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Budget and Labor Management
Audrey Rowland, MS MBA
 Examine current budget challenges
 Discuss strategies for controlling cost and forecasting revenue
 Review labor laws and compliance
 Identify the best practices for successful budgeting
Do you work from an annual budget?
What are your biggest budgeting challenges?
Common Mistakes
 Not writing a budget
 Not calculating cost of services/tuition
 Not planning for unplanned expenses
 Not investing in labor
The challenge it to figure out how to run a quality program
that parents can afford to use and teachers can afford to
work in.
Affordability  Accessibility  Quality
 Actual cost per child
 Amount parents in the community can pay
 Fees charged by nearby programs
 Cost of care in each program
Fixed vs. Variable Costs
 Administrative salaries
 Occupancy costs
 Teacher labor
Salaries and Classroom Materials 50-60%
Administrative Cost 12-20%
Food 6%-19%
Occupancy 10-20%
Other (transportation, health, etc) 5-20%
Controllable Costs
Calculate per child
 Labor Cost
Divide average annual salary by the number of children per teacher and double.
Ratio 8:1
Average Salary $20,000
Cost per child $5000
 Largest expense
 Highest Return on Investment (ROI)
 Great teachers retain enrollment
Best Practices
 Know and understand your risks
 Overestimate your expenses
 Know your enrollment/sales cycle
 Plan for large purchases carefully and early
 Remember that time is money
 Constantly revisit your budget
Labor Law
Texas Payday Law  Texas Workforce Commission
U.S. Department of Labor  US Wage and Hour Division
Exempt vs. Non-Exempt
Employees exempt from minimum wage and overtime benefits.
 Job title does not determine status
 Administrative or professional
 Teachers are exempt if their primary duty is teaching, tutoring,
instructing or lecturing in the activity of imparting knowledge, and if
they are employed and engaged in this activity as a teacher in an
educational establishment.
Learned Professional Exemption
To qualify for the learned professional employee exemption, all of the
following tests must be met:
 The employee must be compensated at a rate not less than $455 per
 The employees primary duty must be the performance of work
requiring advanced knowledge, defined as work which is
predominantly intellectual in character and which includes work
requiring the consistent exercise of discretion and judgment
 The advanced knowledge must be in a field of science or learning
 The advanced knowledge must be customarily acquired by a
prolonged course of specialized intellectual instruction.
Paying for training
You must pay unless all 4 of the following are met:
(1) it occurs outside normal scheduled hours of work
(2) it is completely voluntary
(3) it is not job-related (unless the employee attends an independent
school or college on his/her own initiative outside work hours)
(4) no other work is performed during the period.
The time spent attending training that is required by the state for day
care center licensing is working time for which employees must be
Paying for Training
 Training rate of pay
 Flex time
 Planning time/nap time
 Budget accordingly
 Employees must be paid for all hours worked
 Overtime is paid after 40 hours in one work week
 Employees must be paid hourly, rather than at a flat-rate or salary,
unless their position qualifies as exempt
 Unpaid breaks must be at least 30 minutes
 Unpaid breaks must be taken outside of the work space/classroom
 Unpaid breaks should not include any work-related tasks
 Required for nursing mothers
Short breaks increase productivity, alleviate stress
and reduce illness
Reducing Labor Costs
 Substitute teachers
 Reduce turnover
 Invest in training
 Improve hiring/onboarding
 Creative/Flexible scheduling
 Share Best Practices
 Action Plan

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Labor & Budget Management

  • 1. Budget and Labor Management Audrey Rowland, MS MBA www.greenspacetx.com
  • 2. Objectives Examine current budget challenges Discuss strategies for controlling cost and forecasting revenue Review labor laws and compliance Identify the best practices for successful budgeting
  • 3. Discussion Do you work from an annual budget? What are your biggest budgeting challenges?
  • 4. Common Mistakes Not writing a budget Not calculating cost of services/tuition Not planning for unplanned expenses Not investing in labor
  • 5. The challenge it to figure out how to run a quality program that parents can afford to use and teachers can afford to work in. Affordability Accessibility Quality
  • 6. Revenue Tuition Actual cost per child Amount parents in the community can pay Fees charged by nearby programs Subsidies Cost of care in each program
  • 7. Fixed vs. Variable Costs Fixed: Administrative salaries Occupancy costs Insurance Variable: Teacher labor Food Materials/Supplies
  • 8. Expenditures Salaries and Classroom Materials 50-60% Administrative Cost 12-20% Food 6%-19% Occupancy 10-20% Other (transportation, health, etc) 5-20%
  • 9. Controllable Costs Calculate per child Food Supplies Labor Cost Divide average annual salary by the number of children per teacher and double. Ratio 8:1 Average Salary $20,000 Cost per child $5000
  • 10. Labor Largest expense Highest Return on Investment (ROI) Great teachers retain enrollment
  • 11. Best Practices Know and understand your risks Overestimate your expenses Know your enrollment/sales cycle Plan for large purchases carefully and early Remember that time is money Constantly revisit your budget
  • 12. Labor Law Texas Payday Law Texas Workforce Commission U.S. Department of Labor US Wage and Hour Division
  • 13. Exempt vs. Non-Exempt Employees exempt from minimum wage and overtime benefits. Job title does not determine status Administrative or professional Teachers are exempt if their primary duty is teaching, tutoring, instructing or lecturing in the activity of imparting knowledge, and if they are employed and engaged in this activity as a teacher in an educational establishment.
  • 14. Learned Professional Exemption To qualify for the learned professional employee exemption, all of the following tests must be met: The employee must be compensated at a rate not less than $455 per week The employees primary duty must be the performance of work requiring advanced knowledge, defined as work which is predominantly intellectual in character and which includes work requiring the consistent exercise of discretion and judgment The advanced knowledge must be in a field of science or learning The advanced knowledge must be customarily acquired by a prolonged course of specialized intellectual instruction.
  • 15. Paying for training You must pay unless all 4 of the following are met: (1) it occurs outside normal scheduled hours of work (2) it is completely voluntary (3) it is not job-related (unless the employee attends an independent school or college on his/her own initiative outside work hours) (4) no other work is performed during the period. The time spent attending training that is required by the state for day care center licensing is working time for which employees must be compensated.
  • 16. Paying for Training Training rate of pay Flex time Planning time/nap time Budget accordingly
  • 17. Overtime Employees must be paid for all hours worked Overtime is paid after 40 hours in one work week Employees must be paid hourly, rather than at a flat-rate or salary, unless their position qualifies as exempt
  • 18. Breaks Unpaid breaks must be at least 30 minutes Unpaid breaks must be taken outside of the work space/classroom Unpaid breaks should not include any work-related tasks Required for nursing mothers Short breaks increase productivity, alleviate stress and reduce illness
  • 19. Reducing Labor Costs Substitute teachers Reduce turnover Invest in training Improve hiring/onboarding Creative/Flexible scheduling
  • 20. Conclusion Share Best Practices Questions Action Plan