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                                 Lecture #3
                           Prof. Carol Livermore

Recall from last time:


Solve equations of motion.

                                   Fx = 0

                                   Fy = 0

                               MA = 0
See 9/11/06 Notes.


Draw each component separately.
   FBD of Bar 1

                                           Fx = 0
                                  FAx + FCx = 0

                                           Fy = 0
                                  FAy + FCy = 0

                                       MA = 0
                            l cos 慮FCy  l sin 慮FCx = 0

                                   FAx = FCx
                                  FAy = FCy
                   FCy   sin 慮
                       =       = tan 慮 Forces track with angle.
                   FCx   cos 慮
   Two Force Member:
      If forces are only applied at 2 points, then:
          1. Forces are equal and opposite.
          2. Forces are aligned (colinear) with the vector tha connects the two
   points of application of forces.

   So the FBD could be rewritten as:

Now look at the FBDs of 1, 2, and C:

    Solve equations of equilibrium for Pin C.

                                           Fx = 0
                              P + F2 sin   F1 sin  = 0

                                           Fy = 0
                         F2 cos   F1 cos  = 0  F1 = F2

                          M = 0  No additional info.( = 0)

                                  P + 2F2 sin  = 0
    Note  = 30 , so:

                                       F2 = P
                                       F1 = P
    Now look at FBD of 1, 2, and A:

Look at equilibrium of Pin A:

                                FX = 0
                          P cos 慮 + F3 = 0
                           F3 = P cos 慮

   Note 慮 = 60 , so:

                                    F3 = 



Q: What are the reactions at the supports?


                                     Fx = 0
                                RAx + RDx = 0

                                     Fy = 0
                            R A y + R Dy  P = 0

                                    MA = 0
                             2dP + dRDx = 0

                                  RDx = 2P
                                 RAx = 2P
                              RAy + RDy = P
Note: BD is a 2-Force member.

Draw FBD of BD and Pin D.

Solve for Pin D.

                                      Fx = 0
                            2P + FBD cos 慮 = 0

                                      Fy = 0
                            RDy + FBD sin 慮 = 0
                               FBD = 
                                         cos 慮
                            R Dy       sin 慮 = 0
                                  cos 慮
                              RDy = 2P tan 慮
Note: 慮 = 45 , so:

                                 RDy = 2P

                             RAy + 2P  P = 0
                                 RAy = P

Statically Determinate: A situation in which the equations of equilibrium de-
termine the forces and moments that support the structure.



                                      Fx = 0
                                    R Ax = 0

                                      Fy = 0
                              R Ay + R By  P = 0

                                     MB = 0
                          aRAy + MA  (l  a)P = 0
Note: 4 unknowns and 3 equations.

This is statically indeterminate.


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  • 1. 2.001 - MECHANICS AND MATERIALS I Lecture #3 9/13/2006 Prof. Carol Livermore Recall from last time: FBD: Solve equations of motion. Fx = 0 Fy = 0 MA = 0 See 9/11/06 Notes. Solution: 1
  • 2. Draw each component separately. FBD of Bar 1 Fx = 0 FAx + FCx = 0 Fy = 0 FAy + FCy = 0 MA = 0 l cos 慮FCy l sin 慮FCx = 0 Solve. FAx = FCx FAy = FCy FCy sin 慮 = = tan 慮 Forces track with angle. FCx cos 慮 Two Force Member: If forces are only applied at 2 points, then: 1. Forces are equal and opposite. 2. Forces are aligned (colinear) with the vector tha connects the two points of application of forces. So the FBD could be rewritten as: 2
  • 3. Now look at the FBDs of 1, 2, and C: Solve equations of equilibrium for Pin C. Fx = 0 P + F2 sin F1 sin = 0 Fy = 0 F2 cos F1 cos = 0 F1 = F2 M = 0 No additional info.( = 0) P + 2F2 sin = 0 Note = 30 , so: F2 = P F1 = P Now look at FBD of 1, 2, and A: 3
  • 4. Look at equilibrium of Pin A: FX = 0 P cos 慮 + F3 = 0 F3 = P cos 慮 Note 慮 = 60 , so: P F3 = 2 So: EXAMPLE: 4
  • 5. Q: What are the reactions at the supports? FBD: Fx = 0 RAx + RDx = 0 Fy = 0 R A y + R Dy P = 0 MA = 0 2dP + dRDx = 0 Solve. RDx = 2P RAx = 2P RAy + RDy = P Note: BD is a 2-Force member. Draw FBD of BD and Pin D. 5
  • 6. Solve for Pin D. Fx = 0 2P + FBD cos 慮 = 0 Fy = 0 RDy + FBD sin 慮 = 0 Solve. 2P FBD = cos 慮 2P R Dy sin 慮 = 0 cos 慮 RDy = 2P tan 慮 Note: 慮 = 45 , so: RDy = 2P Substituting: RAy + 2P P = 0 RAy = P Check: Statically Determinate: A situation in which the equations of equilibrium de- termine the forces and moments that support the structure. EXAMPLE: 6
  • 7. FBD Fx = 0 R Ax = 0 Fy = 0 R Ay + R By P = 0 MB = 0 aRAy + MA (l a)P = 0 Note: 4 unknowns and 3 equations. This is statically indeterminate. 7