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Salford City College
Eccles Sixth Form Centre
BTec Level 3
90 Credit Diploma in Creative Media Production
Games Design
Personal Statement
Draft some answers to the following questions. This is the start of a working document that you will refine over
the year. Remember to be truthful, relevant and positive. A successful personal statement is a combination of
head and heart.
Paulina Karolina Kucharska
What is/are your dream job(s)?
What do you have to do to start working in that industry?
The job I want to have is a concept artist. I also may work in any part of creative sector (excluding audio
engineer). I would also like to be the games designer.  These are jobs if I would work in the company, but I
rather want to become an indie developer.
In order to start working at games industry, I need to make a portfolio with loads of work up to professional
standards and presenting a wide range of techniques (traditional + digital) as well as variety of designs. This
way the employers will at least want to look at it.
As an indie developer I wouldnt need any portfolio, just plain skills  little bit of everything but especially the
ability to understand how to program in different engines, or be able to learn about them.
What skills do you possess now?
Dont list your qualifications as they are on you CV. Talk about what you did within those subjects that youre
good at and enjoyed.
- Art including digital art (whether they are doodles of finished pieces of artwork, drawing with an use of photo
references as well as from imagination, using wide range of techniques  grid, tracing, amalgamating 
examples of these can be seen in my blogs);
- Use of programmes such as Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator and Game Maker; simple programming;
- I also enjoy storytelling and creating/designing different aspects in the game (or a story)
Have you carried out any work experience or voluntary work?
Dont list your qualifications as they are on you CV. Talk about what you did within those subjects that youre
good at and enjoyed.
I took a part within the National Citizenship Programme (shorter, 1-2 weeks course) where for few days we
were away from home and took part in some team activities. It included making our team banner and
superhero, as well as making simple boats (from objects we won in bidding) and racing on them, there were as
well other activities involving teamwork and we scored points by doing them better and faster than others.
After that for next week we returned to homes but we were together taking parts in team activities involving
help to the area we live in. Every team had its own place to help with. We helped with painting walls in some
building for children next to church in Little Hulton  we planned what to paint on walls as well as listed the
equipment which fit into our given budget.
I also volunteered in British Heart Foundation store in December (for work experience). That just involved some
store work like sorting items and putting them on shelves, replacing old objects and also giving the price to
What soft, transferable skills do you possess now or need to develop and how?
Problem solving Communication Commitment
Tenacity Creativity Honesty
Efficiency Innovation Trustworthiness
Teamwork Entrepreneurship Reliability
Self-presentation Punctuality Humour
Confidence Public speaking Empathy
ICT Literacy Numeracy
Try to use examples from your everyday experience and that negatives can sometimes be turned into positives.
Possessed- written communication; creativity; punctuality; honesty & trustworthiness; literacy & numeracy;
teamwork; tenacity; efficiency; innovation; commitment; reliability; ICT; empathy; problem solving;
Need to develop- spoken communication; public speaking; confidence; self-presentation; entrepreneurship;
What personal interests and hobbies do you have or have had in the past?
Music  both playing and listening to.
Stamp collecting
However uninteresting you may think your interests are, even if youve not taken them very far, put them down.
Reading books or poems (such as Lord of The Rings, Dragonriders of Pern, fairy tales, once I fancied stories of
1001 nights) and a little bit of writing/creating stories; drawing and creating new species; listening to metal,
classical, medieval music; fantasy creatures and mythology (Greek, Slavic, Celtic); board games;
I also like to learn some intriguing words (either new words in languages I know or something from a foreign
language) and look at similarities and differences between them; formal, more descriptive version of
Computer/video games where creation is involved (Terraria, Sims, Spore etc.) or strategy games (Heroes of
Might and Magic, Age of Empires, Civilisation, Warcraft 3 etc.);
Before I also liked Roleplaying with friends in form of storytelling  some kind of writing a book altogether; I
also enjoy wandering on fields and visiting old castles or other interesting places, only if I have a chance to do
so; I also did some karate and got yellow belt, after that I stopped;

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L3 gd p_statement_template_260115

  • 1. Salford City College Eccles Sixth Form Centre BTec Level 3 90 Credit Diploma in Creative Media Production Games Design Personal Statement Draft some answers to the following questions. This is the start of a working document that you will refine over the year. Remember to be truthful, relevant and positive. A successful personal statement is a combination of head and heart. Name Paulina Karolina Kucharska What is/are your dream job(s)? What do you have to do to start working in that industry? The job I want to have is a concept artist. I also may work in any part of creative sector (excluding audio engineer). I would also like to be the games designer. These are jobs if I would work in the company, but I rather want to become an indie developer. In order to start working at games industry, I need to make a portfolio with loads of work up to professional standards and presenting a wide range of techniques (traditional + digital) as well as variety of designs. This way the employers will at least want to look at it. As an indie developer I wouldnt need any portfolio, just plain skills little bit of everything but especially the ability to understand how to program in different engines, or be able to learn about them. What skills do you possess now? Dont list your qualifications as they are on you CV. Talk about what you did within those subjects that youre good at and enjoyed. - Art including digital art (whether they are doodles of finished pieces of artwork, drawing with an use of photo references as well as from imagination, using wide range of techniques grid, tracing, amalgamating examples of these can be seen in my blogs); - Use of programmes such as Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator and Game Maker; simple programming; - I also enjoy storytelling and creating/designing different aspects in the game (or a story) Have you carried out any work experience or voluntary work? Dont list your qualifications as they are on you CV. Talk about what you did within those subjects that youre good at and enjoyed. I took a part within the National Citizenship Programme (shorter, 1-2 weeks course) where for few days we were away from home and took part in some team activities. It included making our team banner and superhero, as well as making simple boats (from objects we won in bidding) and racing on them, there were as well other activities involving teamwork and we scored points by doing them better and faster than others. After that for next week we returned to homes but we were together taking parts in team activities involving help to the area we live in. Every team had its own place to help with. We helped with painting walls in some building for children next to church in Little Hulton we planned what to paint on walls as well as listed the equipment which fit into our given budget.
  • 2. I also volunteered in British Heart Foundation store in December (for work experience). That just involved some store work like sorting items and putting them on shelves, replacing old objects and also giving the price to them. What soft, transferable skills do you possess now or need to develop and how? Problem solving Communication Commitment Tenacity Creativity Honesty Efficiency Innovation Trustworthiness Teamwork Entrepreneurship Reliability Self-presentation Punctuality Humour Confidence Public speaking Empathy ICT Literacy Numeracy Try to use examples from your everyday experience and that negatives can sometimes be turned into positives. Possessed- written communication; creativity; punctuality; honesty & trustworthiness; literacy & numeracy; teamwork; tenacity; efficiency; innovation; commitment; reliability; ICT; empathy; problem solving; Need to develop- spoken communication; public speaking; confidence; self-presentation; entrepreneurship; humour; What personal interests and hobbies do you have or have had in the past? Reading Films Music both playing and listening to. Socialising Sports Pets Travel Stamp collecting However uninteresting you may think your interests are, even if youve not taken them very far, put them down. Reading books or poems (such as Lord of The Rings, Dragonriders of Pern, fairy tales, once I fancied stories of 1001 nights) and a little bit of writing/creating stories; drawing and creating new species; listening to metal, classical, medieval music; fantasy creatures and mythology (Greek, Slavic, Celtic); board games; I also like to learn some intriguing words (either new words in languages I know or something from a foreign language) and look at similarities and differences between them; formal, more descriptive version of languages; Computer/video games where creation is involved (Terraria, Sims, Spore etc.) or strategy games (Heroes of Might and Magic, Age of Empires, Civilisation, Warcraft 3 etc.); Before I also liked Roleplaying with friends in form of storytelling some kind of writing a book altogether; I also enjoy wandering on fields and visiting old castles or other interesting places, only if I have a chance to do so; I also did some karate and got yellow belt, after that I stopped;