Presentazione di Fabrizio Bellavista che spiega cosa 竪 una sharing company e quali caratteristiche deve possedere nellepoca della sharing economy e della condivisione. Si 竪 discusso dei contenuti di questo Power Point presso Altavia il 15 novembre 2016.
The document discusses various techniques of mise-en-sc竪ne in film including shot types, camera angles, lighting styles, color, composition and more. It provides examples from films like Psycho, The Good the Bad and the Ugly, and Girl with the Pearl Earring to illustrate different techniques and how they can shape the tone and meaning of a scene.
Corso LaTeX - Lezione Quattro: Beamer - Presentazioni in LaTeXValentina Ferro
Latex 竪 un potente mezzo per la composizione tipografica, particolarmente utile per la stesura di testi scientifici.
Il corso esplora sia le funzionalit di base sia qualche funzione leggermente pi湛 avanzata nelle seguenti lezioni:
Lezione Uno - Cos'竪 Latex?
Introduzione a Latex, sintassi, layout di un documento, editor di testo.
Lezione Due - Ambienti Latex
Funzioni matematiche, tabelle e figure
Lezione Tre - Personalizzazione
Template di documenti, comandi personali, alcune funzioni avanzate
Lezione Quattro - Il Pacchetto Beamer [QUESTA PRESENTAZIONE]
Fare presentazioni con Latex: nozioni di base
Lezione Cinque - Presentazioni personalizzate (e animate)
Template per beamer, alcune funzioni avanzate
The document summarizes a fashion management master's course. The course aims to train new managers for the fashion industry by developing professionals who can enhance designers' creativity and bring innovation to management, production, marketing, communication and distribution. The course has three phases - providing foundational industry knowledge, workshops exploring topics like product management through projects with companies, and a final thesis. The course is intended for graduates interested in careers in fashion companies or starting their own businesses.
Este documento resume seis importantes firmas de moda: Dior, Chanel, Armani, Gucci, Louis Vuitton y Valentino. Detalla los fundadores de cada marca, como Christian Dior, Coco Chanel, Giorgio Armani, Guccio Gucci y Louis Vuitton. Tambi辿n menciona los dise単adores actuales de cada firma y la ubicaci坦n de su sede principal.
El documento describe la evoluci坦n de la moda a trav辿s de los a単os, desde 1900 hasta la actualidad. Explica c坦mo la moda ha sido influenciada por factores como las guerras, los movimientos sociales y culturales, y las figuras p炭blicas e 鱈conos de cada 辿poca. Tambi辿n destaca c坦mo la moda ha reflejado cambios en las actitudes hacia la liberaci坦n y la expresi坦n personal.
La moda influye en la vida cotidiana de los adolescentes a trav辿s de la presi坦n social y el deseo de pertenencia al grupo. La moda se transmite a trav辿s de medios como la publicidad y crea una necesidad de consumo de objetos como ropa, celulares y zapatos para estar a la moda. Ser parte de la moda es importante para los adolescentes para ser reconocidos y evitar el rechazo.
The document provides an overview of a media studies course, focusing on critical perspectives in media. It discusses several key topics:
1. Contemporary media issues examines debates around the role and impact of media in society through theoretical lenses, requiring analysis of audience practices and habits grounded in academic understanding.
2. When studying critical perspectives, the emphasis is on a cultural studies approach that looks at how people use and transform media as potential producers of new social values and cultural languages.
3. Postmodern media is used as an example topic, exploring how reality and identity are constructed through saturated media images and the challenges of regulating new modes of participation online.
4. New technologies like broadband internet and services like the BBC
The document discusses the Indian film industry, with a focus on Bollywood. It notes that India is the largest producer of films globally in terms of tickets and films produced. Bollywood refers specifically to the Hindi-language film industry based in Mumbai. The industry has grown significantly over the years and was valued at $2.5 billion in 2008. However, it still faces challenges like piracy, inconsistent entertainment taxes across states, and increasing talent costs. Its future prospects include greater collaborations with Hollywood and a shift toward better content and breaking conventions.
la collana sfide di moda si arricchisce con un nuovo numero dedicato all'analisi della responsabilit sociale di impresa nel settore del tessile abbigliamento
The document discusses some key concepts from postmodern media theory, including hybridity, bricolage, simulation, intertextuality, and disjointed narratives. It provides examples to illustrate each concept, such as how MIA's "Paper Planes" is both a hybrid song sampling various genres and a case of bricolage through its association with the film Slumdog Millionaire. The document aims to help readers identify these postmodern aesthetic elements in media texts.
The document discusses Emporio Armani Caff竪, a dining restaurant attached to the fashion brand Emporio Armani. It provides an overview of fashion designer Giorgio Armani and his international fashion house. Emporio Armani Caff竪 offers authentic Italian cuisine and luxurious atmosphere for fashion-conscious customers. The first Emporio Armani Caff竪 in Asia Pacific will open in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam. It lists several job vacancies available at the new location.
La moda se refiere a las tendencias de vestimenta, estilos y comportamientos que son populares en un momento dado. A lo largo de la historia, la moda ha evolucionado desde vestimentas simples en la antig端edad hasta estilos m叩s elaborados en la actualidad. La moda ejerce presi坦n social al influir en la aceptaci坦n de las personas dependiendo de su vestimenta y marcas. Esto puede afectar la autoestima y conducir a trastornos alimenticios. Aunque las marcas caras se consideran de moda, lo m叩s importante es sentir
This document provides an overview of art and aesthetics. It discusses theories of aesthetics such as imitationalism, formalism, and emotionalism. It also covers elements of art and design, principles of art and design, art movements like Impressionism and Cubism, the process of art appreciation in four steps, and rules of art composition including the rule of thirds, rule of odds, rabatment, and the golden ratio.
Bollywood refers to the Hindi-language film industry based in Mumbai, India. It is the largest film producer in India and one of the largest film industries worldwide. Bollywood is known for its songs, elaborate costumes, elaborate sets, dances, and emotional dramas. Behind the scenes, Bollywood film music is prerecorded, songs are lip synced, dances are based on Indian styles, and dialogue and lyrics are often written by different individuals.
Corso LaTeX - Lezione Quattro: Beamer - Presentazioni in LaTeXValentina Ferro
Latex 竪 un potente mezzo per la composizione tipografica, particolarmente utile per la stesura di testi scientifici.
Il corso esplora sia le funzionalit di base sia qualche funzione leggermente pi湛 avanzata nelle seguenti lezioni:
Lezione Uno - Cos'竪 Latex?
Introduzione a Latex, sintassi, layout di un documento, editor di testo.
Lezione Due - Ambienti Latex
Funzioni matematiche, tabelle e figure
Lezione Tre - Personalizzazione
Template di documenti, comandi personali, alcune funzioni avanzate
Lezione Quattro - Il Pacchetto Beamer [QUESTA PRESENTAZIONE]
Fare presentazioni con Latex: nozioni di base
Lezione Cinque - Presentazioni personalizzate (e animate)
Template per beamer, alcune funzioni avanzate
The document summarizes a fashion management master's course. The course aims to train new managers for the fashion industry by developing professionals who can enhance designers' creativity and bring innovation to management, production, marketing, communication and distribution. The course has three phases - providing foundational industry knowledge, workshops exploring topics like product management through projects with companies, and a final thesis. The course is intended for graduates interested in careers in fashion companies or starting their own businesses.
Este documento resume seis importantes firmas de moda: Dior, Chanel, Armani, Gucci, Louis Vuitton y Valentino. Detalla los fundadores de cada marca, como Christian Dior, Coco Chanel, Giorgio Armani, Guccio Gucci y Louis Vuitton. Tambi辿n menciona los dise単adores actuales de cada firma y la ubicaci坦n de su sede principal.
El documento describe la evoluci坦n de la moda a trav辿s de los a単os, desde 1900 hasta la actualidad. Explica c坦mo la moda ha sido influenciada por factores como las guerras, los movimientos sociales y culturales, y las figuras p炭blicas e 鱈conos de cada 辿poca. Tambi辿n destaca c坦mo la moda ha reflejado cambios en las actitudes hacia la liberaci坦n y la expresi坦n personal.
La moda influye en la vida cotidiana de los adolescentes a trav辿s de la presi坦n social y el deseo de pertenencia al grupo. La moda se transmite a trav辿s de medios como la publicidad y crea una necesidad de consumo de objetos como ropa, celulares y zapatos para estar a la moda. Ser parte de la moda es importante para los adolescentes para ser reconocidos y evitar el rechazo.
The document provides an overview of a media studies course, focusing on critical perspectives in media. It discusses several key topics:
1. Contemporary media issues examines debates around the role and impact of media in society through theoretical lenses, requiring analysis of audience practices and habits grounded in academic understanding.
2. When studying critical perspectives, the emphasis is on a cultural studies approach that looks at how people use and transform media as potential producers of new social values and cultural languages.
3. Postmodern media is used as an example topic, exploring how reality and identity are constructed through saturated media images and the challenges of regulating new modes of participation online.
4. New technologies like broadband internet and services like the BBC
The document discusses the Indian film industry, with a focus on Bollywood. It notes that India is the largest producer of films globally in terms of tickets and films produced. Bollywood refers specifically to the Hindi-language film industry based in Mumbai. The industry has grown significantly over the years and was valued at $2.5 billion in 2008. However, it still faces challenges like piracy, inconsistent entertainment taxes across states, and increasing talent costs. Its future prospects include greater collaborations with Hollywood and a shift toward better content and breaking conventions.
la collana sfide di moda si arricchisce con un nuovo numero dedicato all'analisi della responsabilit sociale di impresa nel settore del tessile abbigliamento
The document discusses some key concepts from postmodern media theory, including hybridity, bricolage, simulation, intertextuality, and disjointed narratives. It provides examples to illustrate each concept, such as how MIA's "Paper Planes" is both a hybrid song sampling various genres and a case of bricolage through its association with the film Slumdog Millionaire. The document aims to help readers identify these postmodern aesthetic elements in media texts.
The document discusses Emporio Armani Caff竪, a dining restaurant attached to the fashion brand Emporio Armani. It provides an overview of fashion designer Giorgio Armani and his international fashion house. Emporio Armani Caff竪 offers authentic Italian cuisine and luxurious atmosphere for fashion-conscious customers. The first Emporio Armani Caff竪 in Asia Pacific will open in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam. It lists several job vacancies available at the new location.
La moda se refiere a las tendencias de vestimenta, estilos y comportamientos que son populares en un momento dado. A lo largo de la historia, la moda ha evolucionado desde vestimentas simples en la antig端edad hasta estilos m叩s elaborados en la actualidad. La moda ejerce presi坦n social al influir en la aceptaci坦n de las personas dependiendo de su vestimenta y marcas. Esto puede afectar la autoestima y conducir a trastornos alimenticios. Aunque las marcas caras se consideran de moda, lo m叩s importante es sentir
This document provides an overview of art and aesthetics. It discusses theories of aesthetics such as imitationalism, formalism, and emotionalism. It also covers elements of art and design, principles of art and design, art movements like Impressionism and Cubism, the process of art appreciation in four steps, and rules of art composition including the rule of thirds, rule of odds, rabatment, and the golden ratio.
Bollywood refers to the Hindi-language film industry based in Mumbai, India. It is the largest film producer in India and one of the largest film industries worldwide. Bollywood is known for its songs, elaborate costumes, elaborate sets, dances, and emotional dramas. Behind the scenes, Bollywood film music is prerecorded, songs are lip synced, dances are based on Indian styles, and dialogue and lyrics are often written by different individuals.
New Methods of Literacy Research 1st Edition Peggy Albersuxhcablende
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Presentazione della Dichiarazione di Dubai sulle OER alla comunit italiana -...Damiano Orru
Osservatorio sullinformation literacy promuove un incontro online organizzato dalla rete Open Education Italia. n occasione della Open Education Week 2025, dal 3 al 7 marzo, la rete Open Education Italia organizza un incontro online dedicato alla presentazione della Dichiarazione di Dubai sulle Risorse Educative Aperte (OER) il 4 marzo 2025.
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La Moda italiana
1. La Moda Italiana I capi di abbigliamento e gli accessori. I tessuti e i materiali. Presentazioni degli allievi della EOI di Valenza Fran Prieto
2. 油 1- Il termine moda 2-油I capi di abbigliamento e gli accessori. I tessuti e i materiali 3- Case di moda italiane 4- Siti web d'interesse INDICE
3. Il termine MODA Deriva dal latino modus . Significa maniera, norma, regola, tempo, melodia, ritmo. 油 Il significato attuale di moda proviene da un libro del 1645 intitolato La carroza da nolo, ovvero del vestire alla moda , trattato dellabate Agostino di Lampignani.