ta znae eTwinning oznake kvaliteta u projektnoj nastavi?
Za邸to su nam va転ni kriterijumi za dodelu eTwinning oznaka kvaliteta?
Predava: Dalibor Todorovi - eTwinning ambasador Srbije
Prezentacija sa vebinara riterijum 6 - Rezultati, uinak i dokumentovanje projekta u okviru dvonedeljne obuke putem interneta eTwinning nacionalne oznake kvaliteta 2016/2017
eTwinning - mogunosti za povezivanje, saradnju i napredovanjeDalibor Todorovi
Prvi eTwinning vebinar za zaposlene u pred邸kolskim ustanovama, osnovnim i srednjim 邸kolama u Srbiji.
Predava: Dalibor Todorovi - eTwinning ambasador Srbije
Prezentacija uz eTwinning vebinar koji je odr転an 11. maja 2016. godine. Kategorija 4 - Upotreba IKT tehnologije - Kriterijumi za dodelu nacionalne oznake kvaliteta etwinning projekta.
Vebinar odr転ale Nata邸a Anelkovi i Aleksandra Danilovi etwinning ambasadorke Srbije
truni skup Nastavni planovi za informatiko obrazovanje u osnovnim i srednjim 邸kolama Republike Srbije,
Microsoft Srbija, Beograd, subota 24.01.2015. godine
IKT NPP 150124 15 - Gimnazije - Dragan Ili
Struni skup Nastavni planovi za informatiko obrazovanje u osnovnim i srednjim 邸kolama Republike Srbije,
Microsoft Srbija, Beograd, subota 24.01.2015. godine
IKT NPP 150124 15 - Gimnazije - Dragan Ili
eTwinning webinar_Osmi邸ljavanje i pokretanje eTwinning projekata_D.Todorovi_...Dalibor Todorovi
Drugi vebinar u okviru Jednonedeljne obuke na internetu Osnove eTwinning-a od 11. do 15. decembra 2017. godine
Obuka je prvenstveno namenjena uesnicima eTwinning portala koji bi 転eleli vi邸e da se ukljue u aktivnosti na portalu, kao i nastavnicima koji nisu registrovani lanovi, a 転eleli bi da se upoznaju sa mogunostima koje eTwinning portal pru転a.
Prezentacija sa vebinara riterijum 6 - Rezultati, uinak i dokumentovanje projekta u okviru dvonedeljne obuke putem interneta eTwinning nacionalne oznake kvaliteta 2016/2017
eTwinning - mogunosti za povezivanje, saradnju i napredovanjeDalibor Todorovi
Prvi eTwinning vebinar za zaposlene u pred邸kolskim ustanovama, osnovnim i srednjim 邸kolama u Srbiji.
Predava: Dalibor Todorovi - eTwinning ambasador Srbije
Prezentacija uz eTwinning vebinar koji je odr転an 11. maja 2016. godine. Kategorija 4 - Upotreba IKT tehnologije - Kriterijumi za dodelu nacionalne oznake kvaliteta etwinning projekta.
Vebinar odr転ale Nata邸a Anelkovi i Aleksandra Danilovi etwinning ambasadorke Srbije
truni skup Nastavni planovi za informatiko obrazovanje u osnovnim i srednjim 邸kolama Republike Srbije,
Microsoft Srbija, Beograd, subota 24.01.2015. godine
IKT NPP 150124 15 - Gimnazije - Dragan Ili
Struni skup Nastavni planovi za informatiko obrazovanje u osnovnim i srednjim 邸kolama Republike Srbije,
Microsoft Srbija, Beograd, subota 24.01.2015. godine
IKT NPP 150124 15 - Gimnazije - Dragan Ili
eTwinning webinar_Osmi邸ljavanje i pokretanje eTwinning projekata_D.Todorovi_...Dalibor Todorovi
Drugi vebinar u okviru Jednonedeljne obuke na internetu Osnove eTwinning-a od 11. do 15. decembra 2017. godine
Obuka je prvenstveno namenjena uesnicima eTwinning portala koji bi 転eleli vi邸e da se ukljue u aktivnosti na portalu, kao i nastavnicima koji nisu registrovani lanovi, a 転eleli bi da se upoznaju sa mogunostima koje eTwinning portal pru転a.
This document provides instructions for three experiments to teach young students about air and air pollution:
1) An experiment where burning paper in a sealed jar with ice on the lid creates "artificial smog" to illustrate its appearance.
2) An experiment comparing burning paper in jars with a hot iron held above one jar and a cold iron above the other to demonstrate temperature inversion conditions trapping pollution near the ground.
3) An experiment using limewater, a syringe, and straw to test exhaled air for carbon dioxide and show how inhaled and exhaled air differ in composition.
This document presents summaries of 3 experiments on the properties of air conducted by students at Sant Josep school in Barcelona, Spain. The first experiment shows that hot air expands and cold air contracts by placing a balloon-topped bottle in hot and cold water. The second experiment demonstrates that air takes up space by trying to submerge a ping pong ball in a jar with and without tissues. The third experiment illustrates that air pressure can crush an empty soda can by boiling water inside the sealed can and then quickly submerging it in cold water.
E twinning ambassador webinar about Doodle by Nata邸a MajstroviNata邸a Majstrovi
This document summarizes a presentation about the online scheduling tool Doodle. Doodle allows users to easily create polls to find a date and time that works for multiple people to meet or hold an event. The presentation provides information on how to create a Doodle account, set up a poll to schedule an event, and view participation. It also includes links to example polls created on Doodle.
eTwinning blended learning - best practice exampleLidija Kralj
This document outlines Lidija Kralj's approach to eTwinning training for teachers, which uses a modular blended learning model. It describes a 3-part training approach with face-to-face workshops covering registration and quality labels, an in-between period for teachers to familiarize themselves with eTwinning and start projects, and a series of 10 webinars on specific eTwinning topics. The training emphasizes hands-on learning tasks for teachers to complete between sessions to gain experience using eTwinning tools and starting projects. While more preparation time is required than traditional training, the benefits include reaching more teachers, recorded materials for review, and an ongoing community for support.
This document summarizes the author's experiences with eTwinning and Comenius projects as an English teacher in Lithuania. It discusses four eTwinning projects focused on songs, language, culture, films and fashion. The author found eTwinning's tools like blogs, forums and wikis useful for collaboration. Combining eTwinning with Comenius allowed students to travel, experience other cultures firsthand, and improve language skills while working towards integrated project goals like renewable energy education.
This document provides an overview of getting started with eTwinning, which includes registering an account, creating a profile, finding projects and contacts, and utilizing the different areas of the eTwinning portal. It outlines the registration process in multiple steps and explains how to create pages, add content, and communicate with other members on the portal. The document concludes by assigning homework for participants to send contact requests, submit a project for approval, and participate in an upcoming webinar on eTwinning.
Life Is Math, Math Is Life nove tehnologijeJelena Keni
New Technologies in Education is the international conference and fair, held in Belgrade and organised by the British Council with the aim to improve the quality of education in this part of the world through the use of information and communication technologies. On the first day, February 9th, I presented our eTwinning project 'Life Is Math, Math Is Life'.
eTwinning nacionalni tim za podr邸ku Srbije organizuje vebinar pod nazivom Organizovanje eTwinning dogaaja upotrebom alata Adobe Connect na eTwinning live delu, u sredu, 20. aprila 2016. godine od 16 do 17 asova.
Dalibor Todorovi, eTwinning ambasador u Srbiji i predava na vebinaru, predstavie korake potrebne za uspe邸no organizovanje dogaaja u転ivo na eTwinning live delu.
Ovaj vebinar namenjen je eTvinerima koji uestvuju u projektima i 転ele da se bolje upoznaju sa alatima za organizovanje dogaaja u転ivo.
eTwinning - the most exciting community for schools in EuropeArjana Blazic
eTwinning is the largest European online community for schools, allowing teachers and students to collaborate on projects. It has three main levels - the eTwinning portal which is the central meeting place, eTwinning Live which is teachers' personal spaces, and TwinSpace which is used for collaborative projects. Projects involve peer learning, cross-cultural exchange, and developing skills through teamwork and using technologies. Successful projects are integrated with school curricula and evaluated using rubrics, with recognition available through quality labels.
Edukacija iz project management prezentacijaMiloje Seksan
In Serbia, Christmas is celebrated on January 7th according to the local calendar. On Christmas Eve, families prepare a traditional dinner and sprinkle straw on the floors to mimic the stable where Jesus was born. They spend Christmas Eve around the family table. Christmas traditions include a ceremonial bread called "Cesnica" that contains small items like coins or basil leaves, which are believed to bring good luck and health if found. Families also observe superstitions like not quarreling or sleeping on Christmas Day for fear of doing so all year, and taking on tasks to ensure a prosperous new year.
Slovakia has several Christmas traditions that begin in Advent and continue through New Year's Eve. During Advent, people decorate their homes with advent wreaths and prepare gifts. Various saints' days like St. Nicholas Day and St. Lucy's Day are also celebrated in December. On Christmas Eve, families gather for a traditional meal and exchange gifts under the Christmas tree. Christmas Day and Boxing Day involve church services. New Year's Eve features fireworks displays and wishes for a happy new year.
A group of children carelessly lit a fire too close to a forest while camping, which started a wildfire as the wind blew the flames toward the trees. Though firefighters and forest dwarves tried to help extinguish the fire, it was too late and the forest burned down. However, a forest fairy used magic dust to restore the forest and wildlife, and the forest is now green again.
The Nowak family was not very environmentally friendly - their home was dirty, they wasted resources and didn't recycle. When Marta broke her arm after slipping in the garden, their grandmother Teresa came to visit. She was an "eco granny" who cared deeply about the environment. Grandma Teresa cleaned the entire house, installed energy efficient light bulbs and appliances, added recycling bins, and installed solar panels on the roof. When the family returned, they were amazed at their new eco-friendly home. Grandma Teresa was happy to have helped the family live in a more sustainable way.
This document provides guidance on what food and materials can and cannot be composted or recycled. It lists that fish, vegetables, apples and bread can be composted, while plastic and paper have different disposal methods, with bread being compostable but plastic needing to be recycled instead.
The students at Buczek in Poland held an eco activity where they collected old CDs, batteries, and electronic appliances for recycling. They also put on an exhibition about being more environmentally friendly that suggested recycling rubbish, taking showers instead of baths, and switching off lights. One class had a contest to collect the most waste paper, with Class Va winning by collecting 879.5 kilograms of paper to earn a trip to a skating rink. The students also raked leaves in November and had a great time with the activities.
The group collected 19 bags of dry chestnut tree leaves that contained pupae in order to burn them and help improve the health of the trees. They hope to destroy the pupae and make the condition of the chestnut trees better next year. The documentary was about a project group from a junior secondary school in Radom, Poland that conducted eco activities to help animals in the fall and winter and save chestnut trees.