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Task force  Integrations
Establishing standards and
Snorre L淡v奪s, Senior Advisor, UNINETT
Trondheim, 2014-06-23
Task force - participants
Dronning Mauds Minne University College
FS - The Common Student System
Narvik University College
Norwegian School of Economics
Oslo and Akershus University College
University of Bergen
University of Oslo
University of Troms淡
June 23, 2014 SLIDE 2
End user authentication
Systems must support the Feide federation
鏤 SAML2, HTTP-Redirect, Single Sign-on, Single Logout
InterFederation: Kalmar2 and eduGAIN
鏤 https://www.feide.no/service-providers
Some systems might need to support ID-Porten
(common log in solution to online public services)
鏤 http://www.difi.no/artikkel/2011/11/korleis-ta-i-bruk-id-porten (In Norwegian)
Some institutions might have specific needs
June 23, 2014 SLIDE 3
The workflows suggests the interfaces
June 23, 2014 SLIDE 4
Prepare Examination Grading
Feedback on
grade and
Info Journal
Digital Digital Digital
Manual Manual Manual
FS Answers FS Archive
Inform the
Norwegian State
Education Loan Fund
Ministry of Education
Figure by NTNU
Development process for interfaces
June 23, 2014 SLIDE 5
Use cases
Initial spec
Existing standards
Usable interface
DocumentationRapid cycles
with frequent
A common integration system
June 23, 2014 SLIDE 6
System X
Service Bus
System Y
Status - June 2014
June 23, 2014 SLIDE 7
Implement Explore
Usable interface
DocumentationRapid cycles
with frequent
Provisioning exams and students - FS to examination systems
Status - June 2014
June 23, 2014 SLIDE 8
System X
Service Bus
Provisioning exams and students - FS to examination systems
Documentation and communication
All documentation and communication should be done in Agora
For Task force and Vendors (open for all):
For Task force (closed group):
There will be many partners in this endeavour and communication will become a challenge, even a
June 23, 2014 SLIDE 9
June 23, 2014 SLIDE 10
Contact and more information
Snorre L淡v奪s
This presentation
June 23, 2014 SLIDE 11

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  • 2. Task force - participants BIBSYS Dronning Mauds Minne University College FS - The Common Student System Narvik University College Norwegian School of Economics Oslo and Akershus University College UNINETT University of Bergen University of Oslo University of Troms淡 June 23, 2014 SLIDE 2
  • 3. End user authentication Systems must support the Feide federation 鏤 SAML2, HTTP-Redirect, Single Sign-on, Single Logout InterFederation: Kalmar2 and eduGAIN 鏤 https://www.feide.no/service-providers Some systems might need to support ID-Porten (common log in solution to online public services) 鏤 SAML2 鏤 http://www.difi.no/artikkel/2011/11/korleis-ta-i-bruk-id-porten (In Norwegian) Some institutions might have specific needs June 23, 2014 SLIDE 3
  • 4. The workflows suggests the interfaces June 23, 2014 SLIDE 4 Prepare Examination Grading Feedback on grade and complaints Locality Candidate Examination / questions Medium Answers Status Info Journal Digital Manual Digital Digital Digital Manual Manual Manual FS Examination - registry FS Answers FS Archive Inform the students Norwegian State Education Loan Fund Ministry of Education (DBH) Figure by NTNU
  • 5. Development process for interfaces Pilot/Use EvaluateImprove Implement June 23, 2014 SLIDE 5 Explore Use cases Initial spec Existing standards Defined interface Usable interface Specification DocumentationRapid cycles with frequent changes
  • 6. A common integration system June 23, 2014 SLIDE 6 FS Examination system(s) Answers/ Deliverables Archive(s) System X UNINETT Service Bus System Y
  • 7. Status - June 2014 June 23, 2014 SLIDE 7 Pilot/Use EvaluateImprove Implement Explore Defined interface Usable interface Specification DocumentationRapid cycles with frequent changes Provisioning exams and students - FS to examination systems
  • 8. Status - June 2014 June 23, 2014 SLIDE 8 FS Examination system(s) Answers/ Deliverables Archive(s) System X UNINETT Service Bus System Provisioning exams and students - FS to examination systems
  • 9. Documentation and communication All documentation and communication should be done in Agora Documents Forum Wiki For Task force and Vendors (open for all): https://agora.uninett.no/web/digital-eksamen-apen/ For Task force (closed group): https://agora.uninett.no/group/prosjekt-digg-teknisk/forum There will be many partners in this endeavour and communication will become a challenge, even a problem. June 23, 2014 SLIDE 9
  • 11. Contact and more information Snorre L淡v奪s snorre.lovas@uninett.no Agora https://agora.uninett.no/web/digital-eksamen-apen/ This presentation http://www.slideshare.net/snorrelo/20140623-dig-ex-integration-dialogkonferanse June 23, 2014 SLIDE 11