The document discusses Chi-square tests and their applications. Chi-square tests can be used for goodness of fit, independence, and homogeneity. They are non-parametric tests used to analyze categorical data. The three main types are: 1) goodness of fit tests determine if a sample fits a hypothesized distribution, 2) independence tests determine if two categorical variables are associated, and 3) homogeneity tests determine if a categorical variable is distributed identically across populations. Chi-square tests involve calculating expected frequencies, observed frequencies, and a test statistic to determine if the null hypothesis can be rejected.
This document discusses functions in R language and data analysis. It explains control structures like if/else statements, the ... argument which allows a variable number of arguments, function arguments and defaults, lazy evaluation of arguments, and how the ... argument is used when the number of arguments is unknown. Examples are provided to illustrate if/else logic, formals() to view function arguments, and how ... passes variable arguments to functions like paste() and cat().
The document discusses functions in R and their arguments. It explains that functions have formal arguments that may have default values, and arguments can be matched by position or by name. It also demonstrates using the psych package to calculate descriptive statistics and visualize the iris data grouped by species.
R provides vectorized operations that allow performing calculations efficiently on entire vectors and matrices at once. Functions like addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division work element-wise across vectors of the same length. Matrix operations like multiplication can also be performed. R uses factors to represent categorical data, which are treated specially in modeling functions. Factors have levels and can be ordered. Random samples can be drawn from vectors and matrices constructed to represent categorical data.
R is a programming language for data analysis and statistics. It allows users to enter commands at the prompt ">" to perform calculations and manipulate numeric and other objects like vectors and matrices. Basic objects in R include numeric, integer, character, complex, and logical values. Vectors are the most basic data structure and can contain elements of the same type. Matrices are two-dimensional vectors that store values in rows and columns. Functions like c(), seq(), and rep() can be used to create, combine and replicate vectors and sequences of values.
This document discusses theories of language structure and processing. It begins by describing Noam Chomsky's critique of behaviorism and introduction of concepts like universal grammar and the poverty of stimulus. It then covers topics like the types of words in language, sentence structure rules, properties of language like creativity and arbitrariness, and theories of language processing including lexical access and categorical perception. Research methods discussed include studies of language acquisition, disorders, reaction times, brain imaging, and cross-cultural comparisons.
This document discusses different statistical modeling techniques including one-way ANOVA, two-way ANOVA, linear regression, logistic regression, support vector machines, and artificial neural networks. It provides information on the arguments and functions used for one-way and two-way ANOVA. It also explains the key differences between linear regression and logistic regression models. Support vector machines and regression are introduced for categorical prediction and predicting linear relationships. Artificial neural networks are also listed briefly.
This document discusses statistical computing in R, including generating random numbers from distributions, probability density functions, cumulative distribution functions, and quantile functions. It also covers loops and if/else conditional statements in R. Specifically, it shows how to generate random normals, calculate normal densities and CDFs, and take quantiles. It also demonstrates for loops, if/else statements, and nested if/else statements.
This document discusses statistical computing in RStudio. It covers importing and browsing data, data types, and hands-on exercises. It also demonstrates basic math operations, using packages, getting help, and best practices for creating R documents.
A multiple regression analysis was conducted to predict body fat percentage using triceps skinfold thickness, thigh circumference, and midarm circumference as predictor variables. The analysis found that triceps skinfold thickness alone accounted for some of the variation in body fat percentage. Adding thigh circumference and midarm circumference as additional predictors further reduced error and increased the accuracy of predictions, as shown through calculations of sums of squares. Multiple regression allows determining the contribution of each predictor variable both individually and in combination with other predictors.
This document discusses different types of analysis of variance (ANOVA) models including Type III ANOVA with fixed and random factors, two-way ANOVA, and simple main effects as well as regression models.
This document provides an overview of essential methods for analyzing EEG/MEG signal data. It discusses (1) what EEG and MEG are and how they relate to brain activity, (2) common analytic steps like epoching, artifact rejection, averaging, and measuring amplitudes, (3) examples of ERP components and how to avoid overlap, (4) advanced approaches like source analysis, time-frequency analysis, and multiscale entropy analysis, and (5) the importance of EEG/MEG for studying human cognitive functions and brain mechanisms.
This document provides an overview of APA style formatting. It discusses what APA style is and the fields that commonly use it. It then covers the basic sections of an APA paper including the title page, abstract, introduction, method, results, discussion, and references page. It also details formatting guidelines for headings, numbers, lists, punctuation, quotations, paraphrasing, and citing sources. The document aims to explain the key rules and conventions for writing academic papers in APA style.
Here are the R commands to create the requested graph from the MASS leuk dataset and save it as MASSleuk.jpeg:
plot(leuk$time, main="Scatter plot of time", ylab="time")
hist(leuk$time, main="Histogram of time", xlab="time")
boxplot(leuk$time, main="Boxplot of time")
qqnorm(leuk$time); qqline(leuk$time)
dev.copy(png, "MASSleuk.jpeg")
This will open a graphics window,
所以,如果沒有元數據(菜單),就算有再厲害的黑科技 (例如: AI ,高端芯片,超級電腦, ...),也是大海撈針,點不了菜,找不到所要的數據資料。 尤其甚者,多語對照的元數據在檢索與匯總分析多國語言數據時,尤其是不可或缺的基本要件。
讓我們看看當今世上是否有任何 AI 科技能回答下列關於包含中英文的商業情報問題:
"美國專利商標局 (United States Trademark & Patent Office, USPTO) 在美東時間每周二定期發布新批准的美國專利。請問在最近的星期二,加拿大安大略省 (Ontario province of Canada) 或中國江蘇省,有多少公民營產官學研單位或個人獲得了新的美國專利?"
"How many entities are there in the Ontario province of Canada, or in the 江蘇 province of China, have new US patents granted on the nearest Tuesday (Eastern Time Zone), when USPTO released the newly approved US patents on a weekly basis?"
使用我們受著作權保護的中英對照元數據,就算是在普通的筆記型電腦上,我們也能按照人口普查 (census) 的行政區域地理位置找到所要的數據,回答上述問題。
同理,如果沒有多語對照元數據, AI 機器人都是廢鐵, AI 模型也都找不到我們要的數據。在短影音平台我們看到很多老美用英語叫不動大陸產聲控機器人的視頻,就是很好的例子。
所以,如果沒有元數據(菜單),就算有再厲害的黑科技 (例如: AI ,高端芯片,超級電腦, ...),也是大海撈針,點不了菜,找不到所要的數據資料。 尤其甚者,多語對照的元數據在檢索與匯總分析多國語言數據時,尤其是不可或缺的基本要件。
讓我們看看當今世上是否有任何 AI 人工智能科技能回答下列關於包含中英文的商業情報問題:
"美國專利商標局 (United States Trademark & Patent Office, USPTO) 在美東時間每周二定期發布新批准的美國專利。請問在最近的星期二,加拿大安大略省 (Ontario province of Canada) 或中國江蘇省,有多少公民營產官學研單位或個人獲得了新的美國專利?"
"How many entities are there in the Ontario province of Canada, or in the 江蘇 province of China, have new US patents granted on the nearest Tuesday (Eastern Time Zone), when USPTO released the newly approved US patents on a weekly basis?"
使用我們受著作權保護的中英對照元數據,就算是在普通的筆記型電腦上,我們也能按照人口普查 (census) 的行政區域地理位置找到所要的數據,回答上述問題。
This document discusses functions in R language and data analysis. It explains control structures like if/else statements, the ... argument which allows a variable number of arguments, function arguments and defaults, lazy evaluation of arguments, and how the ... argument is used when the number of arguments is unknown. Examples are provided to illustrate if/else logic, formals() to view function arguments, and how ... passes variable arguments to functions like paste() and cat().
The document discusses functions in R and their arguments. It explains that functions have formal arguments that may have default values, and arguments can be matched by position or by name. It also demonstrates using the psych package to calculate descriptive statistics and visualize the iris data grouped by species.
R provides vectorized operations that allow performing calculations efficiently on entire vectors and matrices at once. Functions like addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division work element-wise across vectors of the same length. Matrix operations like multiplication can also be performed. R uses factors to represent categorical data, which are treated specially in modeling functions. Factors have levels and can be ordered. Random samples can be drawn from vectors and matrices constructed to represent categorical data.
R is a programming language for data analysis and statistics. It allows users to enter commands at the prompt ">" to perform calculations and manipulate numeric and other objects like vectors and matrices. Basic objects in R include numeric, integer, character, complex, and logical values. Vectors are the most basic data structure and can contain elements of the same type. Matrices are two-dimensional vectors that store values in rows and columns. Functions like c(), seq(), and rep() can be used to create, combine and replicate vectors and sequences of values.
This document discusses theories of language structure and processing. It begins by describing Noam Chomsky's critique of behaviorism and introduction of concepts like universal grammar and the poverty of stimulus. It then covers topics like the types of words in language, sentence structure rules, properties of language like creativity and arbitrariness, and theories of language processing including lexical access and categorical perception. Research methods discussed include studies of language acquisition, disorders, reaction times, brain imaging, and cross-cultural comparisons.
This document discusses different statistical modeling techniques including one-way ANOVA, two-way ANOVA, linear regression, logistic regression, support vector machines, and artificial neural networks. It provides information on the arguments and functions used for one-way and two-way ANOVA. It also explains the key differences between linear regression and logistic regression models. Support vector machines and regression are introduced for categorical prediction and predicting linear relationships. Artificial neural networks are also listed briefly.
This document discusses statistical computing in R, including generating random numbers from distributions, probability density functions, cumulative distribution functions, and quantile functions. It also covers loops and if/else conditional statements in R. Specifically, it shows how to generate random normals, calculate normal densities and CDFs, and take quantiles. It also demonstrates for loops, if/else statements, and nested if/else statements.
This document discusses statistical computing in RStudio. It covers importing and browsing data, data types, and hands-on exercises. It also demonstrates basic math operations, using packages, getting help, and best practices for creating R documents.
A multiple regression analysis was conducted to predict body fat percentage using triceps skinfold thickness, thigh circumference, and midarm circumference as predictor variables. The analysis found that triceps skinfold thickness alone accounted for some of the variation in body fat percentage. Adding thigh circumference and midarm circumference as additional predictors further reduced error and increased the accuracy of predictions, as shown through calculations of sums of squares. Multiple regression allows determining the contribution of each predictor variable both individually and in combination with other predictors.
This document discusses different types of analysis of variance (ANOVA) models including Type III ANOVA with fixed and random factors, two-way ANOVA, and simple main effects as well as regression models.
This document provides an overview of essential methods for analyzing EEG/MEG signal data. It discusses (1) what EEG and MEG are and how they relate to brain activity, (2) common analytic steps like epoching, artifact rejection, averaging, and measuring amplitudes, (3) examples of ERP components and how to avoid overlap, (4) advanced approaches like source analysis, time-frequency analysis, and multiscale entropy analysis, and (5) the importance of EEG/MEG for studying human cognitive functions and brain mechanisms.
This document provides an overview of APA style formatting. It discusses what APA style is and the fields that commonly use it. It then covers the basic sections of an APA paper including the title page, abstract, introduction, method, results, discussion, and references page. It also details formatting guidelines for headings, numbers, lists, punctuation, quotations, paraphrasing, and citing sources. The document aims to explain the key rules and conventions for writing academic papers in APA style.
Here are the R commands to create the requested graph from the MASS leuk dataset and save it as MASSleuk.jpeg:
plot(leuk$time, main="Scatter plot of time", ylab="time")
hist(leuk$time, main="Histogram of time", xlab="time")
boxplot(leuk$time, main="Boxplot of time")
qqnorm(leuk$time); qqline(leuk$time)
dev.copy(png, "MASSleuk.jpeg")
This will open a graphics window,
所以,如果沒有元數據(菜單),就算有再厲害的黑科技 (例如: AI ,高端芯片,超級電腦, ...),也是大海撈針,點不了菜,找不到所要的數據資料。 尤其甚者,多語對照的元數據在檢索與匯總分析多國語言數據時,尤其是不可或缺的基本要件。
讓我們看看當今世上是否有任何 AI 科技能回答下列關於包含中英文的商業情報問題:
"美國專利商標局 (United States Trademark & Patent Office, USPTO) 在美東時間每周二定期發布新批准的美國專利。請問在最近的星期二,加拿大安大略省 (Ontario province of Canada) 或中國江蘇省,有多少公民營產官學研單位或個人獲得了新的美國專利?"
"How many entities are there in the Ontario province of Canada, or in the 江蘇 province of China, have new US patents granted on the nearest Tuesday (Eastern Time Zone), when USPTO released the newly approved US patents on a weekly basis?"
使用我們受著作權保護的中英對照元數據,就算是在普通的筆記型電腦上,我們也能按照人口普查 (census) 的行政區域地理位置找到所要的數據,回答上述問題。
同理,如果沒有多語對照元數據, AI 機器人都是廢鐵, AI 模型也都找不到我們要的數據。在短影音平台我們看到很多老美用英語叫不動大陸產聲控機器人的視頻,就是很好的例子。
所以,如果沒有元數據(菜單),就算有再厲害的黑科技 (例如: AI ,高端芯片,超級電腦, ...),也是大海撈針,點不了菜,找不到所要的數據資料。 尤其甚者,多語對照的元數據在檢索與匯總分析多國語言數據時,尤其是不可或缺的基本要件。
讓我們看看當今世上是否有任何 AI 人工智能科技能回答下列關於包含中英文的商業情報問題:
"美國專利商標局 (United States Trademark & Patent Office, USPTO) 在美東時間每周二定期發布新批准的美國專利。請問在最近的星期二,加拿大安大略省 (Ontario province of Canada) 或中國江蘇省,有多少公民營產官學研單位或個人獲得了新的美國專利?"
"How many entities are there in the Ontario province of Canada, or in the 江蘇 province of China, have new US patents granted on the nearest Tuesday (Eastern Time Zone), when USPTO released the newly approved US patents on a weekly basis?"
使用我們受著作權保護的中英對照元數據,就算是在普通的筆記型電腦上,我們也能按照人口普查 (census) 的行政區域地理位置找到所要的數據,回答上述問題。
10. 事前/事後比較
planned comparisons/ post hoc
? 多重比較在進行F考驗之前進行,稱為事前比較(planned / priori
? 獲得顯著的F值之後所進行的多重比較,稱為事後比較(posteriori
comparisons / post hoc tests)。
16. 多重比較的類型
? 單一步驟 single-step procedure
? 使用一個臨界值估計所有的對比
? 多重步驟 multiple-step procedure
? two step: Fisher’s LSD methods
? step-up
? setup-down
? 多重步驟的 power 比較大,可以減少第
? 單一步驟的統計量可以估計信賴區間,
? p – 1 a priori orthogonal contrasts
p – 1 個事前正交比較
? p – 1 a priori nonorthogonal contrasts
with a control-group mean
p – 1 個事前非正交比較(有控制組)
? C a priori nonorthogonal contrasts
C 個事前非正交比較
? All pairwise contrasts among p means
p 個平均值的配對比較
? All contrasts including nonpairwise
contrasts that from an inspection of the
data appear interesting