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                                 Lecture #7
                           Prof. Carol Livermore

Recall: 3 Basic Ingredients
   1. Forces, Moments, and Equilibrium
   2. Displacements, Deformations, and Compatibility
   3. Forces-Deformation Relationships

Linear Elastic Springs

   Linear: k is a constant  not a function of P or 隆.
   If it were non-linear:

   Elastic: Loading and unloading are along the same curve.

EXAMPLE: Springs in series

Q: What are the reactions at the supports?
Q: How are P and 隆 related?


                                    Fx = 0
                               RAx + P = 0
                                RAx = P

                                    Fy = 0
                                  Ry = 0

FBD of Spring 1

                          Fx = 0
                         F1 = P
FBD of Spring 2

                          Fx = 0
                         F2 = P
Look at compatibility:




                                          隆1 + 隆2 = 隆
     隆 - How much things stretch
     u - How much things move


                                            ux = 隆

                                          F1 = k1 隆1
                                          F2 = k2 隆2
  Put it all together:

                                          隆1 = F1 /k1
                                          隆2 = F2 /k2
                                          F1   F2    1    1
                         隆 = 隆1 + 隆 2 =      +    =P    +
                                          k1   k2    k1   k2

                                              k2 + k1
                                               k2 k1

k1 k2
                                P =             隆
                                        k1 + k2
                                           k1 k2
                                kef f =
                                          k1 + k2

Sanity Check
1. k1 = k2 = k
    kef f = 2k = k , P  2  隆
2. k1 >> k2
    kef f = k2 2  k2  All 鍖exibility is due to weaker spring.
           1+ k


Q: How far does C displace?
Q: What are the forces in the spring?

1. FBD

Note: No forces in y.

                                Fx = 0
                        P + R Ax + R Bx = 0
FBD: Spring 1

                          RAx + F1c = 0
                           F1c = RAx
FBD: Pin

                        P  F1c + F2c = 0
FBD: Spring 2

RBx  F2c = 0
                                  F2c = RBx

                             P + R Ax + R Bx = 0
 Note: We already have this equation.

     We need more than just equilibrium!
     We cannot 鍖nd the reactions at the supports using equilibrium alone. This
 is statically indeterminate.

 Test for Static Indeterminancy
    # Unknowns
    # Equations of Equilibrium
        If #Unknowns > #Equations  Static Indeterminancy.
 2. Lets try Force Deformation relationships.
    F1 = k1 隆1
     F2 = k2 隆2

3. Now add compatibility.

隆1 + 隆2 = 0
                                 隆1 = uc

                                隆2 = uc

4. Solve equations.

                            F1 = k1 隆1 = k1 uc

                           F2 = k2 隆2 = k2 uc

                           P  k2 uc  k1 uc = 0
                                   x       x

                             P = (k1 + k2 )uc
                              uc =
                                     k1 + k2
What is the loadsharing?

                                      k1 P
                              F1 =
                                     k1 + k2
                                       k2 P
                             F2 = 
                                      k1 + k2


Q: Forces in springs A, B, C?
Q: Find y(x).

Assumes small deformations.

Is this statically indeterminate?
What are the unconstrained degrees of freedom (D.O.F)?
    1. Vertical displacements    Fy = 0
    2. Rotation about z  Mz = 0
What are the unknowns?
    FA ,FB ,FC  3 Unknowns.
    #Unknowns > #Equations  This is statically indeterminate.

1. Equations of Equilibrium

                                         Fy = 0
                           P  FA  FB  FC = 0

                                         MA = 0
                              P a  FC      FB L = 0

2. Force Deformation Relationship

                                FA = k隆A
                                FB = k隆B
                                FC = k隆C
3. Compatibility

                                    隆A = uA
                                     隆B  隆A
                             tan  =
                                     隆C  隆A
                             tan  =


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Lec7 MECH ENG STRucture

  • 1. 2.001 - MECHANICS AND MATERIALS I Lecture #7 10/2/2006 Prof. Carol Livermore Recall: 3 Basic Ingredients 1. Forces, Moments, and Equilibrium 2. Displacements, Deformations, and Compatibility 3. Forces-Deformation Relationships Linear Elastic Springs Linear: k is a constant not a function of P or 隆. If it were non-linear: Elastic: Loading and unloading are along the same curve. 1
  • 2. EXAMPLE: Springs in series Q: What are the reactions at the supports? Q: How are P and 隆 related? FBD Fx = 0 RAx + P = 0 RAx = P Fy = 0 Ry = 0 2
  • 3. FBD of Spring 1 Fx = 0 F1 = P FBD of Spring 2 Fx = 0 F2 = P Look at compatibility: Undeformed 3
  • 4. Deformed Compatibility: 隆1 + 隆2 = 隆 De鍖ne: 隆 - How much things stretch u - How much things move So: ux = 隆 Force-Deformation: F1 = k1 隆1 F2 = k2 隆2 Put it all together: 隆1 = F1 /k1 隆2 = F2 /k2 F1 F2 1 1 隆 = 隆1 + 隆 2 = + =P + k1 k2 k1 k2 So: k2 + k1 隆=P k2 k1 4
  • 5. k1 k2 P = 隆 k1 + k2 k1 k2 kef f = k1 + k2 Plot Sanity Check 1. k1 = k2 = k k2 kef f = 2k = k , P 2 隆 2 2. k1 >> k2 kef f = k2 2 k2 All 鍖exibility is due to weaker spring. k 1+ k 1 EXAMPLE Q: How far does C displace? Q: What are the forces in the spring? 1. FBD 5
  • 6. Note: No forces in y. Fx = 0 P + R Ax + R Bx = 0 FBD: Spring 1 RAx + F1c = 0 F1c = RAx FBD: Pin P F1c + F2c = 0 FBD: Spring 2 6
  • 7. RBx F2c = 0 F2c = RBx So: P + R Ax + R Bx = 0 Note: We already have this equation. We need more than just equilibrium! We cannot 鍖nd the reactions at the supports using equilibrium alone. This is statically indeterminate. Test for Static Indeterminancy # Unknowns # Equations of Equilibrium If #Unknowns > #Equations Static Indeterminancy. 2. Lets try Force Deformation relationships. F1 = k1 隆1 F2 = k2 隆2 3. Now add compatibility. 7
  • 8. 隆1 + 隆2 = 0 隆1 = uc x 隆2 = uc x 4. Solve equations. F1 = k1 隆1 = k1 uc x F2 = k2 隆2 = k2 uc x P k2 uc k1 uc = 0 x x P = (k1 + k2 )uc x P uc = x k1 + k2 What is the loadsharing? k1 P F1 = k1 + k2 k2 P F2 = k1 + k2 Check EXAMPLE 8
  • 9. Q: Forces in springs A, B, C? Q: Find y(x). Assumes small deformations. Is this statically indeterminate? What are the unconstrained degrees of freedom (D.O.F)? 1. Vertical displacements Fy = 0 2. Rotation about z Mz = 0 What are the unknowns? FA ,FB ,FC 3 Unknowns. #Unknowns > #Equations This is statically indeterminate. 1. Equations of Equilibrium Fy = 0 P FA FB FC = 0 MA = 0 L P a FC FB L = 0 2 9
  • 10. 2. Force Deformation Relationship FA = k隆A FB = k隆B FC = k隆C 3. Compatibility 隆A = uA Y 隆B 隆A tan = L 隆C 隆A tan = L/2 10