This document provides an overview of useful commands for Ubuntu Linux, beginning with basic Linux commands and how to get help or more information on commands. It then covers managing software, important keyboard shortcuts, history commands, redirecting input/output, using aliases and environment variables. Additional sections discuss commands for working as a user, such as editing text, searching files, sorting output and more. The document concludes with commands for system administration, including working with partitions, processes, resources, and network interface cards.
Ubuntu is a complete Linux operating system, freely available with both community and professional support.
The Ubuntu community is built on the ideas
software should be available free of charges
software tools should be usable by people in their local language and despite any disabilities and that people should have the freedom to customize and alter their software in whatever way they see fit.
AIX 6.1 introduces several new security features including role-based access control (RBAC) which allows privileged tasks to be delegated to non-privileged users. It also includes an encrypted filesystem that encrypts data for protection and an updated security tool called AIX Security Expert for centralized security management. The document discusses these features and others such as the new secure by default installation option and systems director console.
Linux is a free and open-source operating system based on the Linux kernel, which was created by Linus Torvalds in 1991. It is widely used on servers, desktops, and embedded devices. Major Linux distributions combine the Linux kernel with tools and libraries from the GNU operating system and various application software into a format that is easy to install and use. Linux has gained popularity for its security, reliability, and low cost as well as avoiding vendor lock-in.
El documento resume la evoluci坦n de Linux desde su creaci坦n en 1991 por Linus Torvalds hasta 2007. Algunos hitos clave incluyen el lanzamiento de la versi坦n 1.0 en 1994, el crecimiento de la comunidad de desarrolladores, el soporte de empresas importantes como IBM en 1998, y Dell comenzando a vender computadoras con Ubuntu preinstalado en 2007.
Bi 3: Tri畛n khai d畛ch v畛 Active Directory - Gi叩o tr狸nh
Gi畛i thi畛u 畉c i畛m c畛a m担 h狸nh AD
C叩c kh叩i ni畛m trong m担i tr動畛ng AD
C叩c b動畛c ci 畉t 1 h畛 th畛ng AD
Kh叩i ni畛m v畛 ti kho畉n ng動畛i d湛ng v qu畉n tr畛 ti kho畉n ng動畛i d湛ng
Mise en place des outils de supervision zabbix et prtg. Si vous 棚tes int辿ress辿 par les travaux du document merci de me contacter par mail
Ubuntu is a complete Linux operating system, freely available with both community and professional support.
The Ubuntu community is built on the ideas
software should be available free of charges
software tools should be usable by people in their local language and despite any disabilities and that people should have the freedom to customize and alter their software in whatever way they see fit.
AIX 6.1 introduces several new security features including role-based access control (RBAC) which allows privileged tasks to be delegated to non-privileged users. It also includes an encrypted filesystem that encrypts data for protection and an updated security tool called AIX Security Expert for centralized security management. The document discusses these features and others such as the new secure by default installation option and systems director console.
Linux is a free and open-source operating system based on the Linux kernel, which was created by Linus Torvalds in 1991. It is widely used on servers, desktops, and embedded devices. Major Linux distributions combine the Linux kernel with tools and libraries from the GNU operating system and various application software into a format that is easy to install and use. Linux has gained popularity for its security, reliability, and low cost as well as avoiding vendor lock-in.
El documento resume la evoluci坦n de Linux desde su creaci坦n en 1991 por Linus Torvalds hasta 2007. Algunos hitos clave incluyen el lanzamiento de la versi坦n 1.0 en 1994, el crecimiento de la comunidad de desarrolladores, el soporte de empresas importantes como IBM en 1998, y Dell comenzando a vender computadoras con Ubuntu preinstalado en 2007.
Bi 3: Tri畛n khai d畛ch v畛 Active Directory - Gi叩o tr狸nh
Gi畛i thi畛u 畉c i畛m c畛a m担 h狸nh AD
C叩c kh叩i ni畛m trong m担i tr動畛ng AD
C叩c b動畛c ci 畉t 1 h畛 th畛ng AD
Kh叩i ni畛m v畛 ti kho畉n ng動畛i d湛ng v qu畉n tr畛 ti kho畉n ng動畛i d湛ng
Mise en place des outils de supervision zabbix et prtg. Si vous 棚tes int辿ress辿 par les travaux du document merci de me contacter par mail
1. Tr動畛ng 畉i h畛c C担ng ngh畛 Th担ng tin HQG TP.HCM
Khoa M畉ng m叩y t鱈nh v Truy畛n th担ng
Nh坦m Open-Class
Bi 2:
C畉u tr炭c file tr棚n Linux
G.V: Nguy畛n H畉i Long
2. N畛i dung bi h畛c
C畉u tr炭c file tr棚n linux
Ext3 file system
Lo畉i t畉p tin v c叩c d畉ng li棚n k畉t
Thao t叩c v畛i h畛 th畛ng t畉p tin
Ph但n quy畛n cho h畛 th畛ng t畉p tin
8. C叩c k箪 t畛 畉c bi畛t
C叩c c但u l畛nh trong linux ph但n bi畛t ch畛 in hoa v in
K箪 t畛 chuy畛n h動畛ng d嘆ng l畛nh
> v >> chuy畛n h動畛ng 畉u ra cho d嘆ng l畛nh
< chuy畛n h動畛ng 畉u vo cho d嘆ng l畛nh
; th畛c hi畛n l畛nh m畛t c叩ch tu畉n t畛
&& th畛c hi畛n l畛nh sau khi l畛nh tr動畛c thnh c担ng
| k畉t qu畉 l畛nh tr動畛c lm 畉u vo cho l畛nh sau
9. C叩c l畛nh v畛i file
mkdir t畉o th動 m畛c
cp copy file (mu畛n copy c畉 th動 m畛c th棚m -r)
mv di chuy畛n, ho畉c 畛i t棚n th動 m畛c
rm xo叩 b畛 c叩c file trong th動 m畛c (-r xo叩 t畉t c畉)
rmdir xo叩 th動 m畛c r畛ng
ls xem th担ng tin c叩c t畉p tin
find t狸m ki畉m t畉p tin theo m担 t畉
split chia nh畛 t畉p tin
cat t畉o t畉p tin
ln t畉o li棚n k畉t 畉n file (softlink ho畉c hardlink)
10. C叩c l畛nh v畛i file (tt)
cmp so s叩nh 2 t畉p tin n畉u kh叩c nhau th狸 動a ra
s畛 d嘆ng v byte kh叩c nhau
diff so s叩nh 2 t畉p tin v in ra c叩c d嘆ng kh叩c
patch so s叩nh 2 t畉p tin v in file m畛i nh畉t
11. B畉o m畉t h畛 th畛ng file
C叩c c但u l畛nh ph但n quy畛n v g叩n quy畛n
chown g叩n quy畛n s畛 h畛u cho nh坦m
chmod g叩n quy畛n cho file ho畉c th動 m畛c
unmask g叩n quy畛n cho th動 m畛c v c叩c file con
12. Bi t畉p th畛c hnh
1. T畉o th動 m畛c /data v g叩n quy畛n 775 cho th動 m畛c ny
2. Copy t畉t c畉 c叩c file trong th動 m畛c ~ vo th動 m畛c /data.
So s叩nh quy畛n truy c畉p c畛a c叩c file trong th動 m畛c ~ v
3. T畉o t畉p tin baitap3.txt trong th動 m畛c /data. Ki畛m tra
quy畛n c畛a file ny. H達y thi畉t l畉p sao cho c叩c file v th動
m畛c trong th動 m畛c /data 畛u c坦 quy畛n 755.
4. Mount file CentOS-5.5.iso vo th動 m畛c /mnt/VirtualCD.
C畉t n畛i file film 1.5GB khi c坦 USB 1GB
5. Ch辿p 25 t畉p film (m畛i t畉p kho畉ng 300MB) vo usb 1GB