution of technology,           From a network of regional centres, K2 is
business has become less restricted by         able to provide a global solution to our
geographical boundaries.                       partners.

At K2, our business strategies have always
                                                    Africa                                 North America (regional offices)
been free of geography, focusing on
                                                    Belgium                                Poland
industry and individual partners.
                                                    Denmark                                Russia
                                                    France                                 Saudi Arabia
With offices located across Europe and
                                                    Germany (regional office)              South America
North America, K2 is able to tune our
                                                    Indonesia                              Spain
service to the regional needs of our
                                                    Ireland                                Sweden
partners whilst possessing the
                                                    Italy                                  Switzerland (regional offices)
infrastructure to deliver at a global level.
                                                    Japan                                  UAE
                                                    Netherlands                            UK (head office)

                       BEST PRACTISES

                       QUALITY & INNOVATION                                   REQ provides an assessment by exploring
                                                                              the following key areas of a candidates
                       Based on a decade of experience and                    employment profile: Relationship, Expertise
                       thousands of temporary and permanent                   and Quality.
                       staff placements around the world, K2 has
                       developed its service so that its Partners             Candidates are rated in these individual
                       can control costs, reduce risk and                     areas allowing us to identify the most
                       immediately experience the benefits of K2              suitable candidates for our Partners.
                       hiring practices.
                                                                              REQ identifies the top 10-15% specialists
                                                                              in their particular field and ensures our
                                                                              Partners get access to the best people
                                                                              available for their business.

                           R                      E               Q Q




Through the evolution of technology,           All K2 regional offices carry full
business has become less restricted by         administrative functionality and enable us
geographical boundaries.                       to tailor our service provision to specific
                                               regional requirements and compliancy.
At K2, our business strategies have always
been free of geography, focusing on            For example K2 Consultants have the
industries and individual partners.            following language capabilities;
However, we are also aware of the value of
local presence.                                 Danish               Italian
                                                Dutch                Russian
With offices located across Europe and          English              Spanish
North America, K2 is able to tune our
                                                French               Swedish
service to the regional needs of our
                                                German               Chinese
partners whilst possessing the
infrastructure to deliver at a global level.
                                               For more information on K2
ENERGY BUSINESS UNIT                                                                                                                      K2 SAP IS Oil / IS Utilities at a glance

                                                                                                               Database Resources

                        IS-Oil HPM
                                                                                                                                                 ISU IDE

                        IS-Oil TSW

                                                                                                                                                 ISU DM

                                                                                                                              IS Utilities
IS-Oil Sub-Modules

                          IS-Oil TD

                         IS-Oil TDP
                                                                                                                                                ISU EDM

                        IS-Oil SSR

                                                                                                                                                ISU FICA
                         IS-Oil TAS

                     IS-Oil Formula
                                                                                                                                             ISU BILLING

                                                     0   20        40       60       80         100    120
                                                                                                                                                           0        50    100       150     200     250       300   350
                                                                   Number of Consultants                                                                                        Number of Consultants

                                               OLM                                                                                            P Ma na ger
                          IS-Oil Sub-Modules

                                                                                                                              IS Utilities
                                               PRA                                                                                             ABAP ISU

                                               PSA                                                                                              ISU CRM

                                               JVA                                                                                               ISU CCS

                                                     0        10             20            30            40         50                                         0     50    100       150     200        250   300   350

                                                                          Num ber of Consultants                                                                                Number of Consultants

                                                                   North America                      Europe                  APAC                                         South America
ENERGY BUSINESS UNIT                                                                                              K2 SAP IS Oil / IS Utilities at a glance

  Guideline Rates
                                                                                                                       South America                    Middle East
                        Europe /day                    Asia USD/day              North America USD/hour
     IS Oil                                                                                                              USD/day                         USD/day
                     From             To             From             To             From             To             From             To             From             To
  TD                  800            1000             600             800             100             120             600             800            800          1000
  SSR                1000            1200             N/A             N/A             125             145             N/A             N/A            1000         1200
  HPM                 700             980             600             800             100             135             600             800            700          980
  TDP                 700             980             600             800             100             135             700             980            700          980
  TSW                1000            1200             700             900             120             140            1100            1200            1000         1200
  EXG                 790             950             600             800             100             120             790             900            790          950
  TAS                 800             950             700             900             125             135             700             850            800          950
  OGSD                950            1150             800            1000             130             145             950            1150            950          1150
  MCOE                700             980             700             800             110             165             600             880            700          980
  PP  PPPI           800             950             800             900             105             130             700             850            800          950
  JVA                 900            1200             850            1100             120             145             900            1100            900          1200
  PSA                1000            1200             900            1100             125             145             800            1000            1000         1200
  PRA                1000            1200             900            1000             120             140             800            1000            1000         1200
                        Europe /day                    Asia USD/day              North America USD/hour               South America                    Middle East
  IS Utilities                                                                                                           USD/day                         USD/day
                     From             To             From             To             From             To             From             To             From             To
  ISU IDE             900            1100             600             800             115             135             700             900            N/A          N/A

  ISU EDM             900            1100             600             800             115             135             700             900            N/A          N/A

  ISU DM              850             950             600             800             120             135             650             850            N/A          N/A

  ISU FICA            700             950             600             750             120             140             600             750            N/A          N/A

  ISU Billing         800            1000             600             750             115             125             600             750            N/A          N/A

  Rates shown are a guide only and are subject to change without notice. These rates do on constitute a fixed agreement or represent availability.

                       CASE STUDY

                       IBM, INA, I3 BPR and SAP                    From the bidding stage, pre-securing key lead
                       implementation 2005-2007. SAP R/3           roles, K2 has supplied 16 consultants in the
                       Green Field implementation.                 following areas;

                                                                   SAP R/3 Management Information System Team Lead
                       For the past two years, K2 has supported
                                                                   SAP R/3 BW SEM BPS (x3)
                       IBM Croatia in the biggest green field      SAP R/3 BW SEM BCS
                       implementation project in Croatia for the   SAP R/3 Migration
                       national oil company INA.                   SAP R/3 IS OIL HPM (x2)
                                                                   SAP R/3 IS OIL TDP
                                                                   SAP R/3 IS OIL TSW
                                                                   SAP R/3 IS OIL TD/TAS
                                                                    SAP R/3 IS OIL EXG, and Silos Management
                                                                   SAP R/3 FI CFM
                                                                   SAP R/3 FI AP


Qatar Liquefied Gas Company, Qatar            Both of these projects required expert level
                                              consultants in order to ensure the smooth
OPCO and South-Hook project 
                                              implementation of the modules and K2
Upstream Gas
                                              stepped in to provide the following
In 2006 Qatar Gas undertook a number of       consultants over the last two years;
changes and enhancements to their SAP
system, including an upgrade from v4.6c to
                                              ABAP FI/CO cut-over consultants  OPCO project (x3)
ECC 5.0, the implementation of BW and         ABAP BW / Crystal reporting consultant  OPCO project
JVA as well as the roll-out of their FI/CO    MM consultant  OPCO project
and MM/PM templates to the UK in              Authorisations and securities BW consultant  OPCO project
                                              HR international payroll consultant  OPCO project
preperation for the newly built refinery in
                                              FI/CO UK tax consultant  south hook project
South-hook, Wales.                            MM/PM consultant  south hook project

                                            CASE STUDY

                                            K2 has leveraged on its global reach to        The resources have worked across Novartis
                                            support Novartis, supplying local resources     global sites, including Switzerland, Germany,
                                            with industry Pharmaceutical specific           Italy, Turkey, Morocco, Egypt and the
                                            experience on PEP roll outs in various global   Russian Federation.
Novartis Pharmaceuticals, Switzerland       As the roll out phase of PEP has drawn to a     K2 continues to provide expert SAP
& Global                                    close, K2 has been retained by Novartis as a    resources to SISNet, the Novartis business
                                            partner for new developments to the             unit responsible for new developments and
Pharma ERP Program (PEP)
                                            template, enhancement projects,                 ongoing support of the Novartis SAP
                                            implementation of new functionality and         systems.
Between 2002  2007 Novartis Pharma
                                            ongoing support.
undertook the PEP program with the aim of
                                            Over the course of our relationship with
implementing one ERP solution globally.
                                            Novartis K2 has successfully placed
SAP was selected and a core template was
                                            consultants within the following SAP skills:
implemented and rolled out aggressively
across all global locations.                SAP Finance                                    SAP Plant Maintenance
                                            SAP Controlling                                SAP Security/Authorisations
                                            SAP Sales and Distribution                     SAP Business Information Warehouse (inc BI 7.0)
                                            SAP Materials Management                       SAP Strategic Enterprise Management
                                            SAP Production Planning (Process Industry)     SAP ABAP IV
                                            SAP Quality Management                         SAP Basis/Netweaver


 Anadarko                Litasco (Lukoil)
 Edison (via IBM)        Nexen
 Electrabel              QatarGas
 Enel (via Accenture)    RAsGas
 ENI                     TBK-BP (via Deliotte)
 GasNatural              Shell
 Gaz de France           Tamoil
 Ina (via IBM)           Total
K2 Partnering Solutions Ltd   K2 Partnering Solutions SA
 1-3 Heathmans Road            21 Rue des Alpes
 Parsons Green                 1201 Switzerland
 London, SW6 4TJ, UK

 Tel: +44 20 7751 2222         Tel: +41 22 909 69 00
 Fax: +44 20 7751 2202         Fax: +41 22 594 84 52

K2 Partnering Solutions Inc    K2 IT Consultants AG
                               Schipfe 11
39 Pike Street
                               8001 Switzerland
Rhode Island 02903             Tel: +41 43 443 80 90
USA                            Fax: +41 43 443 80 99
Phone: +1 401 490 2966
Fax: +1 401 490 2963

K2 Partnering Solutions Inc    K2 Partnering Solutions Gmbh
                               Theodor-Heuss Strasse 11,
K2 West Coast Office
                               70174 Germany
821 Sansome Street
CA 94111                       Tel: +49 711 2200 7410
                               Fax: +49 711 508 9268          service@k2partnering.com
Tel: +1 415 391 3804

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K2 Energy Utility

  • 2. ENERGY BUSINESS UNIT K2 is a specialist staffing consultancy, providing temporary and permanent staffing solutions primarily in the the Business Process technology sector. OUR SOLUTIONS ENABLE YOUR BUSINESS TO BE MORE ADAPTABLE, RESPONSIVE AND PROFITABLE.
  • 3. ENERGY BUSINESS UNIT PARTNERING THE BEST-RUN BUSINESSES WHAT WE DO K2 Partnering Solutions was formed in 1998 and provides a specialist consultancy service The Energy and Utility sector is one of the in the Energy and Utilities industry. Our focus most process driven industries and and experience has enabled us to deliver providing consultants with Business and innovative solutions to our clients combined Process knowledge is a key requirement with a premium level of service. from any staffing supplier This environment demands the best K2 is leading provider of staffing solutions Consultants available, ones with the worldwide in specialist technologies including: intelligence, drive and proven track record ERP (SAP, Oracle, PeopleSoft) of business excellence CRM (Siebel, Clarify) EAI (IBM Solutions, Tibco, Mercator) 3D Modelling Systems Hydrocarbon Accounting For a full list of solution areas: www.k2partnering.com
  • 4. ENERGY BUSINESS UNIT INDUSTRY EXPERIENCE GUARANTEED WE UNDERSTAND YOUR BUSINESS K2 provides the Energy and Utility industries Our portfolio comprises over a 1000 with a comprehensive service based on consultants with a track record of delivering technical knowledge and understanding of solutions in the Energy industry as well as the business processes. over 200 Industry Solution experts. Each technology area has dedicated teams As a result we are fully able to support our who focus on specific industry solutions. partners in the challenges they face. Upstream SAP 3D Modelling Systems Hydrocarbon Accounting Oracle ENERGY Midstream Refining Systems Transportation & Distribution Marketing Downstream Water UTILITY Gas SAP IS U CRM Systems Billing Systems Sales & Marketing Electricity Product Development CHEMICAL & LIFE SCIENCES Supply Chain SAP Technical Writers Validation Specialists Sales & Marketing Manufacturing
  • 5. ENERGY BUSINESS UNIT GLOBAL SERVICE LOCAL PRESENCE Through the evolution of technology, From a network of regional centres, K2 is business has become less restricted by able to provide a global solution to our geographical boundaries. partners. At K2, our business strategies have always Africa North America (regional offices) been free of geography, focusing on Belgium Poland industry and individual partners. Denmark Russia France Saudi Arabia With offices located across Europe and Germany (regional office) South America North America, K2 is able to tune our Indonesia Spain service to the regional needs of our Ireland Sweden partners whilst possessing the Italy Switzerland (regional offices) infrastructure to deliver at a global level. Japan UAE Netherlands UK (head office)
  • 6. ENERGY BUSINESS UNIT K2 BEST PRACTISES QUALITY & INNOVATION REQ provides an assessment by exploring the following key areas of a candidates Based on a decade of experience and employment profile: Relationship, Expertise thousands of temporary and permanent and Quality. staff placements around the world, K2 has developed its service so that its Partners Candidates are rated in these individual can control costs, reduce risk and areas allowing us to identify the most immediately experience the benefits of K2 suitable candidates for our Partners. hiring practices. REQ identifies the top 10-15% specialists in their particular field and ensures our Partners get access to the best people available for their business. R E Q Q RELATIONSHIP EXPERTISE QUALITY
  • 7. ENERGY BUSINESS UNIT A PARTNER YOU CAN RELY ON Through the evolution of technology, All K2 regional offices carry full business has become less restricted by administrative functionality and enable us geographical boundaries. to tailor our service provision to specific regional requirements and compliancy. At K2, our business strategies have always been free of geography, focusing on For example K2 Consultants have the industries and individual partners. following language capabilities; However, we are also aware of the value of local presence. Danish Italian Dutch Russian With offices located across Europe and English Spanish North America, K2 is able to tune our French Swedish service to the regional needs of our German Chinese partners whilst possessing the infrastructure to deliver at a global level. For more information on K2 www.k2partnering.com
  • 8. ENERGY BUSINESS UNIT K2 SAP IS Oil / IS Utilities at a glance Database Resources IS-Oil HPM ISU IDE IS-Oil TSW ISU DM IS Utilities IS-Oil Sub-Modules IS-Oil TD IS-Oil TDP ISU EDM IS-Oil SSR ISU FICA IS-Oil TAS IS-Oil Formula ISU BILLING Pricing 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 Number of Consultants Number of Consultants OLM P Ma na ger IS-Oil Sub-Modules IS Utilities PRA ABAP ISU PSA ISU CRM JVA ISU CCS 0 10 20 30 40 50 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 Num ber of Consultants Number of Consultants North America Europe APAC South America
  • 9. ENERGY BUSINESS UNIT K2 SAP IS Oil / IS Utilities at a glance Guideline Rates South America Middle East Europe /day Asia USD/day North America USD/hour IS Oil USD/day USD/day From To From To From To From To From To TD 800 1000 600 800 100 120 600 800 800 1000 SSR 1000 1200 N/A N/A 125 145 N/A N/A 1000 1200 HPM 700 980 600 800 100 135 600 800 700 980 TDP 700 980 600 800 100 135 700 980 700 980 TSW 1000 1200 700 900 120 140 1100 1200 1000 1200 EXG 790 950 600 800 100 120 790 900 790 950 TAS 800 950 700 900 125 135 700 850 800 950 OGSD 950 1150 800 1000 130 145 950 1150 950 1150 MCOE 700 980 700 800 110 165 600 880 700 980 PP PPPI 800 950 800 900 105 130 700 850 800 950 JVA 900 1200 850 1100 120 145 900 1100 900 1200 PSA 1000 1200 900 1100 125 145 800 1000 1000 1200 PRA 1000 1200 900 1000 120 140 800 1000 1000 1200 Europe /day Asia USD/day North America USD/hour South America Middle East IS Utilities USD/day USD/day From To From To From To From To From To ISU IDE 900 1100 600 800 115 135 700 900 N/A N/A ISU EDM 900 1100 600 800 115 135 700 900 N/A N/A ISU DM 850 950 600 800 120 135 650 850 N/A N/A ISU FICA 700 950 600 750 120 140 600 750 N/A N/A ISU Billing 800 1000 600 750 115 125 600 750 N/A N/A Rates shown are a guide only and are subject to change without notice. These rates do on constitute a fixed agreement or represent availability.
  • 10. ENERGY BUSINESS UNIT CASE STUDY 1 IBM, INA, I3 BPR and SAP From the bidding stage, pre-securing key lead implementation 2005-2007. SAP R/3 roles, K2 has supplied 16 consultants in the Green Field implementation. following areas; SAP R/3 Management Information System Team Lead For the past two years, K2 has supported SAP R/3 BW SEM BPS (x3) IBM Croatia in the biggest green field SAP R/3 BW SEM BCS implementation project in Croatia for the SAP R/3 Migration national oil company INA. SAP R/3 IS OIL HPM (x2) SAP R/3 IS OIL TDP SAP R/3 IS OIL TSW SAP R/3 IS OIL TD/TAS SAP R/3 IS OIL EXG, and Silos Management SAP R/3 FI CFM SAP R/3 FI AP
  • 11. ENERGY BUSINESS UNIT CASE STUDY 2 Qatar Liquefied Gas Company, Qatar Both of these projects required expert level consultants in order to ensure the smooth OPCO and South-Hook project implementation of the modules and K2 Upstream Gas stepped in to provide the following In 2006 Qatar Gas undertook a number of consultants over the last two years; changes and enhancements to their SAP system, including an upgrade from v4.6c to ABAP FI/CO cut-over consultants OPCO project (x3) ECC 5.0, the implementation of BW and ABAP BW / Crystal reporting consultant OPCO project JVA as well as the roll-out of their FI/CO MM consultant OPCO project and MM/PM templates to the UK in Authorisations and securities BW consultant OPCO project HR international payroll consultant OPCO project preperation for the newly built refinery in FI/CO UK tax consultant south hook project South-hook, Wales. MM/PM consultant south hook project
  • 12. ENERGY BUSINESS UNIT CASE STUDY 3 K2 has leveraged on its global reach to The resources have worked across Novartis support Novartis, supplying local resources global sites, including Switzerland, Germany, with industry Pharmaceutical specific Italy, Turkey, Morocco, Egypt and the experience on PEP roll outs in various global Russian Federation. locations. Novartis Pharmaceuticals, Switzerland As the roll out phase of PEP has drawn to a K2 continues to provide expert SAP & Global close, K2 has been retained by Novartis as a resources to SISNet, the Novartis business partner for new developments to the unit responsible for new developments and Pharma ERP Program (PEP) template, enhancement projects, ongoing support of the Novartis SAP implementation of new functionality and systems. Between 2002 2007 Novartis Pharma ongoing support. undertook the PEP program with the aim of Over the course of our relationship with implementing one ERP solution globally. Novartis K2 has successfully placed SAP was selected and a core template was consultants within the following SAP skills: implemented and rolled out aggressively across all global locations. SAP Finance SAP Plant Maintenance SAP Controlling SAP Security/Authorisations SAP Sales and Distribution SAP Business Information Warehouse (inc BI 7.0) SAP Materials Management SAP Strategic Enterprise Management SAP Production Planning (Process Industry) SAP ABAP IV SAP Quality Management SAP Basis/Netweaver
  • 13. ENERGY BUSINESS UNIT OUR ENERGY & UTILITIES CLIENTS Anadarko Litasco (Lukoil) Edison (via IBM) Nexen Electrabel QatarGas Enel (via Accenture) RAsGas ENI TBK-BP (via Deliotte) GasNatural Shell Gaz de France Tamoil Ina (via IBM) Total
  • 14. K2 Partnering Solutions Ltd K2 Partnering Solutions SA 1-3 Heathmans Road 21 Rue des Alpes Parsons Green 1201 Switzerland London, SW6 4TJ, UK Tel: +44 20 7751 2222 Tel: +41 22 909 69 00 Fax: +44 20 7751 2202 Fax: +41 22 594 84 52 K2 Partnering Solutions Inc K2 IT Consultants AG Schipfe 11 39 Pike Street 8001 Switzerland Providence Rhode Island 02903 Tel: +41 43 443 80 90 USA Fax: +41 43 443 80 99 Phone: +1 401 490 2966 Fax: +1 401 490 2963 K2 Partnering Solutions Inc K2 Partnering Solutions Gmbh Theodor-Heuss Strasse 11, K2 West Coast Office 70174 Germany 821 Sansome Street www.k2partnering.com CA 94111 Tel: +49 711 2200 7410 Fax: +49 711 508 9268 service@k2partnering.com USA oil@k2partnering.com Tel: +1 415 391 3804