Student Support Services on Banner Self-ServiceKhalid Tariq
The document discusses a presentation about student support services available on Banner Self-Service. It provides an overview of how Higher Colleges of Technology (HCT) in the UAE addressed increasing demands from counselors and nurses to track special student needs information digitally. HCT developed a new Counselor Self-Service module on Banner Self-Service that allows authorized counselors and nurses to search for students, enter comments and meetings, and record special student needs information in a secure and confidential manner. It also details how HCT implemented security profiles to restrict access and ensure sensitive information is only visible to counselors and nurses associated with a student's home campus.
Student Support Services on Banner Self-ServiceKhalid Tariq
The document discusses a presentation about student support services available on Banner Self-Service. It provides an overview of how Higher Colleges of Technology (HCT) in the UAE addressed increasing demands from counselors and nurses to track special student needs information digitally. HCT developed a new Counselor Self-Service module on Banner Self-Service that allows authorized counselors and nurses to search for students, enter comments and meetings, and record special student needs information in a secure and confidential manner. It also details how HCT implemented security profiles to restrict access and ensure sensitive information is only visible to counselors and nurses associated with a student's home campus.
15. ?? ?? ?? ??
Hey come on!
Select a music
to produce.
Find material
from the Internet
or ask your friend.
Type into IMS
and listen. Wow!
Find more and add more.
Change whatever you want.
Mix your vocal by smartphone.
Upload to SNS.
Everybody is surprised.
^Are you a musician? ̄
One woman
is interested in
your song and
she wants to arrange.
One guy mixed
his violin play.
Purchase a professional
music track to mix
Your post is more popular. It is real.
00:00 15:00
TRACK STORE MIDI producersComposer and musician
Track sales
Profit share
??????? ??
??????? ??
??? ?? ??