The frontal lobe is located at the front of the brain behind the forehead. It controls important functions like reasoning, planning, problem solving, motor skills, language, memory, judgment, and social/sexual behavior. Damage to the frontal lobe can cause changes in personality and behavior, loss of impulse control, and difficulty with movement, language, and complex tasks. Pick's disease and frontal lobe dementia specifically affect the frontal and temporal lobes, causing changes in behavior and language problems.
This document discusses synaptic transmission and neurotransmitters. It begins by describing the structure and function of synapses, including the roles of presynaptic and postsynaptic membranes. It then explains excitatory and inhibitory postsynaptic potentials. The document also discusses the neuromuscular junction, how acetylcholine is released and binds to nicotinic receptors to trigger muscle contraction. Finally, it outlines several major neurotransmitters - acetylcholine, glutamate, and GABA - including their receptors, mechanisms of action, and effects on synaptic transmission.
Lower Urinary Tract Dysfunction in The Neurological Patient Ade Wijaya
This document provides an overview of lower urinary tract dysfunction in neurological patients. It discusses various neurological conditions that can cause lower urinary tract issues such as stroke, dementia, Parkinson's disease, multiple sclerosis, spinal cord injury, spina bifida, and more. For each condition, it outlines the typical urinary symptoms and urodynamic findings. The document also discusses guidelines for managing lower urinary tract dysfunction, including achieving continence, preventing infections, and preserving kidney function. First-line treatments involve lifestyle changes and medications, with referral to a urologist recommended for refractory or complex cases.
The document discusses the anatomy of cerebral connections, including the three major types of fiber connections in the neocortex: association fibers, projection fibers, and commissural fibers. It provides details on specific commissural fibers like the corpus callosum, anterior commissure, and hippocampal commissure. It also describes disconnection syndromes that can result from lesions to association or commissural fibers, interrupting information transfer between brain regions. Examples of clinical signs from disconnection of the corpus callosum are outlined, like alexia of the left visual field and diagonistic apraxia.
The thalamus is a paired subcortical structure that relays sensory and motor signals to the cerebral cortex. It contains several nuclei that have specific connections to different regions of the cortex. The thalamus develops from the thalamic plate and differentiates into the epithalamus, dorsal thalamus, and ventral thalamus. The dorsal thalamus contains nuclei that project to the cortex via thalamocortical fibers. The thalamic reticular nucleus, part of the ventral thalamus, surrounds the dorsal thalamus and provides inhibitory input to it. The cerebral cortex is a laminated sheet of neurons involved in higher-level signal processing. It receives input from the thalamus and sends
The document discusses the anatomy and functional areas of the frontal lobes, including the motor cortex, premotor cortex, dorsolateral prefrontal cortex, orbitofrontal cortex, and their connections. It also examines frontal lobe circuits and the neurotransmitters that project to the frontal lobes. Common frontal lobe syndromes and deficits associated with lesions to different frontal areas are described.
Frontal lobe functions and assessmeny 20th july 2013Shahnaz Syeda
The frontal lobes have several functional areas that control motor functions like movement as well as higher cognitive functions. The primary motor cortex directly controls muscle movement while areas like the premotor cortex plan movements. The prefrontal cortex is involved in executive functions, problem solving, emotion regulation, and decision making through areas like the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex. Damage to different frontal lobe areas can cause syndromes like difficulties with movement, language, behavior, personality and cognition depending on the location of the lesion. A neuropsychological assessment can evaluate these frontal lobe functions.
This document discusses epilepsy surgery evaluation and outcomes. It notes that about one-third of epilepsy patients have seizures that cannot be controlled with medication. For these patients, surgical therapy can be an important treatment option. The goals of presurgical evaluation are to localize the epileptogenic zone and assess risk to brain functions from surgery. Evaluations may include brain imaging, video-EEG monitoring, neuropsychological testing, and in some cases invasive monitoring. Common indications for surgery include mesial temporal lobe epilepsy and lesions. Seizure freedom rates after surgery range from 50-90% depending on the specific diagnosis and evaluation findings. Outcome measures also consider cognitive and quality of life impacts.
The reticular formation is a network of neurons located in the brainstem that performs several important functions. It receives sensory information from the spinal cord and senses arousal levels. The reticular formation contains nuclei that are involved in motor control, sleep-wake cycles, autonomic functions, and modulating pain. It has ascending and descending pathways that connect to the thalamus and cerebral cortex and help regulate states of consciousness like sleep and wakefulness.
The cerebral cortex consists of two hemispheres covered in convoluted gyri and sulci. It is the largest part of the human brain. The hemispheres are separated by a fissure and connected by the corpus callosum. The neocortex, or association cortex, is the phylogenetically newest part responsible for higher functions like language, memory, and intelligence. It is divided into four lobes - frontal, parietal, temporal, and occipital - each with distinct functions. The left hemisphere is typically dominant for language and logical thinking.
L'utilizzo della Realt Virtuale nella Riabilitazione Psichiatrica delle funz...Salvatore Zichichi
Tesi di laurea 2015, presentata presso la Facolt di Medicina e Chirurgia. Un contributo di ricerca a uno studio sull'applicazione della Realt Virtuale come tecnica di riabilitazione delle funzionalit esecutive e mnestiche nei pazienti schizofrenici. Relatore Prof. Daniele La Barbera, Corelatore Prof. Filippo La Paglia
Le slide dell'intervento della dottoressa Viola Nicolucci durante il convegno organizzato dall'Ordine Psicologi della Lombardia sul tema "Psicologia e nuove tecnologie"
Presentazione alla conferenza: Dipendenze Patologiche e sessualit: alla ricerca del piacere perduto (o mai avuto), Societ Italiana Tossicodipendenze, Sezione Lazio
The document discusses the anatomy and functional areas of the frontal lobes, including the motor cortex, premotor cortex, dorsolateral prefrontal cortex, orbitofrontal cortex, and their connections. It also examines frontal lobe circuits and the neurotransmitters that project to the frontal lobes. Common frontal lobe syndromes and deficits associated with lesions to different frontal areas are described.
Frontal lobe functions and assessmeny 20th july 2013Shahnaz Syeda
The frontal lobes have several functional areas that control motor functions like movement as well as higher cognitive functions. The primary motor cortex directly controls muscle movement while areas like the premotor cortex plan movements. The prefrontal cortex is involved in executive functions, problem solving, emotion regulation, and decision making through areas like the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex. Damage to different frontal lobe areas can cause syndromes like difficulties with movement, language, behavior, personality and cognition depending on the location of the lesion. A neuropsychological assessment can evaluate these frontal lobe functions.
This document discusses epilepsy surgery evaluation and outcomes. It notes that about one-third of epilepsy patients have seizures that cannot be controlled with medication. For these patients, surgical therapy can be an important treatment option. The goals of presurgical evaluation are to localize the epileptogenic zone and assess risk to brain functions from surgery. Evaluations may include brain imaging, video-EEG monitoring, neuropsychological testing, and in some cases invasive monitoring. Common indications for surgery include mesial temporal lobe epilepsy and lesions. Seizure freedom rates after surgery range from 50-90% depending on the specific diagnosis and evaluation findings. Outcome measures also consider cognitive and quality of life impacts.
The reticular formation is a network of neurons located in the brainstem that performs several important functions. It receives sensory information from the spinal cord and senses arousal levels. The reticular formation contains nuclei that are involved in motor control, sleep-wake cycles, autonomic functions, and modulating pain. It has ascending and descending pathways that connect to the thalamus and cerebral cortex and help regulate states of consciousness like sleep and wakefulness.
The cerebral cortex consists of two hemispheres covered in convoluted gyri and sulci. It is the largest part of the human brain. The hemispheres are separated by a fissure and connected by the corpus callosum. The neocortex, or association cortex, is the phylogenetically newest part responsible for higher functions like language, memory, and intelligence. It is divided into four lobes - frontal, parietal, temporal, and occipital - each with distinct functions. The left hemisphere is typically dominant for language and logical thinking.
L'utilizzo della Realt Virtuale nella Riabilitazione Psichiatrica delle funz...Salvatore Zichichi
Tesi di laurea 2015, presentata presso la Facolt di Medicina e Chirurgia. Un contributo di ricerca a uno studio sull'applicazione della Realt Virtuale come tecnica di riabilitazione delle funzionalit esecutive e mnestiche nei pazienti schizofrenici. Relatore Prof. Daniele La Barbera, Corelatore Prof. Filippo La Paglia
Le slide dell'intervento della dottoressa Viola Nicolucci durante il convegno organizzato dall'Ordine Psicologi della Lombardia sul tema "Psicologia e nuove tecnologie"
Presentazione alla conferenza: Dipendenze Patologiche e sessualit: alla ricerca del piacere perduto (o mai avuto), Societ Italiana Tossicodipendenze, Sezione Lazio
2. Cos竪 la demenza
Clinicamente, 竪 definita come un
deterioramento delle funzioni cognitive che
condiziona profondamente la vita sociale,
familiare e lavorativa dellindividuo.
Deficit della memoria;
Disorientamento spazio-temporale;
Deficit del giudizio, del ragionamento astratto e
della critica;
Deficit visuo-spaziali;
Psicosi (deliri, allucinazioni);
Alterazione dellumore (depressione, labilit emotiva, euforia);
Sintomi neurovegetativi (alterazione dellappetito, del sonno e del
comportamento sessuale);
Disturbi dellattivit motoria (vagabondaggio, affaccendamento
afinalistico, acatisia);
Agitazione (aggressivit verbale e/o fisica, vocalizzazione
Alterazione della personalit (indifferenza, apatia, disinibizione,
Perdita delle capacit di svolgere le normali attivit di base (lavarsi,
mangiare, vestirsi ecc.)
Perdita delle capacit di svolgere diverse attivit quotidiane (usare i
soldi, il telefono, medicinali, mezzi di trasporto ecc.)
Incapacit di uscire da soli o nemmeno se accompagnati
dello stato
Si basa sulla
Terapia non
Contenere e/o ridurre la perdita progressiva e
inevitabile delle funzioni cognitive
Contenere e/o ridurre i disturbi comportamentali e psicologici
1. Sostenere le abilit cognitive residue del paziente;
2. Favorire i processi di socializzazione e le relazioni interpersonali;
3. Contenere e/o ridurre gli stati ansiosi;
4. Migliorare il tono dellumore;
5. Mantenere e/o stimolare le abilit motorie;
6. Mantenere e/o stimolare le abilit di base;
-Scelta e Metodologia-
Storia personale e familiare
Caratteristiche personologiche
funzioni cognitive compromesse
Abilit residue
Informazioni sullo stato
attuale/generale del paziente in
gruppo o individualmente
Scelta dellintervento
-Scelta e Metodologia-
Disturbi attentivi
Disturbi della concentrazione
Disturbi del pensiero astratto
Di gruppo
Differenza tra
Insieme di teorie e
metodologie proprie
di un dato approccio
alla demenza
Approccio Capacitante
Gentle Care
Stimolazione cognitiva
Insieme di attivit
pratiche che si
svolgono con il
paziente e che
possono prescindere
da un impianto
teorico preciso
E un insieme di esercizi che stimolano le diverse funzioni cognitive (attenzione, memoria,
linguaggio, ragionamento ecc.)
Contenere e/o ridurre la perdita progressiva delle abilit cognitive tramite
Individuale e/o di gruppo, uso della carta e matita o del computer
束Reality Orientation Therapy損
FINALITA: riorientare il paziente rispetto a s辿, alla propria storia e allambiente circostante.
OBIETTIVO: ridurre la tendenza allisolamento rendendo il soggetto ancora partecipe alle relazioni sociali e allambiente
che lo circonda. Tramite ripetitive stimolazioni verbali, visive, scritte, musicali, la ROT si prefigge di rafforzare le informazioni
di base del paziente rispetto alle coordinate spazio-temporali ed alla storia personale.
Gli interventi sono rivolti:
allorientamento nel tempo stimolando il ricordo del giorno, del mese, dellanno, delle festivit, per fare questo ci si
pu嘆 avvalere di semplici lavagnette sulle quali scrivere il giorno di riferimento;
allorientamento nello spazio stimolando il ricordo del luogo di un incontro, di percorsi, attraverso continui richiami
verbali alla memoria. Utili allo scopo gli orologi digitali con la rappresentazione delle 24 ore, cartelli specifici di
orientamento sulle varie stanze della casa (es: bagno, cucina, stanza da letto, ecc);
allorientamento rispetto a se stessi attraverso la stimolazione del ricordo dei dati anagrafici e della storia personale,
con lausilio di foto, documenti o ricordi.
Calendario Post-it
束Laboratori Manuale e Sensoriali損
Favorire i processi di socializzazione
Mantenere le abilit residue
Stimolare le funzioni cognitive (memoria, attenzione, prassia ecc.)
Sostenere e/o migliore lautostima
Contrastare lapatia e la depressione
Ridurre e /o contenere i BPSD
Favorire i processi creativi