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Les Quizerables 2K16
 This quiz consist of 5 rounds.
 Will be based on the pounce and bounce system.
 Detailed rules of each rounds will be explained whenever the
quizmaster feels like.
Depends on each round
Lets Get Started
Round 1
 This round consist of 10 questions.
 Will be based on the pounce and bounce system.
 Other teams can pounce on the question at the cost of negative
 Direct questions will not carry negative marking.
 There will be no negatives for passed questions.
+10, -5 (for pounce)
1)He is the leader of the All India Students Federation (AISF) the students
wing of CPI. In Feb 2016 he was arrested and charged with Sedition by the
Delhi Police for allegedly raising anti Indian slogans. Name him
Kanhaiya Kumar
2) Id this Stalwart in space exploration, often called as the
usherer of the Space Age
Les quizerables el concurso 2016 finals
Robert H. Goddard
3)Identify this famous actor
Les quizerables el concurso 2016 finals
Heath Ledger
4) Connect these
Les quizerables el concurso 2016 finals
These are actors who portrayed James bond
5)Name this God of all creations
Arceus (as per the Pok辿mon series)
6) This Arjuna Award recipient is the a co-owner of the IPTL (International
Premier Tennis League ) franchise UAE Royals
Les quizerables el concurso 2016 finals
Virat Kohli
)7) This fellow had a man hanging from a cliff at the end of an
episode in his novel in a magazine hence originated a famous
phrase. The author and the word
Thomas Hardy's novel A Pair Of Blue Eyes (1873) the word cliffhanger
8) Identify the painter who is famous not as a artist.
Les quizerables el concurso 2016 finals
Adolf Hitler
9)Kevin Systom and Mike Krieger founded an online photo
and video sharing app X in October 2010, which was later
accuired by one of its rivals on April 2012. ID X.
Les quizerables el concurso 2016 finals
10)Madeira International airport in Portugal, which is informally
known as Funchal Airport announced that its name will be changing
to X international airport this year. X is a famous native sports person
born in Madeira. ID X
Les quizerables el concurso 2016 finals
Cristiano Ronaldo
Lets Know Where U Stand
Round 2
 This round consist of 12 questions .
 Will be based on the pounce and bounce system.
 Other teams can pounce on the question at the cost of negative
 Direct questions will carry no negative marking.
 There will be no negatives for passed questions.
+15, -7 (for pounce only)
1)Charles O Rear, a former National Geographic photographer, in
1996 while driving up Napa Valley to meet his girlfriend in San
Francisco. Microsoft contacted O Rear in 2000 to get ownership of
Bliss, the photograph. How do we better know this picture.
The default wallpaper in windows XP
2)This company was founded on jan 25, 1964 as Blue Ribbon Sports by Bill
Bowerman and Phil Knight, it officially became X on May 30, 1971. It is named
X after a Greek goddess. ID X
Les quizerables el concurso 2016 finals
3) Id this person whose life story has even been turned into a major
motion picture, starring Leonardo DiCaprio
Les quizerables el concurso 2016 finals
Jordan Belfort (the true wolf of wall street)
4)Marvel Comics has officially turned X into a supervillaina
xenophobic, orange-haired, Captain-America-hating
supervillain who is obsessed with the quality of his hands. The
villain is known as the Mental Organism Designed as Americas
King, or more crisply, M.O.D.A.A.K.
Donald Trump
5) Identify this CEO of a company, which is on the path of
clean transportation.
Elon Musk
6) The pic shows a fantastic goal by Hal Robson Kannu of wales
against Belgium in euro cup . He dribbled fantastically between
three defenders executing what is called an X turn named after
the legendary footballer X who invented this technique. ID X
Les quizerables el concurso 2016 finals
Johann cruyf, The Cruyf turn
7) Georges Proper Remi, a Belgian cartoonist, Is known worldwide by another
name X. He began his career with the adventure of totor But is acclaimed
for the creation another comic series YDue to which he is considered as
one of the greatest in his field id X and Y.
Les quizerables el concurso 2016 finals
X is Herge
Y is adventures of tintin
8)Id this famous theme song.
Les quizerables el concurso 2016 finals
Game of Thrones
9) The best selling game of all time, originally designed and
programmed by Russian game designer Alexey Pajitnov. It He derived
its name from the Greek numerical prefix tetra- (all of the game's
pieces contain four segments) and tennis, Pajitnov's favourite sport.
Name the Game.
10) This is the song Rise by Katty Pery. NBC Sports had announced upon
its release that "Rise" would be prominently featured during its U.S.
television coverage of an event.
The Rio Summer Olympics
)11) In the upcoming star trek movie Star Trek Beyond, the founder of the
space exploration company Blue Origin, has one scene cameo, He is also the
founder CEO of another company. ID the company and the person.
Jeff Bezos and Amazon
Les quizerables el concurso 2016 finals
They were all ailurophobic
Lets Know Where U Stand
Round 3
 This round consist of 10 questions.
 Other teams can pounce on the question at the cost of negative
 Direct questions will not carry negative marking.
 The round will go according to the bounce system.
+20, -10 (for pounce only)
1) Name this famous cat from the Mr Bean Animated Series.
Les quizerables el concurso 2016 finals
2) X is a personality who is famous for his athletic skills, whose middle name is
Saint Leo and he was a fan of the Pakistani cricket team while he was growing
up. Id X.
Les quizerables el concurso 2016 finals
Usain Bolt
3)The Normandy landings (codenamed Operation Neptune) were the
landing operations on Tuesday, 6 June 1944of the Allied invasion of
Normandy in Operation Overlord during World War II. The largest
seaborne invasion in history, the operation began the liberation of
German-occupied north western Europe from Nazi control, and
contributed to the Allied victory on the Western Front. This day
remarked by another name. Their is also a Bollywood movie by the
same name. Name it
Les quizerables el concurso 2016 finals
4)Donato di Niccol嘆 di Betto Bardi, better known as Donatello. Raffaello Sanzio da ,
better known as Raphael. Leonardo di ser Piero da Vinci, more commonly Leonardo
da Vinci or simply Leonardo and Michelangelo di Lodovico Buonarroti Simoni,
better known as Michelangelo are famous italian renaissance artists, painters and
architects. Part of their names are used for a group of 4 fictional characters created
by Mirage studios. Name the group of these fictional characters.
teenage mutant ninja turtles
5) Todds syndrome is a rare medical condition which affects
visual perception of things and size disorientation. Dr John Todd
gave it another name with ref to a particular children's classic
which described the above mentioned symptoms.. What is it?
Les quizerables el concurso 2016 finals
Alice in wonderland symptom
3 Xs for Muster Mark!
Sure he has not got much of a bark
And sure any he has its all beside the mark.
These are a few lines from finnegans wake by James Joyce. Gell-
Mann(above) named something he hypothesized as XWhat is X?
Les quizerables el concurso 2016 finals
7) Identify this nobel prize winning physicist and what is he talking
Les quizerables el concurso 2016 finals
Richard P Feynman on challenger
8) This is the song candle in the wind by Elton John. This is about a
person called Norma Jeans. How do we know her better?
Les quizerables el concurso 2016 finals
Marilyn Monroe
9) Connect these.
Les quizerables el concurso 2016 finals
th planet in solar system
Natural satellite of saturn
Natural satellite of saturn
10) This is Artem Vaulin he got arrested for his online site which gives
a lot for free. Which is the website.
Les quizerables el concurso 2016 finals
Kickass Torrents
Lets Know Where U Stand
Round 4
 This round consist of 8 questions.
 Will follow the pounce system
 Their will be negative marking.
+25, -14 (for pounce only)
1) Identify this emphatic speaker who committed suicide.
Les quizerables el concurso 2016 finals
Adolf Hitler
2) On whose gravestone is the following epitaph seen. The
path of the righteous man.- Ezeqiel 25:17
Les quizerables el concurso 2016 finals
Nicholas J Furys (Samuel L Jackson)
3) ID this band group which covered the track "Do They Know It's Christmas?",
written in 1984 by Geldof and Ure. The song was recorded by some of the
biggest-selling current British and Irish pop acts, including One Direction, Sam
Smith, Ed Sheeran, Emeli Sand辿, Ellie Goulding and Rita Ora. Bastille and Take
That also took part, along with Chris Martin (Coldplay) and Bono (U2)
Les quizerables el concurso 2016 finals
Band Aid 30
4) This is a part of an episode of the American radio drama anthology series .
This broadcast had simulated news bulletins, which suggested an actual alien
invasion by Martians was currently in progress. Which caused wide spread
panic. This broadcast is an adaptation of a novel. Name the novel and the
Les quizerables el concurso 2016 finals
War of the worlds, by H G Wells
5) The story of Rhodopis, about a Greek slave girl who marries the king of
Egypt, is considered the earliest known variant of this world famous child
classic (published 7 BC), and many variants are known throughout the
world. Name this famous classic.
) Cinderella
6) This is Taobao City", for which company is this the main corporate
campus of.
Les quizerables el concurso 2016 finals
Alibaba Group
Les quizerables el concurso 2016 finals
These are astronomical symbols for the solar system
8) Name the famous school whose motto is Draco Dormiens Nunquam
Titillandus translated from Latin to Never Tickle a Sleeping Dragon. This school is
under a certain British ministry . Name this school.
Les quizerables el concurso 2016 finals
Hogwarts school of witchcraft and wizardry under the British ministry of magic
Lets Know Where U Stand
Round 5
Quantum Leap
 This round consist of 10 questions .
 Each team will have to write down the answers on a piece of paper.
 Each questions will be shown for a time interval of 10s , 9s, 8s, .1s
 Questions will not be read out.
 Minimum time of 5 sec will be provided to write the answer.
 There will be no negatives.
+2, +4, +6,..,+20 (lesser the time more will be what u score).
Les quizerables el concurso 2016 finals
Answer time
1) These are stills from the film golden gate girl (1941). Id this famous
actor who is the son of famous Cantonese opera star Lee Hoi-chuen
Bruce Lee
2) Name the character played by Morgan Freeman, In the above still
from a Christopher Nolan Movie
Lucius Fox
3) Id this pair who discovered the double helix structure of DNA
James Watson and Francis Crick
4) Whose Cap can you find this logo
Ash Ketchum
5) Name this museum in Paris. Famous through the Dan Brown book
The Davici Code.
louvre museum
6) Id this monument
East Fort, Thiruvananthapuram
7) Id this
Sistine chapel
8) Id this sports icon with Hitler
Jesse Owens
9) Id the company
IBM old logo
Id him
George R R Martin ( Game of thrones writer)
Lets Check The Scores
Behold the winners of Les Quizerables
Thank you all

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Les quizerables el concurso 2016 finals

  • 2. Rules This quiz consist of 5 rounds. Will be based on the pounce and bounce system. Detailed rules of each rounds will be explained whenever the quizmaster feels like. MARKING SCHEME Depends on each round
  • 5. Rules This round consist of 10 questions. Will be based on the pounce and bounce system. Other teams can pounce on the question at the cost of negative marks. Direct questions will not carry negative marking. There will be no negatives for passed questions. MARKING SCHEME +10, -5 (for pounce)
  • 6. 1 ) 1)He is the leader of the All India Students Federation (AISF) the students wing of CPI. In Feb 2016 he was arrested and charged with Sedition by the Delhi Police for allegedly raising anti Indian slogans. Name him
  • 7. 1 )
  • 9. 2) Id this Stalwart in space exploration, often called as the usherer of the Space Age
  • 17. These are actors who portrayed James bond
  • 18. 1 ) 5)Name this God of all creations
  • 19. 1 )
  • 20. 1 ) Arceus (as per the Pok辿mon series)
  • 21. 6) This Arjuna Award recipient is the a co-owner of the IPTL (International Premier Tennis League ) franchise UAE Royals
  • 24. 1 )7) This fellow had a man hanging from a cliff at the end of an episode in his novel in a magazine hence originated a famous phrase. The author and the word
  • 25. 1 )
  • 26. 1 ) Thomas Hardy's novel A Pair Of Blue Eyes (1873) the word cliffhanger
  • 27. 8) Identify the painter who is famous not as a artist.
  • 30. 9)Kevin Systom and Mike Krieger founded an online photo and video sharing app X in October 2010, which was later accuired by one of its rivals on April 2012. ID X.
  • 33. 10)Madeira International airport in Portugal, which is informally known as Funchal Airport announced that its name will be changing to X international airport this year. X is a famous native sports person born in Madeira. ID X
  • 36. Lets Know Where U Stand
  • 38. Rules This round consist of 12 questions . Will be based on the pounce and bounce system. Other teams can pounce on the question at the cost of negative marks. Direct questions will carry no negative marking. There will be no negatives for passed questions. MARKING SCHEME +15, -7 (for pounce only)
  • 39. 1 ) 1)Charles O Rear, a former National Geographic photographer, in 1996 while driving up Napa Valley to meet his girlfriend in San Francisco. Microsoft contacted O Rear in 2000 to get ownership of Bliss, the photograph. How do we better know this picture.
  • 40. 1 )
  • 41. 1 ) The default wallpaper in windows XP
  • 42. 2)This company was founded on jan 25, 1964 as Blue Ribbon Sports by Bill Bowerman and Phil Knight, it officially became X on May 30, 1971. It is named X after a Greek goddess. ID X
  • 44. Nike
  • 45. 3) Id this person whose life story has even been turned into a major motion picture, starring Leonardo DiCaprio
  • 47. Jordan Belfort (the true wolf of wall street)
  • 48. 1 ) 4)Marvel Comics has officially turned X into a supervillaina xenophobic, orange-haired, Captain-America-hating supervillain who is obsessed with the quality of his hands. The villain is known as the Mental Organism Designed as Americas King, or more crisply, M.O.D.A.A.K.
  • 49. 1 )
  • 51. 1 ) 5) Identify this CEO of a company, which is on the path of clean transportation.
  • 52. 1 )
  • 54. 6) The pic shows a fantastic goal by Hal Robson Kannu of wales against Belgium in euro cup . He dribbled fantastically between three defenders executing what is called an X turn named after the legendary footballer X who invented this technique. ID X
  • 56. Johann cruyf, The Cruyf turn
  • 57. 7) Georges Proper Remi, a Belgian cartoonist, Is known worldwide by another name X. He began his career with the adventure of totor But is acclaimed for the creation another comic series YDue to which he is considered as one of the greatest in his field id X and Y.
  • 59. X is Herge Y is adventures of tintin
  • 60. 8)Id this famous theme song.
  • 63. 1 ) 9) The best selling game of all time, originally designed and programmed by Russian game designer Alexey Pajitnov. It He derived its name from the Greek numerical prefix tetra- (all of the game's pieces contain four segments) and tennis, Pajitnov's favourite sport. Name the Game.
  • 64. 1 )
  • 66. 1 ) 10) This is the song Rise by Katty Pery. NBC Sports had announced upon its release that "Rise" would be prominently featured during its U.S. television coverage of an event.
  • 67. 1 )
  • 68. The Rio Summer Olympics
  • 69. 1 )11) In the upcoming star trek movie Star Trek Beyond, the founder of the space exploration company Blue Origin, has one scene cameo, He is also the founder CEO of another company. ID the company and the person.
  • 70. 1 )
  • 72. 12)
  • 74. They were all ailurophobic
  • 75. Lets Know Where U Stand
  • 77. Rules This round consist of 10 questions. Other teams can pounce on the question at the cost of negative marks. Direct questions will not carry negative marking. The round will go according to the bounce system. MARKING SCHEME +20, -10 (for pounce only)
  • 78. 1) Name this famous cat from the Mr Bean Animated Series.
  • 81. 2) X is a personality who is famous for his athletic skills, whose middle name is Saint Leo and he was a fan of the Pakistani cricket team while he was growing up. Id X.
  • 84. 3)The Normandy landings (codenamed Operation Neptune) were the landing operations on Tuesday, 6 June 1944of the Allied invasion of Normandy in Operation Overlord during World War II. The largest seaborne invasion in history, the operation began the liberation of German-occupied north western Europe from Nazi control, and contributed to the Allied victory on the Western Front. This day remarked by another name. Their is also a Bollywood movie by the same name. Name it
  • 86. D-Day
  • 87. 1 ) 4)Donato di Niccol嘆 di Betto Bardi, better known as Donatello. Raffaello Sanzio da , better known as Raphael. Leonardo di ser Piero da Vinci, more commonly Leonardo da Vinci or simply Leonardo and Michelangelo di Lodovico Buonarroti Simoni, better known as Michelangelo are famous italian renaissance artists, painters and architects. Part of their names are used for a group of 4 fictional characters created by Mirage studios. Name the group of these fictional characters.
  • 88. 1 )
  • 90. 5) Todds syndrome is a rare medical condition which affects visual perception of things and size disorientation. Dr John Todd gave it another name with ref to a particular children's classic which described the above mentioned symptoms.. What is it?
  • 93. 6) 3 Xs for Muster Mark! Sure he has not got much of a bark And sure any he has its all beside the mark. These are a few lines from finnegans wake by James Joyce. Gell- Mann(above) named something he hypothesized as XWhat is X?
  • 95. Quark
  • 96. 7) Identify this nobel prize winning physicist and what is he talking about?
  • 98. Richard P Feynman on challenger disaster
  • 99. 8) This is the song candle in the wind by Elton John. This is about a person called Norma Jeans. How do we know her better?
  • 104. Saturn th planet in solar system Natural satellite of saturn Natural satellite of saturn
  • 105. 10) This is Artem Vaulin he got arrested for his online site which gives a lot for free. Which is the website.
  • 108. Lets Know Where U Stand
  • 110. Rules This round consist of 8 questions. Will follow the pounce system Their will be negative marking. MARKING SCHEME +25, -14 (for pounce only)
  • 111. 1) Identify this emphatic speaker who committed suicide.
  • 114. 2) On whose gravestone is the following epitaph seen. The path of the righteous man.- Ezeqiel 25:17
  • 116. Nicholas J Furys (Samuel L Jackson)
  • 117. 3) ID this band group which covered the track "Do They Know It's Christmas?", written in 1984 by Geldof and Ure. The song was recorded by some of the biggest-selling current British and Irish pop acts, including One Direction, Sam Smith, Ed Sheeran, Emeli Sand辿, Ellie Goulding and Rita Ora. Bastille and Take That also took part, along with Chris Martin (Coldplay) and Bono (U2)
  • 120. 4) This is a part of an episode of the American radio drama anthology series . This broadcast had simulated news bulletins, which suggested an actual alien invasion by Martians was currently in progress. Which caused wide spread panic. This broadcast is an adaptation of a novel. Name the novel and the writer
  • 122. War of the worlds, by H G Wells
  • 123. 1 ) 5) The story of Rhodopis, about a Greek slave girl who marries the king of Egypt, is considered the earliest known variant of this world famous child classic (published 7 BC), and many variants are known throughout the world. Name this famous classic.
  • 124. 1 )
  • 126. 6) This is Taobao City", for which company is this the main corporate campus of.
  • 129. 7)
  • 131. These are astronomical symbols for the solar system
  • 132. 8) Name the famous school whose motto is Draco Dormiens Nunquam Titillandus translated from Latin to Never Tickle a Sleeping Dragon. This school is under a certain British ministry . Name this school.
  • 134. Hogwarts school of witchcraft and wizardry under the British ministry of magic
  • 135. Lets Know Where U Stand
  • 137. Rules This round consist of 10 questions . Each team will have to write down the answers on a piece of paper. Each questions will be shown for a time interval of 10s , 9s, 8s, .1s respectively. Questions will not be read out. Minimum time of 5 sec will be provided to write the answer. There will be no negatives. MARKING SCHEME +2, +4, +6,..,+20 (lesser the time more will be what u score).
  • 140. 1) These are stills from the film golden gate girl (1941). Id this famous actor who is the son of famous Cantonese opera star Lee Hoi-chuen
  • 142. 2) Name the character played by Morgan Freeman, In the above still from a Christopher Nolan Movie
  • 144. 3) Id this pair who discovered the double helix structure of DNA
  • 145. James Watson and Francis Crick
  • 146. 4) Whose Cap can you find this logo
  • 148. 5) Name this museum in Paris. Famous through the Dan Brown book The Davici Code.
  • 150. 6) Id this monument
  • 154. 8) Id this sports icon with Hitler
  • 156. 9) Id the company
  • 158. Id him
  • 159. George R R Martin ( Game of thrones writer)
  • 160. Lets Check The Scores
  • 161. Behold the winners of Les Quizerables 2016