1. Router 1 had incorrectly configured Frame-relay mapping and its DTE interface had the clock-rate configured. The errors were fixed by correcting the Frame-relay map and removing the clock-rate from the DTE interface.
2. Router 2 had the clock-rate configured on its DTE interface, incorrect Frame-relay mapping, LMI configured as ANSI instead of Cisco, and no password on virtual lines. The errors were fixed by removing clock-rate, correcting Frame-relay map, changing LMI to Cisco, and adding a password to virtual lines.
3. The Frame-relay switch was missing the route from R2 DLCI 182 to R1 DLCI 181. This was fixed
Sistem informasi perusahaan Samsung digunakan untuk mengintegrasikan seluruh unit bisnis dan memberikan informasi kepada eksekutif. Sistem ini mendukung pengambilan keputusan manajemen dan penyebaran informasi ke seluruh organisasi. Samsung telah berkembang dari perusahaan ekspor kecil menjadi salah satu perusahaan elektronik terbesar di dunia dengan berfokus pada semikonduktor, memori, dan sistem terintegrasi.
The document discusses the importance of observation through a supermarket study. It notes that observation requires time, attention, an open mind, all senses, being non-judgmental, and patience. Through observing 6 supermarkets, the author found an opportunity to improve customer service by offering a "short cut" path through the supermarket for customers in a hurry to directly access essential items rather than following the standard defined route.
Kim Jokisch of Red Hat discusses creating an effective employment branding strategy, including doing research, being consistent, differentiating yourself, and engaging ambassadors. Linda Descano of Citi discusses Citi's content marketing strategy, which includes producing various types of content to educate consumers, build trust, and drive advocacy. Citi plans content based on consumer and business inputs, produces content with agency partners, publishes on owned and partner channels, and promotes content through social media and paid/earned media to measure success metrics like reach and brand health.
El Contrato para la Formaci坦n y el Aprendizaje es una modalidad de contrataci坦n destinada a favorecer la inserci坦n laboral de los j坦venes que no tienen formaci坦n espec鱈fica para el puesto de trabajo que van a desempe単ar
Inka trail peru is a green trekking company in Peru dedicated to preserving the environment and local cultures. They offer 2-day treks to Machu Picchu that include transportation to the trail, a guided tour of Machu Picchu, and return travel to Cusco. Customers can explore Machu Picchu and hike additional sites along the sacred Inca Trail.
Neoliberailsm and finance as power in developmentCristina Medina
The document discusses how developing countries' increasing financial integration into the global system has strengthened bonds of dependency and US-centered capitalist hegemony, even after the 2007-2008 financial crisis. It notes that developing countries have become more subordinate and controlled by foreign financial interests, forcing them into export dependency and structural financial vulnerabilities. Their formal financial systems are dominated by foreign actors and oriented externally, constraining domestic industrialization and development.
This case study examines the creation of a cluster in Macael, Spain focused on building materials, ceramics, and ornamental products.
[1] Originally, the local marble industry was small-scale and informal with low productivity, relying only on the national market. [2] However, research found Macael's white marble was highly durable and of exceptional quality, indicating potential. [3] An action plan was implemented to introduce new infrastructure, institutions like marketing cooperatives, and attract private investment to modernize extraction and finishing processes.
This document discusses decentralization and local governance in different countries. It defines decentralization as a process of transferring responsibilities, resources, or authority from higher to lower levels of government. It then examines why countries like Argentina and Colombia had different outcomes from decentralizing policies in the same time period. Argentina followed a "national path" where administrative decentralization came before fiscal decentralization, weakening subnational governments. Colombia followed a "subnational path" where political decentralization came first, empowering mayors and governors to lobby for more fiscal decentralization. The main argument is that decentralization does not always increase subnational power; it depends on the sequence and balance of power between national and subnational governments during the process.
V辰lkommen till en sp辰nnande vinter och v奪r, d奪 vi g奪r mot ljusare tider. Hoppas att du f奪r m旦jlighet att stanna upp d奪 och d奪 f旦r att njuta av konst, musik, idrott, teater och mycket mer.
Vi har ett rikt utbud i Kung辰lv. Mitt Mimers och Familjel旦rdag gjorde succ辿 i h旦stas och forts辰tter p奪 samma lyckade s辰tt under v奪ren. H辰r hittar du ett axplock av allt som h辰nder i v奪r kommun. H奪ll ocks奪 utkik p奪 n辰tet efter mer.
Varmt v辰lkommen!
Robert Hallman
Chef f旦r Kultur och Fritid
Dokumen tersebut membahas tentang pengertian psikologi pembelajaran, sejarah munculnya bidang ini, serta peranannya dalam praktik pembelajaran dan pengajaran. Psikologi pembelajaran merupakan cabang ilmu psikologi yang mempelajari proses belajar mengajar, dengan fokus pada interaksi antara pengajar dan siswa serta upaya peningkatan mutu pendidikan. Beberapa tokoh penting dalam sejarahnya antara lain William
Mekanisme reaksi eliminasi meliputi tahapan-tahapan yang terjadi pada reaksi eliminasi, jenis reaksi eliminasi berdasarkan molekul yang dilepaskan, posisi H yang tereliminasi, kinetika reaksinya (E1 atau E2), dan faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi jalannya reaksi dan produk yang dihasilkan.
El Contrato para la Formaci坦n y el Aprendizaje es una modalidad de contrataci坦n destinada a favorecer la inserci坦n laboral de los j坦venes que no tienen formaci坦n espec鱈fica para el puesto de trabajo que van a desempe単ar
Inka trail peru is a green trekking company in Peru dedicated to preserving the environment and local cultures. They offer 2-day treks to Machu Picchu that include transportation to the trail, a guided tour of Machu Picchu, and return travel to Cusco. Customers can explore Machu Picchu and hike additional sites along the sacred Inca Trail.
Neoliberailsm and finance as power in developmentCristina Medina
The document discusses how developing countries' increasing financial integration into the global system has strengthened bonds of dependency and US-centered capitalist hegemony, even after the 2007-2008 financial crisis. It notes that developing countries have become more subordinate and controlled by foreign financial interests, forcing them into export dependency and structural financial vulnerabilities. Their formal financial systems are dominated by foreign actors and oriented externally, constraining domestic industrialization and development.
This case study examines the creation of a cluster in Macael, Spain focused on building materials, ceramics, and ornamental products.
[1] Originally, the local marble industry was small-scale and informal with low productivity, relying only on the national market. [2] However, research found Macael's white marble was highly durable and of exceptional quality, indicating potential. [3] An action plan was implemented to introduce new infrastructure, institutions like marketing cooperatives, and attract private investment to modernize extraction and finishing processes.
This document discusses decentralization and local governance in different countries. It defines decentralization as a process of transferring responsibilities, resources, or authority from higher to lower levels of government. It then examines why countries like Argentina and Colombia had different outcomes from decentralizing policies in the same time period. Argentina followed a "national path" where administrative decentralization came before fiscal decentralization, weakening subnational governments. Colombia followed a "subnational path" where political decentralization came first, empowering mayors and governors to lobby for more fiscal decentralization. The main argument is that decentralization does not always increase subnational power; it depends on the sequence and balance of power between national and subnational governments during the process.
V辰lkommen till en sp辰nnande vinter och v奪r, d奪 vi g奪r mot ljusare tider. Hoppas att du f奪r m旦jlighet att stanna upp d奪 och d奪 f旦r att njuta av konst, musik, idrott, teater och mycket mer.
Vi har ett rikt utbud i Kung辰lv. Mitt Mimers och Familjel旦rdag gjorde succ辿 i h旦stas och forts辰tter p奪 samma lyckade s辰tt under v奪ren. H辰r hittar du ett axplock av allt som h辰nder i v奪r kommun. H奪ll ocks奪 utkik p奪 n辰tet efter mer.
Varmt v辰lkommen!
Robert Hallman
Chef f旦r Kultur och Fritid
Dokumen tersebut membahas tentang pengertian psikologi pembelajaran, sejarah munculnya bidang ini, serta peranannya dalam praktik pembelajaran dan pengajaran. Psikologi pembelajaran merupakan cabang ilmu psikologi yang mempelajari proses belajar mengajar, dengan fokus pada interaksi antara pengajar dan siswa serta upaya peningkatan mutu pendidikan. Beberapa tokoh penting dalam sejarahnya antara lain William
Mekanisme reaksi eliminasi meliputi tahapan-tahapan yang terjadi pada reaksi eliminasi, jenis reaksi eliminasi berdasarkan molekul yang dilepaskan, posisi H yang tereliminasi, kinetika reaksinya (E1 atau E2), dan faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi jalannya reaksi dan produk yang dihasilkan.
Dokumen tersebut membahas tentang distribusi atau tempat dalam pemasaran, termasuk pengertian, fungsi, manfaat, saluran, strategi, tingkatan, jenis arus, perilaku, organisasi saluran distribusi, serta perdagangan eceran dan grosir. Secara ringkas, dokumen tersebut menjelaskan konsep-konsep kunci terkait distribusi produk dari produsen hingga konsumen.