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15 S. Elmwood Avenue
Norwood, PA 19074
(484) 494-8865
Engineering & Maintenance Manager with 32 years of experience in the chemical and food
industries. Particularly effective in increasing profitability by identifying and implementing
projects to reduce manufacturing costs and improve product quality, safety, and environmental
compliance. Also recognized for strengths in Team Building and utilizing Computerized
Maintenance Management Systems to improve equipment reliability and reduce repair costs.
UNITED COLOR MANUFACTURING, INC. Philadelphia, PA February 2014  April 2016
Plant Manager  Responsible for Manufacturing, SHE, Maintenance, Shipping & Receiving for
small plant (14 employees) in the manufacture of dyes & pigments. Annual plant shutdowns
included spark testing of glass-lined reactors, inspection of steam boiler & two hot water boilers,
and new equipment installations.
POROUS POWER TECHNOLOGIES, Plymouth Meeting, PA March 2012  January 2014
Facilities Manager  Responsible for all aspects of R&D facility with Dry Room & Pilot Plant
equipment maintenance for the manufacture of porous membrane separator for lithium ion
batteries. Handled all SHE, Purchasing & Receiving of all raw materials, new equipment
installations, facility upgrades, and Shipping of final products. Facility upgrades included new
layout with new chemical resistant floor and installation of laminator and micro-fluidizer.
FORMOSA PLASTICS, Delaware City, DE August 2011  March 2012
Maintenance Engineer (Contractor for All States Technical) - Responsible for all aspects of
capital and expense projects installed during planned shutdowns as well as day to day operations
handling all outside contractors and assisting union Maintenance Mechanics, I&E, and Utilities
Operators (steam boilers, cooling towers, and fire protection systems) Team to maintain
manufacturing plant for polyvinyl chloride production, drying, milling & packaging of powder
into 50 LB bags & super-sacks sold primarily for PVC pipe, etc.
CRODA INC., New Castle, DE June 2006 - April 2011
Maintenance Manager - Supervised Facilities Supervisor, Planner/Scheduler, and all union
mechanics and I&E personnel to maintain the facility for the production of surfactants for the
personal care industry.
* Utilized Reliability Centered Maintenance to monitor, assess, and predict machinery failures to
determine, develop, and implement appropriate maintenance tasks to prevent equipment failure
by managing assets on condition (condition based maintenance).
* Prioritized Reliability Centered Maintenance tasks to focus scarce economic resources on those
items that would cause the most disruption if they were to fail and threats to safety, operations,
and the maintenance budget.
* Created cost effective maintenance strategy / routine maintenance program to directly address
maintenance preventable failures to determine assets left to run to failure while other assets were
preserved at all cost.
* Utilized contractors for Predictive Maintenance (PdM) techniques such as monthly vibration
monitoring of agitators, pumps, and fans and annual (pre-shutdown) infra-red survey to ensure
all electrical potential problems were identified/repaired before failure.
* Improved existing Preventive Maintenance techniques by standardizing with Lubrication
Engineers and implementing quarterly oil sampling and analysis of critical gear boxes for
agitators on reactors and storage tanks.
* Managed "consignment program" of mechanical seals for pumps and agitators and minimum
inventory of critical spare parts for repairs to equipment and instrumentation.
* Managed state of Delaware "apprenticeship program" to move the best mechanically inclined
operators already familiar with plant equipment to Maintenance (4 years of school & 8000 hours
of "on the job" apprenticeship training with existing mechanics).
* Completed 16 week course and passed Class I certification exam given January 2009 by the
Delaware Board of Certification of Wastewater Operators (results on file for 3 years).
* Completed 16 hour course and passed certification exam given March 2011 by American
Trainco for Boiler Operation, Maintenance, and Safety.
* Ensured department activities were in compliance with government and site operational
departments regulations and managed budget for personnel, equipment and materials.
POLYSCIENCES, INC., Warrington, PA 2004-2006
Contract Manufacturing and Maintenance Manager - Managed manufacturing operators, facility
maintenance and contract packaging maintenance personnel for cosmetics and personal care
* Utilized Total Productive Maintenance for "deterioration prevention" to maximize plant and
equipment effectiveness to achieve optimum life cycle cost of production equipment.
* Implemented Total Productive Maintenance, lean manufacturing and 5S to improve
productivity by making processes more reliable and less wasteful (minimize "muda").
* Purchased and installed sifting equipment and changed raw material suppliers to eliminate
milling step in manufacturing operation.
* Doubled size and all Clean Room packaging equipment to meet customer requirements.
* Implemented MAPCON CMMS to track completion of corrective, preventative, and contract
work orders.
* Purchased and installed new powder filling equipment to increase contract packaging rate by a
factor of four.
* Utilized maintenance personnel and company truck to relocate manufacturing and packaging
equipment from plant in Reading, PA to Warrington, PA.
* Upgraded DI water system to increase flow by a factor of four.
GENERAL MILLS PILLSBURY, Swedesboro, NJ 2003-2004
Maintenance Team Leader - Led maintenance team for three bread lines and two bagel lines
manufacturing frozen products for Subway and Dunkin Donuts.
* Coached team members to set new production records.
* Installed new interlocks on bagel lines to meet General Mills' safety standards.
* Fabricated and installed `lock-out-tag-out' devices on bread lines.
* Coordinated preventive maintenance work orders during scheduled downtime to minimize
unscheduled downtime.
* Directed project work of outside contractors and team members.
* Implemented completed work requests to document repairs on CMMS.
* Improved department utilization records for team members.
* Set-up minimum / maximum quantities for critical spare parts.
* Updated procedures and trained maintenance personnel.
CLEMENT PAPPAS, INC, Seabrook, NJ 2002-2003
Maintenance Supervisor - Supervised six union maintenance personnel for two fruit juice
bottling lines and one cranberry sauce can line manufacturing private label products for ACME,
Pathmark, etc.
* Installed new equipment.
* Completed preventive maintenance work orders documented on CMMS.
Engineering and Maintenance Manager - Managed five salary and eight union personnel for
three meat snack lines and seven corn / potato snack lines.
* Implemented DataStream MP2 to streamline maintenance operations.
* Automated case-packing of Andy Capp's Fries Adept Cobra pick and place system to achieve
$400,000 annual cost savings for $200,000 capital investment.
SAFETY-KLEEN, Bridgeport, NJ 1998-2000
Maintenance Manager - Managed 22 union maintenance personnel to maintain the site for
hazardous waste incineration.
* Exercised supervisory and program responsibility for directing a comprehensive facility
maintenance program using DataStream MP2 to meet New Jersey Toxic Catastrophe Prevention
Act requirements.
* Achieved record of 100 million pounds incinerated in 1999 through improved rebuilds of
critical instrumentation and mechanical equipment during planned annual shutdowns.
AIR LIQUIDE-MEDAL, Newport, DE 1994-1998
Plant Engineer - Executed project and maintenance responsibilities for joint venture (DuPont and
Air Liquide) to manufacture membranes for the separation of gases.
* Doubled plant capacity with expansion project.
* Achieved 95% recovery of hazardous air emissions with installation of condensing systems.
PPG INDUSTRIES, INC., Folcroft, PA 1989-1994
Production and Environmental Manager - Began as Plant Engineer with responsibilities
including project engineering, process engineering, maintenance and environmental coordination
and was promoted in 1993.
* Upgraded vacuum / solvent recovery system on rotary vacuum dryer to achieve $200,000
annual cost savings for $140,000 capital investment.
* Installed new $500,000 ultra-filtration wastewater treatment system to meet POTW
* Eliminated annual $225,000 contract milling costs with the installation of a $275,000 in-house
* Assumed responsibilities of Site Manager in his absence.
MONSANTO CHEMICAL, CO., Bridgeport, NJ and Nitro, WV 1984-1989
Senior Process Engineer - Provided technical support of several batch and continuous processes.
* Upgraded vacuum/acid recovery system on glass-lined reactor to achieve $700,000 annual
yield improvement/waste reduction savings for $50,000 capital investment.
* Developed Statistical Process Control course with an independent training consultant and
trained 54 operations personnel a 32 hour course to improve product quality.
EDUCATION B.S. Chemical Engineering, DREXEL UNIVERSITY, Philadelphia, PA

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  • 1. KEVIN MCCLELLAN 15 S. Elmwood Avenue Norwood, PA 19074 (484) 494-8865 mcclellan8@verizon.net SUMMARY Engineering & Maintenance Manager with 32 years of experience in the chemical and food industries. Particularly effective in increasing profitability by identifying and implementing projects to reduce manufacturing costs and improve product quality, safety, and environmental compliance. Also recognized for strengths in Team Building and utilizing Computerized Maintenance Management Systems to improve equipment reliability and reduce repair costs. PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE UNITED COLOR MANUFACTURING, INC. Philadelphia, PA February 2014 April 2016 Plant Manager Responsible for Manufacturing, SHE, Maintenance, Shipping & Receiving for small plant (14 employees) in the manufacture of dyes & pigments. Annual plant shutdowns included spark testing of glass-lined reactors, inspection of steam boiler & two hot water boilers, and new equipment installations. POROUS POWER TECHNOLOGIES, Plymouth Meeting, PA March 2012 January 2014 Facilities Manager Responsible for all aspects of R&D facility with Dry Room & Pilot Plant equipment maintenance for the manufacture of porous membrane separator for lithium ion batteries. Handled all SHE, Purchasing & Receiving of all raw materials, new equipment installations, facility upgrades, and Shipping of final products. Facility upgrades included new layout with new chemical resistant floor and installation of laminator and micro-fluidizer. FORMOSA PLASTICS, Delaware City, DE August 2011 March 2012 Maintenance Engineer (Contractor for All States Technical) - Responsible for all aspects of capital and expense projects installed during planned shutdowns as well as day to day operations handling all outside contractors and assisting union Maintenance Mechanics, I&E, and Utilities Operators (steam boilers, cooling towers, and fire protection systems) Team to maintain manufacturing plant for polyvinyl chloride production, drying, milling & packaging of powder into 50 LB bags & super-sacks sold primarily for PVC pipe, etc. CRODA INC., New Castle, DE June 2006 - April 2011 Maintenance Manager - Supervised Facilities Supervisor, Planner/Scheduler, and all union mechanics and I&E personnel to maintain the facility for the production of surfactants for the personal care industry.
  • 2. * Utilized Reliability Centered Maintenance to monitor, assess, and predict machinery failures to determine, develop, and implement appropriate maintenance tasks to prevent equipment failure by managing assets on condition (condition based maintenance). * Prioritized Reliability Centered Maintenance tasks to focus scarce economic resources on those items that would cause the most disruption if they were to fail and threats to safety, operations, and the maintenance budget. * Created cost effective maintenance strategy / routine maintenance program to directly address maintenance preventable failures to determine assets left to run to failure while other assets were preserved at all cost. * Utilized contractors for Predictive Maintenance (PdM) techniques such as monthly vibration monitoring of agitators, pumps, and fans and annual (pre-shutdown) infra-red survey to ensure all electrical potential problems were identified/repaired before failure. * Improved existing Preventive Maintenance techniques by standardizing with Lubrication Engineers and implementing quarterly oil sampling and analysis of critical gear boxes for agitators on reactors and storage tanks. * Managed "consignment program" of mechanical seals for pumps and agitators and minimum inventory of critical spare parts for repairs to equipment and instrumentation. * Managed state of Delaware "apprenticeship program" to move the best mechanically inclined operators already familiar with plant equipment to Maintenance (4 years of school & 8000 hours of "on the job" apprenticeship training with existing mechanics). * Completed 16 week course and passed Class I certification exam given January 2009 by the Delaware Board of Certification of Wastewater Operators (results on file for 3 years). * Completed 16 hour course and passed certification exam given March 2011 by American Trainco for Boiler Operation, Maintenance, and Safety. * Ensured department activities were in compliance with government and site operational departments regulations and managed budget for personnel, equipment and materials. POLYSCIENCES, INC., Warrington, PA 2004-2006 Contract Manufacturing and Maintenance Manager - Managed manufacturing operators, facility maintenance and contract packaging maintenance personnel for cosmetics and personal care products. * Utilized Total Productive Maintenance for "deterioration prevention" to maximize plant and equipment effectiveness to achieve optimum life cycle cost of production equipment. * Implemented Total Productive Maintenance, lean manufacturing and 5S to improve productivity by making processes more reliable and less wasteful (minimize "muda"). * Purchased and installed sifting equipment and changed raw material suppliers to eliminate milling step in manufacturing operation. * Doubled size and all Clean Room packaging equipment to meet customer requirements. * Implemented MAPCON CMMS to track completion of corrective, preventative, and contract work orders. * Purchased and installed new powder filling equipment to increase contract packaging rate by a
  • 3. factor of four. * Utilized maintenance personnel and company truck to relocate manufacturing and packaging equipment from plant in Reading, PA to Warrington, PA. * Upgraded DI water system to increase flow by a factor of four. GENERAL MILLS PILLSBURY, Swedesboro, NJ 2003-2004 Maintenance Team Leader - Led maintenance team for three bread lines and two bagel lines manufacturing frozen products for Subway and Dunkin Donuts. * Coached team members to set new production records. * Installed new interlocks on bagel lines to meet General Mills' safety standards. * Fabricated and installed `lock-out-tag-out' devices on bread lines. * Coordinated preventive maintenance work orders during scheduled downtime to minimize unscheduled downtime. * Directed project work of outside contractors and team members. * Implemented completed work requests to document repairs on CMMS. * Improved department utilization records for team members. * Set-up minimum / maximum quantities for critical spare parts. * Updated procedures and trained maintenance personnel. CLEMENT PAPPAS, INC, Seabrook, NJ 2002-2003 Maintenance Supervisor - Supervised six union maintenance personnel for two fruit juice bottling lines and one cranberry sauce can line manufacturing private label products for ACME, Pathmark, etc. * Installed new equipment. * Completed preventive maintenance work orders documented on CMMS. CONAGRA SPECIALTY SNACKS, Folcroft, PA 2000-2002 Engineering and Maintenance Manager - Managed five salary and eight union personnel for three meat snack lines and seven corn / potato snack lines. * Implemented DataStream MP2 to streamline maintenance operations. * Automated case-packing of Andy Capp's Fries Adept Cobra pick and place system to achieve $400,000 annual cost savings for $200,000 capital investment. SAFETY-KLEEN, Bridgeport, NJ 1998-2000 Maintenance Manager - Managed 22 union maintenance personnel to maintain the site for hazardous waste incineration. * Exercised supervisory and program responsibility for directing a comprehensive facility maintenance program using DataStream MP2 to meet New Jersey Toxic Catastrophe Prevention Act requirements. * Achieved record of 100 million pounds incinerated in 1999 through improved rebuilds of critical instrumentation and mechanical equipment during planned annual shutdowns. AIR LIQUIDE-MEDAL, Newport, DE 1994-1998 Plant Engineer - Executed project and maintenance responsibilities for joint venture (DuPont and Air Liquide) to manufacture membranes for the separation of gases. * Doubled plant capacity with expansion project.
  • 4. * Achieved 95% recovery of hazardous air emissions with installation of condensing systems. PPG INDUSTRIES, INC., Folcroft, PA 1989-1994 Production and Environmental Manager - Began as Plant Engineer with responsibilities including project engineering, process engineering, maintenance and environmental coordination and was promoted in 1993. * Upgraded vacuum / solvent recovery system on rotary vacuum dryer to achieve $200,000 annual cost savings for $140,000 capital investment. * Installed new $500,000 ultra-filtration wastewater treatment system to meet POTW requirements. * Eliminated annual $225,000 contract milling costs with the installation of a $275,000 in-house system. * Assumed responsibilities of Site Manager in his absence. MONSANTO CHEMICAL, CO., Bridgeport, NJ and Nitro, WV 1984-1989 Senior Process Engineer - Provided technical support of several batch and continuous processes. * Upgraded vacuum/acid recovery system on glass-lined reactor to achieve $700,000 annual yield improvement/waste reduction savings for $50,000 capital investment. * Developed Statistical Process Control course with an independent training consultant and trained 54 operations personnel a 32 hour course to improve product quality. EDUCATION B.S. Chemical Engineering, DREXEL UNIVERSITY, Philadelphia, PA