Třídní projekt - SovičkyTomáš MusiolPrezentace třídního projektu mé manželky Mgr. Kateřiny Musiol Kuchnové, Ph.D.
Vlastní kniha snadno a rychle (Ján Simkanič)SimindrK vydání vlastní knihy dnes nepotřebujete ani nakladatelství, ani složité vydavatelské znalosti. Technologie jsou tak jednoduché, že svůj obsah může v tištěné i elektronické podobě vydat úplně každý sám. Na konkrétním příkladu knihy České nesvědomí a eseje Mediální revoluce uvidíte podrobný návod, jak jednoduše vydat vlastní knihu a e-knihu, co všechno je k tomu potřeba, na co nezapomenout a jestli vám za to v dnešní době někdo zaplatí. Můžete začít přemýšlet nad tím, co vydáte vy sami.
Surat KhabarraidahfazliyanaDokumen tersebut membahas penggunaan keratan surat khabar dalam pengajaran agama. Ia menjelaskan bahwa keratan surat khabar dapat digunakan sebagai alat bantu mengajar untuk meningkatkan minat siswa, memperluas pemahaman, dan menerapkan nilai-nilai mulia. Penggunaan keratan surat khabar dapat membantu siswa memahami konsep agama secara lebih jelas dan menarik.
Baby Growth ChartBella n BeauThis document outlines typical baby development milestones in 3 month intervals from 1 to 18 months. Key milestones include cooing and smiling in the first 3 months, grasping things and teething from 4 to 6 months, crawling and sitting unsupported from 7 to 9 months, standing alone and understanding a few words from 10 to 12 months, running, using words, and responding to instructions from 13 to 15 months, and dancing, climbing, and using a few words regularly from 16 to 18 months. Contact information is provided at the end.
Modular HTML & CSS WorkshopShay HoweThis document discusses moving toward more modular and reusable HTML and CSS structures. It outlines problems with current practices like code becoming brittle and files swelling in size. It recommends abstracting structure from presentation using techniques like transparentizing elements, avoiding parent dependency, and favoring semantics. The document provides examples of bad and good practices and emphasizes keeping specificity low and code maintainable. The goal is building flexible and extensible components rather than pages to improve standards and reusability.
Tomáš Votruba - Jak zdarma hostovat na githubu jemně dynamické stránkyTomáš VotrubaJak generovat statické stránky, které lze hostovat na Githubu, za využití Latte, Neonu, Yamlu.
Push to Github command included :)
Comparative literature pptHaneen FatimaThe document discusses the rise of consumerism and how it relates to identity formation. It outlines the key stages of social identity theory, including categorization, social identification, and social comparison. A brief history is given of how consumerism expanded with industrialization and how advertising increasingly used psychological tools to drive consumption and shape identities. Consumerism is seen as both enabling individual identities but also potentially supplanting other group affiliations, with mixed consequences.
Markets and government in a modern economyblues26This document provides an overview of key economic concepts related to markets and the role of government in a market economy. It defines markets and how supply and demand determine prices. It discusses how resources are allocated in a market through consumer demand and business competition. The role of government is to promote efficiency, equity, and macroeconomic stability. Government addresses market failures from imperfect competition, externalities, and public goods provision.
Community Camp 2016: Die richtige ForensoftwareFranziska HauckWelche Forensoftware ist die richtige für meine Community oder mein Forum?
Euthanasiablues26Euthanasia, also called mercy killing, refers to intentionally ending a life to relieve suffering. There are several types including active euthanasia through lethal injection, passive euthanasia by withholding treatment, voluntary euthanasia with consent, and involuntary euthanasia without consent. While some argue all have a right to decide when life ends and that it relieves pain, others see euthanasia as against medical oaths and it may not be clear if a patient truly wants to die. Countries differ in their legal stances with Belgium, Luxembourg and the Netherlands permitting euthanasia under certain conditions.
Interestingness of articles using twitter sentimentsKritiKansalKThis document proposes an approach to determine the interestingness of articles based on analyzing named entities within the articles and sentiments related to those entities expressed on Twitter. It involves performing named entity recognition on articles, analyzing live Twitter streams for sentiment related to entities, and calculating interestingness scores for articles based on entity sentiments. The approach was tested on a BBC news dataset with promising results for named entity recognition and sentiment analysis. Future work aims to improve accuracy and incorporate user preferences into interestingness scoring.
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Surat KhabarraidahfazliyanaDokumen tersebut membahas penggunaan keratan surat khabar dalam pengajaran agama. Ia menjelaskan bahwa keratan surat khabar dapat digunakan sebagai alat bantu mengajar untuk meningkatkan minat siswa, memperluas pemahaman, dan menerapkan nilai-nilai mulia. Penggunaan keratan surat khabar dapat membantu siswa memahami konsep agama secara lebih jelas dan menarik.
Baby Growth ChartBella n BeauThis document outlines typical baby development milestones in 3 month intervals from 1 to 18 months. Key milestones include cooing and smiling in the first 3 months, grasping things and teething from 4 to 6 months, crawling and sitting unsupported from 7 to 9 months, standing alone and understanding a few words from 10 to 12 months, running, using words, and responding to instructions from 13 to 15 months, and dancing, climbing, and using a few words regularly from 16 to 18 months. Contact information is provided at the end.
Modular HTML & CSS WorkshopShay HoweThis document discusses moving toward more modular and reusable HTML and CSS structures. It outlines problems with current practices like code becoming brittle and files swelling in size. It recommends abstracting structure from presentation using techniques like transparentizing elements, avoiding parent dependency, and favoring semantics. The document provides examples of bad and good practices and emphasizes keeping specificity low and code maintainable. The goal is building flexible and extensible components rather than pages to improve standards and reusability.
Tomáš Votruba - Jak zdarma hostovat na githubu jemně dynamické stránkyTomáš VotrubaJak generovat statické stránky, které lze hostovat na Githubu, za využití Latte, Neonu, Yamlu.
Push to Github command included :)
Comparative literature pptHaneen FatimaThe document discusses the rise of consumerism and how it relates to identity formation. It outlines the key stages of social identity theory, including categorization, social identification, and social comparison. A brief history is given of how consumerism expanded with industrialization and how advertising increasingly used psychological tools to drive consumption and shape identities. Consumerism is seen as both enabling individual identities but also potentially supplanting other group affiliations, with mixed consequences.
Markets and government in a modern economyblues26This document provides an overview of key economic concepts related to markets and the role of government in a market economy. It defines markets and how supply and demand determine prices. It discusses how resources are allocated in a market through consumer demand and business competition. The role of government is to promote efficiency, equity, and macroeconomic stability. Government addresses market failures from imperfect competition, externalities, and public goods provision.
Community Camp 2016: Die richtige ForensoftwareFranziska HauckWelche Forensoftware ist die richtige für meine Community oder mein Forum?
Euthanasiablues26Euthanasia, also called mercy killing, refers to intentionally ending a life to relieve suffering. There are several types including active euthanasia through lethal injection, passive euthanasia by withholding treatment, voluntary euthanasia with consent, and involuntary euthanasia without consent. While some argue all have a right to decide when life ends and that it relieves pain, others see euthanasia as against medical oaths and it may not be clear if a patient truly wants to die. Countries differ in their legal stances with Belgium, Luxembourg and the Netherlands permitting euthanasia under certain conditions.
Interestingness of articles using twitter sentimentsKritiKansalKThis document proposes an approach to determine the interestingness of articles based on analyzing named entities within the articles and sentiments related to those entities expressed on Twitter. It involves performing named entity recognition on articles, analyzing live Twitter streams for sentiment related to entities, and calculating interestingness scores for articles based on entity sentiments. The approach was tested on a BBC news dataset with promising results for named entity recognition and sentiment analysis. Future work aims to improve accuracy and incorporate user preferences into interestingness scoring.