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Research Methodology
Lecture 1 : Introduction
 Research Methodology : An Introduction
 Defining the Research Problem
 Research Design
 Sampling Design
 Measurement and Scaling Techniques
 Methods of Data Collection
 Processing and Analysis of Data
 Sampling Fundamentals
 Testing of Hypotheses  I (Parametric of Standard Tests of Hypotheses)
 Chi-square Test
 Analysis of Variance and Covariance
 Testing of Hypotheses  II (Nonparametric or Distribution-free Tests)
 Multivariate Analysis Techniques
 Interpretation and Report Writing
 Research proposal
Research Defined and Described
Research is the systematic approach to
obtaining and confirming new and reliable
 Systematic and orderly (following a series of
 Purpose is new knowledge, which must be
This is a general definition which applies to all
Notice that:
 truth was not used in the definition of
This concept of truth is outside of the
productive realm of thinking by researchers
Research is not
Accidental discovery :
1. Accidental discovery may occur in structured
research process
2. Usually takes the form of a phenomenon not
previously noticed
3. May lead to a structured research process to
verify or understand the observation
Research is not  cont.
Data Collection
 an intermediate step to gain reliable
 collecting reliable data is part of the research
Research is not  cont.
Searching out published research results in
libraries (or the internet)
 This is an important early step of research
 The research process always includes
synthesis and analysis
 But, just reviewing of literature is not research
Research is
1. Searching for explanation of events,
phenomena, relationships and causes
 What, how and why things occur
 Are there interactions?
2. A process
 Planned and managed  to make the information
generated credible
 The process is creative
 It is circular  always leads to more questions
 All well designed and conducted research has
potential application.
 Failure to see applications can be due to:
 Users not trained or experienced in the specialized
methods of Engineering research and reasoning
 Researchers often do not provide adequate
interpretations and guidance on applications of
the research
 Researchers are responsible to help users
understand research implications
Public good
 Public research is a public good
 May be more rigorous and objective because it is
subject to more scrutiny
 Private research may also be rigorous
 But research on a companys product may be
questioned as biased.
Classification of Research
 Before classification, we must first define types
of research
 Different criteria are used to classify research
(All of these are somewhat arbitrary and artificial)
Basic vs Applied Research
 Basic  to determine or establish fundamental
facts and relationships within a discipline or field
of study. Develop theories  (examples in
 Applied  undertaken specifically for the purpose
of obtaining information to help resolve a
particular problem
 The distinction between them is in the
 Basic has little application to real world policy and
management but could be done to guide applied
Disciplinary, Subject-matter, and Problem-
solving Research
 designed to improve a discipline
 dwells on theories, fundamental relationships
and analytical procedures and techniques
 Provides the conceptual and analytical base
for other research
 It is synergistic and complementary with
subject matter and problem-solving research
 Provides the foundations for applied research
 Circular as applied research reveals the
shortcomings of disciplinary research
 Examples of some Engineering theories?
(supply & demand, concrete strength, wave
height, consumer utility )
Disciplinary cont.
Subject-matter research
 research on a subject of interest to a set of
decision makers  (p 22)
 Tends to follow subject-matter boundaries within
a discipline ( eg. Transportation Engineering,
infrastructure, Geotechnical Engineering)
 Inherently multidisciplinary, drawing information
from many disciplines
 eg. Traffic light created by Electrical Engineering, while
the green time for the traffic light, suggested by Traffic
Subject-matter research  cont.
 Provides policy makers with general
knowledge to make decisions about various
 A primary source of policy applications for
 Subject-matter research is a cornerstone in
Engineering  it involves direct application of
Engineering to contemporary issues.
Problem-solving research
 Designed to solve a specific problem for a specific
decision maker
 Often results in recommendations on decisions or
 Problem-solving research is holistic  uses all
information relevant to the specific problem
(while disciplinary research tends to be
 Disciplinary research is generally the most
durable (long lasting); problem-solving research
the least durable
Analytic vs Descriptive Research
 Descriptive Research  the attempt to
determine, describe, or identify something
 The intent is often synthesis, which pulls
knowledge or information together
 Analytic  the attempt to establish why
something occurs or how it came to be
 All disciplines generally engage in both
Methodology Defined & Described
Methodology and Method are often (incorrectly)
used interchangeable
 Methodology  the study of the general
approach to inquiry in a given field
 Method  the specific techniques, tools or
procedures applied to achieve a given objective
 Research methods in Engineering include regression
analysis, mathematical analysis, operations
research, surveys, data gathering, etc.
The Process of Research
 The process is initiated with a question or
problem (step 1)
 Next, goals and objectives are formulated to
deal with the question or problem (step 2)
 Then the research design is developed to
achieve the objectives (step 3)
 Results are generated by conducting the
research (step 4)
 Interpretation and analysis of results follow
(step 5)
The Process of Research
Creativity in the Research Process
 Research is a creative process
 research includes far more than mere logic  It
includes insight, genius, groping, pondering 
sense  The logic we can teach; the art we
cannot (p 30)
 Research requires (or at least works best) with
imagination, initiative, intuition, and curiosity.
 There are different types of creativity,
characteristic of different situations  applied
and theoretical most closely associate with
Engineering research
Fostering Creativity (Ladd 1987)
A. Gather and use previously developed knowledge
B. Exchange ideas
C. Apply deductive logic
D. Look at things alternate ways
E. Question or challenge assumptions
F. Search for patterns or relationships
G. Take risks
H. Cultivate tolerance for uncertainty
Fostering Creativity  cont.
I. Allow curiosity to grow
J. Set problems aside  and come back to them
K. Write down your thoughts
 frequently I dont know what I think until I write it
L. Freedom from distraction  some time to think.
Creativity may provide the difference between
satisfactory and outstanding research.

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  • 2. Syllabus Research Methodology : An Introduction Defining the Research Problem Research Design Sampling Design Measurement and Scaling Techniques Methods of Data Collection Processing and Analysis of Data Sampling Fundamentals Testing of Hypotheses I (Parametric of Standard Tests of Hypotheses) Chi-square Test Analysis of Variance and Covariance Testing of Hypotheses II (Nonparametric or Distribution-free Tests) Multivariate Analysis Techniques Interpretation and Report Writing Research proposal
  • 3. Research Defined and Described Research is the systematic approach to obtaining and confirming new and reliable knowledge Systematic and orderly (following a series of steps) Purpose is new knowledge, which must be reliable This is a general definition which applies to all disciplines 3
  • 4. Notice that: truth was not used in the definition of research This concept of truth is outside of the productive realm of thinking by researchers 4
  • 5. Research is not Accidental discovery : 1. Accidental discovery may occur in structured research process 2. Usually takes the form of a phenomenon not previously noticed 3. May lead to a structured research process to verify or understand the observation 5
  • 6. Research is not cont. Data Collection an intermediate step to gain reliable knowledge collecting reliable data is part of the research process 6
  • 7. Research is not cont. Searching out published research results in libraries (or the internet) This is an important early step of research The research process always includes synthesis and analysis But, just reviewing of literature is not research 7
  • 8. Research is 1. Searching for explanation of events, phenomena, relationships and causes What, how and why things occur Are there interactions? 2. A process Planned and managed to make the information generated credible The process is creative It is circular always leads to more questions 8
  • 9. All well designed and conducted research has potential application. Failure to see applications can be due to: Users not trained or experienced in the specialized methods of Engineering research and reasoning Researchers often do not provide adequate interpretations and guidance on applications of the research Researchers are responsible to help users understand research implications (How?) 9
  • 10. Public good Public research is a public good May be more rigorous and objective because it is subject to more scrutiny Private research may also be rigorous But research on a companys product may be questioned as biased. 10
  • 11. Classification of Research Before classification, we must first define types of research Different criteria are used to classify research types (All of these are somewhat arbitrary and artificial) 11
  • 12. Basic vs Applied Research Basic to determine or establish fundamental facts and relationships within a discipline or field of study. Develop theories (examples in Engineering?) Applied undertaken specifically for the purpose of obtaining information to help resolve a particular problem The distinction between them is in the application Basic has little application to real world policy and management but could be done to guide applied research 12
  • 13. 13 Disciplinary, Subject-matter, and Problem- solving Research
  • 14. designed to improve a discipline dwells on theories, fundamental relationships and analytical procedures and techniques Provides the conceptual and analytical base for other research It is synergistic and complementary with subject matter and problem-solving research 14 Disciplinary
  • 15. Provides the foundations for applied research Circular as applied research reveals the shortcomings of disciplinary research Examples of some Engineering theories? (supply & demand, concrete strength, wave height, consumer utility ) 15 Disciplinary cont.
  • 16. Subject-matter research research on a subject of interest to a set of decision makers (p 22) Tends to follow subject-matter boundaries within a discipline ( eg. Transportation Engineering, infrastructure, Geotechnical Engineering) Inherently multidisciplinary, drawing information from many disciplines eg. Traffic light created by Electrical Engineering, while the green time for the traffic light, suggested by Traffic Engineer. 16
  • 17. Subject-matter research cont. Provides policy makers with general knowledge to make decisions about various problems. A primary source of policy applications for Engineering Subject-matter research is a cornerstone in Engineering it involves direct application of Engineering to contemporary issues. 17
  • 18. Problem-solving research Designed to solve a specific problem for a specific decision maker Often results in recommendations on decisions or actions Problem-solving research is holistic uses all information relevant to the specific problem (while disciplinary research tends to be reductionist) Disciplinary research is generally the most durable (long lasting); problem-solving research the least durable 18
  • 19. Analytic vs Descriptive Research Descriptive Research the attempt to determine, describe, or identify something The intent is often synthesis, which pulls knowledge or information together Analytic the attempt to establish why something occurs or how it came to be All disciplines generally engage in both 19
  • 20. Methodology Defined & Described Methodology and Method are often (incorrectly) used interchangeable Methodology the study of the general approach to inquiry in a given field Method the specific techniques, tools or procedures applied to achieve a given objective Research methods in Engineering include regression analysis, mathematical analysis, operations research, surveys, data gathering, etc. 20
  • 21. The Process of Research The process is initiated with a question or problem (step 1) Next, goals and objectives are formulated to deal with the question or problem (step 2) Then the research design is developed to achieve the objectives (step 3) Results are generated by conducting the research (step 4) Interpretation and analysis of results follow (step 5) 21
  • 23. Creativity in the Research Process Research is a creative process research includes far more than mere logic It includes insight, genius, groping, pondering sense The logic we can teach; the art we cannot (p 30) Research requires (or at least works best) with imagination, initiative, intuition, and curiosity. There are different types of creativity, characteristic of different situations applied and theoretical most closely associate with Engineering research 23
  • 24. Fostering Creativity (Ladd 1987) A. Gather and use previously developed knowledge B. Exchange ideas C. Apply deductive logic D. Look at things alternate ways E. Question or challenge assumptions F. Search for patterns or relationships G. Take risks H. Cultivate tolerance for uncertainty 24
  • 25. Fostering Creativity cont. I. Allow curiosity to grow J. Set problems aside and come back to them K. Write down your thoughts frequently I dont know what I think until I write it L. Freedom from distraction some time to think. Creativity may provide the difference between satisfactory and outstanding research. 25