Student Support Services on Banner Self-ServiceKhalid Tariq
The document discusses a presentation about student support services available on Banner Self-Service. It provides an overview of how Higher Colleges of Technology (HCT) in the UAE addressed increasing demands from counselors and nurses to track special student needs information digitally. HCT developed a new Counselor Self-Service module on Banner Self-Service that allows authorized counselors and nurses to search for students, enter comments and meetings, and record special student needs information in a secure and confidential manner. It also details how HCT implemented security profiles to restrict access and ensure sensitive information is only visible to counselors and nurses associated with a student's home campus.
SoundCloud has become the most popular streaming music service due to its popularity among electronic dance music artists and fans, its superior features like continuous streaming and fewer usage restrictions, and its global availability anywhere with an internet connection. Founded in 2008, it has grown to over 40 million registered users and leads other services like Pandora and Spotify in global web traffic. Its competitive advantages stem primarily from its features catering to EDM fans and its open platform enabling greater content sharing and discovery worldwide.
SoundCloud chooses AT Internet to drive its digital performance : usability analysis, advanced help and support centres, relevant choices of technical tools...
1) The document analyzes the author's SoundCloud followers and those they follow to classify users into types including listeners, artists, and organizations.
2) Listeners are further broken down into casual and power types. Artists are classified as hobbyist, aspiring, established underground, or commercial. Organizations include record labels, magazines, radio stations.
3) The author's analysis finds that listeners have the highest median following counts, artists post the most comments, and organizations have the lowest following to follower ratios compared to artists and listeners.
SoundCloud is a cloud service for sharing music. It allows artists, producers, DJs, and others in the music industry to send, receive, and distribute music through an online ecosystem. Eric Wahlforss from SoundCloud presented on how the company's cloud architecture works, allowing music to be easily uploaded and shared through a simple three step process. He also discussed technologies like RabbitMQ that SoundCloud uses to power its cloud-based music sharing platform.
Latest SoundCloud Market Research on Vertical ExpansionInes Chen
This document discusses expanding SoundCloud's market by focusing on online radio. It identifies two main user types - audio creators and audiences. Research shows online radio is growing, with Pandora being the major competitor. Pandora's weaknesses include a lack of social features and custom playlists. SoundCloud could target radio creators by making it easy to set up online radio stations and audiences by integrating radio and music discovery. Tests are proposed to validate this hypothesis, including surveys, focus groups and prototype interviews. Insights would inform features like radio widgets, DJ tagging and local recommendations. Marketing would promote the radio community while partnerships could expand reach. The goal is to make all radio and music discovery accessible within SoundCloud.
SoundCloud has become the most popular streaming music service due to its popularity among electronic dance music artists and fans, its superior features like continuous streaming and fewer usage restrictions, and its global availability anywhere with an internet connection. Founded in 2008, it has grown to over 40 million registered users and leads other services like Pandora and Spotify in global web traffic. Its competitive advantages stem primarily from its features catering to EDM fans and its open platform enabling greater content sharing and discovery worldwide.
SoundCloud chooses AT Internet to drive its digital performance : usability analysis, advanced help and support centres, relevant choices of technical tools...
1) The document analyzes the author's SoundCloud followers and those they follow to classify users into types including listeners, artists, and organizations.
2) Listeners are further broken down into casual and power types. Artists are classified as hobbyist, aspiring, established underground, or commercial. Organizations include record labels, magazines, radio stations.
3) The author's analysis finds that listeners have the highest median following counts, artists post the most comments, and organizations have the lowest following to follower ratios compared to artists and listeners.
SoundCloud is a cloud service for sharing music. It allows artists, producers, DJs, and others in the music industry to send, receive, and distribute music through an online ecosystem. Eric Wahlforss from SoundCloud presented on how the company's cloud architecture works, allowing music to be easily uploaded and shared through a simple three step process. He also discussed technologies like RabbitMQ that SoundCloud uses to power its cloud-based music sharing platform.
Latest SoundCloud Market Research on Vertical ExpansionInes Chen
This document discusses expanding SoundCloud's market by focusing on online radio. It identifies two main user types - audio creators and audiences. Research shows online radio is growing, with Pandora being the major competitor. Pandora's weaknesses include a lack of social features and custom playlists. SoundCloud could target radio creators by making it easy to set up online radio stations and audiences by integrating radio and music discovery. Tests are proposed to validate this hypothesis, including surveys, focus groups and prototype interviews. Insights would inform features like radio widgets, DJ tagging and local recommendations. Marketing would promote the radio community while partnerships could expand reach. The goal is to make all radio and music discovery accessible within SoundCloud.
2. Cos竪 SoundCloud?
SoundCloud 竪 un nuovo socialnetwork, destinato principalmente a tutti i mu-
sicisti e dj del mondo, ma non solo,anche a tutti coloro che vogliono condivi-
dere la loro musica preferita.
La schermata principale di SoundCloud si presenta cos狸 prima di iscriversi. Ci嘆
che attira lattenzione dellutente 竪 la richiesta Share your rst sound, con il
quale si pu嘆 caricare il primo proprio brano da condividere.
3. Come funziona?
Le funzioni di SoundCloud si concentrano tutte su un unico conceto; LA CON-
DIVISIONE. Infatti dopo aver cariccato il proprio brano, connettendo latri so-
cialnetwork come Facebook, Twitter, Myspace ecc. possiamo condividere la
nostra musica con tutti i nostri amici.
SoundCloud o re anche la possibilit di condividere e caricare brani non solo
trammiire il portale del socialnetwork , ma anche attraverso applicazioni per
dispositivi mobili.
4. SoundCloud dispone di qualche
decina di applicazioni sia per cari-
care brani, sia per ascoltare quelli di
altri utenti, anche di musicisti
famosi, soprattutto dj, infatti quasi
la totalit dei pi湛 famosi autori del
settore musicale carica le proprie
produzioni dando la possibilit di
ascolto, condivisione e download
da portali a pagamento. Lautore pu嘆 anche decidere di
condere il download gratuito.
SoundCloud 竪 molto legata ad altri
socialnetwork; in primis poich竪 non
竪 un concorrente diretto possed-
endo funzioni uniche e un format
di erente. Il legame viene testimo-
niato da questa barra che ti con-
siglia di ascoltare prima su altri
5. Comunity
SoundCloud o rendo agli utenti di poter ascoltare la musica di altri Sound-
Clouder, si trasforma in una vera e propria comunity.
Possiamo infatti interagire con altri utenti, commentando i loro brani, cre-
ando gruppi, aggiungendo canzoni tra le nostre preferite e decidere chi pu嘆
ascoltare le nostre produzioni.
6. Cosa o re SoundCloud
SoundCloud o re ;
- condivisione totale su ogni socialnetwork/blog/sito internet
-interazione con gli utenti
-controllo sugli ascolti/download/preferenze dei propri brani
-poter spedire a case discogra che dotate di SoundCloud DropBox
le poprie produzioni
7. Il mio SoundCloud
Le mie tracce e il magico tasto per Questarea mostra le statistiche per-
caicare nuovi brani. sonali sulle visite al pro lo, sugli as-
colti dei propri brani e sui download.
La dashboard 竪 la scrivania dove Qui posso vedere i miei amici, e come
vengono aggiornati i brani dgli su Twitter, chi seguo e chi mi segue.
amici. In pi湛 vedo i miei gruppi.
8. SoundCloud & Facebook
Su Facebook molto facilemente 竪 possibile condividere
la propria musica compiando il link della propria
dashboard di SoundCloud, cos狸 che tutti gli amici di Fb
potranno semplicemente cliccare sopra licona che si crea,
vedendo apparire una barra di caricamento del brano e
cliccando su play scoltare il brano e cosa interessante
poter avanzare trammite click sulla traccia rappresentata
trammite lo schema del suono.
Meglio ancora, per嘆, su Facebook esiste lapplicazione
di SoundCloud, trammite il quale possiamo condivi-
dere in tranquillit i brani su Sc senza doverci preoccu-
pare di copiare poi il link su Fb poich竪 verr fatto tutto
in automaticato, e potremmo anche aggiornare il
nostro stato dirrettamente da SoundCloud.
Un All in one davvero utile per chi vuole accelerare i
tempi di Autopromozione trammite il web.
9. SoundCloud & Twitter
Soundcloud possiede un suo account Twitter per diversi motivi; tenre i propri
utenti sempre aggiornati, mostrando cos狸 loro stessi come un ente in continuo ag-
giornamento. Per semplice pubblicit trammite socialnetwork e come semplice ve-
trina per il loro vero sito internet/musicnetwork.
10. SoundCloud & Myspace
Soundcloud possiede un suo account Myspace, poich竪 myspace 竪 stato
inteso come il pi湛 gradne portale musicale, infatti gli stessi amministratori si
sono adeguati e hanno ampliato la possibilit di condividere la propria
musica incrementando il portale con funzioni pi湛 indirizzate a musicisti e ag-
giungendo anche la possibilit di linkare i propri brani con la barra di sound-
cloud sulle bacheche dei propri amici.
11. SoundCloud & Tumblr
Soundcloud possiede un suo Tumblr attraverso il quale svolge la sua attivit di
blogger( pur possedendo il blogpersonale) poich竪 esso o re grandi possibilit
di pubblicit, condivisione e stretto contatto con gli utenti. SondCloud nel
blog presenta tute le news sulla sede centrale (Berlino), o redno anche la pos-
sibilit di lavoro. Nel Tumblr viene messo a disposizione il famoso DropBox,
ossia il link utilizzato da etichette discogra che per farsi spedire nuovi brani, la
base del nuovo concetto di pubblicazione musicale.