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Kult_InternationalIntroTanya WilsonKult is an artist network and creative consultancy that has been curating visual art projects since 2006. It produces Kult Magazine, a biannual publication showcasing emerging Asian artists. It has also created several interactive art installations and exhibitions on topics such as masks, mental health, and Frankenstein. Kult is interested in new opportunities to showcase artists and develop visual art projects that bridge art, technology and experiences.
Leviatan hobbesguillepulitiEl documento argumenta que los seres humanos necesitan el Estado para vivir juntos en paz y armonía, ya que de lo contrario caerían en guerras civiles motivados por sus propios intereses, como ocurre con otros seres vivos que solo siguen su instinto.
4 ambiente vbeFabiano Souza1) O documento descreve o ambiente de desenvolvimento Visual Basic Editor (VBE) do Excel, incluindo suas janelas, ferramentas e recursos para edição de código VBA.
2) É explicado como inserir e editar módulos e userforms, além de como configurar opções como formatação de código e depuração.
3) São apresentados vários atalhos de teclado e ferramentas para edição eficiente de código VBA no VBE, como recortar, copiar, colar e localizar.
NeoclasicoJose TeranLa arquitectura neoclásica es un estilo arquitectónico que produjo el movimiento neoclásico que comenzó a mediados del siglo XVIII, por una reacción contra el estilo barroco de ornamentación naturalista así como por el resultado de algunos rasgos clasicistas nacidos en el barroco tardío. Se prolongó durante el siglo XIX, confluyendo a partir de entonces con otras tendencias, como la arquitectura historicista y el eclecticismo arquitectónico. Algunos historiadores denominan el periodo de la arquitectura neoclásica de la primera mitad del siglo XIX como clasicismo romántico, a pesar del oxímoron (oposición de términos), dado que, además de coincidir en el tiempo con el romanticismo, estilísticamente comparte rasgos con la estética romántica, al añadir cierta expresividad y espíritu exaltado a la sencillez y claridad de las estructuras clásicas grecorromanas.1
Factores fundamentales que influyeron en la creación de la arquitectura neoclásica fueron los determinantes en el contexto político, social y económico de la época, en que se incluyen destacadamente la Revolución Industrial, la crisis del Antiguo Régimen, la Ilustración, el enciclopedismo, la fundación de las Academias, el despotismo ilustrado, etc.
Open Resources for Open PresentationsOpen.EdPresented at the Educational Design and Engagement fair at King's Buildings, University of Edinburgh. December 10th 2015
Pdf proyectoAngelin CastroEste documento resume una investigación sobre los factores que determinan el embarazo en adolescentes en una institución educativa en Venezuela. El estudio analiza la problemática del embarazo precoz entre las estudiantes, sus consecuencias físicas, sociales y emocionales, y busca posibles soluciones. La investigación utiliza un diseño no experimental y descriptivo, y una muestra de 62 personas incluyendo estudiantes y personal de la institución. Los resultados proveerán información para abordar esta problemática social.
Undang-Undang No.14 Tentang Keterbukaan Informasi PublikMuhammad SirajuddinUndang-undang ini mengatur tentang keterbukaan informasi publik di Indonesia. Tujuannya adalah untuk menjamin hak warga negara untuk mengetahui proses pengambilan kebijakan publik dan alasan keputusan publik, serta mewujudkan penyelenggaraan negara yang transparan dan akuntabel. Badan publik wajib menyediakan informasi tertentu secara berkala dan serta merta kepada publik, sedangkan warga negara berhak memperoleh informasi publ
Norton antivirusPC Tech SupportThis document provides contact information for Norton Antivirus technical support. It lists the Norton Antivirus customer service, tech support, help line, and helpline toll free phone numbers to get assistance with Norton Antivirus products and services.
Resume 052015Len VanderboschLeonard J. Vanderbosch Jr. has over 20 years of experience in business development, sales, and marketing for life science companies. He has a proven track record of significantly increasing revenue and developing strategic partnerships. Most recently, he was Vice President of Business Development at Monolythix, Inc. where he established a business model and identified target markets. Prior to that, he held several director-level positions managing sales and marketing teams where he consistently grew revenue.
Resume Uzer khanKhan UzerThis document contains contact and personal information for Uzer Khan, as well as his educational and professional experience. Uzer Khan is currently employed as a Subject Matter Expert at Mphasis Ltd, providing level 3 technical support for American Express. He has over 10 years of experience in IT service desk operations and administration. His objective is to utilize his skills and abilities in a growth-oriented role that recognizes individuality.
Kult_InternationalIntroTanya WilsonKult is an artist network and creative consultancy that has been curating visual art projects since 2006. It produces Kult Magazine, a biannual publication showcasing emerging Asian artists. It has also created several interactive art installations and exhibitions on topics such as masks, mental health, and Frankenstein. Kult is interested in new opportunities to showcase artists and develop visual art projects that bridge art, technology and experiences.
Leviatan hobbesguillepulitiEl documento argumenta que los seres humanos necesitan el Estado para vivir juntos en paz y armonía, ya que de lo contrario caerían en guerras civiles motivados por sus propios intereses, como ocurre con otros seres vivos que solo siguen su instinto.
4 ambiente vbeFabiano Souza1) O documento descreve o ambiente de desenvolvimento Visual Basic Editor (VBE) do Excel, incluindo suas janelas, ferramentas e recursos para edição de código VBA.
2) É explicado como inserir e editar módulos e userforms, além de como configurar opções como formatação de código e depuração.
3) São apresentados vários atalhos de teclado e ferramentas para edição eficiente de código VBA no VBE, como recortar, copiar, colar e localizar.
NeoclasicoJose TeranLa arquitectura neoclásica es un estilo arquitectónico que produjo el movimiento neoclásico que comenzó a mediados del siglo XVIII, por una reacción contra el estilo barroco de ornamentación naturalista así como por el resultado de algunos rasgos clasicistas nacidos en el barroco tardío. Se prolongó durante el siglo XIX, confluyendo a partir de entonces con otras tendencias, como la arquitectura historicista y el eclecticismo arquitectónico. Algunos historiadores denominan el periodo de la arquitectura neoclásica de la primera mitad del siglo XIX como clasicismo romántico, a pesar del oxímoron (oposición de términos), dado que, además de coincidir en el tiempo con el romanticismo, estilísticamente comparte rasgos con la estética romántica, al añadir cierta expresividad y espíritu exaltado a la sencillez y claridad de las estructuras clásicas grecorromanas.1
Factores fundamentales que influyeron en la creación de la arquitectura neoclásica fueron los determinantes en el contexto político, social y económico de la época, en que se incluyen destacadamente la Revolución Industrial, la crisis del Antiguo Régimen, la Ilustración, el enciclopedismo, la fundación de las Academias, el despotismo ilustrado, etc.
Open Resources for Open PresentationsOpen.EdPresented at the Educational Design and Engagement fair at King's Buildings, University of Edinburgh. December 10th 2015
Pdf proyectoAngelin CastroEste documento resume una investigación sobre los factores que determinan el embarazo en adolescentes en una institución educativa en Venezuela. El estudio analiza la problemática del embarazo precoz entre las estudiantes, sus consecuencias físicas, sociales y emocionales, y busca posibles soluciones. La investigación utiliza un diseño no experimental y descriptivo, y una muestra de 62 personas incluyendo estudiantes y personal de la institución. Los resultados proveerán información para abordar esta problemática social.
Undang-Undang No.14 Tentang Keterbukaan Informasi PublikMuhammad SirajuddinUndang-undang ini mengatur tentang keterbukaan informasi publik di Indonesia. Tujuannya adalah untuk menjamin hak warga negara untuk mengetahui proses pengambilan kebijakan publik dan alasan keputusan publik, serta mewujudkan penyelenggaraan negara yang transparan dan akuntabel. Badan publik wajib menyediakan informasi tertentu secara berkala dan serta merta kepada publik, sedangkan warga negara berhak memperoleh informasi publ
Norton antivirusPC Tech SupportThis document provides contact information for Norton Antivirus technical support. It lists the Norton Antivirus customer service, tech support, help line, and helpline toll free phone numbers to get assistance with Norton Antivirus products and services.
Resume 052015Len VanderboschLeonard J. Vanderbosch Jr. has over 20 years of experience in business development, sales, and marketing for life science companies. He has a proven track record of significantly increasing revenue and developing strategic partnerships. Most recently, he was Vice President of Business Development at Monolythix, Inc. where he established a business model and identified target markets. Prior to that, he held several director-level positions managing sales and marketing teams where he consistently grew revenue.
Resume Uzer khanKhan UzerThis document contains contact and personal information for Uzer Khan, as well as his educational and professional experience. Uzer Khan is currently employed as a Subject Matter Expert at Mphasis Ltd, providing level 3 technical support for American Express. He has over 10 years of experience in IT service desk operations and administration. His objective is to utilize his skills and abilities in a growth-oriented role that recognizes individuality.
2. Падзел Беларусі
18 сакавіка 1921 г. – Рыжскі мір.
У складзе Польшчы 4 ваяводствы:
«Усходнія крэсы»
7. Аграрная рэформа
1. Парцэляцыя –
свабодны продаж праз
зямельны банк невялікіх
участкаў зямлі;
2. Камасацыя –
высяленне сялян на хутары;
3. Ліквідацыя сервітутаў
(права на сумеснае
карыстанне пэўным
зямельным надзелам) .
9. Праблемы ў с/г
•Большая частка зямлі –
ў памешчыкаў;
•У вёсцы захоўваюцца
элементы феадалізму;
Шмат беднякоў і
беззямельных сялян
Склад насельніцтва, %
Беднякі Сярэднякі Заможныя і асаднікі
10. Эміграцыя
Сяляне масава ад’яджалі
ў Заходнюю Еўропу,
ЗША, Паўднёвую
Амерыку (каля 130 тыс.
Асабліва шмат (амаль 32
тыс.) – у Аргенціну.
17. Партызанская барацьба
1921-1925 гг. – партызанская вайна. Дзеянні:
Падпалы маёнткаў;
Напады на паліцэйскія ўчасткі і г.д.
Польскія ўлады ўвялі надзвычайнае становішча ў ЗБ
Тэрор і рэпрэсіі
Партызанскі рух задушаны
20. Патрабаванні КПЗБ
Уз’яднанне ЗБ з БССР;
Барацьба з засіллем замежнага капітала;
Усталяванне 8-гадзіннага рабочага дня;
Канфіскацыя памешчыцкіх земляў і іх падзел
паміж сялянамі;
Адукацыя на роднай мове і г.д.
22. 1925 г. – Беларуская сялянска-работніцкая грамада,
створана пасламі. Кіраўнік – Б. Тарашкевіч.
Палітычныя арганізацыі
23. Асноўныя патрабаванні ў праграме:
•Увядзенне дэмакратычнага самакіравання;
•8-гадзінны працоўны дзень;
•Наданне шырокіх грамадзянскіх правоў
беларускай мове;
•Скасаванне асадніцтва;
•Канфіскацыя памешчыцкай зямлі і бясплатная
перадача яе беззямельнаму і малазямельнаму
•Аб’яднанне ўсіх этнічных беларускіх тэрыторый у
межах адной дзяржавы.
24. Але!
з 1926 г. – санацыя:
•Вядучую ролю
адыгрывала тайная
палітычная паліцыя –
1927 г. – разгром
32. Максім Танк
Готыка "Святой Ганны"
Загад пячаткай замацаваны -
Пярсцёнкам бiскупа самога,
Каб грахаводнiцу дзеўку
Аддаць на споведзь агню
Агню за тое, што ўсiх
Свяёй пякельнай
Аж мужыкi ўсе гублялi сiлу,
Гублялi розум ад грэшных
Што нат у варты, якая недзе
Яе злавiла ў часы купання,
Зацяла мову, i варта ледзьве
Суду змагла даць сваё
Што ў падзямеллi пад
Дзе ў кайданы была
Нячыстай сiлай былi ўсе
I ўсе запоры паадмыканы;
Што нават ката змагла
Хоць i малiўся той misirere,
Бо намагаўся яе сцяць
I тройчы падала з рук сякера.
I вось высокi агонь палае,
Ды дзiва-дзiўнае бачаць
Агонь, цалуючы, абдымае
Сваёй ахвяры i стан i грудзi.
I застывае гатыцкiм храмам,
Дзе быццам з бронзы гараць
Званiцаў вежы, абсiды,
I вусны шэпчуць: "Святая