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Harnessing the power
of Visual Culture
Artist Network
Since 2006 Kult has been curating projects and
experiences for both the commercial and cultural
sector. To see some of these projects click here.
Kult Magazine
A bi-annual publication from Asia, showcasing
the new wave of artists from the region. Each is-
sue features 50 contemporary artists addressing
a different theme. www.kultmagazine.com.sg
Creative Consultancy
Working in an advisory capacity to introduce cre-
ative culture on a strategic level. We are available
for consultation on private and public projects
who wish to engage artists or insert creativity
into the work. Please contact us.
息 2016
Kult Magazine
A bi-annual Visual Culture publication
Since 2009 we have produced a free publica-
tion showcasing the work of exciting new artists
from the region and around the world. This has
helped us create a huge network of artists from
across a wide range of mediums and willing col-
laborators for all kinds of projects.
息 2016
Kult Interactive Magazine
An interactive digital experience
Custom-built in the style of an 80s arcade
machine, houses the digital version of Kult
Magazine. Animated and interactive content
from our print publication is brought to life using
touchscreen and trackball interfaces. These
roaming units were designed to pop-up at
events, schools, bars and places of interest from
息 2016
Exhibition at Diesel Art Gallery, Tokyo
This exhibition aims to bring the contemporary
mask into the spotlight and explore what masks
means today and the power they possess.
Featuring over 20 artists from Thailand, Singa-
pore, Indonesia, Philippines, Taiwan, South Ko-
rea, and Japan, this exhibition offers a glimpse
into Asias emerging underground art scene.
息 2016
An exhibition inspired by Depression
As part of a wider Health Promotion campaign
targetting depression amongst young people,
Kult created a multi-media art show with the
theme of Unbreakable. The show took place at
the Lasalle School of the Arts and was attended
by over 2000 young visitors over the period of 3
息 2016
Interactive Window
Touch Screen Magazine
After being invited to create a window display for
local fashion retailer KIN, we took the opportu-
nity to create a larger-than-life interactive window
display. An extension of our interactive maga-
zine, we used a sensor to convert the shop
window into an interactive play thing after dark.
息 2016
An Exhibition celebrating Creation
A showcase of 20 cutting-edge artists from
around the world created larger-than-life por-
traits inspired by Frankenstein. This was a 3
day exhibition in an abandoned warehouse in
There was a Frankenstein performance and
Video Projections accompanied by a gory food
and drinks menu supplied by F&B specialist
The Ate Group.
息 2016
Urban Artery
A Street Art Gallery Project
As part of the Singapore River Festival 2015 we
curated an urban art show along a historic alley
way in the River Area of Sinagpore.
Each artist was invited to create a site specific
piece on the theme of water/river/trade and
invite the public to interact and see art in a non-
conventional context.
息 2016
Incredible Magical Expanding Room
Singapore Art Museum
Immersive interactive experience created in
collaboration wth Mojoko & Shang Liang. This
4 wall projection reacts to the noise level in the
room. The pitch controls the direction of the
graphics. Created at Singapore Art Museum
息 2016
Reactive Wall - Reykyavic
Sound-Reactive Installation
The piece gives participants control hundreds of
images, which are taken from a gigantic col-
lection of creations from modern Western and
Eastern cultures.
By making sound through a microphone, a
stream of still images erupts into a void. The re-
sult is a temporal digital-collage with characters
taken from cartoons and anime, comics, and
息 2016
Branded Experience
We curated the Singapore leg of the long-run-
ning international Art Showcase Bombay Blue
Room. We invited jewellery designers, artists,
Sculptors and sound artists to create work
inspired by the Bombay Sapphire brand. The
result was a pop-up bar in the heart of Singa-
pore for 3 weeks and curated a programme of
events for the space, Including DJ and gin tast-
ing workshops.
息 2016
Lacoste in Motion
Animation Showcase
We invited animators to bring to life the L12 polo
shirt in their respective styles. The event was a
multi-screen animation showcase featuring 12 of
Singapores most exciting motion and video artists.
息 2016
Harnessing the power
of Visual Culture
We strongly believe that visual arts can have
explosive power in influencing and exploring
subjects both in the commercial and cultural
sector. We are always looking for new artists and
opportunities to showcase these artists to new
In a world increasingly more responsive to visual
language, technology and experiences we are
excitied to develop projects which bridge this
talent to purposeful exchanges. If you share this
belief then please get in touch.
息 2016
Kult Installations in Mongolia & Singapore

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  • 1. Harnessing the power of Visual Culture Artist Network Since 2006 Kult has been curating projects and experiences for both the commercial and cultural sector. To see some of these projects click here. Kult Magazine A bi-annual publication from Asia, showcasing the new wave of artists from the region. Each is- sue features 50 contemporary artists addressing a different theme. www.kultmagazine.com.sg Creative Consultancy Working in an advisory capacity to introduce cre- ative culture on a strategic level. We are available for consultation on private and public projects who wish to engage artists or insert creativity into the work. Please contact us. 息 2016
  • 2. Kult Magazine A bi-annual Visual Culture publication Since 2009 we have produced a free publica- tion showcasing the work of exciting new artists from the region and around the world. This has helped us create a huge network of artists from across a wide range of mediums and willing col- laborators for all kinds of projects. 息 2016
  • 3. Kult Interactive Magazine An interactive digital experience Custom-built in the style of an 80s arcade machine, houses the digital version of Kult Magazine. Animated and interactive content from our print publication is brought to life using touchscreen and trackball interfaces. These roaming units were designed to pop-up at events, schools, bars and places of interest from 2007-2013. 息 2016
  • 4. MASKS Exhibition at Diesel Art Gallery, Tokyo This exhibition aims to bring the contemporary mask into the spotlight and explore what masks means today and the power they possess. Featuring over 20 artists from Thailand, Singa- pore, Indonesia, Philippines, Taiwan, South Ko- rea, and Japan, this exhibition offers a glimpse into Asias emerging underground art scene. 息 2016
  • 5. Unbreakable鐃 An exhibition inspired by Depression As part of a wider Health Promotion campaign targetting depression amongst young people, Kult created a multi-media art show with the theme of Unbreakable. The show took place at the Lasalle School of the Arts and was attended by over 2000 young visitors over the period of 3 weeks. 息 2016
  • 6. Interactive Window Touch Screen Magazine After being invited to create a window display for local fashion retailer KIN, we took the opportu- nity to create a larger-than-life interactive window display. An extension of our interactive maga- zine, we used a sensor to convert the shop window into an interactive play thing after dark. 息 2016
  • 7. Frankenstein An Exhibition celebrating Creation A showcase of 20 cutting-edge artists from around the world created larger-than-life por- traits inspired by Frankenstein. This was a 3 day exhibition in an abandoned warehouse in MacPherson. There was a Frankenstein performance and Video Projections accompanied by a gory food and drinks menu supplied by F&B specialist The Ate Group. 息 2016
  • 8. Urban Artery A Street Art Gallery Project As part of the Singapore River Festival 2015 we curated an urban art show along a historic alley way in the River Area of Sinagpore. Each artist was invited to create a site specific piece on the theme of water/river/trade and invite the public to interact and see art in a non- conventional context. 息 2016
  • 9. Incredible Magical Expanding Room Singapore Art Museum Immersive interactive experience created in collaboration wth Mojoko & Shang Liang. This 4 wall projection reacts to the noise level in the room. The pitch controls the direction of the graphics. Created at Singapore Art Museum 息2013 息 2016
  • 10. Reactive Wall - Reykyavic Sound-Reactive Installation The piece gives participants control hundreds of images, which are taken from a gigantic col- lection of creations from modern Western and Eastern cultures. By making sound through a microphone, a stream of still images erupts into a void. The re- sult is a temporal digital-collage with characters taken from cartoons and anime, comics, and commercials. 息 2016
  • 11. BOMBAY SAPPHIRE Branded Experience We curated the Singapore leg of the long-run- ning international Art Showcase Bombay Blue Room. We invited jewellery designers, artists, Sculptors and sound artists to create work inspired by the Bombay Sapphire brand. The result was a pop-up bar in the heart of Singa- pore for 3 weeks and curated a programme of events for the space, Including DJ and gin tast- ing workshops. 息 2016
  • 12. Lacoste in Motion Animation Showcase We invited animators to bring to life the L12 polo shirt in their respective styles. The event was a multi-screen animation showcase featuring 12 of Singapores most exciting motion and video artists. 息 2016
  • 13. Harnessing the power of Visual Culture Opportunities We strongly believe that visual arts can have explosive power in influencing and exploring subjects both in the commercial and cultural sector. We are always looking for new artists and opportunities to showcase these artists to new audiences. In a world increasingly more responsive to visual language, technology and experiences we are excitied to develop projects which bridge this talent to purposeful exchanges. If you share this belief then please get in touch. Tanya@kult-international.com 息 2016 Kult Installations in Mongolia & Singapore