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Lets Learn From Ghana

  (with Michael Szymanski  @triple_line)
Quick comparison

   Area: 240,000 Km2             Area: 17,800 Km2
   Population: 24M               Population: 3M
   GDP per capita: US$3,300      GDP per capita: US$43,000
   Education Index: 148          Education Index: 91
   Life quality Index: 95        Quality of life Index: 55
Who is MEST?

     MEST stands for Meltwater
Entrepreneurial School of Technology
What do they do?

    Phase 1

    2 years School
    Phase 2

   6 months Incubator
    Phase 3
  Ongoing Mentorship
Phase 1:The School (2

Is a two-year, full-time program to learn about software
          development and entrepreneurship
Phase 2: The incubator (6 months)

They help graduated students to start their own Startups. They Provide :
         1- Funding (up to US$300,000) 2- Office space
          3- Mentors and advisors 4- Global Network
Phase 3: The Mentorship (Ongoing)

Continues support with international mentors who serve as
          board members or company advisors

Saya Mobile is selected as one the top 7 startups in
   TechCrunch  Disrupt 2012 (San Francisco)

                 Nevahold is selected as one of the top
                 15 Startups in Europe, ME and Africa
                       region - WebitExpo 2012
Lets Learn From Ghana

    (with Michael Szymanski  @triple_line)

Use Twitter to write your question followed by

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Let's learn from Ghana

  • 1. Lets Learn From Ghana (with Michael Szymanski @triple_line)
  • 2. Quick comparison Area: 240,000 Km2 Area: 17,800 Km2 Population: 24M Population: 3M GDP per capita: US$3,300 GDP per capita: US$43,000 Education Index: 148 Education Index: 91 Life quality Index: 95 Quality of life Index: 55
  • 3. Who is MEST? MEST stands for Meltwater Entrepreneurial School of Technology
  • 4. What do they do? Phase 1 2 years School Phase 2 6 months Incubator Phase 3 Ongoing Mentorship
  • 5. Phase 1:The School (2 years) Is a two-year, full-time program to learn about software development and entrepreneurship
  • 6. Phase 2: The incubator (6 months) They help graduated students to start their own Startups. They Provide : 1- Funding (up to US$300,000) 2- Office space 3- Mentors and advisors 4- Global Network
  • 7. Phase 3: The Mentorship (Ongoing) Continues support with international mentors who serve as board members or company advisors
  • 8. Result Saya Mobile is selected as one the top 7 startups in TechCrunch Disrupt 2012 (San Francisco) Nevahold is selected as one of the top 15 Startups in Europe, ME and Africa region - WebitExpo 2012
  • 9. Lets Learn From Ghana (with Michael Szymanski @triple_line) Use Twitter to write your question followed by #startupQ8