First100days [autosaved]latte1007The document outlines key steps for a new leader's first 100 days:
1) During the countdown period, collect reports, build a calendar, and establish communications.
2) During the transition, meet with partners and employees to build trust, understand the culture, and assess what is/isn't working.
3) Develop a strategic agenda by examining the status quo, considering external forces, checking facts, and anticipating challenges while establishing fundamental principles and goals.
Www.homeseeker.comGoriya is an online real estate portal that allows buyers and sellers to connect directly, saving on broker fees. It offers listings for properties for sale or rent. Users can search for properties, post listings, and communicate efficiently through the site. Homeseeker aims to provide consumers with housing options and information at low cost by removing middlemen from the process.
Face-to-face in a Sales 2.0 WorldToddMcCormickThe document discusses how face-to-face interactions remain important for building trust in sales, despite an increasingly digital world. Traditional sales methods like email, cold calls, and meetings are becoming less effective as buyers now complete most of their research online. The use of video conferencing allows salespeople to reconnect with the benefits of in-person interactions by putting a human face to their pitch and enabling them to read social cues. Companies that adopt video sales strategies report significantly higher returns on investment than those relying solely on digital or telephone conversations.
Engaging your students with fun activities, songs and gamesRepublica of Colombia SchoolThis document contains lyrics and instructions for songs, rhymes, chants and games that can be used to teach language in a fun and engaging way for children. It discusses how music, movement and play are natural ways for children to learn and acquire language. Songs, rhymes and chants provide repetition, teach stress and intonation patterns, and make language memorable. They also build community and allow children to express themselves. The document emphasizes finding joy in language learning through interactive activities rather than making it feel like work.
Modern technology advantages and disadvantagesRepublica of Colombia School Here are my responses to your questions:
1. Technology affects us in many ways. It impacts how we communicate, work, learn, entertain ourselves, and more. It changes how we live and interact with each other and the world.
2. Some consequences of technology include increased loneliness and social isolation if overused. It can also lead to job loss if certain tasks are replaced by automation. Over-reliance on technology may reduce competency in some skills.
3. We can use technology to make our lives more efficient and productive. It improves access to information, education, healthcare, and more. Technology also enables new forms of social connection and creativity when used appropriately.
4. Technology helps us in many
InvertebratsMarta Minguet1) Molluscs have soft, moist bodies covered in skin or a shell. They live mainly in water but some live on land like snails and slugs.
2) They are divided into three groups - gastropods, bivalves, and cephalopods. Gastropods have one shell and move slowly by muscle contraction. Bivalves have two shells.
3) Cephalopods like squid and octopus have tentacles around their mouth to catch prey.
Www.homeseeker.comGoriya is an online real estate portal that allows buyers and sellers to connect directly, saving on broker fees. It offers listings for properties for sale or rent. Users can search for properties, post listings, and communicate efficiently through the site. Homeseeker aims to provide consumers with housing options and information at low cost by removing middlemen from the process.
Face-to-face in a Sales 2.0 WorldToddMcCormickThe document discusses how face-to-face interactions remain important for building trust in sales, despite an increasingly digital world. Traditional sales methods like email, cold calls, and meetings are becoming less effective as buyers now complete most of their research online. The use of video conferencing allows salespeople to reconnect with the benefits of in-person interactions by putting a human face to their pitch and enabling them to read social cues. Companies that adopt video sales strategies report significantly higher returns on investment than those relying solely on digital or telephone conversations.
Engaging your students with fun activities, songs and gamesRepublica of Colombia SchoolThis document contains lyrics and instructions for songs, rhymes, chants and games that can be used to teach language in a fun and engaging way for children. It discusses how music, movement and play are natural ways for children to learn and acquire language. Songs, rhymes and chants provide repetition, teach stress and intonation patterns, and make language memorable. They also build community and allow children to express themselves. The document emphasizes finding joy in language learning through interactive activities rather than making it feel like work.
Modern technology advantages and disadvantagesRepublica of Colombia School Here are my responses to your questions:
1. Technology affects us in many ways. It impacts how we communicate, work, learn, entertain ourselves, and more. It changes how we live and interact with each other and the world.
2. Some consequences of technology include increased loneliness and social isolation if overused. It can also lead to job loss if certain tasks are replaced by automation. Over-reliance on technology may reduce competency in some skills.
3. We can use technology to make our lives more efficient and productive. It improves access to information, education, healthcare, and more. Technology also enables new forms of social connection and creativity when used appropriately.
4. Technology helps us in many
InvertebratsMarta Minguet1) Molluscs have soft, moist bodies covered in skin or a shell. They live mainly in water but some live on land like snails and slugs.
2) They are divided into three groups - gastropods, bivalves, and cephalopods. Gastropods have one shell and move slowly by muscle contraction. Bivalves have two shells.
3) Cephalopods like squid and octopus have tentacles around their mouth to catch prey.
2. La música a les pel·lícules
La música que acompanya una pel·lícula s’anomena banda sonora, i és
molt important per crear l’atmosfera adequada i provocar emocions en
l’espectador. De vegades acompanya les imatges, i altres vegades
suggereix el que no s’està veient o anticipa el que està a punt de
succeir, com, per exemple, en les escenes de misteri o terror.
La BSO de la pel·lícula Titànic va ser composada per James Horner. Va
tenir un gran èxit i es van vendre 30 millons de còpies del CD.
Va obtindre el premi a la millor Banda Sonora Original i millor cançó
original als Òscars de 1998.
3. Titànic: dos tipus de música
Música popular: al vaixell, a 3a classe, el que s’escoltava i ballava era
música irlandesa o música celta. Això era degut a que hi havia
passatgers d’aquella classe que pertanyien a Irlanda, entre altres
d’Anglaterra i França (punts de recollida de passatgers del Titànic).
Música culta: a la 1a classe hi tocava l’orquestra de cambra Wallace
Hartley Band que en alguns moments tocava junta i en altres, es
separava en dos grups. Els músics tocaven per diferents espais de 1a
classe. L’orquestra estava formada únicament per instruments de corda.
4. La música popular
La música popular que es ballava i s’escoltava en el Titànic….
6. La música culta
En l’època del Titànic, només els més rics i apoderats podien gaudir de
la música culta, ja que sempre s’havia de sentir en directe, no com
actualment que tenim CD’s, Internet, etc. La música culta tenia un
preu que pocs privilegiats podien pagar.
La música de l’orquestra es podia escoltar exclusivament a la primera
classe del vaixell.
Els músics de la Wallace Hartley Band tocaven cançons de diferents
estils, per exemple: òpera, valsos, himnes, ragtime, etc.
7. La orquestra del Titànic
Wallace Henry Harley (Director). George Krins (Violí), Roger
Bricoux (Violoncel), W.Theodore Brailey (Piano), J.Wesley
Woodward (Violoncel), P.C.Taylor (Piano), J.F.C. Clarke (Contrabaix), John Law
Hume (Violí).
8. La orquestra del Titànic
L’orquestra del Titànic estava formada per vuit integrants. Tots ells
tocaven instruments de corda.
Alguns cops no tocaven tots junts, es repartien en dos grups per poder
atendre diferents espais de 1a classe.
Els instruments que es trobaven en aquesta orquestra eren: dos
violins, dos violoncels, dos pianos i un contrabaix, a més a més hi havia
un director.
El fet de tenir instruments per duplicat els facilitava el fet de dividir-se
en dues orquestres.
9. Tocant fins l’enfonsament
Es diu que l’orquestra Wallace Hartley Band va tocar fins l’enfonsament del vaixell.
L’última peça va ser «Nearer my God to Thee», «Més prop de tu Déu».