El documento ofrece instrucciones para que los estudiantes se cuiden a sà mismos en el salón de clases, los pasillos y escaleras de la escuela, y en el recreo. Recomienda que los estudiantes se sienten correctamente, no jueguen con objetos peligrosos, mantengan limpio su espacio de trabajo, y caminen de forma segura por la escuela.
This document lists common farm animals and some of their products. Cows provide meat, milk used to make butter. Hens lay eggs and provide chicken meat. Pigs are used for sausage, bacon, and ham. Sheep grow wool.
This document does not contain any coherent sentences or meaningful information that can be summarized in 3 sentences or less. The text consists of random words without context or connection to one another.
This document lists different seasons, nature items, and objects without context or connection between the terms. It includes the seasons of spring, summer, fall and winter as well as the terms forest, basket, bridge, kite and birdhouse.
This document lists 10 words that contain the letter combinations "th" or "sh". The words included are shop, then, fish, thin, with, rush, shut, ship, shell, and trash.
This document provides a list of 10 spelling words for 5th period that contain the "ee" sound. The words included are see, week, feet, tree, me, green, be, we, he, and she.
This document lists 5 sentences describing different actions or characteristics of people or animals. Sentence 1 describes a cat walking. Sentence 2 describes a brother playing tennis. Sentence 3 describes Claire as intelligent. Sentence 4 describes John running very fast. Sentence 5 describes liking to dance.
This document lists 10 action words in two columns: eat, sing, play, kiss, hug, run, write, study, go, talk. It appears to be a list of verbs for students to reference during their 4th period class.
This document lists various animal names including bird, coyote, cub, elephant, fish, fox, goose, hen, kitten, pig, puppy, turkey, and wolf. It appears to provide a sampling of different types of common animals without further details about each one. The list includes both wild and domesticated animals from land, air, and sea.
This document does not contain any coherent sentences or meaningful information that can be summarized in 3 sentences or less. The text consists of random words without context or connection to one another.
This document lists different seasons, nature items, and objects without context or connection between the terms. It includes the seasons of spring, summer, fall and winter as well as the terms forest, basket, bridge, kite and birdhouse.
This document lists 10 words that contain the letter combinations "th" or "sh". The words included are shop, then, fish, thin, with, rush, shut, ship, shell, and trash.
This document provides a list of 10 spelling words for 5th period that contain the "ee" sound. The words included are see, week, feet, tree, me, green, be, we, he, and she.
This document lists 5 sentences describing different actions or characteristics of people or animals. Sentence 1 describes a cat walking. Sentence 2 describes a brother playing tennis. Sentence 3 describes Claire as intelligent. Sentence 4 describes John running very fast. Sentence 5 describes liking to dance.
This document lists 10 action words in two columns: eat, sing, play, kiss, hug, run, write, study, go, talk. It appears to be a list of verbs for students to reference during their 4th period class.
This document lists various animal names including bird, coyote, cub, elephant, fish, fox, goose, hen, kitten, pig, puppy, turkey, and wolf. It appears to provide a sampling of different types of common animals without further details about each one. The list includes both wild and domesticated animals from land, air, and sea.
This document provides a list of 10 words that contain the long "o" sound. The words are: stone, rose, those, hope, hose, joke, woke, bone, home, and rode.
El documento ofrece recomendaciones a los padres de familia para agilizar la hora de dejar a los hijos en la escuela y evitar congestionamientos, como respetar las filas, agilizar la salida del auto del alumno con la mochila lista, y despedirse lo más pronto posible, para ser un ejemplo de cortesÃa y buenos modales que beneficie a toda la comunidad escolar.
The document describes 5 short sentences about different activities: a cat walking, a brother playing tennis, Claire being intelligent, John running fast, and liking to dance.
A cat walks while the narrator's brother plays tennis and Claire is described as intelligent. John is running very fast and the narrator enjoys dancing.