This document summarizes an OpenShift meetup discussing using OpenShift on IBM Cloud Bare Metal Server. It provides an overview of the speaker's background and experience with OpenShift, Kubernetes, and IBM Cloud. It then outlines the setup of OpenShift on IBM Cloud Bare Metal Server, including using NFS storage, installing OpenShift nodes via Ansible playbooks, and configuring the infrastructure for the OpenShift master, etcd, router, Docker registry, and nodes.
This document discusses IBM's Kubernetes Service on the IBM Cloud platform. It provides an overview of key features including Docker and Kubernetes container technologies, the Cloud Foundry and Eclipse toolchains for continuous integration and delivery (CI/CD), and deploying applications to Kubernetes clusters. Links are included for additional resources on IBM's container services and DevOps toolchain.
This document discusses a presentation given by Shoichiro Sakaigawa of Pumpkin Heads Co., Ltd. on June 11, 2018 about using IBM Cloud Kubernetes Services for cloud native technology use cases combined with DevOps practices. The presentation covered topics like Docker, Kubernetes, IBM Cloud Kubernetes Service, OpenWhisk, OpenShift, CI/CD pipelines, and IBM's DevOps toolchain.
Shoichiro Sakaigawa is an IBM Champion cloud expert who works with technologies like Docker, Kubernetes, IBM Cloud, Azure, OpenWhisk, and OpenShift. He is interested in IoT, Node-RED, and has created a Raspberry Pi robot called TJBot that uses technologies like OpenCV, Watson Visual Recognition, and Speech to Text/Text to Speech. Sakaigawa shares about these topics on Qiita and Twitter and presented at the 2017 BMXUG conference.
This document discusses the speaker's background working with IBM Cloud technologies like Kubernetes, Docker, OpenWhisk, and IBM Cloud Container Service. It provides information on upcoming events where the speaker will present, including a Think Japan Developer Day on June 11th where they will discuss IBM Cloud and give three talks. Details are given for an IoT/SIer meetup on May 22nd where the speaker will demonstrate a Raspberry Pi project using Node-RED.
This document discusses using Istio on IBM Kubernetes clusters. It provides an overview of Istio and how it enables blue/green deployments. The presentation includes a demonstration of deploying Istio on an IBM Cloud Container Service Kubernetes cluster and routing traffic between versions using Istio.
This document discusses how to set up Kubernetes and Istio on different platforms like macOS, Linux, and Windows. It provides steps to install Minikube, Kubernetes, and Istio using tools like VirtualBox, KVM, and Hyper-V. It also mentions resources to learn more about concepts in Istio like traffic management and policy control.
1) The document discusses using IBM Cloud Container Service (Kubernetes) to run a Minecraft server in a container.
2) It provides steps for building a Docker image with Spigot software for the Minecraft server, pushing it to a Docker registry, and deploying it on Kubernetes along with a service.
3) The goal is to eventually integrate the Minecraft server container with Watson APIs through plugins to provide AI capabilities to players.