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Photo息: THALES

Survival Cospas-Sarsat ELT 121.5/243/406MHz

Distributor & Repair Station
www.gelbyson.com - E-mail: info@gelbyson.com

Main characteristics


This new generation of ELT complies with
the latest regulation and offers all the
improvements of the COSPAS-SARSAT
system with the 406 MHz frequency:

Specialist in pinpointing distresses by satellite
and number one in 406 MHz maritime Emergency Position Indicating Radio Beacons
(EPIRBs), KANNAD extends its range of ELTs
with the KANNAD 406 SURVIVAL.

- Global coverage
thanks to COSPAS-SARSAT multiple
satellite constellation

The KANNAD 406 SURVIVAL is fitted with a
water switch sensor. It is automatically activated when in contact with water.

- Precise pinpointing (<1NM)
due to the unparalleled frequency
accuracy of the 406 transmitter
- Identification of the aircraft in distress
the ELT transmits a unique aircraft
identification number

Emergency locator transmitter of type (S), the
survival is supplied with a floating collar.


LUT Ground Station
M.C.C. Mission Control Center

- Efficient process of false alarms
to avoid costly search and rescue


R.C.C. Rescue Coordination Center

Search And Rescue

Kannad 406 SURVIVAL
Key features and options

The ELT is fitted with a "Water Switch Sensor" activating
automatically the transmission when in contact with water.

Solid Cathode Lithium battery pack (LiMnO2)
Battery replacement every 6 years

A buzzer and a visual indicator (LED) signals activation.

Aircraft nationality and registration marking
Aircraft operator designator and ELT serial number
up to 4096
Aircraft ICAO 24 bit address
Serial number

An integrated self test checks the main functions of the
The test result is given by the visual indicator flashing
Battery replacement is only necessary every 6 years thanks
to LiMnO2 technology. This represents a considerable
improvement over standard generation ELTs with battery
replacement necessary every year or every two years.
The KANNAD 406 SURVIVAL is qualified by the French Civil
Aviation in Europe with JTSO-2C91a & JTSO-2C126 and by
FAA with TSO-C91a & TSO-C126 applied to survival

Water switch activation
406 MHz RF power
Battery voltage
-20属C to +55属C
-55属C to +85属C

The Kannad 406 SURVIVAL fully complies with JAR-OPS
1-830 regulation.

Molded plastic


1375 gr (3.031lbs) including battery pack, auxiliary
antenna and floating collar
172 x 82 x 82 mm (6.77 x 3.22 x 3.22)

P/N S1823502-05
P/N S1820511-03 carry-off bag
P/N S1820511-02 Mounting bracket with locking pin

yellow (color compounded)

Type ELT(S)
ED 62, ED14
TSO-C91a, TSO-C126
DO183, DO204, DO160
Resistance, crush, 50 G shocks, cabin depressurization,
ARM / OFF / ON switch
Bright red LED
TNC antenna connector

Distributor & Repair Station
www.gelbyson.com - E-mail: info@gelbyson.com

KANNAD reserves the right to modify any of above specifications without notice. Not contractual photos.

406.025 MHz
5W (37 賊2dBm)
Modulation 16K0G1D
(bi-phase L encoding) with aircraft
identification code
Distress message every 50 s
121.5 MHz and 243 MHz
100mW min (+20dBm)
Modulation 3K20A3X
Audio sweep from 1420 Hz to 490 Hz
Continuous transmission

Three frequency (121.5 / 243 / 406 MHz)
Whip 400 mm (15.75)
TNC connector

Tel. (+39) 06.363.04.761 - (+39) 06.363.04.941
Fax (+39)

KANNAD - ZI des Cinq Chemins - BP 23 - 56520 Guidel-France / Tel : +33 2 97 02 49 49 / Fax : +33 2 97 65 00 20 / contact.aviation@kannad.com

Copyright 息 KANNAD. All rights reserved.

It can be installed inside an aircraft on a mounting bracket
or in a carry-off bag (both on options).
The mounting bracket option includes a locking pin to avoid
accidental activation before ELT removal.
The locking pin can be ordered separately with the carry off


Ref: DOC06075D

The ELT is programmed with either the aircraft tail number,
a serial number or the aircraft operator designator.
This operation takes only a few seconds with the programming equipment developed by KANNAD.

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Kannad 406 survival

  • 1. KANNAD 406 SURVIVAL Photo息: THALES Survival Cospas-Sarsat ELT 121.5/243/406MHz Distributor & Repair Station www.gelbyson.com - E-mail: info@gelbyson.com Main characteristics Description This new generation of ELT complies with the latest regulation and offers all the improvements of the COSPAS-SARSAT system with the 406 MHz frequency: Specialist in pinpointing distresses by satellite and number one in 406 MHz maritime Emergency Position Indicating Radio Beacons (EPIRBs), KANNAD extends its range of ELTs with the KANNAD 406 SURVIVAL. - Global coverage thanks to COSPAS-SARSAT multiple satellite constellation The KANNAD 406 SURVIVAL is fitted with a water switch sensor. It is automatically activated when in contact with water. - Precise pinpointing (<1NM) due to the unparalleled frequency accuracy of the 406 transmitter - Identification of the aircraft in distress the ELT transmits a unique aircraft identification number Emergency locator transmitter of type (S), the survival is supplied with a floating collar. GEOSAR GPS SATELLITES LEOSAR LUT Ground Station M.C.C. Mission Control Center - Efficient process of false alarms to avoid costly search and rescue operations ALERT R.C.C. Rescue Coordination Center DISTRESS Search And Rescue (S.A.R.) www.kannad.com
  • 2. Kannad 406 SURVIVAL Key features and options The ELT is fitted with a "Water Switch Sensor" activating automatically the transmission when in contact with water. POWER SUPPLY Solid Cathode Lithium battery pack (LiMnO2) Battery replacement every 6 years A buzzer and a visual indicator (LED) signals activation. PROGRAMMING Aircraft nationality and registration marking Aircraft operator designator and ELT serial number up to 4096 Aircraft ICAO 24 bit address Serial number An integrated self test checks the main functions of the beacon. The test result is given by the visual indicator flashing sequence. Battery replacement is only necessary every 6 years thanks to LiMnO2 technology. This represents a considerable improvement over standard generation ELTs with battery replacement necessary every year or every two years. The KANNAD 406 SURVIVAL is qualified by the French Civil Aviation in Europe with JTSO-2C91a & JTSO-2C126 and by FAA with TSO-C91a & TSO-C126 applied to survival beacons. ACTIVATION Water switch activation Manually SELF TEST 406 MHz RF power Battery voltage Frequency Programming TEMPERATURE RANGE Operating -20属C to +55属C Storage -55属C to +85属C The Kannad 406 SURVIVAL fully complies with JAR-OPS 1-830 regulation. MECHANICS Molded plastic Color P/N WEIGHT AND DIMENSIONS 1375 gr (3.031lbs) including battery pack, auxiliary antenna and floating collar Transmitter 172 x 82 x 82 mm (6.77 x 3.22 x 3.22) P/N S1823502-05 Options: P/N S1820511-03 carry-off bag P/N S1820511-02 Mounting bracket with locking pin yellow (color compounded) TESTS & CERTIFICATION Type ELT(S) JTSO-2C91a,JTSO-2C126 ED 62, ED14 TSO-C91a, TSO-C126 DO183, DO204, DO160 Resistance, crush, 50 G shocks, cabin depressurization, watertightness CONTROLS ARM / OFF / ON switch Bright red LED TNC antenna connector Distributor & Repair Station www.gelbyson.com - E-mail: info@gelbyson.com KANNAD reserves the right to modify any of above specifications without notice. Not contractual photos. TRANSMISSION 406.025 MHz 5W (37 賊2dBm) Modulation 16K0G1D (bi-phase L encoding) with aircraft identification code Distress message every 50 s 121.5 MHz and 243 MHz 100mW min (+20dBm) Modulation 3K20A3X Audio sweep from 1420 Hz to 490 Hz Continuous transmission ANTENNA Three frequency (121.5 / 243 / 406 MHz) Whip 400 mm (15.75) TNC connector Tel. (+39) 06.363.04.761 - (+39) 06.363.04.941 Fax (+39) KANNAD - ZI des Cinq Chemins - BP 23 - 56520 Guidel-France / Tel : +33 2 97 02 49 49 / Fax : +33 2 97 65 00 20 / contact.aviation@kannad.com Copyright 息 KANNAD. All rights reserved. It can be installed inside an aircraft on a mounting bracket or in a carry-off bag (both on options). The mounting bracket option includes a locking pin to avoid accidental activation before ELT removal. The locking pin can be ordered separately with the carry off version. TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS Ref: DOC06075D The ELT is programmed with either the aircraft tail number, a serial number or the aircraft operator designator. This operation takes only a few seconds with the programming equipment developed by KANNAD.