The linkedin code : utilizzare linkedin in modo consapevoleMarco Rotondo
Molti professionisti hanno un profilo Linkedin ma quanti possono dire di utilizzarlo in modo efficace ?
Abbiamo una strategia ? Sappiamo perchè siamo su Linkedin ? Quanto tempo gli dedichiamo ? Questo tempo è sufficiente per raggiungere i nostri obiettivi ? Alcune riflessioni possono aiutarci a capire meglio se stiamo andando nella giusta direzione.
Come fare social selling con Twitter, il mio processo in 6 passi. Come creare un profilo Buyer-centrico, come usare la ricerca avanzata su Twitter, come identificare e ingaggiare i Buyer, come trasformare una relazione in una relazione offline. SLIDES del webinar del 27 aprile 2017
10 consigli, best practice e linee guida da seguire per ottimizzare l'adozione di un programma di social sellng in azienda. Tratto da un Ebook pubblicato da Hubspot in collaborazione con PeopleLinx.
This is the presentation delivered by Andy Headworth from to the APSCo Marketing Forum in London on 25th April 2013. It is about how and why recruiters should be using Google+ for recruitment. I look at the power of Google+ for search engine optimisation (SEO), building talent pools and talent communities using Google+ and the power of content within Google + with Authorship.
This document is a curriculum vitae for Mirko Lalli, summarizing his experience and qualifications. He has over 10 years of experience in web and digital communications, and currently serves as the Director of Marketing Communications and Public Relations for CloudItalia Communications, where he oversees digital communications and social media presence. Prior to this role, he held marketing and communications roles at Fondazione Sistema Toscana and has consulted for other organizations.
Personal Branding per Studenti (e non solo)Nicola Iarocci
Seconda lezione del progetto ’Internet non (solo) per gioco’, corso di formazione e sensibilizzazione sul ruolo che la rete può svolgere nella vita studentesca e professionale dei ragazzi del liceo. Questa volta il tema è: come usare la rete per esprimere le proprie capacità , cominciando così ad affermare la propria identità digitale (vedi anche la lezione precedente: Identità Reale, Virtuale o Digitale?)
Personal Branding - Come brandizzare se stessi senza spaventarsiLotrek Digital Agency
Queste slides rappresentano il supporto utilizzato nel seminario del 12-13 Luglio 2013 tenutosi alla Biblioteca San Giorgio di Pistoia, riguardante il Personal Branding. Le slides rappresentano dunque un mero supporto e potrebbero non essere sufficienti ad approfondire l'argomento. Curricul Vitae, Colloqui di lavoro, Social Network, Linkedin... Ecco cosa ci troverete dentro! Buona (spero) lettura.
The document discusses personal branding and differentiating yourself in today's business world. It emphasizes telling your brand's story, focusing on your area of expertise, maintaining consistency across platforms, personalizing your message, being willing to fail, going out and showing your value to the world, and creating engaging presentations. The overall message is on crafting a strong personal brand through storytelling, focus, consistency, personal touch, courage to fail and innovate, and sharing your message outwardly.
This is NOT my resume details a brief history of my life and likes, and outlines where I want to go in the future. Feel free to share / like / reply with whomever or whatever you wish. Thanks!
Visual Resume of the Learning InstigatorMichelle King
This visual resume summarizes Michelle King's background and skills. She has experience adapting to new environments due to frequently moving as a child. Her educational background includes studying to become a Cold War warrior or diplomat, but the Cold War ended causing her to rethink her purpose. She has taught history for 14 years and believes education needs to change to remain relevant in a digital world. Her skills include problem solving, collaboration, and inspiring others to learn.
This is the presentation delivered by Andy Headworth from to the APSCo Marketing Forum in London on 25th April 2013. It is about how and why recruiters should be using Google+ for recruitment. I look at the power of Google+ for search engine optimisation (SEO), building talent pools and talent communities using Google+ and the power of content within Google + with Authorship.
This document is a curriculum vitae for Mirko Lalli, summarizing his experience and qualifications. He has over 10 years of experience in web and digital communications, and currently serves as the Director of Marketing Communications and Public Relations for CloudItalia Communications, where he oversees digital communications and social media presence. Prior to this role, he held marketing and communications roles at Fondazione Sistema Toscana and has consulted for other organizations.
Personal Branding per Studenti (e non solo)Nicola Iarocci
Seconda lezione del progetto ’Internet non (solo) per gioco’, corso di formazione e sensibilizzazione sul ruolo che la rete può svolgere nella vita studentesca e professionale dei ragazzi del liceo. Questa volta il tema è: come usare la rete per esprimere le proprie capacità , cominciando così ad affermare la propria identità digitale (vedi anche la lezione precedente: Identità Reale, Virtuale o Digitale?)
Personal Branding - Come brandizzare se stessi senza spaventarsiLotrek Digital Agency
Queste slides rappresentano il supporto utilizzato nel seminario del 12-13 Luglio 2013 tenutosi alla Biblioteca San Giorgio di Pistoia, riguardante il Personal Branding. Le slides rappresentano dunque un mero supporto e potrebbero non essere sufficienti ad approfondire l'argomento. Curricul Vitae, Colloqui di lavoro, Social Network, Linkedin... Ecco cosa ci troverete dentro! Buona (spero) lettura.
The document discusses personal branding and differentiating yourself in today's business world. It emphasizes telling your brand's story, focusing on your area of expertise, maintaining consistency across platforms, personalizing your message, being willing to fail, going out and showing your value to the world, and creating engaging presentations. The overall message is on crafting a strong personal brand through storytelling, focus, consistency, personal touch, courage to fail and innovate, and sharing your message outwardly.
This is NOT my resume details a brief history of my life and likes, and outlines where I want to go in the future. Feel free to share / like / reply with whomever or whatever you wish. Thanks!
Visual Resume of the Learning InstigatorMichelle King
This visual resume summarizes Michelle King's background and skills. She has experience adapting to new environments due to frequently moving as a child. Her educational background includes studying to become a Cold War warrior or diplomat, but the Cold War ended causing her to rethink her purpose. She has taught history for 14 years and believes education needs to change to remain relevant in a digital world. Her skills include problem solving, collaboration, and inspiring others to learn.
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