Minnesota's state bird is the loon, its state flower is the lady's slipper, and its 2010 population was over 5.3 million people. The document provides basic information about Minnesota's motto, bird, flower, population, flag, governor Mark Dayton and his address, and mentions the city of St. Paul.
El documento describe la organización deportiva en Venezuela, la cual se divide en tres niveles: central, estadal y municipal. El nivel central está encabezado por el Ministerio del Poder Popular para el Deporte y comprende entidades como el Instituto Nacional del Deporte e institutos regionales y municipales del deporte. Las organizaciones deportivas como clubes, asociaciones y federaciones gozan de autonomÃa y son de derecho privado, no perteneciendo a la administración pública.
The document outlines contracts for a water drainage scheme in Waterford, Ireland. Contract 1 involves constructing sewer systems and pumping stations north of the River Suir, including rising mains under the river. Contract 2 involves constructing an interceptor sewer system and 4 pumping stations south of the river. Contract 5 involves designing, building, and operating a wastewater treatment plant to serve 190,600 people.
This document outlines 12 habits that can kill creativity. It lists 12 creativity-killing habits and provides sources from psychology and health websites. The agenda shows that it will discuss the 12 habits that kill creativity and provide an end-note with sources.
This document provides information about healthcare projects and facilities in the Maldives in 2015. It includes maps showing the locations of hospitals across different atolls. It also provides data on the number of beds, doctors, nurses, and other staff employed in government hospitals and health centers across the country. The document categorizes hospitals into different levels and lists the island locations of various hospitals and health centers.
El documento explica cómo multiplicar matrices. Para multiplicar la matriz A por la matriz B, el número de columnas de A debe ser igual al número de filas de B. La matriz resultado C tendrá el mismo número de filas que A y el mismo número de columnas que B. La multiplicación no es conmutativa, por lo que B x A podrÃa dar un resultado diferente que A x B.
Bhagyashri Kawadiwale is seeking a competitive job where she can utilize her skills and experience. She has a Bachelor of Engineering in Electronics and Telecommunication with high marks, as well as diplomas in Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering. Her work experience includes 6 months at Intact Automation Pvt. Ltd in customer relationship management and project support. She has strong technical skills in programming, microcontrollers, and industrial communication protocols. Her projects include a human activity control system using VLSI and sensors, a zener diode tester, and a microcontroller-based cell phone operated land rover.
Understanding the Global Economy - By Olusegun S. EhinfunOlusegun Ehinfun
A discourse on the burgeoning globalisation trend and the consolidation of markets in forms of various regional blocs, taking advantages of global economies of scale, mobility of capital, labour and possibly the expansion of national markets into supranational bloc markets, ultimately engendering growth and sustainable development in the long term.
50 quotes to bring your remote team together - via vorkspace.comVorkspace
50 quotes to bring your remote team together! http://vorkspace.com/blog/index.php/50-quotes-to-bring-remote-team-together-infographics/
Remote Team Made Easy at http://Vorkspace.com
The document provides information about the West Virginia Master Naturalist program. It describes the program as enhancing people's love of nature through research-based training and community-based volunteer service. It outlines that the program allows individuals to increase their knowledge and appreciation of the natural world while helping their communities and the environment through coursework and volunteer opportunities. It also provides details on the certification process and types of volunteer activities Master Naturalists can participate in.
This document contains Daniel Lopez's resume. It summarizes his education, including earning a Fine Arts degree from Cal State University Northridge and pursuing a Business Certificate from Moorpark College. His experience includes graphic design internships at Digital Vitamin and Apple, a news reporting internship at KABC-7, a purchasing assistant role at ILFC, and current roles as a Nike Soccer Expert and Lead Trainer at The Cheesecake Factory. He lists skills in Adobe Suite, Microsoft Office, and other design programs. Contact information is provided at the top.
The document analyzes the effectiveness of personality analysis in the Indian training industry, using NIIT and Brainware as case studies. It aims to understand how personality fits with jobs and interactions. The study collected data from senior and junior employees at both companies through interviews and surveys. It found that employees are generally satisfied with their work and pressure levels. Both companies use personality tests primarily to improve communication skills, patience, and abilities. The document provides recommendations like conducting more frequent standardized personality tests and balancing ease with some necessary pressure.
Top Salesforce Influencers You Need to FollowRingLead
This document lists and provides brief biographies of top Salesforce influencers to follow. It introduces Mike Gerholdt as the founder of ButtonClick Media and Red Argyle who runs the popular Salesforce admin resource ButtonClickAdmin.com. It also profiles Michaelforce, Shell Black, Brent Downey, Rebecca Wetzel, Jarrod Kingston, Steve Molis, and Brian Kwong, outlining their roles and achievements in the Salesforce community and industry. Many of them are Salesforce MVPs and certified administrators who speak regularly at Dreamforce.
Neeladri Kumar is a dynamic professional with over 4.5 years of experience in packet core and datacenter technologies including SGSN, GGSN, MME, SGW/PGW, PCRF, HSS, AAA server, DNS server, and DHCP server. He currently works as a Level 2 Back Office Technical Support Engineer for MENA TELECOM's EPC/Datacenter network in Bahrain. Some of his responsibilities include end-to-end service provisioning, network configuration, and troubleshooting. Previously he has worked on projects for Aircel, Freebit, and Zain South Sudan, where he performed tasks like network configuration, fault management, and technical support. He holds a
Massachusetts' state motto is "By the sword we seek peace, but peace only under liberty." The state bird is the black-capped chickadee which does not migrate and lives in forests and suburbs. The state flower is the Mayflower, also known as Epigaea repens, which is endangered with few left on Earth. The population of Massachusetts is over 6.7 million people and its capital and largest city is Boston.
This document provides information about healthcare projects and facilities in the Maldives in 2015. It includes maps showing the locations of hospitals across different atolls. It also provides data on the number of beds, doctors, nurses, and other staff employed in government hospitals and health centers across the country. The document categorizes hospitals into different levels and lists the island locations of various hospitals and health centers.
El documento explica cómo multiplicar matrices. Para multiplicar la matriz A por la matriz B, el número de columnas de A debe ser igual al número de filas de B. La matriz resultado C tendrá el mismo número de filas que A y el mismo número de columnas que B. La multiplicación no es conmutativa, por lo que B x A podrÃa dar un resultado diferente que A x B.
Bhagyashri Kawadiwale is seeking a competitive job where she can utilize her skills and experience. She has a Bachelor of Engineering in Electronics and Telecommunication with high marks, as well as diplomas in Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering. Her work experience includes 6 months at Intact Automation Pvt. Ltd in customer relationship management and project support. She has strong technical skills in programming, microcontrollers, and industrial communication protocols. Her projects include a human activity control system using VLSI and sensors, a zener diode tester, and a microcontroller-based cell phone operated land rover.
Understanding the Global Economy - By Olusegun S. EhinfunOlusegun Ehinfun
A discourse on the burgeoning globalisation trend and the consolidation of markets in forms of various regional blocs, taking advantages of global economies of scale, mobility of capital, labour and possibly the expansion of national markets into supranational bloc markets, ultimately engendering growth and sustainable development in the long term.
50 quotes to bring your remote team together - via vorkspace.comVorkspace
50 quotes to bring your remote team together! http://vorkspace.com/blog/index.php/50-quotes-to-bring-remote-team-together-infographics/
Remote Team Made Easy at http://Vorkspace.com
The document provides information about the West Virginia Master Naturalist program. It describes the program as enhancing people's love of nature through research-based training and community-based volunteer service. It outlines that the program allows individuals to increase their knowledge and appreciation of the natural world while helping their communities and the environment through coursework and volunteer opportunities. It also provides details on the certification process and types of volunteer activities Master Naturalists can participate in.
This document contains Daniel Lopez's resume. It summarizes his education, including earning a Fine Arts degree from Cal State University Northridge and pursuing a Business Certificate from Moorpark College. His experience includes graphic design internships at Digital Vitamin and Apple, a news reporting internship at KABC-7, a purchasing assistant role at ILFC, and current roles as a Nike Soccer Expert and Lead Trainer at The Cheesecake Factory. He lists skills in Adobe Suite, Microsoft Office, and other design programs. Contact information is provided at the top.
The document analyzes the effectiveness of personality analysis in the Indian training industry, using NIIT and Brainware as case studies. It aims to understand how personality fits with jobs and interactions. The study collected data from senior and junior employees at both companies through interviews and surveys. It found that employees are generally satisfied with their work and pressure levels. Both companies use personality tests primarily to improve communication skills, patience, and abilities. The document provides recommendations like conducting more frequent standardized personality tests and balancing ease with some necessary pressure.
Top Salesforce Influencers You Need to FollowRingLead
This document lists and provides brief biographies of top Salesforce influencers to follow. It introduces Mike Gerholdt as the founder of ButtonClick Media and Red Argyle who runs the popular Salesforce admin resource ButtonClickAdmin.com. It also profiles Michaelforce, Shell Black, Brent Downey, Rebecca Wetzel, Jarrod Kingston, Steve Molis, and Brian Kwong, outlining their roles and achievements in the Salesforce community and industry. Many of them are Salesforce MVPs and certified administrators who speak regularly at Dreamforce.
Neeladri Kumar is a dynamic professional with over 4.5 years of experience in packet core and datacenter technologies including SGSN, GGSN, MME, SGW/PGW, PCRF, HSS, AAA server, DNS server, and DHCP server. He currently works as a Level 2 Back Office Technical Support Engineer for MENA TELECOM's EPC/Datacenter network in Bahrain. Some of his responsibilities include end-to-end service provisioning, network configuration, and troubleshooting. Previously he has worked on projects for Aircel, Freebit, and Zain South Sudan, where he performed tasks like network configuration, fault management, and technical support. He holds a
Massachusetts' state motto is "By the sword we seek peace, but peace only under liberty." The state bird is the black-capped chickadee which does not migrate and lives in forests and suburbs. The state flower is the Mayflower, also known as Epigaea repens, which is endangered with few left on Earth. The population of Massachusetts is over 6.7 million people and its capital and largest city is Boston.
Feide - Sammenkobling lokal og nasjonal ssoSnorre Løvås
Presentasjon av arbeidet som skal gjøres rundt vurdering av muligheter rundt å koble sammen lokalt single signon domene og det nasjonale Feide domenet. Presentert på Feide fagdag 2015-06-10
Digital Exams - Integration - DialogkonferanseSnorre Løvås
This document summarizes a presentation about establishing standards and interfaces for integrating examination systems in Norway. It discusses setting up a task force with various universities and colleges to define common authentication methods, specify interfaces, and pilot connections between different examination and student record systems. The goal is to allow information like student and examination data to be seamlessly shared between the systems using a common integration platform managed by UNINETT. Initial efforts involve provisioning examination and student data between the main student record system called FS and various examination systems.
Mangfoldet av digitale læremidler eksploderer og lærere vil hente innhold og tjenester de mener er mest egnet for sitt fag og kompetansemål. For å redusere kaoset, men fremdeles kunne tilby et stort mangfold bør innkjøpere og utviklere av tjenester og innhold benytte noen standarder som forenkler samhandlingen mellom forskjellige tjenester.
Senter for IKT i utdanningen arbeider med standardisering innen læringsteknologi og informasjon, veiledning og anbefalte standarder finnes på standard.iktsenteret.no
1. Krav til informasjon i Feide
Gardermoen, 2008-10-23
Snorre Løvås
2. Innhold
•  Informasjon om organisasjoner
•  Informasjon om organisasjonsenheter
•  Informasjon om personer
•  Roller i Feide
•  Endringer som
kan komme
•  Mer informasjon
Foto: clarkwoods (flickr)
3. Organisasjoner - obligatorisk
•  Organisasjonens juridiske navn
•  Organisasjonens navn
–  Fullt navn: Sør-Trøndelag Fylkeskommune
•  E-postadresse
–  Offisiell adresse: postmottak@stfk.no
•  Organisasjonsnummer
–  Nummer i brreg: NO938634556
5. Organisasjonsenheter - obligatorisk
•  Organisasjonsenhetens navn
–  Navn på skolen: Tiller videregående skole
•  E-postadresse
–  postmottak.tiller@stfk.no
•  Organisasjonsnummer
–  Nummer i brreg eller NSR: NO974558386
–  Legges en annen plass enn for organisasjon
7. Personer - obligatorisk
•  Fødselsnummer
–  11 siffer: 13019211111
•  Feide-navn
–  Fullt feidenavn: trondh@stfk.no
•  Rolle(r) ved organisasjon
–  student, member
•  Etternavn
–  Hansen
Foto: GT
8. Personer – obligatorisk (2)
•  Lokalt brukernavn
–  Det før @: trondh
•  E-postadresse
–  trond.hansen58@stfk.no
•  Passord (kryptert)
–  Internt format i LDAP: {MD5}SA84A4572…
9. Personer - valgfritt
•  Fornavn
–  Trond Reodor
•  Visningsnavn
–  Navn som vises for bruker: Trond R. Hansen
•  Fødselsdato
–  Ikke utledet fra fødselsnummer: 19920113
•  Primærrolle ved organisasjon
–  Hovedrolle: student
•  Roller ved organisasjonsenheter
–  student@NO974558386.stfk.no
10. Personer – valgfritt (2)
•  Rettigheter til spesifikke ressurser
–  F.eks. grep:urn:mace:feide.no:go:grep:uuid:5c9056…
•  Mobilnummer
–  +47 40404040
•  Foretrukket språkform
–  ISO639-1: nn (vil bli endra til ISO-639-2:1998: nno)
•  Lokale identifikatorer
–  Ansattnummer, elevnummer etc: stfk:student:315683
•  Kallenavn, bilde og en del flere
11. Roller i Feide
•  Elev - student, member
•  Pedagogisk ansatt* - faculty,
employee, member
•  Annen ansatt (i utdanning) – staff,
employee, member
•  Tilknyttede personer - afflilate
*Under diskusjon
12. Ting kan endre seg over tid
•  E-postadresse må være personlig for personer
–  Ikke obligatorisk felt for grunnskole, men anbefalt
•  Mobilnummer må være personlig for personer
•  Nye obligatoriske personfelter
–  Fornavn
–  Visningsnavn
–  Roller ved organisasjons-
–  Rettigheter til spesifikke ressurser
•  Ny versjon under arbeid nå Foto: Bill Bertram
13. Mer informasjon
•  Krav til en vertsorganisasjon i Feide:
–  http://www.uninettabc.no/content.ap?thisId=8633
•  norEdu* Object Class Specification:
–  http://docs.feide.no/spec-0001-1.1-en.pdf
•  Foreslåtte endringer i neste versjon:
–  http://feide.no/content.ap?thisId=8722